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// Copyright © 2022 Rangeproof Pty Ltd. All rights reserved.
import Foundation
import GRDB
/// This is a convenience wrapper around the GRDB `TableDefinition` class which allows for shorthand
/// when creating tables
public class TypedTableDefinition<T> where T: TableRecord, T: ColumnExpressible {
let definition: TableDefinition
init(definition: TableDefinition) {
self.definition = definition
@discardableResult public func column(_ key: T.Columns, _ type: Database.ColumnType? = nil) -> ColumnDefinition {
return definition.column(, type)
@discardableResult public func deprecatedColumn(name: String, _ type: Database.ColumnType? = nil) -> ColumnDefinition {
return definition.column(name, type)
public func primaryKey(_ columns: [T.Columns], onConflict: Database.ConflictResolution? = nil) {
definition.primaryKey( { $ }, onConflict: onConflict)
public func uniqueKey(_ columns: [T.Columns], onConflict: Database.ConflictResolution? = nil) {
definition.uniqueKey( { $ }, onConflict: onConflict)
public func foreignKey<Other>(
_ columns: [T.Columns],
references table: Other.Type,
columns destinationColumns: [Other.Columns]? = nil,
onDelete: Database.ForeignKeyAction? = nil,
onUpdate: Database.ForeignKeyAction? = nil,
deferred: Bool = false
) where Other: TableRecord, Other: ColumnExpressible {
return definition.foreignKey( { $ },
references: table.databaseTableName,
columns: destinationColumns?.map { $ },
onDelete: onDelete,
onUpdate: onUpdate,
deferred: deferred