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session-ios/SessionMessagingKit/Sending & Receiving/MessageSender.swift

732 lines
30 KiB

// Copyright © 2022 Rangeproof Pty Ltd. All rights reserved.
import Foundation
import GRDB
import PromiseKit
import SessionSnodeKit
import SessionUtilitiesKit
import Sodium
public final class MessageSender {
// MARK: - Preparation
public static func prep(
_ db: Database,
signalAttachments: [SignalAttachment],
for interactionId: Int64
) throws {
try signalAttachments.enumerated().forEach { index, signalAttachment in
let maybeAttachment: Attachment? = Attachment(
variant: (signalAttachment.isVoiceMessage ?
.voiceMessage :
contentType: signalAttachment.mimeType,
dataSource: signalAttachment.dataSource,
sourceFilename: signalAttachment.sourceFilename,
caption: signalAttachment.captionText
guard let attachment: Attachment = maybeAttachment else { return }
let interactionAttachment: InteractionAttachment = InteractionAttachment(
albumIndex: index,
interactionId: interactionId,
try attachment.insert(db)
try interactionAttachment.insert(db)
// MARK: - Convenience
public static func sendImmediate(_ db: Database, message: Message, to destination: Message.Destination, interactionId: Int64?) throws -> Promise<Void> {
switch destination {
case .contact, .closedGroup:
return try sendToSnodeDestination(db, message: message, to: destination, interactionId: interactionId)
case .openGroup:
return sendToOpenGroupDestination(db, message: message, to: destination, interactionId: interactionId)
case .openGroupInbox:
return sendToOpenGroupInboxDestination(db, message: message, to: destination, interactionId: interactionId)
// MARK: One-on-One Chats & Closed Groups
internal static func sendToSnodeDestination(
_ db: Database,
message: Message,
to destination: Message.Destination,
interactionId: Int64?,
isSyncMessage: Bool = false
) throws -> Promise<Void> {
let (promise, seal) = Promise<Void>.pending()
let userPublicKey: String = getUserHexEncodedPublicKey(db)
let isMainAppActive: Bool = (UserDefaults.sharedLokiProject?[.isMainAppActive]).defaulting(to: false)
let messageSendTimestamp: Int64 = Int64(floor(Date().timeIntervalSince1970 * 1000))
// Set the timestamp, sender and recipient
message.sentTimestamp = (
message.sentTimestamp ?? // Visible messages will already have their sent timestamp set
message.sender = userPublicKey
message.recipient = {
switch destination {
case .contact(let publicKey): return publicKey
case .closedGroup(let groupPublicKey): return groupPublicKey
case .openGroup, .openGroupInbox: preconditionFailure()
// Set the failure handler (need it here already for precondition failure handling)
func handleFailure(_ db: Database, with error: MessageSenderError) {
MessageSender.handleFailedMessageSend(db, message: message, with: error, interactionId: interactionId)
// Validate the message
guard message.isValid else {
handleFailure(db, with: .invalidMessage)
return promise
// Stop here if this is a self-send, unless we should sync the message
let isSelfSend: Bool = (message.recipient == userPublicKey)
!isSelfSend ||
isSyncMessage ||
Message.shouldSync(message: message)
else {
try MessageSender.handleSuccessfulMessageSend(db, message: message, to: destination, interactionId: interactionId)
return promise
// Attach the user's profile if needed
if var messageWithProfile: MessageWithProfile = message as? MessageWithProfile {
let profile: Profile = Profile.fetchOrCreateCurrentUser(db)
if let profileKey: Data = profile.profileEncryptionKey?.keyData, let profilePictureUrl: String = profile.profilePictureUrl {
messageWithProfile.profile = VisibleMessage.VMProfile(
profileKey: profileKey,
profilePictureUrl: profilePictureUrl
else {
messageWithProfile.profile = VisibleMessage.VMProfile(displayName:
// Convert it to protobuf
guard let proto = message.toProto(db) else {
handleFailure(db, with: .protoConversionFailed)
return promise
// Serialize the protobuf
let plaintext: Data
do {
plaintext = (message is SyncedExpiriesMessage) ? try proto.serializedData() : try proto.serializedData().paddedMessageBody()
catch {
SNLog("Couldn't serialize proto due to error: \(error).")
