You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

1755 lines
74 KiB

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// Copyright (c) 2019 Open Whisper Systems. All rights reserved.
#import "ConversationViewModel.h"
#import "ConversationViewItem.h"
#import "DateUtil.h"
#import "OWSMessageBubbleView.h"
#import "OWSQuotedReplyModel.h"
#import "Session-Swift.h"
#import <SignalCoreKit/NSDate+OWS.h>
#import <SignalUtilitiesKit/OWSContactOffersInteraction.h>
#import <SignalUtilitiesKit/OWSContactsManager.h>
#import <SignalUtilitiesKit/OWSUnreadIndicator.h>
#import <SignalUtilitiesKit/SignalUtilitiesKit-Swift.h>
#import <SignalUtilitiesKit/ThreadUtil.h>
#import <SignalUtilitiesKit/OWSBlockingManager.h>
#import <SignalUtilitiesKit/OWSPrimaryStorage.h>
#import <SignalUtilitiesKit/SSKEnvironment.h>
#import <SignalUtilitiesKit/TSDatabaseView.h>
#import <SignalUtilitiesKit/TSIncomingMessage.h>
#import <SignalUtilitiesKit/TSOutgoingMessage.h>
#import <SignalUtilitiesKit/TSThread.h>
#import <SignalUtilitiesKit/TSGroupThread.h>
#import <SignalUtilitiesKit/TSGroupModel.h>
#import <YapDatabase/YapDatabase.h>
#import <YapDatabase/YapDatabaseAutoView.h>
#import <YapDatabase/YapDatabaseViewChange.h>
#import <YapDatabase/YapDatabaseViewChangePrivate.h>
@interface ConversationProfileState : NSObject
@property (nonatomic) BOOL hasLocalProfile;
@property (nonatomic) BOOL isThreadInProfileWhitelist;
@property (nonatomic) BOOL hasUnwhitelistedMember;
#pragma mark -
@implementation ConversationProfileState
#pragma mark -
@implementation ConversationViewState
- (instancetype)initWithViewItems:(NSArray<id<ConversationViewItem>> *)viewItems
self = [super init];
if (!self) {
return self;
_viewItems = viewItems;
NSMutableDictionary<NSString *, NSNumber *> *interactionIndexMap = [NSMutableDictionary new];
NSMutableArray<NSString *> *interactionIds = [NSMutableArray new];
for (NSUInteger i = 0; i < self.viewItems.count; i++) {
id<ConversationViewItem> viewItem = self.viewItems[i];
interactionIndexMap[viewItem.interaction.uniqueId] = @(i);
[interactionIds addObject:viewItem.interaction.uniqueId];
if (viewItem.unreadIndicator != nil && [viewItem.interaction conformsToProtocol:@protocol(OWSReadTracking)]) {
id<OWSReadTracking> interaction = (id<OWSReadTracking>)viewItem.interaction;
// Under normal circumstances ! should always evaluate to true at this point, but
// there is a bug that can somehow cause it to be false leading to conversations permanently being
// stuck with "unread" messages.
if (! {
_unreadIndicatorIndex = @(i);
_interactionIndexMap = [interactionIndexMap copy];
_interactionIds = [interactionIds copy];
return self;
- (nullable id<ConversationViewItem>)unreadIndicatorViewItem
if (self.unreadIndicatorIndex == nil) {
return nil;
NSUInteger index = self.unreadIndicatorIndex.unsignedIntegerValue;
if (index >= self.viewItems.count) {
OWSFailDebug(@"Invalid index.");
return nil;
return self.viewItems[index];
#pragma mark -
@implementation ConversationUpdateItem
- (instancetype)initWithUpdateItemType:(ConversationUpdateItemType)updateItemType
viewItem:(nullable id<ConversationViewItem>)viewItem
self = [super init];
if (!self) {
return self;
_updateItemType = updateItemType;
_oldIndex = oldIndex;
_newIndex = newIndex;
_viewItem = viewItem;
return self;
#pragma mark -
@implementation ConversationUpdate
- (instancetype)initWithConversationUpdateType:(ConversationUpdateType)conversationUpdateType
updateItems:(nullable NSArray<ConversationUpdateItem *> *)updateItems
self = [super init];
if (!self) {
return self;
_conversationUpdateType = conversationUpdateType;
_updateItems = updateItems;
_shouldAnimateUpdates = shouldAnimateUpdates;
return self;
+ (ConversationUpdate *)minorUpdate
return [[ConversationUpdate alloc] initWithConversationUpdateType:ConversationUpdateType_Minor
+ (ConversationUpdate *)reloadUpdate
return [[ConversationUpdate alloc] initWithConversationUpdateType:ConversationUpdateType_Reload
+ (ConversationUpdate *)diffUpdateWithUpdateItems:(nullable NSArray<ConversationUpdateItem *> *)updateItems
return [[ConversationUpdate alloc] initWithConversationUpdateType:ConversationUpdateType_Diff
#pragma mark -
// Always load up to n messages when user arrives.
// The smaller this number is, the faster the conversation can display.
// To test, shrink you accessability font as much as possible, then count how many 1-line system info messages (our
// shortest cells) can fit on screen at a time on an iPhoneX
// PERF: we could do less messages on shorter (older, slower) devices
// PERF: we could cache the cell height, since some messages will be much taller.
static const int kYapDatabasePageSize = 18;
// Never show more than n messages in conversation view when user arrives.
static const int kConversationInitialMaxRangeSize = 300;
// Never show more than n messages in conversation view at a time.
static const int kYapDatabaseRangeMaxLength = 25000;
#pragma mark -
@interface ConversationViewModel ()
@property (nonatomic, weak) id<ConversationViewModelDelegate> delegate;
@property (nonatomic, readonly) TSThread *thread;
// The mapping must be updated in lockstep with the uiDatabaseConnection.
// * The first (required) step is to update uiDatabaseConnection using beginLongLivedReadTransaction.
// * The second (required) step is to update messageMapping. The desired length of the mapping
// can be modified at this time.
// * The third (optional) step is to update the view items using reloadViewItems.
// * The steps must be done in strict order.
// * If we do any of the steps, we must do all of the required steps.
// * We can't use messageMapping or viewItems after the first step until we've
// done the last step; i.e.. we can't do any layout, since that uses the view
// items which haven't been updated yet.
// * Afterward, we must prod the view controller to update layout & view state.
