You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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// Copyright © 2022 Rangeproof Pty Ltd. All rights reserved.
import Foundation
import GRDB
import SessionUtilitiesKit
// MARK: - ConfigColumnAssignment
public struct ConfigColumnAssignment {
var column: ColumnExpression
var assignment: ColumnAssignment
column: ColumnExpression,
assignment: ColumnAssignment
) {
self.column = column
self.assignment = assignment
// MARK: - ColumnExpression
extension ColumnExpression {
public func set(to value: (any SQLExpressible)?) -> ConfigColumnAssignment {
ConfigColumnAssignment(column: self, assignment: self.set(to: value))
// MARK: - QueryInterfaceRequest
public extension QueryInterfaceRequest where RowDecoder: FetchableRecord & TableRecord {
// MARK: -- updateAll
func updateAll(
_ db: Database,
_ assignments: ConfigColumnAssignment...
) throws -> Int {
return try updateAll(db, assignments)
func updateAll(
_ db: Database,
_ assignments: [ConfigColumnAssignment]
) throws -> Int {
return try self.updateAll(db, { $0.assignment })
func updateAllAndConfig(
_ db: Database,
calledFromConfig: Bool = false,
_ assignments: ConfigColumnAssignment...
) throws -> Int {
return try updateAllAndConfig(db, calledFromConfig: calledFromConfig, assignments)
func updateAllAndConfig(
_ db: Database,
calledFromConfig: Bool = false,
_ assignments: [ConfigColumnAssignment]
) throws -> Int {
let targetAssignments: [ColumnAssignment] = { $0.assignment }
// Before we do anything custom make sure the changes actually do need to be synced
guard LibSession.assignmentsRequireConfigUpdate(assignments) else {
return try self.updateAll(db, targetAssignments)
return try self.updateAndFetchAllAndUpdateConfig(db, calledFromConfig: calledFromConfig, assignments).count
// MARK: -- updateAndFetchAll
func updateAndFetchAllAndUpdateConfig(
_ db: Database,
calledFromConfig: Bool = false,
_ assignments: ConfigColumnAssignment...
) throws -> [RowDecoder] {
return try updateAndFetchAllAndUpdateConfig(db, calledFromConfig: calledFromConfig, assignments)
func updateAndFetchAllAndUpdateConfig(
_ db: Database,
calledFromConfig: Bool = false,
_ assignments: [ConfigColumnAssignment]
) throws -> [RowDecoder] {
// First perform the actual updates
let updatedData: [RowDecoder] = try self.updateAndFetchAll(db, { $0.assignment })
// Then check if any of the changes could affect the config
!calledFromConfig &&
else { return updatedData }
defer {
// If we changed a column that requires a config update then we may as well automatically
// enqueue a new config sync job once the transaction completes (but only enqueue it once
// per transaction - doing it more than once is pointless)
let userPublicKey: String = getUserHexEncodedPublicKey(db)
db.afterNextTransactionNestedOnce(dedupeId: LibSession.syncDedupeId(userPublicKey)) { db in
ConfigurationSyncJob.enqueue(db, publicKey: userPublicKey)
// Update the config dump state where needed
switch self {
case is QueryInterfaceRequest<Contact>:
return try LibSession.updatingContacts(db, updatedData)
case is QueryInterfaceRequest<Profile>:
return try LibSession.updatingProfiles(db, updatedData)
case is QueryInterfaceRequest<SessionThread>:
return try LibSession.updatingThreads(db, updatedData)
default: return updatedData