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import PromiseKit
import SessionUtilities
public struct SnodeMessage {
/// The hex encoded public key of the recipient.
let recipient: String
/// The content of the message.
let data: LosslessStringConvertible
/// The time to live for the message in milliseconds.
let ttl: UInt64
/// When the proof of work was calculated.
/// - Note: Expressed as milliseconds since 00:00:00 UTC on 1 January 1970.
let timestamp: UInt64
/// The base 64 encoded proof of work.
let nonce: String
public init(recipient: String, data: LosslessStringConvertible, ttl: UInt64, timestamp: UInt64, nonce: String) {
self.recipient = recipient = data
self.ttl = ttl
self.timestamp = timestamp
self.nonce = nonce
public func toJSON() -> JSON {
return [
"pubKey" : recipient,
"data" : data.description,
"ttl" : String(ttl),
"timestamp" : String(timestamp),
"nonce" : nonce