You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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// Copyright (c) 2018 Open Whisper Systems. All rights reserved.
import Foundation
public class SignalServiceProfile: NSObject {
public enum ValidationError: Error {
case invalid(description: String)
case invalidIdentityKey(description: String)
case invalidProfileName(description: String)
public let recipientId: String
public let identityKey: Data
public let profileNameEncrypted: Data?
public let avatarUrlPath: String?
public let unidentifiedAccessVerifier: Data?
public let hasUnrestrictedUnidentifiedAccess: Bool
public init(recipientId: String, responseObject: Any?) throws {
self.recipientId = recipientId
guard let params = ParamParser(responseObject: responseObject) else {
throw ValidationError.invalid(description: "invalid response: \(String(describing: responseObject))")
let identityKeyWithType = try params.requiredBase64EncodedData(key: "identityKey")
let kIdentityKeyLength = 33
guard identityKeyWithType.count == kIdentityKeyLength else {
throw ValidationError.invalidIdentityKey(description: "malformed identity key \(identityKeyWithType.hexadecimalString) with decoded length: \(identityKeyWithType.count)")
do {
// `removeKeyType` is an objc category method only on NSData, so temporarily cast.
self.identityKey = try (identityKeyWithType as NSData).removeKeyType() as Data
} catch {
// `removeKeyType` throws an SCKExceptionWrapperError, which, typically should
// be unwrapped by any objc code calling this method.
owsFailDebug("identify key had unexpected format")
throw ValidationError.invalidIdentityKey(description: "malformed identity key \(identityKeyWithType.hexadecimalString) with data: \(identityKeyWithType)")
self.profileNameEncrypted = try params.optionalBase64EncodedData(key: "name")
let avatarUrlPath: String? = try params.optional(key: "avatar")
self.avatarUrlPath = avatarUrlPath
self.unidentifiedAccessVerifier = try params.optionalBase64EncodedData(key: "unidentifiedAccess")
self.hasUnrestrictedUnidentifiedAccess = try params.optional(key: "unrestrictedUnidentifiedAccess") ?? false