You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

401 lines
14 KiB

// Copyright (c) 2019 Open Whisper Systems. All rights reserved.
import Foundation
import SessionMessagingKit
public typealias MessageSortKey = UInt64
public struct ConversationSortKey: Comparable {
let creationDate: Date
let lastMessageReceivedAtDate: Date?
// MARK: Comparable
public static func < (lhs: ConversationSortKey, rhs: ConversationSortKey) -> Bool {
let lhsDate = lhs.lastMessageReceivedAtDate ?? lhs.creationDate
let rhsDate = rhs.lastMessageReceivedAtDate ?? rhs.creationDate
return lhsDate < rhsDate
public class ConversationSearchResult<SortKey>: Comparable where SortKey: Comparable {
public let thread: ThreadViewModel
public let message: TSMessage?
public let snippet: String?
private let sortKey: SortKey
init(thread: ThreadViewModel, sortKey: SortKey, message: TSMessage? = nil, snippet: String? = nil) {
self.thread = thread
self.sortKey = sortKey
self.message = message
self.snippet = snippet
// MARK: Comparable
public static func < (lhs: ConversationSearchResult, rhs: ConversationSearchResult) -> Bool {
return lhs.sortKey < rhs.sortKey
// MARK: Equatable
public static func == (lhs: ConversationSearchResult, rhs: ConversationSearchResult) -> Bool {
return lhs.thread.thread == rhs.thread.thread &&
lhs.message?.uniqueId == rhs.message?.uniqueId
public class HomeScreenSearchResultSet: NSObject {
public let searchText: String
public let conversations: [ConversationSearchResult<ConversationSortKey>]
public let messages: [ConversationSearchResult<MessageSortKey>]
public init(searchText: String, conversations: [ConversationSearchResult<ConversationSortKey>], messages: [ConversationSearchResult<MessageSortKey>]) {
self.searchText = searchText
self.conversations = conversations
self.messages = messages
public class var empty: HomeScreenSearchResultSet {
return HomeScreenSearchResultSet(searchText: "", conversations: [], messages: [])
public class var noteToSelfOnly: HomeScreenSearchResultSet {
var conversations: [ConversationSearchResult<ConversationSortKey>] = [] { transaction in
if let thread = TSContactThread.getWithContactSessionID(getUserHexEncodedPublicKey(), transaction: transaction) {
let threadViewModel = ThreadViewModel(thread: thread, transaction: transaction)
let sortKey = ConversationSortKey(creationDate: thread.creationDate,
lastMessageReceivedAtDate: thread.lastInteractionForInbox(transaction: transaction)?.receivedAtDate())
let searchResult = ConversationSearchResult(thread: threadViewModel, sortKey: sortKey)
return HomeScreenSearchResultSet(searchText: "", conversations: conversations, messages: [])
public var isEmpty: Bool {
return conversations.isEmpty && messages.isEmpty
public class GroupSearchResult: NSObject, Comparable {
public let thread: ThreadViewModel
private let sortKey: ConversationSortKey
init(thread: ThreadViewModel, sortKey: ConversationSortKey) {
self.thread = thread
self.sortKey = sortKey
// MARK: Comparable
public static func < (lhs: GroupSearchResult, rhs: GroupSearchResult) -> Bool {
return lhs.sortKey < rhs.sortKey
// MARK: Equatable
public static func == (lhs: GroupSearchResult, rhs: GroupSearchResult) -> Bool {
return lhs.thread.thread == rhs.thread.thread
public class ComposeScreenSearchResultSet: NSObject {
public let searchText: String
public let groups: [GroupSearchResult]
public var groupThreads: [TSGroupThread] {
return groups.compactMap { $0.thread.threadRecord as? TSGroupThread }
public init(searchText: String, groups: [GroupSearchResult]) {
self.searchText = searchText
self.groups = groups
public static let empty = ComposeScreenSearchResultSet(searchText: "", groups: [])
public var isEmpty: Bool {
return groups.isEmpty
public class MessageSearchResult: NSObject, Comparable {
public let messageId: String
public let sortId: UInt64
init(messageId: String, sortId: UInt64) {
self.messageId = messageId
self.sortId = sortId
// MARK: - Comparable
public static func < (lhs: MessageSearchResult, rhs: MessageSearchResult) -> Bool {
return lhs.sortId < rhs.sortId
public class ConversationScreenSearchResultSet: NSObject {
public let searchText: String
public let messages: [MessageSearchResult]
public lazy var messageSortIds: [UInt64] = {
return { $0.sortId }
// MARK: Static members
public static let empty: ConversationScreenSearchResultSet = ConversationScreenSearchResultSet(searchText: "", messages: [])
// MARK: Init
public init(searchText: String, messages: [MessageSearchResult]) {
self.searchText = searchText
self.messages = messages
// MARK: - CustomDebugStringConvertible
override public var debugDescription: String {
return "ConversationScreenSearchResultSet(searchText: \(searchText), messages: [\(messages.count) matches])"
public class FullTextSearcher: NSObject {
// MARK: - Dependencies
private var tsAccountManager: TSAccountManager {
return TSAccountManager.sharedInstance()
// MARK: -
private let finder: FullTextSearchFinder
public static let shared: FullTextSearcher = FullTextSearcher()
override private init() {
finder = FullTextSearchFinder()
public func searchForComposeScreen(searchText: String,
transaction: YapDatabaseReadTransaction) -> ComposeScreenSearchResultSet {
var groups: [GroupSearchResult] = []
self.finder.enumerateObjects(searchText: searchText, transaction: transaction) { (match: Any, snippet: String?) in
switch match {
case let groupThread as TSGroupThread:
let sortKey = ConversationSortKey(creationDate: groupThread.creationDate,
lastMessageReceivedAtDate: groupThread.lastInteractionForInbox(transaction: transaction)?.receivedAtDate())
let threadViewModel = ThreadViewModel(thread: groupThread, transaction: transaction)
let searchResult = GroupSearchResult(thread: threadViewModel, sortKey: sortKey)
case is TSContactThread:
// not included in compose screen results
case is TSMessage:
// not included in compose screen results
owsFailDebug("unhandled item: \(match)")
// Order the conversation and message results in reverse chronological order.
