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//// Copyright (c) 2019 Open Whisper Systems. All rights reserved.
//import Foundation
//import UIKit
//import CallKit
//import AVFoundation
//import SignalUtilitiesKit
//import SignalUtilitiesKit
// * Connects user interface to the CallService using CallKit.
// *
// * User interface is routed to the CallManager which requests CXCallActions, and if the CXProvider accepts them,
// * their corresponding consequences are implmented in the CXProviderDelegate methods, e.g. using the CallService
// */
//@available(iOS 10.0, *)
//final class CallKitCallUIAdaptee: NSObject, CallUIAdaptee, CXProviderDelegate {
// private let callManager: CallKitCallManager
// internal let callService: CallService
// internal let notificationPresenter: NotificationPresenter
// internal let contactsManager: OWSContactsManager
// private let showNamesOnCallScreen: Bool
// private let provider: CXProvider
// private let audioActivity: AudioActivity
// // CallKit handles incoming ringer stop/start for us. Yay!
// let hasManualRinger = false
// // Instantiating more than one CXProvider can cause us to miss call transactions, so
// // we maintain the provider across Adaptees using a singleton pattern
// private static var _sharedProvider: CXProvider?
// class func sharedProvider(useSystemCallLog: Bool) -> CXProvider {
// let configuration = buildProviderConfiguration(useSystemCallLog: useSystemCallLog)
// if let sharedProvider = self._sharedProvider {
// sharedProvider.configuration = configuration
// return sharedProvider
// } else {
// SwiftSingletons.register(self)
// let provider = CXProvider(configuration: configuration)
// _sharedProvider = provider
// return provider
// }
// }
// // The app's provider configuration, representing its CallKit capabilities
// class func buildProviderConfiguration(useSystemCallLog: Bool) -> CXProviderConfiguration {
// let localizedName = NSLocalizedString("APPLICATION_NAME", comment: "Name of application")
// let providerConfiguration = CXProviderConfiguration(localizedName: localizedName)
// providerConfiguration.supportsVideo = true
// providerConfiguration.maximumCallGroups = 1
// providerConfiguration.maximumCallsPerCallGroup = 1
// providerConfiguration.supportedHandleTypes = [.phoneNumber, .generic]
// let iconMaskImage = #imageLiteral(resourceName: "logoSignal")
// providerConfiguration.iconTemplateImageData = iconMaskImage.pngData()
// // We don't set the ringtoneSound property, so that we use either the
// // default iOS ringtone OR the custom ringtone associated with this user's
// // system contact, if possible (iOS 11 or later).
// if #available(iOS 11.0, *) {
// providerConfiguration.includesCallsInRecents = useSystemCallLog
// } else {
// // not configurable for iOS10+
// assert(useSystemCallLog)
// }
// return providerConfiguration
// }
// init(callService: CallService, contactsManager: OWSContactsManager, notificationPresenter: NotificationPresenter, showNamesOnCallScreen: Bool, useSystemCallLog: Bool) {
// AssertIsOnMainThread()
// Logger.debug("")
// self.callManager = CallKitCallManager(showNamesOnCallScreen: showNamesOnCallScreen)
// self.callService = callService
// self.contactsManager = contactsManager
// self.notificationPresenter = notificationPresenter
// self.provider = type(of: self).sharedProvider(useSystemCallLog: useSystemCallLog)
// self.audioActivity = AudioActivity(audioDescription: "[CallKitCallUIAdaptee]", behavior: .call)
// self.showNamesOnCallScreen = showNamesOnCallScreen
// super.init()
// // We cannot assert singleton here, because this class gets rebuilt when the user changes relevant call settings
// self.provider.setDelegate(self, queue: nil)
// }
// // MARK: Dependencies
// var audioSession: OWSAudioSession {
// return Environment.shared.audioSession
// }
// // MARK: CallUIAdaptee
// func startOutgoingCall(handle: String) -> SignalCall {
// AssertIsOnMainThread()
// let call = SignalCall.outgoingCall(localId: UUID(), remotePhoneNumber: handle)
// // make sure we don't terminate audio session during call
// _ = self.audioSession.startAudioActivity(call.audioActivity)
// // Add the new outgoing call to the app's list of calls.
// // So we can find it in the provider delegate callbacks.
// callManager.addCall(call)
// callManager.startCall(call)
// return call
// }
// // Called from CallService after call has ended to clean up any remaining CallKit call state.
