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session-ios/Session/Conversations/Message Cells/Content Views/ReactionContainerView.swift

288 lines
11 KiB

// Copyright © 2022 Rangeproof Pty Ltd. All rights reserved.
import UIKit
import SessionUIKit
import SessionUtilitiesKit
import SignalUtilitiesKit
final class ReactionContainerView: UIView {
private static let arrowSize: CGSize = CGSize(width: 15, height: 13)
private static let arrowSpacing: CGFloat = Values.verySmallSpacing
private var maxWidth: CGFloat = 0
private var collapsedCount: Int = 0
private var showingAllReactions: Bool = false
private var showNumbers: Bool = true
private var maxEmojisPerLine = isIPhone6OrSmaller ? 5 : 6
private var oldSize: CGSize = .zero
var reactions: [ReactionViewModel] = []
var reactionViews: [ReactionButton] = []
// MARK: - UI
private var collapseTextLabelRightConstraint: NSLayoutConstraint?
private let dummyReactionButton: ReactionButton = ReactionButton(
viewModel: ReactionViewModel(
emoji: EmojiWithSkinTones(baseEmoji: .a, skinTones: nil),
number: 0,
showBorder: false
private lazy var mainStackView: UIStackView = {
let result: UIStackView = UIStackView(arrangedSubviews: [ reactionContainerView, collapseButton ])
result.axis = .vertical
result.spacing = Values.smallSpacing
result.alignment = .center
return result
var expandButton: ExpandingReactionButton?
private lazy var reactionContainerView: UIStackView = {
let result: UIStackView = UIStackView()
result.axis = .vertical
result.spacing = Values.smallSpacing
result.alignment = .leading
return result
lazy var collapseButton: UIView = {
let arrow: UIImageView = UIImageView(
image: UIImage(named: "ic_chevron_up")?
.resizedImage(to: ReactionContainerView.arrowSize)?
arrow.themeTintColor = .textPrimary
let textLabel: UILabel = UILabel()
textLabel.setContentHuggingPriority(.required, for: .vertical)
textLabel.setContentHuggingPriority(.required, for: .horizontal)
textLabel.setContentCompressionResistancePriority(.required, for: .vertical)
textLabel.setContentCompressionResistancePriority(.required, for: .horizontal)
textLabel.font = .systemFont(ofSize: Values.verySmallFontSize)
textLabel.text = "Show less"
textLabel.themeTextColor = .textPrimary
let result: UIView = UIView()
result.isHidden = true
result.addSubview(textLabel), to: .top, of: result), to: .leading, of: result), to: .bottom, of: result), to: .top, of: result), to: .trailing, of: arrow, withInset: ReactionContainerView.arrowSpacing)
collapseTextLabelRightConstraint =, to: .trailing, of: result), to: .bottom, of: result)
return result
// MARK: - Lifecycle
init() {
override init(frame: CGRect) {
preconditionFailure("Use init(viewItem:textColor:) instead.")
required init?(coder: NSCoder) {
preconditionFailure("Use init(viewItem:textColor:) instead.")
