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session-ios/SessionMessagingKit/Sending & Receiving/Notifications/Models/SubscribeRequest.swift

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// Copyright © 2023 Rangeproof Pty Ltd. All rights reserved.
import Foundation
import SessionSnodeKit
extension PushNotificationAPI {
struct SubscribeRequest: Encodable {
struct ServiceInfo: Codable {
private enum CodingKeys: String, CodingKey {
case token
private let token: String
// MARK: - Initialization
init(token: String) {
self.token = token
private enum CodingKeys: String, CodingKey {
case pubkey
case ed25519PublicKey = "session_ed25519"
case subkey = "subkey_tag"
case namespaces
case includeMessageData = "data"
case timestamp = "sig_ts"
case signatureBase64 = "signature"
case service
case serviceInfo = "service_info"
case notificationsEncryptionKey = "enc_key"
/// The 33-byte account being subscribed to; typically a session ID.
private let pubkey: String
/// List of integer namespace (-32768 through 32767). These must be sorted in ascending order.
private let namespaces: [SnodeAPI.Namespace]
/// If provided and true then notifications will include the body of the message (as long as it isn't too large); if false then the body will
/// not be included in notifications.
private let includeMessageData: Bool
/// Dict of service-specific data; typically this includes just a "token" field with a device-specific token, but different services in the
/// future may have different input requirements.
private let serviceInfo: ServiceInfo
/// 32-byte encryption key; notification payloads sent to the device will be encrypted with XChaCha20-Poly1305 using this key. Though
/// it is permitted for this to change, it is recommended that the device generate this once and persist it.
private let notificationsEncryptionKey: Data
/// 32-byte swarm authentication subkey; omitted (or null) when not using subkey auth
private let subkey: String?
/// The signature unix timestamp (seconds, not ms)
private let timestamp: Int64
/// When the pubkey value starts with 05 (i.e. a session ID) this is the underlying ed25519 32-byte pubkey associated with the session
/// ID. When not 05, this field should not be provided.
private let ed25519PublicKey: [UInt8]
/// Secret key used to generate the signature (**Not** sent with the request)
private let ed25519SecretKey: [UInt8]
// MARK: - Initialization
pubkey: String,
namespaces: [SnodeAPI.Namespace],
includeMessageData: Bool,
serviceInfo: ServiceInfo,
notificationsEncryptionKey: Data,
subkey: String?,
timestamp: TimeInterval,
ed25519PublicKey: [UInt8],
ed25519SecretKey: [UInt8]
) {
self.pubkey = pubkey
self.namespaces = namespaces
self.includeMessageData = includeMessageData
self.serviceInfo = serviceInfo
self.notificationsEncryptionKey = notificationsEncryptionKey
self.subkey = subkey
self.timestamp = Int64(timestamp) // Server expects rounded seconds
self.ed25519PublicKey = ed25519PublicKey
self.ed25519SecretKey = ed25519SecretKey
// MARK: - Coding
public func encode(to encoder: Encoder) throws {
var container: KeyedEncodingContainer<CodingKeys> = encoder.container(keyedBy: CodingKeys.self)
// Generate the signature for the request for encoding
let signatureBase64: String = try generateSignature().toBase64()
try container.encode(pubkey, forKey: .pubkey)
try container.encode(ed25519PublicKey.toHexString(), forKey: .ed25519PublicKey)
try container.encodeIfPresent(subkey, forKey: .subkey)
try container.encode( { $0.rawValue}.sorted(), forKey: .namespaces)
try container.encode(includeMessageData, forKey: .includeMessageData)
try container.encode(timestamp, forKey: .timestamp)
try container.encode(signatureBase64, forKey: .signatureBase64)
try container.encode(Service.apns, forKey: .service)
try container.encode(serviceInfo, forKey: .serviceInfo)
try container.encode(notificationsEncryptionKey.toHexString(), forKey: .notificationsEncryptionKey)
// MARK: - Abstract Methods
func generateSignature() throws -> [UInt8] {
/// The signature data collected and stored here is used by the PN server to subscribe to the swarms
/// for the given account; the specific rules are governed by the storage server, but in general:
/// A signature must have been produced (via the timestamp) within the past 14 days. It is
/// recommended that clients generate a new signature whenever they re-subscribe, and that
/// re-subscriptions happen more frequently than once every 14 days.
/// A signature is signed using the account's Ed25519 private key (or Ed25519 subkey, if using
/// subkey authentication with a `subkey_tag`, for future closed group subscriptions), and signs the value:
/// `"MONITOR" || HEX(ACCOUNT) || SIG_TS || DATA01 || NS[0] || "," || ... || "," || NS[n]`
/// Where `SIG_TS` is the `sig_ts` value as a base-10 string; `DATA01` is either "0" or "1" depending
/// on whether the subscription wants message data included; and the trailing `NS[i]` values are a
/// comma-delimited list of namespaces that should be subscribed to, in the same sorted order as
/// the `namespaces` parameter.
let verificationBytes: [UInt8] = "MONITOR".bytes
.appending(contentsOf: pubkey.bytes)
.appending(contentsOf: "\(timestamp)".bytes)
.appending(contentsOf: (includeMessageData ? "1" : "0").bytes)
contentsOf: namespaces
.map { $0.rawValue } // Intentionally not using `verificationString` here
.map { "\($0)" }
.joined(separator: ",")
// TODO: Need to add handling for subkey auth
let signatureBytes: [UInt8] = sodium.wrappedValue.sign.signature(
message: verificationBytes,
secretKey: ed25519SecretKey
else {
throw SnodeAPIError.signingFailed
return signatureBytes