// The contact results are pre-sorted by display name.
groups.sort(by: >)
return ComposeScreenSearchResultSet(searchText: searchText, groups: groups)
public func searchForHomeScreen(searchText: String,
maxSearchResults: Int? = nil,
transaction: YapDatabaseReadTransaction) -> HomeScreenSearchResultSet {
var conversations: [ConversationSearchResult<ConversationSortKey>] = []
var messages: [ConversationSearchResult<MessageSortKey>] = []
var existingConversationRecipientIds: Set<String> = Set()
self.finder.enumerateObjects(searchText: searchText, maxSearchResults: maxSearchResults, transaction: transaction) { (match: Any, snippet: String?) in
if let thread = match as? TSThread {
let threadViewModel = ThreadViewModel(thread: thread, transaction: transaction)
let sortKey = ConversationSortKey(creationDate: thread.creationDate,
lastMessageReceivedAtDate: thread.lastInteractionForInbox(transaction: transaction)?.receivedAtDate())
let searchResult = ConversationSearchResult(thread: threadViewModel, sortKey: sortKey)
if let contactThread = thread as? TSContactThread {
let recipientId = contactThread.contactSessionID()
} else if let message = match as? TSMessage {
let thread = message.thread(with: transaction)
let threadViewModel = ThreadViewModel(thread: thread, transaction: transaction)
let sortKey = message.sortId
let searchResult = ConversationSearchResult(thread: threadViewModel,
sortKey: sortKey,
message: message,
snippet: snippet)
} else {
owsFailDebug("unhandled item: \(match)")
// Order the conversation and message results in reverse chronological order.
// The contact results are pre-sorted by display name.
conversations.sort(by: >)
messages.sort(by: >)
return HomeScreenSearchResultSet(searchText: searchText, conversations: conversations, messages: messages)
public func searchWithinConversation(thread: TSThread,
searchText: String,
transaction: YapDatabaseReadTransaction) -> ConversationScreenSearchResultSet {
var messages: [MessageSearchResult] = []
guard let threadId = thread.uniqueId else {
owsFailDebug("threadId was unexpectedly nil")
return ConversationScreenSearchResultSet.empty
self.finder.enumerateObjects(searchText: searchText, transaction: transaction) { (match: Any, snippet: String?) in
if let message = match as? TSMessage {
guard message.uniqueThreadId == threadId else {
guard let messageId = message.uniqueId else {
owsFailDebug("messageId was unexpectedly nil")
let searchResult = MessageSearchResult(messageId: messageId, sortId: message.sortId)
// We want most recent first
messages.sort(by: >)
return ConversationScreenSearchResultSet(searchText: searchText, messages: messages)
public func filterThreads(_ threads: [TSThread], searchText: String) -> [TSThread] {
let threads = threads.filter { $ != "Session Updates" && $ != "Loki News" }
guard searchText.trimmingCharacters(in: .whitespacesAndNewlines).count > 0 else {
return threads
return threads.filter { thread in
switch thread {
case let groupThread as TSGroupThread:
return self.groupThreadSearcher.matches(item: groupThread, query: searchText)
case let contactThread as TSContactThread:
return self.contactThreadSearcher.matches(item: contactThread, query: searchText)
owsFailDebug("Unexpected thread type: \(thread)")
return false
public func filterGroupThreads(_ groupThreads: [TSGroupThread], searchText: String) -> [TSGroupThread] {
guard searchText.trimmingCharacters(in: .whitespacesAndNewlines).count > 0 else {
return groupThreads
return groupThreads.filter { groupThread in
return self.groupThreadSearcher.matches(item: groupThread, query: searchText)
public func filterSignalAccounts(_ signalAccounts: [SignalAccount], searchText: String) -> [SignalAccount] {
guard searchText.trimmingCharacters(in: .whitespacesAndNewlines).count > 0 else {
return signalAccounts
return signalAccounts.filter { signalAccount in
self.signalAccountSearcher.matches(item: signalAccount, query: searchText)
// MARK: Searchers
private lazy var groupThreadSearcher: Searcher<TSGroupThread> = Searcher { (groupThread: TSGroupThread) in
let groupName = groupThread.groupModel.groupName
let memberStrings = { recipientId in
self.indexingString(recipientId: recipientId)
}.joined(separator: " ")
return "\(memberStrings) \(groupName ?? "")"
private lazy var contactThreadSearcher: Searcher<TSContactThread> = Searcher { (contactThread: TSContactThread) in
let recipientId = contactThread.contactSessionID()
return self.conversationIndexingString(recipientId: recipientId)
private lazy var signalAccountSearcher: Searcher<SignalAccount> = Searcher { (signalAccount: SignalAccount) in
let recipientId = signalAccount.recipientId
return self.conversationIndexingString(recipientId: recipientId)
private func conversationIndexingString(recipientId: String) -> String {
var result = self.indexingString(recipientId: recipientId)
if IsNoteToSelfEnabled(),
let localNumber = tsAccountManager.localNumber(),
localNumber == recipientId {
let noteToSelfLabel = NSLocalizedString("NOTE_TO_SELF", comment: "Label for 1:1 conversation with yourself.")
result += " \(noteToSelfLabel)"
return result
private func indexingString(recipientId: String) -> String {
return "\(recipientId) \(Profile.fetchOrCreate(id: recipientId).name)"