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// Copyright © 2022 Rangeproof Pty Ltd. All rights reserved.
import Foundation
import GRDB
public extension Database {
func create<T>(
table: T.Type,
options: TableOptions = [],
body: (TypedTableDefinition<T>) throws -> Void
) throws where T: TableRecord, T: ColumnExpressible {
try create(table: T.databaseTableName, options: options) { tableDefinition in
let typedDefinition: TypedTableDefinition<T> = TypedTableDefinition(definition: tableDefinition)
try body(typedDefinition)
func alter<T>(
table: T.Type,
body: (TypedTableAlteration<T>) -> Void
) throws where T: TableRecord, T: ColumnExpressible {
try alter(table: T.databaseTableName) { tableAlteration in
let typedAlteration: TypedTableAlteration<T> = TypedTableAlteration(alteration: tableAlteration)
func makeFTS5Pattern<T>(rawPattern: String, forTable table: T.Type) throws -> FTS5Pattern where T: TableRecord, T: ColumnExpressible {
return try makeFTS5Pattern(rawPattern: rawPattern, forTable: table.databaseTableName)
func interrupt() {