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session-ios/Session/Conversations/Views & Modals/InsetLockableTableView.swift

81 lines
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// Copyright © 2022 Rangeproof Pty Ltd. All rights reserved.
import UIKit
/// This custom UITableView gives us two convenience behaviours:
/// 1. It allows us to lock the contentOffset to a specific value - it's currently used to prevent the ConversationVC first
/// responder resignation from making the MediaGalleryDetailViewController transition from looking buggy (ie. the table
/// scrolls down with the resignation during the transition)
/// 2. It allows us to provode a callback which gets triggered if a condition closure returns true - it's currently used to prevent
/// the table view from jumping when inserting new pages at the top of a conversation screen
public class InsetLockableTableView: UITableView {
public var lockContentOffset: Bool = false {
didSet {
guard !lockContentOffset else { return }
self.contentOffset = newOffset
public var oldOffset: CGPoint = .zero
public var newOffset: CGPoint = .zero
private var callbackCondition: ((Int, [Int], CGSize) -> Bool)?
private var afterLayoutSubviewsCallback: (() -> ())?
public override func layoutSubviews() {
self.newOffset = self.contentOffset
// Store the callback locally to prevent infinite loops
var callback: (() -> ())?
if self.checkCallbackCondition() {
callback = self.afterLayoutSubviewsCallback
self.afterLayoutSubviewsCallback = nil
guard !lockContentOffset else {
self.contentOffset = CGPoint(
x: newOffset.x,
y: oldOffset.y
self.oldOffset = self.contentOffset
// MARK: - Functions
public func afterNextLayoutSubviews(
when condition: @escaping (Int, [Int], CGSize) -> Bool,
then callback: @escaping () -> ()
) {
self.callbackCondition = condition
self.afterLayoutSubviewsCallback = callback
private func checkCallbackCondition() -> Bool {
guard self.callbackCondition != nil else { return false }
let numSections: Int = self.numberOfSections
let numRowInSections: [Int] = (0..<numSections)
.map { self.numberOfRows(inSection: $0) }
// Store the layout info locally so if they pass we can clear the states before running to
// prevent layouts within the callbacks from triggering infinite loops
guard self.callbackCondition?(numSections, numRowInSections, self.contentSize) == true else {
return false
self.callbackCondition = nil
return true