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// Copyright © 2022 Rangeproof Pty Ltd. All rights reserved.
import Foundation
import GRDB
import SignalCoreKit
import SessionUtilitiesKit
import SessionSnodeKit
/// This job deletes unused and orphaned data from the database as well as orphaned files from device storage
/// **Note:** When sheduling this job if no `Details` are provided (with a list of `typesToCollect`) then this job will
/// assume that it should be collecting all `Types`
public enum GarbageCollectionJob: JobExecutor {
public static var maxFailureCount: Int = -1
public static var requiresThreadId: Bool = false
public static let requiresInteractionId: Bool = false
public static let approxSixMonthsInSeconds: TimeInterval = (6 * 30 * 24 * 60 * 60)
private static let minInteractionsToTrim: Int = 2000
public static func run(
_ job: Job,
queue: DispatchQueue,
success: @escaping (Job, Bool, Dependencies) -> (),
failure: @escaping (Job, Error?, Bool, Dependencies) -> (),
deferred: @escaping (Job, Dependencies) -> (),
using dependencies: Dependencies
) {
/// Determine what types of data we want to collect (if we didn't provide any then assume we want to collect everything)
/// **Note:** The reason we default to handle all cases (instead of just doing nothing in that case) is so the initial registration
/// of the garbageCollection job never needs to be updated as we continue to add more types going forward
let typesToCollect: [Types] = (job.details
.map { try? JSONDecoder().decode(Details.self, from: $0) }?
.defaulting(to: Types.allCases)
let timestampNow: TimeInterval = dependencies.dateNow.timeIntervalSince1970
/// Only do a full collection if the job isn't the recurring one or it's been 23 hours since it last ran (23 hours so a user who opens the
/// app at about the same time every day will trigger the garbage collection) - since this runs when the app becomes active we
/// want to prevent it running to frequently (the app becomes active if a system alert, the notification center or the control panel
/// are shown)
let lastGarbageCollection: Date = dependencies.standardUserDefaults[.lastGarbageCollection]
.defaulting(to: Date.distantPast)
let finalTypesToCollect: Set<Types> = {
job.behaviour != .recurringOnActive ||
dependencies.dateNow.timeIntervalSince(lastGarbageCollection) > (23 * 60 * 60)
else {
// Note: This should only contain the `Types` which are unlikely to ever cause
// a startup delay (ie. avoid mass deletions and file management)
return typesToCollect.asSet()
return typesToCollect.asSet()
updates: { db in
/// Remove any typing indicators
if finalTypesToCollect.contains(.threadTypingIndicators) {
_ = try ThreadTypingIndicator
/// Remove any expired controlMessageProcessRecords
if finalTypesToCollect.contains(.expiredControlMessageProcessRecords) {
_ = try ControlMessageProcessRecord
.filter(ControlMessageProcessRecord.Columns.serverExpirationTimestamp <= timestampNow)
/// Remove any old open group messages - open group messages which are older than six months
if finalTypesToCollect.contains(.oldOpenGroupMessages) && db[.trimOpenGroupMessagesOlderThanSixMonths] {
let interaction: TypedTableAlias<Interaction> = TypedTableAlias()
let thread: TypedTableAlias<SessionThread> = TypedTableAlias()
let threadIdLiteral: SQL = SQL(stringLiteral:
let minInteractionsToTrimSql: SQL = SQL("\(GarbageCollectionJob.minInteractionsToTrim)")
try db.execute(literal: """
DELETE FROM \(Interaction.self)
WHERE \(Column.rowID) IN (