// func failCall(_ call: SignalCall, error: CallError) {
// AssertIsOnMainThread()
// switch error {
// case .timeout(description: _):
// provider.reportCall(with: call.localId, endedAt: Date(), reason: CXCallEndedReason.unanswered)
// default:
// provider.reportCall(with: call.localId, endedAt: Date(), reason: CXCallEndedReason.failed)
// }
// self.callManager.removeCall(call)
// }
// func reportIncomingCall(_ call: SignalCall, callerName: String) {
// AssertIsOnMainThread()
// // Construct a CXCallUpdate describing the incoming call, including the caller.
// let update = CXCallUpdate()
// if showNamesOnCallScreen {
// update.localizedCallerName = self.contactsManager.stringForConversationTitle(withPhoneIdentifier: call.remotePhoneNumber)
// update.remoteHandle = CXHandle(type: .phoneNumber, value: call.remotePhoneNumber)
// } else {
// let callKitId = CallKitCallManager.kAnonymousCallHandlePrefix + call.localId.uuidString
// update.remoteHandle = CXHandle(type: .generic, value: callKitId)
// OWSPrimaryStorage.shared().setPhoneNumber(call.remotePhoneNumber, forCallKitId: callKitId)
// update.localizedCallerName = NSLocalizedString("CALLKIT_ANONYMOUS_CONTACT_NAME", comment: "The generic name used for calls if CallKit privacy is enabled")
// }
// update.hasVideo = call.hasLocalVideo
// disableUnsupportedFeatures(callUpdate: update)
// // Report the incoming call to the system
// provider.reportNewIncomingCall(with: call.localId, update: update) { error in
// /*
// Only add incoming call to the app's list of calls if the call was allowed (i.e. there was no error)
// since calls may be "denied" for various legitimate reasons. See CXErrorCodeIncomingCallError.
// */
// guard error == nil else {
// Logger.error("failed to report new incoming call")
// return
// }
// self.callManager.addCall(call)
// }
// }
// func answerCall(localId: UUID) {
// AssertIsOnMainThread()
// owsFailDebug("CallKit should answer calls via system call screen, not via notifications.")
// }
// func answerCall(_ call: SignalCall) {
// AssertIsOnMainThread()
// callManager.answer(call: call)
// }
// func declineCall(localId: UUID) {
// AssertIsOnMainThread()
// owsFailDebug("CallKit should decline calls via system call screen, not via notifications.")
// }
// func declineCall(_ call: SignalCall) {
// AssertIsOnMainThread()
// callManager.localHangup(call: call)
// }
// func recipientAcceptedCall(_ call: SignalCall) {
// AssertIsOnMainThread()
// self.provider.reportOutgoingCall(with: call.localId, connectedAt: nil)
// let update = CXCallUpdate()
// disableUnsupportedFeatures(callUpdate: update)
// provider.reportCall(with: call.localId, updated: update)
// }
// func localHangupCall(_ call: SignalCall) {
// AssertIsOnMainThread()
// callManager.localHangup(call: call)
// }
// func remoteDidHangupCall(_ call: SignalCall) {
// AssertIsOnMainThread()
// provider.reportCall(with: call.localId, endedAt: nil, reason: CXCallEndedReason.remoteEnded)
// }
// func remoteBusy(_ call: SignalCall) {
// AssertIsOnMainThread()
// provider.reportCall(with: call.localId, endedAt: nil, reason: CXCallEndedReason.unanswered)
// }
// func setIsMuted(call: SignalCall, isMuted: Bool) {
// AssertIsOnMainThread()
// callManager.setIsMuted(call: call, isMuted: isMuted)
// }
// func setHasLocalVideo(call: SignalCall, hasLocalVideo: Bool) {
// AssertIsOnMainThread()
// Logger.debug("")
// let update = CXCallUpdate()
// update.hasVideo = hasLocalVideo
// // Update the CallKit UI.
// provider.reportCall(with: call.localId, updated: update)
// self.callService.setHasLocalVideo(hasLocalVideo: hasLocalVideo)
// }
// // MARK: CXProviderDelegate
// func providerDidReset(_ provider: CXProvider) {
// AssertIsOnMainThread()
// // End any ongoing calls if the provider resets, and remove them from the app's list of calls,
// // since they are no longer valid.
// callService.handleFailedCurrentCall(error: .providerReset)
// // Remove all calls from the app's list of calls.
