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session-ios/SessionMessagingKitTests/Open Groups/Models/SOGSMessageSpec.swift

307 lines
14 KiB

// Copyright © 2022 Rangeproof Pty Ltd. All rights reserved.
import Foundation
import Quick
import Nimble
import SessionUtilitiesKit
@testable import SessionMessagingKit
class SOGSMessageSpec: QuickSpec {
override class func spec() {
// MARK: Configuration
@TestState var messageJson: String! = """
"id": 123,
"session_id": "05\(TestConstants.publicKey)",
"posted": 234,
"seqno": 345,
"whisper": false,
"whisper_mods": false,
"data": "VGVzdERhdGE=",
"signature": "VGVzdFNpZ25hdHVyZQ=="
@TestState var messageData: Data! = .utf8)!
@TestState var mockCrypto: MockCrypto! = MockCrypto()
@TestState var dependencies: Dependencies! = Dependencies(
crypto: mockCrypto
@TestState var decoder: JSONDecoder! = {
let result = JSONDecoder()
result.userInfo = [ Dependencies.userInfoKey: dependencies as Any ]
return result
// MARK: - a SOGSMessage
describe("a SOGSMessage") {
// MARK: -- when decoding
context("when decoding") {
// MARK: ---- defaults the whisper values to false
it("defaults the whisper values to false") {
messageJson = """
"id": 123,
"posted": 234,
"seqno": 345
messageData = .utf8)!
let result: OpenGroupAPI.Message? = try? decoder.decode(OpenGroupAPI.Message.self, from: messageData)
// MARK: ---- and there is no content
context("and there is no content") {
// MARK: ------ does not need a sender
it("does not need a sender") {
messageJson = """
"id": 123,
"posted": 234,
"seqno": 345,
"whisper": false,
"whisper_mods": false
messageData = .utf8)!
let result: OpenGroupAPI.Message? = try? decoder.decode(OpenGroupAPI.Message.self, from: messageData)
// MARK: ---- and there is content
context("and there is content") {
// MARK: ------ errors if there is no sender
it("errors if there is no sender") {
messageJson = """
"id": 123,
"posted": 234,
"seqno": 345,
"whisper": false,
"whisper_mods": false,
"data": "VGVzdERhdGE=",
"signature": "VGVzdFNpZ25hdHVyZQ=="
messageData = .utf8)!
expect {
try decoder.decode(OpenGroupAPI.Message.self, from: messageData)
// MARK: ------ errors if the data is not a base64 encoded string
it("errors if the data is not a base64 encoded string") {
messageJson = """
"id": 123,
"session_id": "05\(TestConstants.publicKey)",
"posted": 234,
"seqno": 345,
"whisper": false,
"whisper_mods": false,
"data": "Test!!!",
"signature": "VGVzdFNpZ25hdHVyZQ=="
messageData = .utf8)!
expect {
try decoder.decode(OpenGroupAPI.Message.self, from: messageData)
// MARK: ------ errors if the signature is not a base64 encoded string
it("errors if the signature is not a base64 encoded string") {
messageJson = """
"id": 123,
"session_id": "05\(TestConstants.publicKey)",
"posted": 234,
"seqno": 345,
"whisper": false,
"whisper_mods": false,
"data": "VGVzdERhdGE=",
"signature": "Test!!!"
messageData = .utf8)!
expect {
try decoder.decode(OpenGroupAPI.Message.self, from: messageData)
// MARK: ------ errors if the dependencies are not provided to the JSONDecoder
it("errors if the dependencies are not provided to the JSONDecoder") {
decoder = JSONDecoder()
expect {
try decoder.decode(OpenGroupAPI.Message.self, from: messageData)
// MARK: ------ errors if the session_id value is not valid
it("errors if the session_id value is not valid") {
messageJson = """
"id": 123,
"session_id": "TestId",
"posted": 234,
"seqno": 345,
"whisper": false,
"whisper_mods": false,
"data": "VGVzdERhdGE=",
"signature": "VGVzdFNpZ25hdHVyZQ=="
messageData = .utf8)!
expect {
try decoder.decode(OpenGroupAPI.Message.self, from: messageData)
// MARK: ------ that is blinded
context("that is blinded") {
beforeEach {
messageJson = """
"id": 123,
"session_id": "15\(TestConstants.publicKey)",
"posted": 234,
"seqno": 345,
"whisper": false,
"whisper_mods": false,
"data": "VGVzdERhdGE=",
"signature": "VGVzdFNpZ25hdHVyZQ=="
messageData = .utf8)!
// MARK: -------- succeeds if it succeeds verification
it("succeeds if it succeeds verification") {
.when {
$0.verify(.signature(message: anyArray(), publicKey: anyArray(), signature: anyArray()))
expect {
try decoder.decode(OpenGroupAPI.Message.self, from: messageData)
// MARK: -------- provides the correct values as parameters
it("provides the correct values as parameters") {
.when {
$0.verify(.signature(message: anyArray(), publicKey: anyArray(), signature: anyArray()))
_ = try? decoder.decode(OpenGroupAPI.Message.self, from: messageData)
.to(call(matchingParameters: true) {
message: Data(base64Encoded: "VGVzdERhdGE=")!.bytes,
publicKey: Data(hex: TestConstants.publicKey).bytes,
signature: Data(base64Encoded: "VGVzdFNpZ25hdHVyZQ==")!.bytes
// MARK: -------- throws if it fails verification
it("throws if it fails verification") {
.when {
$0.verify(.signature(message: anyArray(), publicKey: anyArray(), signature: anyArray()))
expect {
try decoder.decode(OpenGroupAPI.Message.self, from: messageData)
// MARK: ------ that is unblinded
context("that is unblinded") {
// MARK: -------- succeeds if it succeeds verification
it("succeeds if it succeeds verification") {
.when { $0.verify(.signatureEd25519(any(), publicKey: any(), data: any())) }
expect {
try decoder.decode(OpenGroupAPI.Message.self, from: messageData)
// MARK: -------- provides the correct values as parameters
it("provides the correct values as parameters") {
.when { $0.verify(.signatureEd25519(any(), publicKey: any(), data: any())) }
_ = try? decoder.decode(OpenGroupAPI.Message.self, from: messageData)
.to(call(matchingParameters: true) {
Data(base64Encoded: "VGVzdFNpZ25hdHVyZQ==")!,
publicKey: Data(hex: TestConstants.publicKey),
data: Data(base64Encoded: "VGVzdERhdGE=")!
// MARK: -------- throws if it fails verification
it("throws if it fails verification") {
.when { $0.verify(.signatureEd25519(any(), publicKey: any(), data: any())) }
expect {
try decoder.decode(OpenGroupAPI.Message.self, from: messageData)