@property (nonatomic) ConversationMessageMapping *messageMapping;
@property (nonatomic) ConversationViewState *viewState;
@property (nonatomic) NSMutableDictionary<NSString *, id<ConversationViewItem>> *viewItemCache;
@property (nonatomic, nullable) ThreadDynamicInteractions *dynamicInteractions;
@property (nonatomic) BOOL hasClearedUnreadMessagesIndicator;
@property (nonatomic, nullable) NSDate *collapseCutoffDate;
@property (nonatomic, nullable) NSString *typingIndicatorsSender;
@property (nonatomic, nullable) ConversationProfileState *conversationProfileState;
@property (nonatomic) BOOL hasTooManyOutgoingMessagesToBlockCached;
@property (nonatomic) NSArray<id<ConversationViewItem>> *persistedViewItems;
@property (nonatomic) NSArray<TSOutgoingMessage *> *unsavedOutgoingMessages;
#pragma mark -
@implementation ConversationViewModel
- (instancetype)initWithThread:(TSThread *)thread
focusMessageIdOnOpen:(nullable NSString *)focusMessageIdOnOpen
self = [super init];
if (!self) {
return self;
_thread = thread;
_delegate = delegate;
_persistedViewItems = @[];
_unsavedOutgoingMessages = @[];
self.focusMessageIdOnOpen = focusMessageIdOnOpen;
_isRSSFeed = isRSSFeed;
_viewState = [[ConversationViewState alloc] initWithViewItems:@[]];
[self configure];
return self;
#pragma mark - Dependencies
- (OWSPrimaryStorage *)primaryStorage
return SSKEnvironment.shared.primaryStorage;
- (YapDatabaseConnection *)uiDatabaseConnection
return self.primaryStorage.uiDatabaseConnection;
- (YapDatabaseConnection *)editingDatabaseConnection
return self.primaryStorage.dbReadWriteConnection;
- (OWSContactsManager *)contactsManager
return (OWSContactsManager *)SSKEnvironment.shared.contactsManager;
- (OWSBlockingManager *)blockingManager
return OWSBlockingManager.sharedManager;
- (id<OWSTypingIndicators>)typingIndicators
return SSKEnvironment.shared.typingIndicators;
- (TSAccountManager *)tsAccountManager
return SSKEnvironment.shared.tsAccountManager;
- (OWSProfileManager *)profileManager
return [OWSProfileManager sharedManager];
#pragma mark -
- (void)addNotificationListeners
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver:self
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver:self
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver:self
name:[OWSTypingIndicatorsImpl typingIndicatorStateDidChange]
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver:self
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver:self
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver:self
- (void)signalAccountsDidChange:(NSNotification *)notification
[self ensureDynamicInteractionsAndUpdateIfNecessary:YES];
- (void)profileWhitelistDidChange:(NSNotification *)notification
self.conversationProfileState = nil;
[self updateForTransientItems];
- (void)localProfileDidChange:(NSNotification *)notification
self.conversationProfileState = nil;
[self updateForTransientItems];
- (void)blockListDidChange:(id)notification
[self updateForTransientItems];
- (void)configure
// We need to update the "unread indicator" _before_ we determine the initial range
// size, since it depends on where the unread indicator is placed.
self.typingIndicatorsSender = [self.typingIndicators typingRecipientIdForThread:self.thread];
self.collapseCutoffDate = [NSDate new];
[self ensureDynamicInteractionsAndUpdateIfNecessary:NO];
[self.primaryStorage updateUIDatabaseConnectionToLatest];
[self createNewMessageMapping];
if (![self reloadViewItems]) {
OWSFailDebug(@"failed to reload view items in configureForThread.");
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver:self
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver:self
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver:self
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver:self
- (void)viewDidLoad
[self addNotificationListeners];
[self touchDbAsync];
- (void)touchDbAsync
// See comments in primaryStorage.touchDbAsync.
[self.primaryStorage touchDbAsync];
- (void)dealloc
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] removeObserver:self];
- (BOOL)canLoadMoreItems
if (self.messageMapping.desiredLength >= kYapDatabaseRangeMaxLength) {
return NO;
return self.messageMapping.canLoadMore;
- (void)applicationDidEnterBackground:(NSNotification *)notification
if (self.hasClearedUnreadMessagesIndicator) {
self.hasClearedUnreadMessagesIndicator = NO;
[self.dynamicInteractions clearUnreadIndicatorState];
- (void)viewDidResetContentAndLayout
self.collapseCutoffDate = [NSDate new];
if (![self reloadViewItems]) {
OWSFailDebug(@"failed to reload view items in resetContentAndLayout.");
- (void)loadAnotherPageOfMessages
BOOL hasEarlierUnseenMessages = self.dynamicInteractions.unreadIndicator.hasMoreUnseenMessages;
// Now that we're using a "minimal" page size, we should
// increase the load window by 2 pages at a time.
[self loadNMoreMessages:kYapDatabasePageSize * 2];
// Dont auto-scroll after “loading more messages” unless we have “more unseen messages”.
// Otherwise, tapping on "load more messages" autoscrolls you downward which is completely wrong.
if (hasEarlierUnseenMessages && !self.focusMessageIdOnOpen) {
// Ensure view items are updated before trying to scroll to the
// unread indicator.
// loadNMoreMessages calls resetMapping which calls ensureDynamicInteractions,
// which may move the unread indicator, and for scrollToUnreadIndicatorAnimated
// to work properly, the view items need to be updated to reflect that change.
[self.primaryStorage updateUIDatabaseConnectionToLatest];
[self.delegate conversationViewModelDidLoadPrevPage];
- (void)loadNMoreMessages:(NSUInteger)numberOfMessagesToLoad
[self.delegate conversationViewModelWillLoadMoreItems];
[self resetMappingWithAdditionalLength:numberOfMessagesToLoad];
[self.delegate conversationViewModelDidLoadMoreItems];
- (NSUInteger)initialMessageMappingLength
NSUInteger rangeLength = kYapDatabasePageSize;
// If this is the first time we're configuring the range length,
// try to take into account the position of the unread indicator
// and the "focus message".
if (self.focusMessageIdOnOpen) {
if (self.dynamicInteractions.focusMessagePosition) {
OWSLogVerbose(@"ensuring load of focus message: %@", self.dynamicInteractions.focusMessagePosition);
rangeLength = MAX(rangeLength, 1 + self.dynamicInteractions.focusMessagePosition.unsignedIntegerValue);
if (self.dynamicInteractions.unreadIndicator) {
NSUInteger unreadIndicatorPosition
= (NSUInteger)self.dynamicInteractions.unreadIndicator.unreadIndicatorPosition;
// If there is an unread indicator, increase the initial load window
// to include it.
OWSAssertDebug(unreadIndicatorPosition > 0);
OWSAssertDebug(unreadIndicatorPosition <= kYapDatabaseRangeMaxLength);
// We'd like to include at least N seen messages,
// to give the user the context of where they left off the conversation.
const NSUInteger kPreferredSeenMessageCount = 1;
rangeLength = MAX(rangeLength, unreadIndicatorPosition + kPreferredSeenMessageCount);
return rangeLength;
- (void)updateMessageMappingWithAdditionalLength:(NSUInteger)additionalLength
// Range size should monotonically increase.
NSUInteger rangeLength = self.messageMapping.desiredLength + additionalLength;
// Always try to load at least a single page of messages.
rangeLength = MAX(rangeLength, kYapDatabasePageSize);
// Enforce max range size.
rangeLength = MIN(rangeLength, kYapDatabaseRangeMaxLength);
[self.uiDatabaseConnection readWithBlock:^(YapDatabaseReadTransaction *transaction) {
[self.messageMapping updateWithDesiredLength:rangeLength transaction:transaction];
[self.delegate conversationViewModelRangeDidChange];
self.collapseCutoffDate = [NSDate new];
- (void)ensureDynamicInteractionsAndUpdateIfNecessary:(BOOL)updateIfNecessary
const int currentMaxRangeSize = (int)self.messageMapping.desiredLength;
const int maxRangeSize = MAX(kConversationInitialMaxRangeSize, currentMaxRangeSize);
ThreadDynamicInteractions *dynamicInteractions =
[ThreadUtil ensureDynamicInteractionsForThread:self.thread
BOOL didChange = ![NSObject isNullableObject:self.dynamicInteractions equalTo:dynamicInteractions];
self.dynamicInteractions = dynamicInteractions;
if (didChange && updateIfNecessary) {
if (![self reloadViewItems]) {
OWSFailDebug(@"Failed to reload view items.");
[self.delegate conversationViewModelDidUpdate:ConversationUpdate.reloadUpdate];
- (void)clearUnreadMessagesIndicator
// TODO: Remove by making unread indicator a view model concern.
id<ConversationViewItem> _Nullable oldIndicatorItem = [self.viewState unreadIndicatorViewItem];
if (oldIndicatorItem) {
// TODO ideally this would be happening within the *same* transaction that caused the unreadMessageIndicator
// to be cleared.