SELECT \(interaction.alias[Column.rowID])
FROM \(Interaction.self)
JOIN \(SessionThread.self) ON (
\(SQL("\(thread[.variant]) = \(")) AND
\(thread[.id]) = \(interaction[.threadId])
COUNT(\(interaction.alias[Column.rowID])) AS interactionCount,
FROM \(Interaction.self)
GROUP BY \(interaction[.threadId])
) AS interactionInfo ON interactionInfo.\(threadIdLiteral) = \(interaction[.threadId])
\(interaction[.timestampMs]) < \((timestampNow - approxSixMonthsInSeconds) * 1000) AND
interactionInfo.interactionCount >= \(minInteractionsToTrimSql)
/// Orphaned jobs - jobs which have had their threads or interactions removed
if finalTypesToCollect.contains(.orphanedJobs) {
let job: TypedTableAlias<Job> = TypedTableAlias()
let thread: TypedTableAlias<SessionThread> = TypedTableAlias()
let interaction: TypedTableAlias<Interaction> = TypedTableAlias()
try db.execute(literal: """
DELETE FROM \(Job.self)
WHERE \(Column.rowID) IN (
SELECT \(job.alias[Column.rowID])
FROM \(Job.self)
LEFT JOIN \(SessionThread.self) ON \(thread[.id]) = \(job[.threadId])
LEFT JOIN \(Interaction.self) ON \(interaction[.id]) = \(job[.interactionId])
-- Never delete config sync jobs, even if their threads were deleted
\(SQL("\(job[.variant]) != \(Job.Variant.configurationSync)")) AND
\(job[.threadId]) IS NOT NULL AND
\(thread[.id]) IS NULL
) OR (
\(job[.interactionId]) IS NOT NULL AND
\(interaction[.id]) IS NULL
/// Orphaned link previews - link previews which have no interactions with matching url & rounded timestamps
if finalTypesToCollect.contains(.orphanedLinkPreviews) {
let linkPreview: TypedTableAlias<LinkPreview> = TypedTableAlias()
let interaction: TypedTableAlias<Interaction> = TypedTableAlias()
try db.execute(literal: """
DELETE FROM \(LinkPreview.self)
WHERE \(Column.rowID) IN (
SELECT \(linkPreview.alias[Column.rowID])
FROM \(LinkPreview.self)
LEFT JOIN \(Interaction.self) ON (
\(interaction[.linkPreviewUrl]) = \(linkPreview[.url]) AND
WHERE \(interaction[.id]) IS NULL
/// Orphaned open groups - open groups which are no longer associated to a thread (except for the session-run ones for which
/// we want cached image data even if the user isn't in the group)
if finalTypesToCollect.contains(.orphanedOpenGroups) {
let openGroup: TypedTableAlias<OpenGroup> = TypedTableAlias()
let thread: TypedTableAlias<SessionThread> = TypedTableAlias()
try db.execute(literal: """
DELETE FROM \(OpenGroup.self)
WHERE \(Column.rowID) IN (
SELECT \(openGroup.alias[Column.rowID])
FROM \(OpenGroup.self)
LEFT JOIN \(SessionThread.self) ON \(thread[.id]) = \(openGroup[.threadId])
\(thread[.id]) IS NULL AND
\(SQL("\(openGroup[.server]) != \(OpenGroupAPI.defaultServer.lowercased())"))
/// Orphaned open group capabilities - capabilities which have no existing open groups with the same server
if finalTypesToCollect.contains(.orphanedOpenGroupCapabilities) {
let capability: TypedTableAlias<Capability> = TypedTableAlias()
let openGroup: TypedTableAlias<OpenGroup> = TypedTableAlias()
try db.execute(literal: """
DELETE FROM \(Capability.self)
WHERE \(Column.rowID) IN (
SELECT \(capability.alias[Column.rowID])
FROM \(Capability.self)
LEFT JOIN \(OpenGroup.self) ON \(openGroup[.server]) = \(capability[.openGroupServer])
WHERE \(openGroup[.threadId]) IS NULL
/// Orphaned blinded id lookups - lookups which have no existing threads or approval/block settings for either blinded/un-blinded id
if finalTypesToCollect.contains(.orphanedBlindedIdLookups) {
let blindedIdLookup: TypedTableAlias<BlindedIdLookup> = TypedTableAlias()