handleFailure(db, with: .other(error))
return promise
// Encrypt the serialized protobuf
let ciphertext: Data
do {
switch destination {
case .contact(let publicKey):
ciphertext = try encryptWithSessionProtocol(plaintext, for: publicKey)
case .closedGroup(let groupPublicKey):
guard let encryptionKeyPair: ClosedGroupKeyPair = try? ClosedGroupKeyPair.fetchLatestKeyPair(db, threadId: groupPublicKey) else {
throw MessageSenderError.noKeyPair
ciphertext = try encryptWithSessionProtocol(
for: SessionId(.standard, publicKey: encryptionKeyPair.publicKey.bytes).hexString
case .openGroup, .openGroupInbox: preconditionFailure()
catch {
SNLog("Couldn't encrypt message for destination: \(destination) due to error: \(error).")
handleFailure(db, with: .other(error))
return promise
// Wrap the result
let kind: SNProtoEnvelope.SNProtoEnvelopeType
let senderPublicKey: String
switch destination {
case .contact:
kind = .sessionMessage
senderPublicKey = ""
case .closedGroup(let groupPublicKey):
kind = .closedGroupMessage
senderPublicKey = groupPublicKey
case .openGroup, .openGroupInbox: preconditionFailure()
let wrappedMessage: Data
do {
wrappedMessage = try MessageWrapper.wrap(type: kind, timestamp: message.sentTimestamp!,
senderPublicKey: senderPublicKey, base64EncodedContent: ciphertext.base64EncodedString())
catch {
SNLog("Couldn't wrap message due to error: \(error).")
handleFailure(db, with: .other(error))
return promise
// Send the result
let base64EncodedData = wrappedMessage.base64EncodedString()
let snodeMessage = SnodeMessage(
recipient: message.recipient!,
data: base64EncodedData,
ttl: getSpecifiedTTL(db, message: message, isSyncMessage: isSyncMessage) ?? message.ttl,
timestampMs: UInt64(messageSendTimestamp + SnodeAPI.clockOffset.wrappedValue)
isClosedGroupMessage: (kind == .closedGroupMessage),
isConfigMessage: (message is ConfigurationMessage)
.done(on: .default)) { promises in
let promiseCount = promises.count
var isSuccess = false
var errorCount = 0
promises.forEach {
let _ = $0.done(on: .default)) { responseData in
guard !isSuccess else { return } // Succeed as soon as the first promise succeeds
isSuccess = true
Storage.shared.write { db in
let responseJson: JSON? = try? JSONSerialization.jsonObject(with: responseData, options: [ .fragmentsAllowed ]) as? JSON
message.serverHash = (responseJson?["hash"] as? String)
try MessageSender.handleSuccessfulMessageSend(
message: message,
to: destination,
interactionId: interactionId,
isSyncMessage: isSyncMessage
let shouldNotify: Bool = {
switch message {
case is VisibleMessage, is UnsendRequest: return !isSyncMessage
case let callMessage as CallMessage:
switch callMessage.kind {
case .preOffer: return true
default: return false
default: return false
if let closedGroupControlMessage = message as? ClosedGroupControlMessage, case .new = closedGroupControlMessage.kind {
shouldNotify = true
guard shouldNotify else {
let job: Job? = Job(
variant: .notifyPushServer,
behaviour: .runOnce,
details: NotifyPushServerJob.Details(message: snodeMessage)
if isMainAppActive {
JobRunner.add(db, job: job)
else if let job: Job = job {
queue: .default),
success: { _, _ in seal.fulfill(()) },
failure: { _, _, _ in
// Always fulfill because the notify PN server job isn't critical.
deferred: { _ in
// Always fulfill because the notify PN server job isn't critical.
else {
// Always fulfill because the notify PN server job isn't critical.