[LKStorage writeWithBlock:^(YapDatabaseReadWriteTransaction *_Nonnull transaction) {
[oldIndicatorItem.interaction touchWithTransaction:transaction];
if (self.hasClearedUnreadMessagesIndicator) {
// ensureDynamicInteractionsForThread is somewhat expensive
// so we don't want to call it unnecessarily.
// Once we've cleared the unread messages indicator,
// make sure we don't show it again.
self.hasClearedUnreadMessagesIndicator = YES;
if (self.dynamicInteractions.unreadIndicator) {
// If we've just cleared the "unread messages" indicator,
// update the dynamic interactions.
[self ensureDynamicInteractionsAndUpdateIfNecessary:YES];
#pragma mark - Storage access
- (void)uiDatabaseDidUpdateExternally:(NSNotification *)notification
// External database modifications (e.g. changes from another process such as the SAE)
// are "flushed" using touchDbAsync when the app re-enters the foreground.
- (void)uiDatabaseWillUpdate:(NSNotification *)notification
[self.delegate conversationViewModelWillUpdate];
- (void)uiDatabaseDidUpdate:(NSNotification *)notification
NSArray<NSNotification *> *notifications = notification.userInfo[OWSUIDatabaseConnectionNotificationsKey];
OWSAssertDebug([notifications isKindOfClass:[NSArray class]]);
YapDatabaseAutoViewConnection *messageDatabaseView =
[self.uiDatabaseConnection ext:TSMessageDatabaseViewExtensionName];
OWSAssertDebug([messageDatabaseView isKindOfClass:[YapDatabaseAutoViewConnection class]]);
if (![messageDatabaseView hasChangesForGroup:self.thread.uniqueId inNotifications:notifications]) {
[self.delegate conversationViewModelDidUpdate:ConversationUpdate.minorUpdate];
__block ConversationMessageMappingDiff *_Nullable diff = nil;
[self.uiDatabaseConnection readWithBlock:^(YapDatabaseReadTransaction *transaction) {
diff = [self.messageMapping updateAndCalculateDiffWithTransaction:transaction notifications:notifications];
if (!diff) {
OWSFailDebug(@"Could not determine diff");
// resetMapping will call delegate.conversationViewModelDidUpdate.
[self resetMapping];
[self.delegate conversationViewModelDidReset];
if (diff.addedItemIds.count < 1 && diff.removedItemIds.count < 1 && diff.updatedItemIds.count < 1) {
// This probably isn't an error; presumably the modifications
// occurred outside the load window.
OWSLogDebug(@"Empty diff.");
[self.delegate conversationViewModelDidUpdate:ConversationUpdate.minorUpdate];
NSMutableSet<NSString *> *diffAddedItemIds = [diff.addedItemIds mutableCopy];
NSMutableSet<NSString *> *diffRemovedItemIds = [diff.removedItemIds mutableCopy];
NSMutableSet<NSString *> *diffUpdatedItemIds = [diff.updatedItemIds mutableCopy];
for (TSOutgoingMessage *unsavedOutgoingMessage in self.unsavedOutgoingMessages) {
// unsavedOutgoingMessages should only exist for a short period (usually 30-50ms) before
// they are saved and moved into the `persistedViewItems`
// Loki: Original code
// ========
// OWSAssertDebug(unsavedOutgoingMessage.timestamp >= ([NSDate ows_millisecondTimeStamp] - 1 * kSecondInMs));
// ========
BOOL isFound = ([diff.addedItemIds containsObject:unsavedOutgoingMessage.uniqueId] ||
[diff.removedItemIds containsObject:unsavedOutgoingMessage.uniqueId] ||
[diff.updatedItemIds containsObject:unsavedOutgoingMessage.uniqueId]);
if (isFound) {
// Convert the "insert" to an "update".
if ([diffAddedItemIds containsObject:unsavedOutgoingMessage.uniqueId]) {
OWSLogVerbose(@"Converting insert to update: %@", unsavedOutgoingMessage.uniqueId);
[diffAddedItemIds removeObject:unsavedOutgoingMessage.uniqueId];
[diffUpdatedItemIds addObject:unsavedOutgoingMessage.uniqueId];
// Remove the unsavedOutgoingViewItem since it now exists as a persistedViewItem
NSMutableArray<TSOutgoingMessage *> *unsavedOutgoingMessages = [self.unsavedOutgoingMessages mutableCopy];
[unsavedOutgoingMessages removeObject:unsavedOutgoingMessage];
self.unsavedOutgoingMessages = [unsavedOutgoingMessages copy];
NSArray<NSString *> *oldItemIdList = self.viewState.interactionIds;
// We need to reload any modified interactions _before_ we call
// reloadViewItems.
BOOL hasMalformedRowChange = NO;
NSMutableSet<NSString *> *updatedItemSet = [NSMutableSet new];
for (NSString *uniqueId in diffUpdatedItemIds) {
id<ConversationViewItem> _Nullable viewItem = self.viewItemCache[uniqueId];
if (viewItem) {
[self reloadInteractionForViewItem:viewItem];
[updatedItemSet addObject:viewItem.itemId];
} else {
OWSFailDebug(@"Update is missing view item");
hasMalformedRowChange = YES;
for (NSString *uniqueId in diffRemovedItemIds) {
[self.viewItemCache removeObjectForKey:uniqueId];
if (hasMalformedRowChange) {
// These errors seems to be very rare; they can only be reproduced
// using the more extreme actions in the debug UI.
// resetMapping will call delegate.conversationViewModelDidUpdate.
[self resetMapping];
[self.delegate conversationViewModelDidReset];
if (![self reloadViewItems]) {
// These errors are rare.
OWSFailDebug(@"could not reload view items; hard resetting message mapping.");
// resetMapping will call delegate.conversationViewModelDidUpdate.
[self resetMapping];
[self.delegate conversationViewModelDidReset];
OWSLogVerbose(@"self.viewItems.count: %zd -> %zd", oldItemIdList.count, self.viewState.viewItems.count);
[self updateViewWithOldItemIdList:oldItemIdList updatedItemSet:updatedItemSet];
// A simpler version of the update logic we use when
// only transient items have changed.
- (void)updateForTransientItems
NSArray<NSString *> *oldItemIdList = self.viewState.interactionIds;
if (![self reloadViewItems]) {
// These errors are rare.
OWSFailDebug(@"could not reload view items; hard resetting message mapping.");
// resetMapping will call delegate.conversationViewModelDidUpdate.
[self resetMapping];
[self.delegate conversationViewModelDidReset];
OWSLogVerbose(@"self.viewItems.count: %zd -> %zd", oldItemIdList.count, self.viewState.viewItems.count);
[self updateViewWithOldItemIdList:oldItemIdList updatedItemSet:[NSSet set]];
- (void)updateViewWithOldItemIdList:(NSArray<NSString *> *)oldItemIdList
updatedItemSet:(NSSet<NSString *> *)updatedItemSetParam {
if (oldItemIdList.count != [NSSet setWithArray:oldItemIdList].count) {
OWSFailDebug(@"Old view item list has duplicates.");
[self.delegate conversationViewModelDidUpdate:ConversationUpdate.reloadUpdate];
NSArray<NSString *> *newItemIdList = self.viewState.interactionIds;
NSMutableDictionary<NSString *, id<ConversationViewItem>> *newViewItemMap = [NSMutableDictionary new];
for (id<ConversationViewItem> viewItem in self.viewState.viewItems) {
newViewItemMap[viewItem.itemId] = viewItem;
if (newItemIdList.count != [NSSet setWithArray:newItemIdList].count) {
OWSFailDebug(@"New view item list has duplicates.");
[self.delegate conversationViewModelDidUpdate:ConversationUpdate.reloadUpdate];
NSSet<NSString *> *oldItemIdSet = [NSSet setWithArray:oldItemIdList];
NSSet<NSString *> *newItemIdSet = [NSSet setWithArray:newItemIdList];
// We use sets and dictionaries here to ensure perf.