let thread: TypedTableAlias<SessionThread> = TypedTableAlias()
let contact: TypedTableAlias<Contact> = TypedTableAlias()
try db.execute(literal: """
DELETE FROM \(BlindedIdLookup.self)
WHERE \(Column.rowID) IN (
SELECT \(blindedIdLookup.alias[Column.rowID])
FROM \(BlindedIdLookup.self)
LEFT JOIN \(SessionThread.self) ON (
\(thread[.id]) = \(blindedIdLookup[.blindedId]) OR
\(thread[.id]) = \(blindedIdLookup[.sessionId])
LEFT JOIN \(Contact.self) ON (
\(contact[.id]) = \(blindedIdLookup[.blindedId]) OR
\(contact[.id]) = \(blindedIdLookup[.sessionId])
\(thread[.id]) IS NULL AND
\(contact[.id]) IS NULL
/// Approved blinded contact records - once a blinded contact has been approved there is no need to keep the blinded
/// contact record around anymore
if finalTypesToCollect.contains(.approvedBlindedContactRecords) {
let contact: TypedTableAlias<Contact> = TypedTableAlias()
let blindedIdLookup: TypedTableAlias<BlindedIdLookup> = TypedTableAlias()
try db.execute(literal: """
DELETE FROM \(Contact.self)
WHERE \(Column.rowID) IN (
SELECT \(contact.alias[Column.rowID])
FROM \(Contact.self)
LEFT JOIN \(BlindedIdLookup.self) ON (
\(blindedIdLookup[.blindedId]) = \(contact[.id]) AND
\(blindedIdLookup[.sessionId]) IS NOT NULL
WHERE \(blindedIdLookup[.sessionId]) IS NOT NULL
/// Orphaned attachments - attachments which have no related interactions, quotes or link previews
if finalTypesToCollect.contains(.orphanedAttachments) {
let attachment: TypedTableAlias<Attachment> = TypedTableAlias()
let quote: TypedTableAlias<Quote> = TypedTableAlias()
let linkPreview: TypedTableAlias<LinkPreview> = TypedTableAlias()
let interactionAttachment: TypedTableAlias<InteractionAttachment> = TypedTableAlias()
try db.execute(literal: """
DELETE FROM \(Attachment.self)
WHERE \(Column.rowID) IN (
SELECT \(attachment.alias[Column.rowID])
FROM \(Attachment.self)
LEFT JOIN \(Quote.self) ON \(quote[.attachmentId]) = \(attachment[.id])
LEFT JOIN \(LinkPreview.self) ON \(linkPreview[.attachmentId]) = \(attachment[.id])
LEFT JOIN \(InteractionAttachment.self) ON \(interactionAttachment[.attachmentId]) = \(attachment[.id])
\(quote[.attachmentId]) IS NULL AND
\(linkPreview[.url]) IS NULL AND
\(interactionAttachment[.attachmentId]) IS NULL
if finalTypesToCollect.contains(.orphanedProfiles) {
let profile: TypedTableAlias<Profile> = TypedTableAlias()
let thread: TypedTableAlias<SessionThread> = TypedTableAlias()
let interaction: TypedTableAlias<Interaction> = TypedTableAlias()
let quote: TypedTableAlias<Quote> = TypedTableAlias()
let groupMember: TypedTableAlias<GroupMember> = TypedTableAlias()
let contact: TypedTableAlias<Contact> = TypedTableAlias()
let blindedIdLookup: TypedTableAlias<BlindedIdLookup> = TypedTableAlias()
try db.execute(literal: """
DELETE FROM \(Profile.self)
WHERE \(Column.rowID) IN (
SELECT \(profile.alias[Column.rowID])
FROM \(Profile.self)
LEFT JOIN \(SessionThread.self) ON \(thread[.id]) = \(profile[.id])
LEFT JOIN \(Interaction.self) ON \(interaction[.authorId]) = \(profile[.id])
LEFT JOIN \(Quote.self) ON \(quote[.authorId]) = \(profile[.id])
LEFT JOIN \(GroupMember.self) ON \(groupMember[.profileId]) = \(profile[.id])
LEFT JOIN \(Contact.self) ON \(contact[.id]) = \(profile[.id])
LEFT JOIN \(BlindedIdLookup.self) ON (
blindedIdLookup.blindedId = \(profile[.id]) OR
blindedIdLookup.sessionId = \(profile[.id])
\(thread[.id]) IS NULL AND
\(interaction[.authorId]) IS NULL AND
\(quote[.authorId]) IS NULL AND
\(groupMember[.profileId]) IS NULL AND
\(contact[.id]) IS NULL AND
\(blindedIdLookup[.blindedId]) IS NULL