$0.catch(on: .default)) { error in
errorCount += 1
guard errorCount == promiseCount else { return } // Only error out if all promises failed { db in
handleFailure(db, with: .other(error))
.catch(on: .default)) { error in
SNLog("Couldn't send message due to error: \(error).") { db in
handleFailure(db, with: .other(error))
return promise
// MARK: Open Groups
internal static func sendToOpenGroupDestination(
_ db: Database,
message: Message,
to destination: Message.Destination,
interactionId: Int64?,
dependencies: SMKDependencies = SMKDependencies()
) -> Promise<Void> {
let (promise, seal) = Promise<Void>.pending()
let threadId: String
// Set the timestamp, sender and recipient
if message.sentTimestamp == nil { // Visible messages will already have their sent timestamp set
message.sentTimestamp = UInt64(floor(Date().timeIntervalSince1970 * 1000))
switch destination {
case .contact, .closedGroup, .openGroupInbox: preconditionFailure()
case .openGroup(let roomToken, let server, let whisperTo, let whisperMods, _):
threadId = OpenGroup.idFor(roomToken: roomToken, server: server)
message.recipient = [
(whisperMods ? "mods" : nil)
.compactMap { $0 }
.joined(separator: ".")
// Note: It's possible to send a message and then delete the open group you sent the message to
// which would go into this case, so rather than handling it as an invalid state we just want to
// error in a non-retryable way
let openGroup: OpenGroup = try? OpenGroup.fetchOne(db, id: threadId),
let userEdKeyPair: Box.KeyPair = Identity.fetchUserEd25519KeyPair(db),
case .openGroup(let roomToken, let server, let whisperTo, let whisperMods, let fileIds) = destination
else {
return promise
message.sender = {
let capabilities: [Capability.Variant] = (try? Capability
.filter(Capability.Columns.openGroupServer == server)
.filter(Capability.Columns.isMissing == false)
.asRequest(of: Capability.Variant.self)
.defaulting(to: [])
// If the server doesn't support blinding then go with an unblinded id
guard capabilities.isEmpty || capabilities.contains(.blind) else {
return SessionId(.unblinded, publicKey: userEdKeyPair.publicKey).hexString
guard let blindedKeyPair: Box.KeyPair = dependencies.sodium.blindedKeyPair(serverPublicKey: openGroup.publicKey, edKeyPair: userEdKeyPair, genericHash: dependencies.genericHash) else {
return SessionId(.blinded, publicKey: blindedKeyPair.publicKey).hexString
// Set the failure handler (need it here already for precondition failure handling)
func handleFailure(_ db: Database, with error: MessageSenderError) {
MessageSender.handleFailedMessageSend(db, message: message, with: error, interactionId: interactionId)
// Validate the message
guard let message = message as? VisibleMessage else {
handleFailure(db, with: MessageSenderError.invalidMessage)
return promise
guard message.isValid else {
handleFailure(db, with: .invalidMessage)
return promise
// Attach the user's profile
message.profile = VisibleMessage.VMProfile(
profile: Profile.fetchOrCreateCurrentUser()
if (message.profile?.displayName ?? "").isEmpty {
handleFailure(db, with: .noUsername)
return promise
// Convert it to protobuf
guard let proto = message.toProto(db) else {
handleFailure(db, with: .protoConversionFailed)
return promise
// Serialize the protobuf
let plaintext: Data
do {
plaintext = try proto.serializedData().paddedMessageBody()
catch {
SNLog("Couldn't serialize proto due to error: \(error).")
