You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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// Copyright (c) 2018 Open Whisper Systems. All rights reserved.
#import "TSInvalidIdentityKeyReceivingErrorMessage.h"
#import "OWSFingerprint.h"
#import "OWSIdentityManager.h"
#import "OWSMessageManager.h"
#import "OWSMessageReceiver.h"
#import "OWSPrimaryStorage+SessionStore.h"
#import "OWSPrimaryStorage.h"
#import "SSKEnvironment.h"
#import "TSContactThread.h"
#import "TSDatabaseView.h"
#import "TSErrorMessage_privateConstructor.h"
#import <SessionProtocolKit/NSData+keyVersionByte.h>
#import <SessionProtocolKit/PreKeyWhisperMessage.h>
#import <SignalUtilitiesKit/SignalUtilitiesKit-Swift.h>
#import <YapDatabase/YapDatabaseTransaction.h>
__attribute__((deprecated)) @interface TSInvalidIdentityKeyReceivingErrorMessage()
@property (nonatomic, readonly, copy) NSString *authorId;
@implementation TSInvalidIdentityKeyReceivingErrorMessage {
// Not using a property declaration in order to exclude from DB serialization
SSKProtoEnvelope *_Nullable _envelope;
@synthesize envelopeData = _envelopeData;
#ifdef DEBUG
// We no longer create these messages, but they might exist on legacy clients so it's useful to be able to
// create them with the debug UI
+ (nullable instancetype)untrustedKeyWithEnvelope:(SSKProtoEnvelope *)envelope
withTransaction:(YapDatabaseReadWriteTransaction *)transaction
TSContactThread *contactThread =
[TSContactThread getOrCreateThreadWithContactId:envelope.source transaction:transaction];
// Legit usage of senderTimestamp, references message which failed to decrypt
TSInvalidIdentityKeyReceivingErrorMessage *errorMessage =
[[self alloc] initForUnknownIdentityKeyWithTimestamp:envelope.timestamp
return errorMessage;
- (nullable instancetype)initForUnknownIdentityKeyWithTimestamp:(uint64_t)timestamp
inThread:(TSThread *)thread
incomingEnvelope:(SSKProtoEnvelope *)envelope
self = [self initWithTimestamp:timestamp inThread:thread failedMessageType:TSErrorMessageWrongTrustedIdentityKey];
if (!self) {
return self;
NSError *error;
_envelopeData = [envelope serializedDataAndReturnError:&error];
if (!_envelopeData || error != nil) {
OWSFailDebug(@"failure: envelope data failed with error: %@", error);
return nil;
_authorId = envelope.source;
return self;
- (nullable SSKProtoEnvelope *)envelope
if (!_envelope) {
NSError *error;
SSKProtoEnvelope *_Nullable envelope = [SSKProtoEnvelope parseData:self.envelopeData error:&error];
if (error || envelope == nil) {
OWSFailDebug(@"Could not parse proto: %@", error);
} else {
_envelope = envelope;
return _envelope;
- (void)throws_acceptNewIdentityKey
if (self.errorType != TSErrorMessageWrongTrustedIdentityKey) {
OWSLogError(@"Refusing to accept identity key for anything but a Key error.");
NSData *_Nullable newKey = [self throws_newIdentityKey];
if (!newKey) {
OWSFailDebug(@"Couldn't extract identity key to accept");
[[OWSIdentityManager sharedManager] saveRemoteIdentity:newKey recipientId:self.envelope.source];
// Decrypt this and any old messages for the newly accepted key
NSArray<TSInvalidIdentityKeyReceivingErrorMessage *> *messagesToDecrypt =
[self.thread receivedMessagesForInvalidKey:newKey];
for (TSInvalidIdentityKeyReceivingErrorMessage *errorMessage in messagesToDecrypt) {
[SSKEnvironment.shared.messageReceiver handleReceivedEnvelopeData:errorMessage.envelopeData];
// Here we remove the existing error message because handleReceivedEnvelope will either
// 1.) succeed and create a new successful message in the thread or...
// 2.) fail and create a new identical error message in the thread.
[errorMessage remove];
- (nullable NSData *)throws_newIdentityKey
if (!self.envelope) {
OWSLogError(@"Error message had no envelope data to extract key from");
return nil;
if (self.envelope.type != SSKProtoEnvelopeTypePrekeyBundle) {
OWSLogError(@"Refusing to attempt key extraction from an envelope which isn't a prekey bundle");
return nil;
NSData *pkwmData = self.envelope.content;
if (!pkwmData) {
OWSLogError(@"Ignoring acceptNewIdentityKey for empty message");
return nil;
PreKeyWhisperMessage *message = [[PreKeyWhisperMessage alloc] init_throws_withData:pkwmData];
return [message.identityKey throws_removeKeyType];
- (NSString *)theirSignalId
if (self.authorId) {
return self.authorId;
} else {
// for existing messages before we were storing author id.
return self.envelope.source;