if finalTypesToCollect.contains(.expiredPendingReadReceipts) {
_ = try PendingReadReceipt
.filter(PendingReadReceipt.Columns.serverExpirationTimestamp <= timestampNow)
if finalTypesToCollect.contains(.shadowThreads) {
// Shadow threads are thread records which were created to start a conversation that
// didn't actually get turned into conversations (ie. the app was closed or crashed
// before the user sent a message)
let thread: TypedTableAlias<SessionThread> = TypedTableAlias()
let contact: TypedTableAlias<Contact> = TypedTableAlias()
let openGroup: TypedTableAlias<OpenGroup> = TypedTableAlias()
let closedGroup: TypedTableAlias<ClosedGroup> = TypedTableAlias()
try db.execute(literal: """
DELETE FROM \(SessionThread.self)
WHERE \(Column.rowID) IN (
SELECT \(thread.alias[Column.rowID])
FROM \(SessionThread.self)
LEFT JOIN \(Contact.self) ON \(contact[.id]) = \(thread[.id])
LEFT JOIN \(OpenGroup.self) ON \(openGroup[.threadId]) = \(thread[.id])
LEFT JOIN \(ClosedGroup.self) ON \(closedGroup[.threadId]) = \(thread[.id])
\(contact[.id]) IS NULL AND
\(openGroup[.threadId]) IS NULL AND
\(closedGroup[.threadId]) IS NULL AND
\(thread[.shouldBeVisible]) = false AND
\(SQL("\(thread[.id]) != \(getUserHexEncodedPublicKey(db))"))
completion: { _, _ in
// Dispatch async so we can swap from the write queue to a read one (we are done writing)
queue.async {
// Retrieve a list of all valid attachmnet and avatar file paths
struct FileInfo {
let attachmentLocalRelativePaths: Set<String>
let profileAvatarFilenames: Set<String>
let maybeFileInfo: FileInfo? = { db -> FileInfo in
var attachmentLocalRelativePaths: Set<String> = []
var profileAvatarFilenames: Set<String> = []
/// Orphaned attachment files - attachment files which don't have an associated record in the database
if finalTypesToCollect.contains(.orphanedAttachmentFiles) {
/// **Note:** Thumbnails are stored in the `NSCachesDirectory` directory which should be automatically manage
/// it's own garbage collection so we can just ignore it according to the various comments in the following stack overflow
/// post, the directory will be cleared during app updates as well as if the system is running low on memory (if the app isn't running)
attachmentLocalRelativePaths = try Attachment
.filter(Attachment.Columns.localRelativeFilePath != nil)
.asRequest(of: String.self)
/// Orphaned profile avatar files - profile avatar files which don't have an associated record in the database
if finalTypesToCollect.contains(.orphanedProfileAvatars) {
profileAvatarFilenames = try Profile
.filter(Profile.Columns.profilePictureFileName != nil)
.asRequest(of: String.self)
return FileInfo(
attachmentLocalRelativePaths: attachmentLocalRelativePaths,
profileAvatarFilenames: profileAvatarFilenames
// If we couldn't get the file lists then fail (invalid state and don't want to delete all attachment/profile files)
guard let fileInfo: FileInfo = maybeFileInfo else {
failure(job, StorageError.generic, false, dependencies)
var deletionErrors: [Error] = []
// Orphaned attachment files (actual deletion)
if finalTypesToCollect.contains(.orphanedAttachmentFiles) {
// Note: Looks like in order to recursively look through files we need to use the
// enumerator method
let fileEnumerator = FileManager.default.enumerator(
at: URL(fileURLWithPath: Attachment.attachmentsFolder),
includingPropertiesForKeys: nil,
options: .skipsHiddenFiles // Ignore the `.DS_Store` for the simulator
let allAttachmentFilePaths: Set<String> = (fileEnumerator?