handleFailure(db, with: .other(error))
return promise
// Send the result
plaintext: plaintext,
to: roomToken,
on: server,
whisperTo: whisperTo,
whisperMods: whisperMods,
fileIds: fileIds,
using: dependencies
.done(on: .default)) { responseInfo, data in
message.openGroupServerMessageId = UInt64(
let serverTimestampMs: UInt64? = { UInt64(floor($0 * 1000)) } { db in
// The `posted` value is in seconds but we sent it in ms so need that for de-duping
try MessageSender.handleSuccessfulMessageSend(
message: message,
to: destination,
interactionId: interactionId,
serverTimestampMs: serverTimestampMs
.catch(on: .default)) { error in { db in
handleFailure(db, with: .other(error))
return promise
internal static func sendToOpenGroupInboxDestination(
_ db: Database,
message: Message,
to destination: Message.Destination,
interactionId: Int64?,
dependencies: SMKDependencies = SMKDependencies()
) -> Promise<Void> {
let (promise, seal) = Promise<Void>.pending()
let userPublicKey: String = getUserHexEncodedPublicKey(db, dependencies: dependencies)
guard case .openGroupInbox(let server, let openGroupPublicKey, let recipientBlindedPublicKey) = destination else {
// Set the timestamp, sender and recipient
if message.sentTimestamp == nil { // Visible messages will already have their sent timestamp set
message.sentTimestamp = UInt64(floor(Date().timeIntervalSince1970 * 1000))
message.sender = userPublicKey
message.recipient = recipientBlindedPublicKey
// Set the failure handler (need it here already for precondition failure handling)
func handleFailure(_ db: Database, with error: MessageSenderError) {
MessageSender.handleFailedMessageSend(db, message: message, with: error, interactionId: interactionId)
// Attach the user's profile if needed
if let message: VisibleMessage = message as? VisibleMessage {
let profile: Profile = Profile.fetchOrCreateCurrentUser(db)
if let profileKey: Data = profile.profileEncryptionKey?.keyData, let profilePictureUrl: String = profile.profilePictureUrl {
message.profile = VisibleMessage.VMProfile(
profileKey: profileKey,
profilePictureUrl: profilePictureUrl
else {
message.profile = VisibleMessage.VMProfile(displayName:
// Convert it to protobuf
guard let proto = message.toProto(db) else {
handleFailure(db, with: .protoConversionFailed)
return promise
// Serialize the protobuf
let plaintext: Data
do {
plaintext = try proto.serializedData().paddedMessageBody()
catch {
SNLog("Couldn't serialize proto due to error: \(error).")
handleFailure(db, with: .other(error))
return promise
// Encrypt the serialized protobuf
let ciphertext: Data
do {
ciphertext = try encryptWithSessionBlindingProtocol(
for: recipientBlindedPublicKey,
openGroupPublicKey: openGroupPublicKey,
using: dependencies
catch {
SNLog("Couldn't encrypt message for destination: \(destination) due to error: \(error).")
handleFailure(db, with: .other(error))
return promise
// Send the result
ciphertext: ciphertext,
toInboxFor: recipientBlindedPublicKey,
on: server,
using: dependencies
.done(on: .default)) { responseInfo, data in
message.openGroupServerMessageId = UInt64( { transaction in
try MessageSender.handleSuccessfulMessageSend(
message: message,
to: destination,
interactionId: interactionId
.catch(on: .default)) { error in { db in
handleFailure(db, with: .other(error))
return promise
// MARK: Success & Failure Handling
private static func handleSuccessfulMessageSend(
_ db: Database,
message: Message,
to destination: Message.Destination,
interactionId: Int64?,
serverTimestampMs: UInt64? = nil,
isSyncMessage: Bool = false
) throws {
// If the message was a reaction then we want to update the reaction instead of the original
// interaciton (which the 'interactionId' is pointing to
if let visibleMessage: VisibleMessage = message as? VisibleMessage, let reaction: VisibleMessage.VMReaction = visibleMessage.reaction {
try Reaction
.filter(Reaction.Columns.interactionId == interactionId)
.filter(Reaction.Columns.authorId == reaction.publicKey)
.filter(Reaction.Columns.emoji == reaction.emoji)
.updateAll(db, Reaction.Columns.serverHash.set(to: message.serverHash))
else {
// Otherwise we do want to try and update the referenced interaction
let interaction: Interaction? = try interaction(db, for: message, interactionId: interactionId)
// Get the visible message if possible
if let interaction: Interaction = interaction {
// When the sync message is successfully sent, the hash value of this TSOutgoingMessage
// will be replaced by the hash value of the sync message. Since the hash value of the
// real message has no use when we delete a message. It is OK to let it be.
