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// Copyright © 2022 Rangeproof Pty Ltd. All rights reserved.
import Foundation
import Sodium
import SessionUtilitiesKit
public class RevokeSubkeyResponse: SnodeRecursiveResponse<SnodeSwarmItem> {}
// MARK: - ValidatableResponse
extension RevokeSubkeyResponse: ValidatableResponse {
typealias ValidationData = String
typealias ValidationResponse = Bool
/// All responses in the swarm must be valid
internal static var requiredSuccessfulResponses: Int { -1 }
internal func validResultMap(
sodium: Sodium,
userX25519PublicKey: String,
validationData: String
) throws -> [String: Bool] {
let validationMap: [String: Bool] = try swarm.reduce(into: [:]) { result, next in
let signatureBase64: String = next.value.signatureBase64,
let encodedSignature: Data = Data(base64Encoded: signatureBase64)
else {
if let reason: String = next.value.reason, let statusCode: Int = next.value.code {
SNLog("Couldn't revoke subkey from: \(next.key) due to error: \(reason) (\(statusCode)).")
else {
SNLog("Couldn't revoke subkey from: \(next.key).")
/// Signature of `( PUBKEY_HEX || SUBKEY_TAG_BYTES )` where `SUBKEY_TAG_BYTES` is the
/// requested subkey tag for revocation
let verificationBytes: [UInt8] = userX25519PublicKey.bytes
.appending(contentsOf: validationData.bytes)
let isValid: Bool = sodium.sign.verify(
message: verificationBytes,
publicKey: Data(hex: next.key).bytes,
signature: encodedSignature.bytes
// If the update signature is invalid then we want to fail here
guard isValid else { throw SnodeAPIError.signatureVerificationFailed }
result[next.key] = isValid
return try Self.validated(map: validationMap)