// We use NSMutableOrderedSet to preserve item ordering.
NSMutableOrderedSet<NSString *> *deletedItemIdSet = [NSMutableOrderedSet orderedSetWithArray:oldItemIdList];
[deletedItemIdSet minusSet:newItemIdSet];
NSMutableOrderedSet<NSString *> *insertedItemIdSet = [NSMutableOrderedSet orderedSetWithArray:newItemIdList];
[insertedItemIdSet minusSet:oldItemIdSet];
NSArray<NSString *> *deletedItemIdList = [deletedItemIdSet.array copy];
NSArray<NSString *> *insertedItemIdList = [insertedItemIdSet.array copy];
// Try to generate a series of "update items" that safely transform
// the "old item list" into the "new item list".
NSMutableArray<ConversationUpdateItem *> *updateItems = [NSMutableArray new];
NSMutableArray<NSString *> *transformedItemList = [oldItemIdList mutableCopy];
// 1. Deletes - Always perform deletes before inserts and updates.
// NOTE: We use reverseObjectEnumerator to ensure that items
// are deleted in reverse order, to avoid confusion around
// each deletion affecting the indices of subsequent deletions.
for (NSString *itemId in deletedItemIdList.reverseObjectEnumerator) {
OWSAssertDebug([oldItemIdSet containsObject:itemId]);
OWSAssertDebug(![newItemIdSet containsObject:itemId]);
NSUInteger oldIndex = [oldItemIdList indexOfObject:itemId];
if (oldIndex == NSNotFound) {
OWSFailDebug(@"Can't find index of deleted view item.");
return [self.delegate conversationViewModelDidUpdate:ConversationUpdate.reloadUpdate];
[updateItems addObject:[[ConversationUpdateItem alloc] initWithUpdateItemType:ConversationUpdateItemType_Delete
[transformedItemList removeObject:itemId];
// 2. Inserts - Always perform inserts before updates.
// NOTE: We DO NOT use reverseObjectEnumerator.
for (NSString *itemId in insertedItemIdList) {
OWSAssertDebug(![oldItemIdSet containsObject:itemId]);
OWSAssertDebug([newItemIdSet containsObject:itemId]);
NSUInteger newIndex = [newItemIdList indexOfObject:itemId];
if (newIndex == NSNotFound) {
OWSFailDebug(@"Can't find index of inserted view item.");
return [self.delegate conversationViewModelDidUpdate:ConversationUpdate.reloadUpdate];
id<ConversationViewItem> _Nullable viewItem = newViewItemMap[itemId];
if (!viewItem) {
OWSFailDebug(@"Can't find inserted view item.");
return [self.delegate conversationViewModelDidUpdate:ConversationUpdate.reloadUpdate];
[updateItems addObject:[[ConversationUpdateItem alloc] initWithUpdateItemType:ConversationUpdateItemType_Insert
[transformedItemList insertObject:itemId atIndex:newIndex];
if (![newItemIdList isEqualToArray:transformedItemList]) {
// We should be able to represent all transformations as a series of
// inserts, updates and deletes - moves should not be necessary.
// TODO: The unread indicator might end up being an exception.
OWSLogWarn(@"New and updated view item lists don't match.");
return [self.delegate conversationViewModelDidUpdate:ConversationUpdate.reloadUpdate];
// In addition to "update" items from the database change notification,
// we may need to update other items. One example is neighbors of modified
// cells. Another is cells whose appearance has changed due to the passage
// of time. We detect "dirty" items by whether or not they have cached layout
// state, since that is cleared whenever we change the properties of the
// item that affect its appearance.
// This replaces the setCellDrawingDependencyOffsets/
// YapDatabaseViewChangedDependency logic offered by YDB mappings,
// which only reflects changes in the data store, not at the view
// level.
NSMutableSet<NSString *> *updatedItemSet = [updatedItemSetParam mutableCopy];
NSMutableSet<NSString *> *updatedNeighborItemSet = [NSMutableSet new];
for (NSString *itemId in newItemIdSet) {
if (![oldItemIdSet containsObject:itemId]) {
if ([insertedItemIdSet containsObject:itemId] || [updatedItemSet containsObject:itemId]) {
OWSAssertDebug(![deletedItemIdSet containsObject:itemId]);
NSUInteger newIndex = [newItemIdList indexOfObject:itemId];
if (newIndex == NSNotFound) {
OWSFailDebug(@"Can't find index of holdover view item.");
return [self.delegate conversationViewModelDidUpdate:ConversationUpdate.reloadUpdate];
id<ConversationViewItem> _Nullable viewItem = newViewItemMap[itemId];
if (!viewItem) {
OWSFailDebug(@"Can't find holdover view item.");
return [self.delegate conversationViewModelDidUpdate:ConversationUpdate.reloadUpdate];
if (!viewItem.hasCachedLayoutState) {
[updatedItemSet addObject:itemId];
[updatedNeighborItemSet addObject:itemId];
// 3. Updates.
// NOTE: Order doesn't matter.
for (NSString *itemId in updatedItemSet) {
if (![newItemIdList containsObject:itemId]) {
OWSFailDebug(@"Updated view item not in new view item list.");
if ([insertedItemIdList containsObject:itemId]) {
NSUInteger oldIndex = [oldItemIdList indexOfObject:itemId];
if (oldIndex == NSNotFound) {
OWSFailDebug(@"Can't find old index of updated view item.");
return [self.delegate conversationViewModelDidUpdate:ConversationUpdate.reloadUpdate];
NSUInteger newIndex = [newItemIdList indexOfObject:itemId];
if (newIndex == NSNotFound) {
OWSFailDebug(@"Can't find new index of updated view item.");
return [self.delegate conversationViewModelDidUpdate:ConversationUpdate.reloadUpdate];
id<ConversationViewItem> _Nullable viewItem = newViewItemMap[itemId];
if (!viewItem) {
OWSFailDebug(@"Can't find inserted view item.");
return [self.delegate conversationViewModelDidUpdate:ConversationUpdate.reloadUpdate];
[updateItems addObject:[[ConversationUpdateItem alloc] initWithUpdateItemType:ConversationUpdateItemType_Update
BOOL shouldAnimateUpdates = [self shouldAnimateUpdateItems:updateItems
return [self.delegate
conversationViewModelDidUpdate:[ConversationUpdate diffUpdateWithUpdateItems:updateItems
- (BOOL)shouldAnimateUpdateItems:(NSArray<ConversationUpdateItem *> *)updateItems
updatedNeighborItemSet:(nullable NSMutableSet<NSString *> *)updatedNeighborItemSet
// If user sends a new outgoing message, don't animate the change.
BOOL isOnlyModifyingLastMessage = YES;
for (ConversationUpdateItem *updateItem in updateItems) {
switch (updateItem.updateItemType) {
case ConversationUpdateItemType_Delete:
isOnlyModifyingLastMessage = NO;
case ConversationUpdateItemType_Insert: {
id<ConversationViewItem> viewItem = updateItem.viewItem;
switch (viewItem.interaction.interactionType) {
case OWSInteractionType_IncomingMessage:
case OWSInteractionType_OutgoingMessage:
case OWSInteractionType_TypingIndicator:
if (updateItem.newIndex < oldViewItemCount) {
isOnlyModifyingLastMessage = NO;
isOnlyModifyingLastMessage = NO;
case ConversationUpdateItemType_Update: {
id<ConversationViewItem> viewItem = updateItem.viewItem;
if ([updatedNeighborItemSet containsObject:viewItem.itemId]) {
switch (viewItem.interaction.interactionType) {
case OWSInteractionType_IncomingMessage:
case OWSInteractionType_OutgoingMessage:
case OWSInteractionType_TypingIndicator:
// We skip animations for the last _two_
// interactions, not one since there
// may be a typing indicator.
if (updateItem.newIndex + 2 < updateItems.count) {
isOnlyModifyingLastMessage = NO;
isOnlyModifyingLastMessage = NO;
BOOL shouldAnimateRowUpdates = !isOnlyModifyingLastMessage;
return shouldAnimateRowUpdates;
- (void)createNewMessageMapping
if (self.thread.uniqueId.length < 1) {
OWSFailDebug(@"uniqueId unexpectedly empty for thread: %@", self.thread);
self.messageMapping = [[ConversationMessageMapping alloc] initWithGroup:self.thread.uniqueId
[self.uiDatabaseConnection readWithBlock:^(YapDatabaseReadTransaction *transaction) {
[self.messageMapping updateWithTransaction:transaction];
// This is more expensive than incremental updates.
