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// Copyright © 2022 Rangeproof Pty Ltd. All rights reserved.
import Foundation
extension Timer {
@discardableResult public static func scheduledTimerOnMainThread(
withTimeInterval timeInterval: TimeInterval,
repeats: Bool = false,
using dependencies: Dependencies = Dependencies(),
block: @escaping (Timer) -> Void
) -> Timer {
let timer = Timer(timeInterval: timeInterval, repeats: repeats, block: block)
// If we are forcing synchrnonous execution (ie. running unit tests) then ceil the
// timeInterval for execution and append it to the execution set so the test can
// trigger the logic in a synchronous way)
guard !dependencies.forceSynchronous else {
dependencies.asyncExecutions.appendTo(Int(ceil(dependencies.dateNow.timeIntervalSince1970 + timeInterval))) {
return timer
RunLoop.main.add(timer, forMode: .common)
return timer