try interaction.with(
serverHash: message.serverHash,
// Track the open group server message ID and update server timestamp (use server
// timestamp for open group messages otherwise the quote messages may not be able
// to be found by the timestamp on other devices
timestampMs: (message.openGroupServerMessageId == nil ?
nil : { Int64($0) }
openGroupServerMessageId: { Int64($0) }
// Mark the message as sent
try interaction.recipientStates
.updateAll(db, RecipientState.Columns.state.set(to: RecipientState.State.sent))
// Prevent ControlMessages from being handled multiple times if not supported
try? ControlMessageProcessRecord(
threadId: {
switch destination {
case .contact(let publicKey): return publicKey
case .closedGroup(let groupPublicKey): return groupPublicKey
case .openGroup(let roomToken, let server, _, _, _):
return OpenGroup.idFor(roomToken: roomToken, server: server)
case .openGroupInbox(_, _, let blindedPublicKey): return blindedPublicKey
message: message,
serverExpirationTimestamp: (Date().timeIntervalSince1970 + ControlMessageProcessRecord.defaultExpirationSeconds)
// Sync the message if:
// it's a visible message or an expiration timer update
// the destination was a contact
// we didn't sync it already
let userPublicKey = getUserHexEncodedPublicKey(db)
if case .contact(let publicKey) = destination, !isSyncMessage {
if let message = message as? VisibleMessage { message.syncTarget = publicKey }
if let message = message as? ExpirationTimerUpdate { message.syncTarget = publicKey }
// FIXME: Make this a job
try sendToSnodeDestination(
message: message,
to: .contact(publicKey: userPublicKey),
interactionId: interactionId,
isSyncMessage: true
public static func handleFailedMessageSend(
_ db: Database,
message: Message,
with error: MessageSenderError,
interactionId: Int64?
) {
// TODO: Revert the local database change
// If the message was a reaction then we don't want to do anything to the original
// interaciton (which the 'interactionId' is pointing to
guard (message as? VisibleMessage)?.reaction == nil else { return }
// Check if we need to mark any "sending" recipients as "failed"
// Note: The 'db' could be either read-only or writeable so we determine
// if a change is required, and if so dispatch to a separate queue for the
// actual write
let rowIds: [Int64] = (try? RecipientState
.filter(RecipientState.Columns.interactionId == interactionId)
.filter(RecipientState.Columns.state == RecipientState.State.sending)
.asRequest(of: Int64.self)
.defaulting(to: [])
guard !rowIds.isEmpty else { return }
// Need to dispatch to a different thread to prevent a potential db re-entrancy
// issue from occuring in some cases .background).async {
Storage.shared.write { db in
try RecipientState
RecipientState.Columns.state.set(to: RecipientState.State.failed),
RecipientState.Columns.mostRecentFailureText.set(to: error.localizedDescription)
// MARK: - Convenience
private static func interaction(_ db: Database, for message: Message, interactionId: Int64?) throws -> Interaction? {
if let interactionId: Int64 = interactionId {
return try Interaction.fetchOne(db, id: interactionId)
if let sentTimestamp: Double ={ Double($0) }) {
return try Interaction
.filter(Interaction.Columns.timestampMs == sentTimestamp)
return nil
// MARK: - Objective-C Support
// FIXME: Remove when possible
public class SMKMessageSender: NSObject {
public static func objc_leave(_ groupPublicKey: String) -> AnyPromise {
let promise = Storage.shared.writeAsync { db in
try MessageSender.leave(db, groupPublicKey: groupPublicKey)
return AnyPromise.from(promise)
public static func objc_forceSyncConfigurationNow() {
Storage.shared.write { db in
try MessageSender.syncConfiguration(db, forceSyncNow: true).retainUntilComplete()