// We call `resetMapping` for two separate reasons:
// * Most of the time, we call `resetMapping` after a severe error to get back into a known good state.
// We then call `conversationViewModelDidReset` to get the view back into a known good state (by
// scrolling to the bottom).
// * We also call `resetMapping` to load an additional page of older message. We very much _do not_
// want to change view scroll state in this case.
- (void)resetMapping
// Don't extend the mapping's desired length.
[self resetMappingWithAdditionalLength:0];
- (void)resetMappingWithAdditionalLength:(NSUInteger)additionalLength
[self updateMessageMappingWithAdditionalLength:additionalLength];
self.collapseCutoffDate = [NSDate new];
[self ensureDynamicInteractionsAndUpdateIfNecessary:NO];
if (![self reloadViewItems]) {
OWSFailDebug(@"failed to reload view items in resetMapping.");
[self.delegate conversationViewModelDidUpdate:ConversationUpdate.reloadUpdate];
- (void)applicationWillEnterForeground:(NSNotification *)notification
[self touchDbAsync];
#pragma mark - View Items
- (void)ensureConversationProfileState
if (self.conversationProfileState) {
// Many OWSProfileManager methods aren't safe to call from inside a database
// transaction, so do this work now.
// TODO: It'd be nice if these methods took a transaction.
BOOL hasLocalProfile = [self.profileManager hasLocalProfile];
BOOL isThreadInProfileWhitelist = [self.profileManager isThreadInProfileWhitelist:self.thread];
BOOL hasUnwhitelistedMember = NO;
for (NSString *recipientId in self.thread.recipientIdentifiers) {
if (![self.profileManager isUserInProfileWhitelist:recipientId]) {
hasUnwhitelistedMember = YES;
ConversationProfileState *conversationProfileState = [ConversationProfileState new];
conversationProfileState.hasLocalProfile = hasLocalProfile;
conversationProfileState.isThreadInProfileWhitelist = isThreadInProfileWhitelist;
conversationProfileState.hasUnwhitelistedMember = hasUnwhitelistedMember;
self.conversationProfileState = conversationProfileState;
- (nullable TSInteraction *)firstCallOrMessageForLoadedInteractions:(NSArray<TSInteraction *> *)loadedInteractions
for (TSInteraction *interaction in loadedInteractions) {
switch (interaction.interactionType) {
case OWSInteractionType_Unknown:
OWSFailDebug(@"Unknown interaction type.");
return nil;
case OWSInteractionType_IncomingMessage:
case OWSInteractionType_OutgoingMessage:
return interaction;
case OWSInteractionType_Error:
case OWSInteractionType_Info:
case OWSInteractionType_Call:
case OWSInteractionType_Offer:
case OWSInteractionType_TypingIndicator:
return nil;
- (nullable OWSContactOffersInteraction *)
tryToBuildContactOffersInteractionWithTransaction:(YapDatabaseReadTransaction *)transaction
loadedInteractions:(NSArray<TSInteraction *> *)loadedInteractions
if (canLoadMoreItems) {
// Only show contact offers at the start of the conversation.
return nil;
BOOL hasLocalProfile = self.conversationProfileState.hasLocalProfile;
BOOL isThreadInProfileWhitelist = self.conversationProfileState.isThreadInProfileWhitelist;
BOOL hasUnwhitelistedMember = self.conversationProfileState.hasUnwhitelistedMember;
TSThread *thread = self.thread;
BOOL isContactThread = [thread isKindOfClass:[TSContactThread class]];
if (!isContactThread) {
return nil;
TSContactThread *contactThread = (TSContactThread *)thread;
if (contactThread.hasDismissedOffers) {
return nil;
NSString *localNumber = [self.tsAccountManager localNumber];
OWSAssertDebug(localNumber.length > 0);
TSInteraction *firstCallOrMessage = [self firstCallOrMessageForLoadedInteractions:loadedInteractions];
if (!firstCallOrMessage) {
return nil;
BOOL hasTooManyOutgoingMessagesToBlock;
if (self.hasTooManyOutgoingMessagesToBlockCached) {
hasTooManyOutgoingMessagesToBlock = YES;
} else {
NSUInteger outgoingMessageCount =
[[TSDatabaseView threadOutgoingMessageDatabaseView:transaction] numberOfItemsInGroup:thread.uniqueId];
const int kMaxBlockOfferOutgoingMessageCount = 10;
hasTooManyOutgoingMessagesToBlock = (outgoingMessageCount > kMaxBlockOfferOutgoingMessageCount);
self.hasTooManyOutgoingMessagesToBlockCached = hasTooManyOutgoingMessagesToBlock;
BOOL shouldHaveBlockOffer = YES;
BOOL shouldHaveAddToContactsOffer = YES;
BOOL shouldHaveAddToProfileWhitelistOffer = YES;
NSString *recipientId = ((TSContactThread *)thread).contactIdentifier;
if ([recipientId isEqualToString:localNumber]) {
// Don't add self to contacts.
shouldHaveAddToContactsOffer = NO;
// Don't bother to block self.
shouldHaveBlockOffer = NO;
// Don't bother adding self to profile whitelist.
shouldHaveAddToProfileWhitelistOffer = NO;
} else {
if ([[self.blockingManager blockedPhoneNumbers] containsObject:recipientId]) {
// Only create "add to contacts" offers for users which are not already blocked.
shouldHaveAddToContactsOffer = NO;
// Only create block offers for users which are not already blocked.
shouldHaveBlockOffer = NO;
// Don't create profile whitelist offers for users which are not already blocked.
shouldHaveAddToProfileWhitelistOffer = NO;
if ([self.contactsManager hasSignalAccountForRecipientId:recipientId]) {
// Only create "add to contacts" offers for non-contacts.
shouldHaveAddToContactsOffer = NO;
// Only create block offers for non-contacts.
shouldHaveBlockOffer = NO;
// Don't create profile whitelist offers for non-contacts.
shouldHaveAddToProfileWhitelistOffer = NO;
if (hasTooManyOutgoingMessagesToBlock) {
// If the user has sent more than N messages, don't show a block offer.
shouldHaveBlockOffer = NO;
BOOL hasOutgoingBeforeIncomingInteraction = [firstCallOrMessage isKindOfClass:[TSOutgoingMessage class]];
if ([firstCallOrMessage isKindOfClass:[TSCall class]]) {
TSCall *call = (TSCall *)firstCallOrMessage;
= (call.callType == RPRecentCallTypeOutgoing || call.callType == RPRecentCallTypeOutgoingIncomplete);
if (hasOutgoingBeforeIncomingInteraction) {
// If there is an outgoing message before an incoming message
// the local user initiated this conversation, don't show a block offer.
shouldHaveBlockOffer = NO;
if (!hasLocalProfile || isThreadInProfileWhitelist) {
// Don't show offer if thread is local user hasn't configured their profile.