private func setUpViewHierarchy() {
addSubview(mainStackView), to: .top, of: self), to: .leading, of: self), to: .trailing, of: self), to: .bottom, of: self, withInset: -Values.verySmallSpacing)
reactionContainerView.set(.width, to: .width, of: mainStackView)
override func layoutSubviews() {
// Note: We update the 'collapseTextLabelRightConstraint' to try to make the "show less"
// button appear horizontally centered (if we don't do this it gets offset to one side)
guard frame !=, frame.size != oldSize else { return }
let targetSuperview: UIView? = {
var result: UIView? = self.superview
while result != nil, result?.isKind(of: UITableViewCell.self) != true {
result = result?.superview
return result
if let targetSuperview: UIView = targetSuperview {
let parentWidth: CGFloat = targetSuperview.bounds.width
let frameInParent: CGRect = targetSuperview.convert(self.bounds, from: self)
let centeredWidth: CGFloat = (parentWidth - (frameInParent.minX * 2))
let diff: CGFloat = (frameInParent.width - centeredWidth)
collapseTextLabelRightConstraint?.constant = -(
diff +
((ReactionContainerView.arrowSize.width + ReactionContainerView.arrowSpacing) / 2)
oldSize = frame.size
public func update(
_ reactions: [ReactionViewModel],
maxWidth: CGFloat,
showingAllReactions: Bool,
showNumbers: Bool
) {
self.reactions = reactions
self.maxWidth = maxWidth
self.collapsedCount = {
var numReactions: Int = 0
var runningWidth: CGFloat = 0
let estimatedExpandingButtonWidth: CGFloat = 52
let itemSpacing: CGFloat = self.reactionContainerView.spacing
for reaction in reactions {
let reactionViewWidth: CGFloat = dummyReactionButton
.updating(with: reaction, showNumber: showNumbers)
.systemLayoutSizeFitting(CGSize(width: maxWidth, height: 9999))
let estimatedFullWidth: CGFloat = (
runningWidth +
(reactionViewWidth + itemSpacing) +
if estimatedFullWidth >= maxWidth {
runningWidth += (reactionViewWidth + itemSpacing)
numReactions += 1
return numReactions
self.showNumbers = showNumbers
self.reactionViews = []
self.reactionContainerView.arrangedSubviews.forEach { $0.removeFromSuperview() }
// Generate the lines of reactions (if the 'collapsedCount' matches the total number of
// reactions then just show them app)
if showingAllReactions || self.collapsedCount >= reactions.count {
self.updateAllReactions(reactions, maxWidth: maxWidth, showNumbers: showNumbers)
else {
self.updateCollapsedReactions(reactions, maxWidth: maxWidth, showNumbers: showNumbers)
// Just in case we couldn't show everything for some reason update this based on the
// internal logic
self.collapseButton.isHidden = (self.reactionContainerView.arrangedSubviews.count <= 1)
self.showingAllReactions = !self.collapseButton.isHidden
private func createLineStackView() -> UIStackView {
let result: UIStackView = UIStackView()
result.axis = .horizontal
result.spacing = Values.smallSpacing
result.alignment = .center
result.set(.height, to: ReactionButton.height)
return result
private func updateCollapsedReactions(
_ reactions: [ReactionViewModel],
maxWidth: CGFloat,
showNumbers: Bool
) {
guard !reactions.isEmpty else { return }
let maxSize: CGSize = CGSize(width: maxWidth, height: 9999)
let stackView: UIStackView = createLineStackView()
let displayedReactions: [ReactionViewModel] = Array(reactions.prefix(upTo: self.collapsedCount))
let expandButtonReactions: [EmojiWithSkinTones] = reactions
.suffix(from: self.collapsedCount)
.map { $0.emoji }
for reaction in displayedReactions {
let reactionView = ReactionButton(viewModel: reaction, showNumber: showNumbers)
let reactionViewWidth: CGFloat = reactionView.systemLayoutSizeFitting(maxSize).width
reactionView.set(.width, to: reactionViewWidth)
self.expandButton = {
guard !expandButtonReactions.isEmpty else { return nil }
let result: ExpandingReactionButton = ExpandingReactionButton(emojis: expandButtonReactions)
return result
private func updateAllReactions(
_ reactions: [ReactionViewModel],
maxWidth: CGFloat,
showNumbers: Bool
) {
guard !reactions.isEmpty else { return }
let maxSize: CGSize = CGSize(width: maxWidth, height: 9999)
var lineStackView: UIStackView = createLineStackView()
for reaction in self.reactions {
let reactionView: ReactionButton = ReactionButton(viewModel: reaction, showNumber: showNumbers)
let reactionViewWidth: CGFloat = reactionView.systemLayoutSizeFitting(maxSize).width
// Check if we need to create a new line
let stackViewWidth: CGFloat = (lineStackView.arrangedSubviews.isEmpty ?
0 :
if stackViewWidth + reactionViewWidth > maxWidth {
lineStackView = createLineStackView()
reactionView.set(.width, to: reactionViewWidth)
public func showAllEmojis() {
guard !showingAllReactions else { return }
update(reactions, maxWidth: maxWidth, showingAllReactions: true, showNumbers: showNumbers)
public func showLessEmojis() {
guard showingAllReactions else { return }
update(reactions, maxWidth: maxWidth, showingAllReactions: false, showNumbers: showNumbers)