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// Copyright © 2023 Rangeproof Pty Ltd. All rights reserved.
import Foundation
import GRDB
import SessionUtilitiesKit
// MARK: - Mocked
protocol Mocked { static var mockValue: Self { get } }
protocol MockedGeneric {
associatedtype Generic
static func mockValue(type: Generic.Type) -> Self
protocol MockedDoubleGeneric {
associatedtype GenericA
associatedtype GenericB
static func mockValue(typeA: GenericA.Type, typeB: GenericB.Type) -> Self
// MARK: - DSL
func any<R: Mocked>() -> R { R.mockValue }
func any<R: MockedGeneric>(type: R.Generic.Type) -> R { R.mockValue(type: type) }
func any<R: MockedDoubleGeneric>(typeA: R.GenericA.Type, typeB: R.GenericB.Type) -> R {
R.mockValue(typeA: typeA, typeB: typeB)
func any<R: FixedWidthInteger>() -> R { unsafeBitCast(0, to: R.self) }
func any<K: Hashable, V>() -> [K: V] { [:] }
func any() -> Float { 0 }
func any() -> Double { 0 }
func any() -> String { "" }
func any() -> Data { Data() }
func any() -> Bool { false }
func any() -> Dependencies {
storage: SynchronousStorage(customWriter: try! DatabaseQueue()),
network: MockNetwork(),
crypto: MockCrypto(),
standardUserDefaults: MockUserDefaults(),
caches: MockCaches(),
jobRunner: MockJobRunner(),
scheduler: .immediate,
dateNow: Date(timeIntervalSince1970: 1234567890),
fixedTime: 0,
forceSynchronous: true
func anyAny() -> Any { 0 } // Unique name for compilation performance reasons
func anyArray<R>() -> [R] { [] } // Unique name for compilation performance reasons
func anySet<R>() -> Set<R> { Set() } // Unique name for compilation performance reasons
// MARK: - Extensions
extension HTTP.BatchSubResponse: MockedGeneric where T: Mocked {
typealias Generic = T
static func mockValue(type: Generic.Type) -> HTTP.BatchSubResponse<Generic> {
return HTTP.BatchSubResponse(
code: 200,
headers: [:],
body: Generic.mockValue,
failedToParseBody: false
extension HTTP.BatchSubResponse {
static func mockArrayValue<M: Mocked>(type: M.Type) -> HTTP.BatchSubResponse<Array<M>> {
return HTTP.BatchSubResponse(
code: 200,
headers: [:],
body: [M.mockValue],
failedToParseBody: false
// MARK: - Encodable Convenience
extension Mocked where Self: Encodable {
func encoded() -> Data { try! JSONEncoder().with(outputFormatting: .sortedKeys).encode(self) }
extension MockedGeneric where Self: Encodable {
func encoded() -> Data { try! JSONEncoder().with(outputFormatting: .sortedKeys).encode(self) }
extension Array where Element: Encodable {
func encoded() -> Data { try! JSONEncoder().with(outputFormatting: .sortedKeys).encode(self) }