// Don't show offer if thread is already in profile whitelist.
shouldHaveAddToProfileWhitelistOffer = NO;
} else if (thread.isGroupThread && !hasUnwhitelistedMember) {
// Don't show offer in group thread if all members are already individually
// whitelisted.
shouldHaveAddToProfileWhitelistOffer = NO;
BOOL shouldHaveContactOffers
= (shouldHaveBlockOffer || shouldHaveAddToContactsOffer || shouldHaveAddToProfileWhitelistOffer);
if (!shouldHaveContactOffers) {
return nil;
// We want the offers to be the first interactions in their
// conversation's timeline, so we back-date them to slightly before
// the first message - or at an arbitrary old timestamp if the
// conversation has no messages.
uint64_t contactOffersTimestamp = firstCallOrMessage.timestamp - 1;
// This view model uses the "unique id" to identify this interaction,
// but the interaction is never saved in the database so the specific
// value doesn't matter.
NSString *uniqueId = @"contact-offers";
OWSContactOffersInteraction *offersMessage =
[[OWSContactOffersInteraction alloc] initInteractionWithUniqueId:uniqueId
OWSLogInfo(@"Creating contact offers: %@ (%llu)", offersMessage.uniqueId, offersMessage.sortId);
return offersMessage;
// This is a key method. It builds or rebuilds the list of
// cell view models.
// Returns NO on error.
- (BOOL)reloadViewItems
NSMutableArray<id<ConversationViewItem>> *viewItems = [NSMutableArray new];
NSMutableDictionary<NSString *, id<ConversationViewItem>> *viewItemCache = [NSMutableDictionary new];
NSArray<NSString *> *loadedUniqueIds = [self.messageMapping loadedUniqueIds];
BOOL isGroupThread = self.thread.isGroupThread;
BOOL isRSSFeed = self.isRSSFeed;
ConversationStyle *conversationStyle = self.delegate.conversationStyle;
[self ensureConversationProfileState];
__block BOOL hasError = NO;
id<ConversationViewItem> (^tryToAddViewItem)(TSInteraction *, YapDatabaseReadTransaction *)
= ^(TSInteraction *interaction, YapDatabaseReadTransaction *transaction) {
OWSAssertDebug(interaction.uniqueId.length > 0);
id<ConversationViewItem> _Nullable viewItem = self.viewItemCache[interaction.uniqueId];
if (!viewItem) {
viewItem = [[ConversationInteractionViewItem alloc] initWithInteraction:interaction
viewItemCache[interaction.uniqueId] = viewItem;
[viewItems addObject:viewItem];
TSMessage *message = (TSMessage *)viewItem.interaction;
if (message.hasAttachmentsInNSE) {
[SSKEnvironment.shared.attachmentDownloads downloadAttachmentsForMessage:message
success:^(NSArray<TSAttachmentStream *> *attachmentStreams) {
OWSLogInfo(@"Successfully redownloaded attachment in thread: %@", message.thread);
failure:^(NSError *error) {
OWSLogWarn(@"Failed to redownload message with error: %@", error);
return viewItem;
NSMutableSet<NSString *> *interactionIds = [NSMutableSet new];
BOOL canLoadMoreItems = self.messageMapping.canLoadMore;
[self.uiDatabaseConnection readWithBlock:^(YapDatabaseReadTransaction *transaction) {
NSMutableArray<TSInteraction *> *interactions = [NSMutableArray new];
YapDatabaseViewTransaction *viewTransaction = [transaction ext:TSMessageDatabaseViewExtensionName];
for (NSString *uniqueId in loadedUniqueIds) {
TSInteraction *_Nullable interaction =
[TSInteraction fetchObjectWithUniqueID:uniqueId transaction:transaction];
if (!interaction) {
OWSFailDebug(@"missing interaction in message mapping: %@.", uniqueId);
// TODO: Add analytics.
hasError = YES;
if (!interaction.uniqueId) {
OWSFailDebug(@"invalid interaction in message mapping: %@.", interaction);
// TODO: Add analytics.
hasError = YES;
[interactions addObject:interaction];
if ([interactionIds containsObject:interaction.uniqueId]) {
OWSFailDebug(@"Duplicate interaction: %@", interaction.uniqueId);
[interactionIds addObject:interaction.uniqueId];
OWSContactOffersInteraction *_Nullable offers = nil;
if (offers && [interactionIds containsObject:offers.beforeInteractionId]) {
id<ConversationViewItem> offersItem = tryToAddViewItem(offers, transaction);
if ([offersItem.interaction isKindOfClass:[OWSContactOffersInteraction class]]) {
OWSContactOffersInteraction *oldOffers = (OWSContactOffersInteraction *)offersItem.interaction;
BOOL didChange = (oldOffers.hasBlockOffer != offers.hasBlockOffer
|| oldOffers.hasAddToContactsOffer != offers.hasAddToContactsOffer
|| oldOffers.hasAddToProfileWhitelistOffer != offers.hasAddToProfileWhitelistOffer);
if (didChange) {
[offersItem clearCachedLayoutState];
} else {
OWSFailDebug(@"Unexpected offers item: %@", offersItem.interaction.class);
for (TSInteraction *interaction in interactions) {
tryToAddViewItem(interaction, transaction);
// This will usually be redundant, but this will resolve one of the symptoms
// of the "corrupt YDB view" issue caused by multi-process writes.
[viewItems sortUsingComparator:^NSComparisonResult(id<ConversationViewItem> left, id<ConversationViewItem> right) {
return [left.interaction compareForSorting:right.interaction];
if (self.unsavedOutgoingMessages.count > 0) {
[self.uiDatabaseConnection readWithBlock:^(YapDatabaseReadTransaction *_Nonnull transaction) {
for (TSOutgoingMessage *outgoingMessage in self.unsavedOutgoingMessages) {
if ([interactionIds containsObject:outgoingMessage.uniqueId]) {
OWSFailDebug(@"Duplicate interaction: %@", outgoingMessage.uniqueId);
tryToAddViewItem(outgoingMessage, transaction);
[interactionIds addObject:outgoingMessage.uniqueId];
if (self.typingIndicatorsSender) {
OWSTypingIndicatorInteraction *typingIndicatorInteraction =
[[OWSTypingIndicatorInteraction alloc] initWithThread:self.thread
timestamp:[NSDate ows_millisecondTimeStamp]
[self.uiDatabaseConnection readWithBlock:^(YapDatabaseReadTransaction *_Nonnull transaction) {
tryToAddViewItem(typingIndicatorInteraction, transaction);
// Flag to ensure that we only increment once per launch.
if (hasError) {
OWSLogWarn(@"incrementing version of: %@", TSMessageDatabaseViewExtensionName);
[OWSPrimaryStorage incrementVersionOfDatabaseExtension:TSMessageDatabaseViewExtensionName];
// Update the "break" properties (shouldShowDate and unreadIndicator) of the view items.