.compactMap { Attachment.localRelativeFilePath(from: ($0 as? URL)?.path) })
.defaulting(to: [])
// Note: Directories will have their own entries in the list, if there is a folder with content
// the file will include the directory in it's path with a forward slash so we can use this to
// distinguish empty directories from ones with content so we don't unintentionally delete a
// directory which contains content to keep as well as delete (directories which end up empty after
// this clean up will be removed during the next run)
let directoryNamesContainingContent: [String] = allAttachmentFilePaths
.filter { path -> Bool in path.contains("/") }
.compactMap { path -> String? in path.components(separatedBy: "/").first }
let orphanedAttachmentFiles: Set<String> = allAttachmentFilePaths
orphanedAttachmentFiles.forEach { filepath in
// We don't want a single deletion failure to block deletion of the other files so try
// each one and store the error to be used to determine success/failure of the job
do {
try FileManager.default.removeItem(
atPath: URL(fileURLWithPath: Attachment.attachmentsFolder)
catch { deletionErrors.append(error) }
SNLog("[GarbageCollectionJob] Removed \(orphanedAttachmentFiles.count) orphaned attachment\(orphanedAttachmentFiles.count == 1 ? "" : "s")")
// Orphaned profile avatar files (actual deletion)
if finalTypesToCollect.contains(.orphanedProfileAvatars) {
let allAvatarProfileFilenames: Set<String> = (try? FileManager.default
.contentsOfDirectory(atPath: ProfileManager.sharedDataProfileAvatarsDirPath))
.defaulting(to: [])
let orphanedAvatarFiles: Set<String> = allAvatarProfileFilenames
orphanedAvatarFiles.forEach { filename in
// We don't want a single deletion failure to block deletion of the other files so try
// each one and store the error to be used to determine success/failure of the job
do {
try FileManager.default.removeItem(
atPath: ProfileManager.profileAvatarFilepath(filename: filename)
catch { deletionErrors.append(error) }
SNLog("[GarbageCollectionJob] Removed \(orphanedAvatarFiles.count) orphaned avatar image\(orphanedAvatarFiles.count == 1 ? "" : "s")")
// Report a single file deletion as a job failure (even if other content was successfully removed)
guard deletionErrors.isEmpty else {
failure(job, (deletionErrors.first ?? StorageError.generic), false, dependencies)
// If we did a full collection then update the 'lastGarbageCollection' date to
// prevent a full collection from running again in the next 23 hours
if job.behaviour == .recurringOnActive && dependencies.dateNow.timeIntervalSince(lastGarbageCollection) > (23 * 60 * 60) {
dependencies.standardUserDefaults[.lastGarbageCollection] = dependencies.dateNow
success(job, false, dependencies)
// MARK: - GarbageCollectionJob.Details
extension GarbageCollectionJob {
public enum Types: Codable, CaseIterable {
case expiredControlMessageProcessRecords
case threadTypingIndicators
case oldOpenGroupMessages
case orphanedJobs
case orphanedLinkPreviews
case orphanedOpenGroups
case orphanedOpenGroupCapabilities
case orphanedBlindedIdLookups
case approvedBlindedContactRecords
case orphanedProfiles
case orphanedAttachments
case orphanedAttachmentFiles
case orphanedProfileAvatars
case expiredPendingReadReceipts
case shadowThreads
public struct Details: Codable {
public let typesToCollect: [Types]
public init(typesToCollect: [Types] = Types.allCases) {
self.typesToCollect = typesToCollect