// callManager.removeAllCalls()
// }
// func provider(_ provider: CXProvider, perform action: CXStartCallAction) {
// AssertIsOnMainThread()
// guard let call = callManager.callWithLocalId(action.callUUID) else {
// Logger.error("unable to find call")
// return
// }
// // We can't wait for long before fulfilling the CXAction, else CallKit will show a "Failed Call". We don't
// // actually need to wait for the outcome of the handleOutgoingCall promise, because it handles any errors by
// // manually failing the call.
// self.callService.handleOutgoingCall(call).retainUntilComplete()
// action.fulfill()
// self.provider.reportOutgoingCall(with: call.localId, startedConnectingAt: nil)
// // Update the name used in the CallKit UI for outgoing calls when the user prefers not to show names
// // in ther notifications
// if !showNamesOnCallScreen {
// let update = CXCallUpdate()
// update.localizedCallerName = NSLocalizedString("CALLKIT_ANONYMOUS_CONTACT_NAME",
// comment: "The generic name used for calls if CallKit privacy is enabled")
// provider.reportCall(with: call.localId, updated: update)
// }
// }
// func provider(_ provider: CXProvider, perform action: CXAnswerCallAction) {
// AssertIsOnMainThread()
//"Received \(#function) CXAnswerCallAction")
// // Retrieve the instance corresponding to the action's call UUID
// guard let call = callManager.callWithLocalId(action.callUUID) else {
// return
// }
// self.callService.handleAnswerCall(call)
// self.showCall(call)
// action.fulfill()
// }
// public func provider(_ provider: CXProvider, perform action: CXEndCallAction) {
// AssertIsOnMainThread()
//"Received \(#function) CXEndCallAction")
// guard let call = callManager.callWithLocalId(action.callUUID) else {
// Logger.error("trying to end unknown call with localId: \(action.callUUID)")
// return
// }
// self.callService.handleLocalHungupCall(call)
// // Signal to the system that the action has been successfully performed.
// action.fulfill()
// // Remove the ended call from the app's list of calls.
// self.callManager.removeCall(call)
// }
// public func provider(_ provider: CXProvider, perform action: CXSetHeldCallAction) {
// AssertIsOnMainThread()
//"Received \(#function) CXSetHeldCallAction")
// guard let call = callManager.callWithLocalId(action.callUUID) else {
// return
// }
// // Update the SignalCall's underlying hold state.
// self.callService.setIsOnHold(call: call, isOnHold: action.isOnHold)
// // Signal to the system that the action has been successfully performed.
// action.fulfill()
// }
// public func provider(_ provider: CXProvider, perform action: CXSetMutedCallAction) {
// AssertIsOnMainThread()
//"Received \(#function) CXSetMutedCallAction")
// guard let call = callManager.callWithLocalId(action.callUUID) else {
// Logger.error("Failing CXSetMutedCallAction for unknown call: \(action.callUUID)")
// return
// }
// self.callService.setIsMuted(call: call, isMuted: action.isMuted)
// action.fulfill()
// }
// public func provider(_ provider: CXProvider, perform action: CXSetGroupCallAction) {
// AssertIsOnMainThread()
// Logger.warn("unimplemented \(#function) for CXSetGroupCallAction")
// }
// public func provider(_ provider: CXProvider, perform action: CXPlayDTMFCallAction) {
// AssertIsOnMainThread()
// Logger.warn("unimplemented \(#function) for CXPlayDTMFCallAction")
// }
// func provider(_ provider: CXProvider, timedOutPerforming action: CXAction) {
// AssertIsOnMainThread()
// owsFailDebug("Timed out while performing \(action)")
// // React to the action timeout if necessary, such as showing an error UI.
// }
// func provider(_ provider: CXProvider, didActivate audioSession: AVAudioSession) {
// AssertIsOnMainThread()
// Logger.debug("Received")
// _ = self.audioSession.startAudioActivity(self.audioActivity)
// self.audioSession.isRTCAudioEnabled = true
// }
// func provider(_ provider: CXProvider, didDeactivate audioSession: AVAudioSession) {
// AssertIsOnMainThread()
// Logger.debug("Received")
// self.audioSession.isRTCAudioEnabled = false
// self.audioSession.endAudioActivity(self.audioActivity)
// }
// // MARK: - Util
// private func disableUnsupportedFeatures(callUpdate: CXCallUpdate) {
// // Call Holding is failing to restart audio when "swapping" calls on the CallKit screen
// // until user returns to in-app call screen.
// callUpdate.supportsHolding = false
// // Not yet supported
// callUpdate.supportsGrouping = false
// callUpdate.supportsUngrouping = false
// // Is there any reason to support this?
// callUpdate.supportsDTMF = false
// }