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// Copyright © 2022 Rangeproof Pty Ltd. All rights reserved.
import UIKit
import SessionUIKit
import SessionMessagingKit
import SessionUtilitiesKit
import SignalUtilitiesKit
import SignalCoreKit
class ScreenLockUI {
public static let shared: ScreenLockUI = ScreenLockUI()
public lazy var screenBlockingWindow: UIWindow = {
let result: UIWindow = UIWindow()
result.isHidden = false
result.windowLevel = ._Background
result.isOpaque = true
result.themeBackgroundColorForced = .theme(.classicDark, color: .backgroundPrimary)
result.rootViewController = self.screenBlockingViewController
return result
private lazy var screenBlockingViewController: ScreenLockViewController = {
let result: ScreenLockViewController = ScreenLockViewController { [weak self] in
guard self?.appIsInactiveOrBackground == false else {
// This button can be pressed while the app is inactive
// for a brief window while the iOS auth UI is dismissing.
self?.didLastUnlockAttemptFail = false
return result
/// Unlike UIApplication.applicationState, this state reflects the notifications, i.e. "did become active", "will resign active",
/// "will enter foreground", "did enter background".
///We want to update our state to reflect these transitions and have the "update" logic be consistent with "last reported"
///state. i.e. when you're responding to "will resign active", we need to behave as though we're already inactive.
///Secondly, we need to show the screen protection _before_ we become inactive in order for it to be reflected in the
///app switcher.
private var appIsInactiveOrBackground: Bool = false {
didSet {
if self.appIsInactiveOrBackground {
if !self.isShowingScreenLockUI {
self.didLastUnlockAttemptFail = false
else if !self.didUnlockJustSucceed {
self.didUnlockJustSucceed = false
private var appIsInBackground: Bool = false {
didSet {
self.didUnlockJustSucceed = false
private var isShowingScreenLockUI: Bool = false
private var didUnlockJustSucceed: Bool = false
private var didLastUnlockAttemptFail: Bool = false
/// We want to remain in "screen lock" mode while "local auth" UI is dismissing. So we lazily clear isShowingScreenLockUI
/// using this property.
private var shouldClearAuthUIWhenActive: Bool = false
/// Indicates whether or not the user is currently locked out of the app. Should only be set if db[.isScreenLockEnabled].
/// * The user is locked out by default on app launch.
/// * The user is also locked out if the app is sent to the background
private var isScreenLockLocked: Bool = false
// Determines what the state of the app should be.
private var desiredUIState: ScreenLockViewController.State {
if isScreenLockLocked {
if appIsInactiveOrBackground {
Logger.verbose("desiredUIState: screen protection 1.")
return .protection
Logger.verbose("desiredUIState: screen lock 2.")
return (isShowingScreenLockUI ? .protection : .lock)
if !self.appIsInactiveOrBackground {
// App is inactive or background.
Logger.verbose("desiredUIState: none 3.");
return .none;
if Environment.shared?.isRequestingPermission == true {
return .none;
Logger.verbose("desiredUIState: screen protection 4.")
return .protection;
// MARK: - Lifecycle
deinit {
private func observeNotifications() {
selector: #selector(applicationDidBecomeActive),
name: .OWSApplicationDidBecomeActive,
object: nil
selector: #selector(applicationWillResignActive),
name: .OWSApplicationWillResignActive,
object: nil
selector: #selector(applicationWillEnterForeground),
name: .OWSApplicationWillEnterForeground,
object: nil
selector: #selector(applicationDidEnterBackground),
name: .OWSApplicationDidEnterBackground,
object: nil
selector: #selector(clockDidChange),
name: .NSSystemClockDidChange,
object: nil
public func setupWithRootWindow(rootWindow: UIWindow) {
self.screenBlockingWindow.frame = rootWindow.bounds
public func startObserving() {
self.appIsInactiveOrBackground = (UIApplication.shared.applicationState != .active)
// Hide the screen blocking window until "app is ready" to
// avoid blocking the loading view.
updateScreenBlockingWindow(state: .none, animated: false)
// Initialize the screen lock state.
// It's not safe to access OWSScreenLock.isScreenLockEnabled
// until the app is ready.
AppReadiness.runNowOrWhenAppWillBecomeReady { [weak self] in
self?.isScreenLockLocked = Storage.shared[.isScreenLockEnabled]
// MARK: - Functions
private func tryToActivateScreenLockBasedOnCountdown() {
guard AppReadiness.isAppReady() else {
// It's not safe to access OWSScreenLock.isScreenLockEnabled
// until the app is ready.
// We don't need to try to lock the screen lock;
// It will be initialized by `setupWithRootWindow`.
Logger.verbose("tryToActivateScreenLockUponBecomingActive NO 0")
guard Storage.shared[.isScreenLockEnabled] else {
// Screen lock is not enabled.
Logger.verbose("tryToActivateScreenLockUponBecomingActive NO 1")
guard !isScreenLockLocked else {
// Screen lock is already activated.
Logger.verbose("tryToActivateScreenLockUponBecomingActive NO 2")
self.isScreenLockLocked = true
/// Ensure that:
/// * The blocking window has the correct state.
