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// Copyright © 2022 Rangeproof Pty Ltd. All rights reserved.
import Foundation
import PromiseKit
import SessionUtilitiesKit
import SessionSnodeKit
import SignalCoreKit
public enum AttachmentDownloadJob: JobExecutor {
public static var maxFailureCount: Int = 3
public static var requiresThreadId: Bool = true
public static let requiresInteractionId: Bool = true
public static func run(
_ job: Job,
queue: DispatchQueue,
success: @escaping (Job, Bool) -> (),
failure: @escaping (Job, Error?, Bool) -> (),
deferred: @escaping (Job) -> ()
) {
let threadId: String = job.threadId,
let detailsData: Data = job.details,
let details: Details = try? JSONDecoder().decode(Details.self, from: detailsData),
let attachment: Attachment = Storage.shared
.read({ db in try Attachment.fetchOne(db, id: details.attachmentId) })
else {
failure(job, JobRunnerError.missingRequiredDetails, false)
// Due to the complex nature of jobs and how attachments can be reused it's possible for
// an AttachmentDownloadJob to get created for an attachment which has already been
// downloaded/uploaded so in those cases just succeed immediately
guard attachment.state != .downloaded && attachment.state != .uploaded else {
success(job, false)
// If we ever make attachment downloads concurrent this will prevent us from downloading
// the same attachment multiple times at the same time (it also adds a "clean up" mechanism
// if an attachment ends up stuck in a "downloading" state incorrectly
guard attachment.state != .downloading else {
let otherCurrentJobAttachmentIds: Set<String> = JobRunner
.defailsForCurrentlyRunningJobs(of: .attachmentDownload)
.filter { key, _ in key != }
.compactMap { data -> String? in
guard let data: Data = data else { return nil }
return (try? JSONDecoder().decode(Details.self, from: data))?
// If there isn't another currently running attachmentDownload job downloading this attachment
// then we should update the state of the attachment to be failed to avoid having attachments
// appear in an endlessly downloading state
if !otherCurrentJobAttachmentIds.contains( {
Storage.shared.write { db in
_ = try Attachment
.updateAll(db, Attachment.Columns.state.set(to: Attachment.State.failedDownload))
// Note: The only ways we should be able to get into this state are if we enable concurrent
// downloads or if the app was closed/crashed while an attachmentDownload job was in progress
// If there is another current job then just fail this one permanently, otherwise let it
// retry (if there are more retry attempts available) and in the next retry it's state should
// be 'failedDownload' so we won't get stuck in a loop
failure(job, nil, otherCurrentJobAttachmentIds.contains(
// Update to the 'downloading' state (no need to update the 'attachment' instance)
Storage.shared.write { db in
try Attachment
.updateAll(db, Attachment.Columns.state.set(to: Attachment.State.downloading))
let temporaryFileUrl: URL = URL(
fileURLWithPath: OWSTemporaryDirectoryAccessibleAfterFirstAuth() + UUID().uuidString
let downloadPromise: Promise<Data> = {
let downloadUrl: String = attachment.downloadUrl,
let fileId: String = Attachment.fileId(for: downloadUrl)
else {
return Promise(error: AttachmentDownloadError.invalidUrl)
let maybeOpenGroupDownloadPromise: Promise<Data>? ={ db in
guard let openGroup: OpenGroup = try OpenGroup.fetchOne(db, id: threadId) else {
return nil // Not an open group so just use standard FileServer upload
return OpenGroupAPI.downloadFile(db, fileId: fileId, from: openGroup.roomToken, on: openGroup.server)
.map { _, data in data }
return (
maybeOpenGroupDownloadPromise ??, useOldServer: downloadUrl.contains(FileServerAPI.oldServer))
.then(on: queue) { data -> Promise<Void> in
try data.write(to: temporaryFileUrl, options: .atomic)
let plaintext: Data = try {
let key: Data = attachment.encryptionKey,
let digest: Data = attachment.digest,
key.count > 0,
digest.count > 0
else { return data } // Open group attachments are unencrypted
return try Cryptography.decryptAttachment(
withKey: key,
digest: digest,
unpaddedSize: UInt32(attachment.byteCount)
guard try attachment.write(data: plaintext) else {
throw AttachmentDownloadError.failedToSaveFile
return Promise.value(())
.done(on: queue) {
// Remove the temporary file
/// Update the attachment state
/// **Note:** We **MUST** use the `'with()` function here as it will update the
/// `isValid` and `duration` values based on the downloaded data and the state
Storage.shared.write { db in
_ = try attachment
state: .downloaded,
creationTimestamp: (TimeInterval(SnodeAPI.currentOffsetTimestampMs()) / 1000),
localRelativeFilePath: (
attachment.localRelativeFilePath ??
Attachment.localRelativeFilePath(from: attachment.originalFilePath)
success(job, false)
.catch(on: queue) { error in
let targetState: Attachment.State
let permanentFailure: Bool
switch error {
/// If we get a 404 then we got a successful response from the server but the attachment doesn't
/// exist, in this case update the attachment to an "invalid" state so the user doesn't get stuck in
/// a retry download loop
case OnionRequestAPIError.httpRequestFailedAtDestination(let statusCode, _, _) where statusCode == 404:
targetState = .invalid
permanentFailure = true
case OnionRequestAPIError.httpRequestFailedAtDestination(let statusCode, _, _) where statusCode == 400 || statusCode == 401:
/// If we got a 400 or a 401 then we want to fail the download in a way that has to be manually retried as it's
/// likely something else is going on that caused the failure
targetState = .failedDownload
permanentFailure = true
/// For any other error it's likely either the server is down or something weird just happened with the request
/// so we want to automatically retry
targetState = .failedDownload
permanentFailure = false
/// To prevent the attachment from showing a state of downloading forever, we need to update the attachment
/// state here based on the type of error that occurred
/// **Note:** We **MUST** use the `'with()` function here as it will update the
/// `isValid` and `duration` values based on the downloaded data and the state
Storage.shared.write { db in
_ = try Attachment
.updateAll(db, Attachment.Columns.state.set(to: targetState))
/// Trigger the failure and provide the `permanentFailure` value defined above
failure(job, error, permanentFailure)
// MARK: - AttachmentDownloadJob.Details
extension AttachmentDownloadJob {
public struct Details: Codable {
public let attachmentId: String
public init(attachmentId: String) {
self.attachmentId = attachmentId
public enum AttachmentDownloadError: LocalizedError {
case failedToSaveFile
case invalidUrl
public var errorDescription: String? {
switch self {
case .failedToSaveFile: return "Failed to save file"
case .invalidUrl: return "Invalid file URL"