You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

82 lines
2.7 KiB

// Copyright © 2022 Rangeproof Pty Ltd. All rights reserved.
import SignalCoreKit
public extension String {
var glyphCount: Int {
let richText = NSAttributedString(string: self)
let line = CTLineCreateWithAttributedString(richText)
return CTLineGetGlyphCount(line)
var isSingleEmoji: Bool {
return (glyphCount == 1 && containsEmoji)
var containsEmoji: Bool {
return unicodeScalars.contains { $0.isEmoji }
var containsOnlyEmoji: Bool {
return (
!isEmpty &&
!unicodeScalars.contains(where: {
!$0.isEmoji &&
func localized() -> String {
// If the localized string matches the key provided then the localisation failed
let localizedString = NSLocalizedString(self, comment: "")
owsAssertDebug(localizedString != self, "Key \"\(self)\" is not set in Localizable.strings")
return localizedString
func dataFromHex() -> Data? {
guard self.count > 0 && (self.count % 2) == 0 else { return nil }
let chars = { $0 }
let bytes: [UInt8] = stride(from: 0, to: chars.count, by: 2)
.map { index -> String in String(chars[index]) + String(chars[index + 1]) }
.compactMap { (str: String) -> UInt8? in UInt8(str, radix: 16) }
guard bytes.count > 0 else { return nil }
guard (self.count / bytes.count) == 2 else { return nil }
return Data(bytes)
func ranges(of substring: String, options: CompareOptions = [], locale: Locale? = nil) -> [Range<Index>] {
var ranges: [Range<Index>] = []
({ $0.upperBound < self.endIndex }) ?? true),
let range = self.range(
of: substring,
options: options,
range: (ranges.last?.upperBound ?? self.startIndex)..<self.endIndex,
locale: locale
return ranges
static func filterNotificationText(_ text: String?) -> String? {
guard let text = text?.filterStringForDisplay() else { return nil }
// iOS strips anything that looks like a printf formatting character from
// the notification body, so if we want to dispay a literal "%" in a notification
// it must be escaped.
// see
// for more details.
return text.replacingOccurrences(of: "%", with: "%%")