/// * That we show the "iOS auth UI to unlock" if necessary.
private func ensureUI() {
guard AppReadiness.isAppReady() else {
AppReadiness.runNowOrWhenAppWillBecomeReady { [weak self] in
let desiredUIState: ScreenLockViewController.State = self.desiredUIState
Logger.verbose("ensureUI: \(desiredUIState)")
// Show the "iOS auth UI to unlock" if necessary.
if desiredUIState == .lock && !didLastUnlockAttemptFail {
// Note: We want to regenerate the 'desiredUIState' as if we are about to show the
// 'unlock screen' UI then we shouldn't show the "unlock" button
updateScreenBlockingWindow(state: self.desiredUIState, animated: true)
private func tryToPresentAuthUIToUnlockScreenLock() {
guard !isShowingScreenLockUI else { return } // We're already showing the auth UI; abort
guard !appIsInactiveOrBackground else { return } // Never show the auth UI unless active"try to unlock screen lock")
isShowingScreenLockUI = true
success: { [weak self] in"unlock screen lock succeeded.")
self?.isShowingScreenLockUI = false
self?.isScreenLockLocked = false
self?.didUnlockJustSucceed = true
failure: { [weak self] error in"unlock screen lock failed.")
self?.didLastUnlockAttemptFail = true
self?.showScreenLockFailureAlert(message: error.localizedDescription)
unexpectedFailure: { [weak self] error in"unlock screen lock unexpectedly failed.")
// Local Authentication isn't working properly.
// This isn't covered by the docs or the forums but in practice
// it appears to be effective to retry again after waiting a bit.
DispatchQueue.main.async {
cancel: { [weak self] in"unlock screen lock cancelled.")
self?.didLastUnlockAttemptFail = true
// Re-show the unlock UI
private func showScreenLockFailureAlert(message: String) {
let modal: ConfirmationModal = ConfirmationModal(
targetView: screenBlockingWindow.rootViewController?.view,
info: ConfirmationModal.Info(
title: "SCREEN_LOCK_UNLOCK_FAILED".localized(),
body: .text(message),
cancelTitle: "BUTTON_OK".localized(),
cancelStyle: .alert_text,
afterClosed: { [weak self] in self?.ensureUI() } // After the alert, update the UI
screenBlockingWindow.rootViewController?.present(modal, animated: true)
/// 'Screen Blocking' window obscures the app screen:
/// * In the app switcher.
/// * During 'Screen Lock' unlock process.
private func createScreenBlockingWindow(rootWindow: UIWindow) {
let window: UIWindow = UIWindow(frame: rootWindow.bounds)
window.isHidden = false
window.windowLevel = ._Background
window.isOpaque = true
window.themeBackgroundColorForced = .theme(.classicDark, color: .backgroundPrimary)
let viewController: ScreenLockViewController = ScreenLockViewController { [weak self] in
guard self?.appIsInactiveOrBackground == false else {
// This button can be pressed while the app is inactive
// for a brief window while the iOS auth UI is dismissing.
self?.didLastUnlockAttemptFail = false
window.rootViewController = viewController
self.screenBlockingWindow = window
self.screenBlockingViewController = viewController
/// The "screen blocking" window has three possible states:
/// * "Just a logo". Used when app is launching and in app switcher. Must match the "Launch Screen" storyboard pixel-for-pixel.
/// * "Screen Lock, local auth UI presented". Move the Signal logo so that it is visible.
/// * "Screen Lock, local auth UI not presented". Move the Signal logo so that it is visible, show "unlock" button.
private func updateScreenBlockingWindow(state: ScreenLockViewController.State, animated: Bool) {
let shouldShowBlockWindow: Bool = (state != .none)
OWSWindowManager.shared().isScreenBlockActive = shouldShowBlockWindow
self.screenBlockingViewController.updateUI(state: state, animated: animated)
// MARK: - Events
private func clearAuthUIWhenActive() {
// For continuity, continue to present blocking screen in "screen lock" mode while
// dismissing the "local auth UI".
if self.appIsInactiveOrBackground {
self.shouldClearAuthUIWhenActive = true
else {
self.isShowingScreenLockUI = false
@objc private func applicationDidBecomeActive() {
if self.shouldClearAuthUIWhenActive {
self.shouldClearAuthUIWhenActive = false
self.isShowingScreenLockUI = false
self.appIsInactiveOrBackground = false
@objc private func applicationWillResignActive() {
self.appIsInactiveOrBackground = true
@objc private func applicationWillEnterForeground() {
self.appIsInBackground = false
@objc private func applicationDidEnterBackground() {
self.appIsInBackground = true
/// Whenever the device date/time is edited by the user, trigger screen lock immediately if enabled.
@objc private func clockDidChange() {"clock did change")
guard AppReadiness.isAppReady() else {
// It's not safe to access OWSScreenLock.isScreenLockEnabled
// until the app is ready.
// We don't need to try to lock the screen lock;
// It will be initialized by `setupWithRootWindow`.
Logger.verbose("clockDidChange 0")
self.isScreenLockLocked = Storage.shared[.isScreenLockEnabled]
// NOTE: this notifications fires _before_ applicationDidBecomeActive,
// which is desirable. Don't assume that though; call ensureUI
// just in case it's necessary.