BOOL shouldShowDateOnNextViewItem = YES;
uint64_t previousViewItemTimestamp = 0;
OWSUnreadIndicator *_Nullable unreadIndicator = self.dynamicInteractions.unreadIndicator;
uint64_t collapseCutoffTimestamp = [NSDate ows_millisecondsSince1970ForDate:self.collapseCutoffDate];
BOOL hasPlacedUnreadIndicator = NO;
for (id<ConversationViewItem> viewItem in viewItems) {
BOOL canShowDate = NO;
switch (viewItem.interaction.interactionType) {
case OWSInteractionType_Unknown:
case OWSInteractionType_Offer:
case OWSInteractionType_TypingIndicator:
canShowDate = NO;
case OWSInteractionType_IncomingMessage:
case OWSInteractionType_OutgoingMessage:
case OWSInteractionType_Error:
case OWSInteractionType_Info:
case OWSInteractionType_Call:
canShowDate = YES;
uint64_t viewItemTimestamp = viewItem.interaction.timestampForUI;
OWSAssertDebug(viewItemTimestamp > 0);
BOOL shouldShowDate = NO;
if (previousViewItemTimestamp == 0) {
shouldShowDateOnNextViewItem = YES;
} else if (![DateUtil isSameDayWithTimestamp:previousViewItemTimestamp timestamp:viewItemTimestamp]) {
shouldShowDateOnNextViewItem = YES;
if (shouldShowDateOnNextViewItem && canShowDate) {
shouldShowDate = YES;
shouldShowDateOnNextViewItem = NO;
viewItem.shouldShowDate = shouldShowDate;
previousViewItemTimestamp = viewItemTimestamp;
// When a conversation without unread messages receives an incoming message,
// we call ensureDynamicInteractions to ensure that the unread indicator (etc.)
// state is updated accordingly. However this is done in a separate transaction.
// We don't want to show the incoming message _without_ an unread indicator and
// then immediately re-render it _with_ an unread indicator.
// To avoid this, we use a temporary instance of OWSUnreadIndicator whenever
// we find an unread message that _should_ have an unread indicator, but no
// unread indicator exists yet on dynamicInteractions.
BOOL isItemUnread = ([viewItem.interaction conformsToProtocol:@protocol(OWSReadTracking)]
&& !((id<OWSReadTracking>)viewItem.interaction).wasRead);
if (isItemUnread && !unreadIndicator && !hasPlacedUnreadIndicator && !self.hasClearedUnreadMessagesIndicator) {
unreadIndicator = [[OWSUnreadIndicator alloc] initWithFirstUnseenSortId:viewItem.interaction.sortId
// Place the unread indicator onto the first appropriate view item,
// if any.
if (unreadIndicator && viewItem.interaction.sortId >= unreadIndicator.firstUnseenSortId) {
viewItem.unreadIndicator = unreadIndicator;
unreadIndicator = nil;
hasPlacedUnreadIndicator = YES;
} else {
viewItem.unreadIndicator = nil;
if (unreadIndicator) {
// This isn't necessarily a bug - all of the interactions after the
// unread indicator may have disappeared or been deleted.
OWSLogWarn(@"Couldn't find an interaction to hang the unread indicator on.");
// Update the properties of the view items.
// NOTE: This logic uses the break properties which are set in the previous pass.
for (NSUInteger i = 0; i < viewItems.count; i++) {
id<ConversationViewItem> viewItem = viewItems[i];
id<ConversationViewItem> _Nullable previousViewItem = (i > 0 ? viewItems[i - 1] : nil);
id<ConversationViewItem> _Nullable nextViewItem = (i + 1 < viewItems.count ? viewItems[i + 1] : nil);
BOOL shouldShowSenderAvatar = NO;
BOOL shouldHideFooter = NO;
BOOL isFirstInCluster = YES;
BOOL isLastInCluster = YES;
NSAttributedString *_Nullable senderName = nil;
OWSInteractionType interactionType = viewItem.interaction.interactionType;
NSString *timestampText = [DateUtil formatTimestampShort:viewItem.interaction.timestampForUI];
if (interactionType == OWSInteractionType_OutgoingMessage) {
TSOutgoingMessage *outgoingMessage = (TSOutgoingMessage *)viewItem.interaction;
MessageReceiptStatus receiptStatus =
[MessageRecipientStatusUtils recipientStatusWithOutgoingMessage:outgoingMessage];
BOOL isDisappearingMessage = outgoingMessage.isExpiringMessage;
if (nextViewItem && nextViewItem.interaction.interactionType == interactionType) {
TSOutgoingMessage *nextOutgoingMessage = (TSOutgoingMessage *)nextViewItem.interaction;
MessageReceiptStatus nextReceiptStatus =
[MessageRecipientStatusUtils recipientStatusWithOutgoingMessage:nextOutgoingMessage];
NSString *nextTimestampText = [DateUtil formatTimestampShort:nextViewItem.interaction.timestamp];
// We can skip the "outgoing message status" footer if the next message
// has the same footer and no "date break" separates us...
// ...but always show "failed to send" status
// ...and always show the "disappearing messages" animation.
= ([timestampText isEqualToString:nextTimestampText] && receiptStatus == nextReceiptStatus
&& outgoingMessage.messageState != TSOutgoingMessageStateFailed
&& outgoingMessage.messageState != TSOutgoingMessageStateSending && !nextViewItem.hasCellHeader
&& !isDisappearingMessage);
// clustering
if (previousViewItem == nil) {
isFirstInCluster = YES;
} else if (viewItem.hasCellHeader) {
isFirstInCluster = YES;
} else {
isFirstInCluster = previousViewItem.interaction.interactionType != OWSInteractionType_OutgoingMessage;
if (nextViewItem == nil) {
isLastInCluster = YES;
} else if (nextViewItem.hasCellHeader) {
isLastInCluster = YES;
} else {
isLastInCluster = nextViewItem.interaction.interactionType != OWSInteractionType_OutgoingMessage;
} else if (interactionType == OWSInteractionType_IncomingMessage) {
TSIncomingMessage *incomingMessage = (TSIncomingMessage *)viewItem.interaction;
NSString *incomingSenderId = incomingMessage.authorId;
OWSAssertDebug(incomingSenderId.length > 0);
BOOL isDisappearingMessage = incomingMessage.isExpiringMessage;
NSString *_Nullable nextIncomingSenderId = nil;
if (nextViewItem && nextViewItem.interaction.interactionType == interactionType) {
TSIncomingMessage *nextIncomingMessage = (TSIncomingMessage *)nextViewItem.interaction;
nextIncomingSenderId = nextIncomingMessage.authorId;
OWSAssertDebug(nextIncomingSenderId.length > 0);
if (nextViewItem && nextViewItem.interaction.interactionType == interactionType) {
NSString *nextTimestampText = [DateUtil formatTimestampShort:nextViewItem.interaction.timestamp];
// We can skip the "incoming message status" footer in a cluster if the next message
// has the same footer and no "date break" separates us.
// ...but always show the "disappearing messages" animation.
shouldHideFooter = ([timestampText isEqualToString:nextTimestampText] && !nextViewItem.hasCellHeader &&
[NSObject isNullableObject:nextIncomingSenderId equalTo:incomingSenderId]
&& !isDisappearingMessage);
// clustering
if (previousViewItem == nil) {
isFirstInCluster = YES;
} else if (viewItem.hasCellHeader) {
isFirstInCluster = YES;
} else if (previousViewItem.interaction.interactionType != OWSInteractionType_IncomingMessage) {
isFirstInCluster = YES;
} else {
TSIncomingMessage *previousIncomingMessage = (TSIncomingMessage *)previousViewItem.interaction;
isFirstInCluster = ![incomingSenderId isEqual:previousIncomingMessage.authorId];
if (nextViewItem == nil) {
isLastInCluster = YES;
} else if (nextViewItem.interaction.interactionType != OWSInteractionType_IncomingMessage) {
isLastInCluster = YES;
} else if (nextViewItem.hasCellHeader) {
isLastInCluster = YES;
} else {
TSIncomingMessage *nextIncomingMessage = (TSIncomingMessage *)nextViewItem.interaction;
isLastInCluster = ![incomingSenderId isEqual:nextIncomingMessage.authorId];
if (viewItem.isGroupThread) {
// Show the sender name for incoming group messages unless
// the previous message has the same sender name and
// no "date break" separates us.
BOOL shouldShowSenderName = YES;
NSString *_Nullable previousIncomingSenderId = nil;
if (previousViewItem && previousViewItem.interaction.interactionType == interactionType) {
TSIncomingMessage *previousIncomingMessage = (TSIncomingMessage *)previousViewItem.interaction;
previousIncomingSenderId = previousIncomingMessage.authorId;
OWSAssertDebug(previousIncomingSenderId.length > 0);
= (![NSObject isNullableObject:previousIncomingSenderId equalTo:incomingSenderId]
|| viewItem.hasCellHeader);
if (shouldShowSenderName) {
senderName = [self.contactsManager attributedContactOrProfileNameForPhoneIdentifier:incomingSenderId primaryAttributes:[OWSMessageBubbleView senderNamePrimaryAttributes]
secondaryAttributes:[OWSMessageBubbleView senderNameSecondaryAttributes]];
if ([self.thread isKindOfClass:[TSGroupThread class]]) {
TSGroupThread *groupThread = (TSGroupThread *)self.thread;
NSData *groupId = groupThread.groupModel.groupId;
NSString *stringGroupId = [[NSString alloc] initWithData:groupId encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding];
if (stringGroupId != nil) {
NSString __block *displayName;
[self.uiDatabaseConnection readWithBlock:^(YapDatabaseReadTransaction *transaction) {
displayName = [transaction objectForKey:incomingSenderId inCollection:stringGroupId];
if (displayName != nil) {
senderName = [[NSAttributedString alloc] initWithString:displayName attributes:[OWSMessageBubbleView senderNamePrimaryAttributes]];
// Show the sender avatar for incoming group messages unless
// the next message has the same sender avatar and
// no "date break" separates us.
shouldShowSenderAvatar = YES;
if (viewItem.isRSSFeed) {
shouldShowSenderAvatar = NO;
} else if (previousViewItem && previousViewItem.interaction.interactionType == interactionType) {
shouldShowSenderAvatar = (![NSObject isNullableObject:previousIncomingSenderId equalTo:incomingSenderId]);
if (viewItem.interaction.receivedAtTimestamp > collapseCutoffTimestamp) {
shouldHideFooter = NO;
viewItem.isFirstInCluster = isFirstInCluster;
viewItem.isLastInCluster = isLastInCluster;
viewItem.shouldShowSenderAvatar = shouldShowSenderAvatar;
viewItem.shouldHideFooter = shouldHideFooter;
viewItem.senderName = senderName;
self.viewState = [[ConversationViewState alloc] initWithViewItems:viewItems];
self.viewItemCache = viewItemCache;
return !hasError;
- (void)appendUnsavedOutgoingTextMessage:(TSOutgoingMessage *)outgoingMessage
// Because the message isn't yet saved, we don't have sufficient information to build
// in-memory placeholder for message types more complex than plain text.
OWSAssertDebug(outgoingMessage.attachmentIds.count == 0);
OWSAssertDebug(outgoingMessage.contactShare == nil);
NSMutableArray<TSOutgoingMessage *> *unsavedOutgoingMessages = [self.unsavedOutgoingMessages mutableCopy];
[unsavedOutgoingMessages addObject:outgoingMessage];
self.unsavedOutgoingMessages = unsavedOutgoingMessages;
[self updateForTransientItems];
// Whenever an interaction is modified, we need to reload it from the DB
// and update the corresponding view item.
- (void)reloadInteractionForViewItem:(id<ConversationViewItem>)viewItem
// This should never happen, but don't crash in production if we have a bug.
if (!viewItem) {
[self.uiDatabaseConnection readWithBlock:^(YapDatabaseReadTransaction *transaction) {
TSInteraction *_Nullable interaction =
[TSInteraction fetchObjectWithUniqueID:viewItem.interaction.uniqueId transaction:transaction];
if (!interaction) {
OWSFailDebug(@"could not reload interaction");
} else {
[viewItem replaceInteraction:interaction transaction:transaction];
- (nullable NSIndexPath *)ensureLoadWindowContainsQuotedReply:(OWSQuotedReplyModel *)quotedReply
OWSAssertDebug(quotedReply.timestamp > 0);
OWSAssertDebug(quotedReply.authorId.length > 0);
if (quotedReply.isRemotelySourced) {
return nil;
__block NSIndexPath *_Nullable indexPath = nil;
[self.uiDatabaseConnection readWithBlock:^(YapDatabaseReadTransaction *transaction) {
TSInteraction *_Nullable quotedInteraction =
[ThreadUtil findInteractionInThreadByTimestamp:quotedReply.timestamp
if (!quotedInteraction) {
indexPath =
[self.messageMapping ensureLoadWindowContainsUniqueId:quotedInteraction.uniqueId transaction:transaction];
self.collapseCutoffDate = [NSDate new];
[self ensureDynamicInteractionsAndUpdateIfNecessary:NO];
if (![self reloadViewItems]) {
OWSFailDebug(@"failed to reload view items in resetMapping.");
[self.delegate conversationViewModelDidUpdate:ConversationUpdate.reloadUpdate];
[self.delegate conversationViewModelRangeDidChange];
return indexPath;
- (nullable NSIndexPath *)ensureLoadWindowContainsInteractionId:(NSString *)interactionId
__block NSIndexPath *_Nullable indexPath = nil;
[self.uiDatabaseConnection readWithBlock:^(YapDatabaseReadTransaction *transaction) {
indexPath = [self.messageMapping ensureLoadWindowContainsUniqueId:interactionId transaction:transaction];
self.collapseCutoffDate = [NSDate new];
[self ensureDynamicInteractionsAndUpdateIfNecessary:NO];
if (![self reloadViewItems]) {
OWSFailDebug(@"failed to reload view items in resetMapping.");
[self.delegate conversationViewModelDidUpdate:ConversationUpdate.reloadUpdate];
[self.delegate conversationViewModelRangeDidChange];
return indexPath;
- (nullable NSNumber *)findGroupIndexOfThreadInteraction:(TSInteraction *)interaction
transaction:(YapDatabaseReadTransaction *)transaction
YapDatabaseAutoViewTransaction *_Nullable extension = [transaction extension:TSMessageDatabaseViewExtensionName];
if (!extension) {
OWSFailDebug(@"Couldn't load view.");
return nil;
NSUInteger groupIndex = 0;
BOOL foundInGroup =
[extension getGroup:nil index:&groupIndex forKey:interaction.uniqueId inCollection:TSInteraction.collection];
if (!foundInGroup) {
OWSLogError(@"Couldn't find quoted message in group.");
return nil;
return @(groupIndex);
- (void)typingIndicatorStateDidChange:(NSNotification *)notification
if (notification.object && ![notification.object isEqual:self.thread.uniqueId]) {
self.typingIndicatorsSender = [self.typingIndicators typingRecipientIdForThread:self.thread];
- (void)setTypingIndicatorsSender:(nullable NSString *)typingIndicatorsSender
BOOL didChange = ![NSObject isNullableObject:typingIndicatorsSender equalTo:_typingIndicatorsSender];
_typingIndicatorsSender = typingIndicatorsSender;
// Update the view items if necessary.
// We don't have to do this if they haven't been configured yet.
if (didChange && self.viewState.viewItems != nil) {
// When we receive an incoming message, we clear any typing indicators
// from that sender. Ideally, we'd like both changes (disappearance of
// the typing indicators, appearance of the incoming message) to show up
// in the view at the same time, rather than as a "jerky" two-step
// visual change.
// Unfortunately, the view model learns of these changes by separate
// channels: the incoming message is a database modification and the
// typing indicator change arrives via this notification.
// Therefore we pause briefly before updating the view model to reflect
// typing indicators state changes so that the database modification
// can usually arrive first and update the view to reflect both changes.
__weak ConversationViewModel *weakSelf = self;
dispatch_after(dispatch_time(DISPATCH_TIME_NOW, (int64_t)(0.1f * NSEC_PER_SEC)), dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{
[weakSelf updateForTransientItems];