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// Copyright © 2022 Rangeproof Pty Ltd. All rights reserved.
import Foundation
import GRDB
import SessionSnodeKit
import SessionUtil
import SessionUtilitiesKit
public enum SessionUtil {
public struct ConfResult {
let needsPush: Bool
let needsDump: Bool
public struct IncomingConfResult {
let needsPush: Bool
let needsDump: Bool
let messageHashes: [String]
let latestSentTimestamp: TimeInterval
public struct OutgoingConfResult {
let message: SharedConfigMessage
let namespace: SnodeAPI.Namespace
let destination: Message.Destination
let oldMessageHashes: [String]?
// MARK: - Configs
fileprivate static var configStore: Atomic<[ConfigKey: Atomic<UnsafeMutablePointer<config_object>?>]> = Atomic([:])
public static func config(for variant: ConfigDump.Variant, publicKey: String) -> Atomic<UnsafeMutablePointer<config_object>?> {
let key: ConfigKey = ConfigKey(variant: variant, publicKey: publicKey)
return (
SessionUtil.configStore.wrappedValue[key] ??
// MARK: - Variables
/// Returns `true` if there is a config which needs to be pushed, but returns `false` if the configs are all up to date or haven't been
/// loaded yet (eg. fresh install)
public static var needsSync: Bool {
return configStore
.contains { _, atomicConf in config_needs_push(atomicConf.wrappedValue) }
// MARK: - Loading
public static func loadState(
userPublicKey: String,
ed25519SecretKey: [UInt8]?
) {
guard let secretKey: [UInt8] = ed25519SecretKey else { return }
// Retrieve the existing dumps from the database
let existingDumps: Set<ConfigDump> = Storage.shared
.read { db in try ConfigDump.fetchSet(db) }
.defaulting(to: [])
let existingDumpVariants: Set<ConfigDump.Variant> = existingDumps
.map { $0.variant }
let missingRequiredVariants: Set<ConfigDump.Variant> = ConfigDump.Variant.userVariants
// Create the 'config_object' records for each dump
SessionUtil.configStore.mutate { confStore in
existingDumps.forEach { dump in
confStore[ConfigKey(variant: dump.variant, publicKey: dump.publicKey)] = Atomic(
try? SessionUtil.loadState(
for: dump.variant,
secretKey: secretKey,
missingRequiredVariants.forEach { variant in
confStore[ConfigKey(variant: variant, publicKey: userPublicKey)] = Atomic(
try? SessionUtil.loadState(
for: variant,
secretKey: secretKey,
cachedData: nil
internal static func loadState(
for variant: ConfigDump.Variant,
secretKey ed25519SecretKey: [UInt8],
cachedData: Data?
) throws -> UnsafeMutablePointer<config_object>? {
// Setup initial variables (including getting the memory address for any cached data)
var conf: UnsafeMutablePointer<config_object>? = nil
let error: UnsafeMutablePointer<CChar>? = nil
let cachedDump: (data: UnsafePointer<UInt8>, length: Int)? = cachedData?.withUnsafeBytes { unsafeBytes in
return {
$0.assumingMemoryBound(to: UInt8.self),
// No need to deallocate the `` as it'll automatically be cleaned up by
// the `cachedDump` lifecycle, but need to deallocate the `error` if it gets set
defer {
// Try to create the object
var secretKey: [UInt8] = ed25519SecretKey
let result: Int32 = {
switch variant {
case .userProfile:
return user_profile_init(&conf, &secretKey, cachedDump?.data, (cachedDump?.length ?? 0), error)
case .contacts:
return contacts_init(&conf, &secretKey, cachedDump?.data, (cachedDump?.length ?? 0), error)
guard result == 0 else {
let errorString: String = ( { String(cString: $0) } ?? "unknown error")
SNLog("[SessionUtil Error] Unable to create \(variant.rawValue) config object: \(errorString)")
throw SessionUtilError.unableToCreateConfigObject
return conf
internal static func saveState(
_ db: Database,
keepingExistingMessageHashes: Bool,
configDump: ConfigDump?
) throws {
guard let configDump: ConfigDump = configDump else { return }
// If we want to keep the existing message hashes then we need
// to fetch them from the db and create a new 'ConfigDump' instance
let targetDump: ConfigDump = try {
guard keepingExistingMessageHashes else { return configDump }
let existingCombinedMessageHashes: String? = try ConfigDump
ConfigDump.Columns.variant == configDump.variant &&
ConfigDump.Columns.publicKey == configDump.publicKey
.asRequest(of: String.self)
return ConfigDump(
variant: configDump.variant,
publicKey: configDump.publicKey,
messageHashes: ConfigDump.messageHashes(from: existingCombinedMessageHashes)
// Actually save the dump
internal static func createDump(
conf: UnsafeMutablePointer<config_object>?,
for variant: ConfigDump.Variant,
publicKey: String,
messageHashes: [String]?
) throws -> ConfigDump? {
guard conf != nil else { throw SessionUtilError.nilConfigObject }
// If it doesn't need a dump then do nothing
guard config_needs_dump(conf) else { return nil }
var dumpResult: UnsafeMutablePointer<UInt8>? = nil
var dumpResultLen: Int = 0
config_dump(conf, &dumpResult, &dumpResultLen)
guard let dumpResult: UnsafeMutablePointer<UInt8> = dumpResult else { return nil }
let dumpData: Data = Data(bytes: dumpResult, count: dumpResultLen)
return ConfigDump(
variant: variant,
publicKey: publicKey,
data: dumpData,
messageHashes: messageHashes
// MARK: - Pushes
public static func pendingChanges(
_ db: Database,
userPublicKey: String,
ed25519SecretKey: [UInt8]
) throws -> [OutgoingConfResult] {
let existingDumpInfo: Set<DumpInfo> = try ConfigDump
.select(.variant, .publicKey, .combinedMessageHashes)
.asRequest(of: DumpInfo.self)
// Ensure we always check the required user config types for changes even if there is no dump
// data yet (to deal with first launch cases)
return existingDumpInfo
contentsOf: DumpInfo.requiredUserConfigDumpInfo(userPublicKey: userPublicKey)
.filter { requiredInfo -> Bool in
!existingDumpInfo.contains(where: {
$0.variant == requiredInfo.variant &&
$0.publicKey == requiredInfo.publicKey
.compactMap { dumpInfo -> OutgoingConfResult? in
let key: ConfigKey = ConfigKey(variant: dumpInfo.variant, publicKey: dumpInfo.publicKey)
let atomicConf: Atomic<UnsafeMutablePointer<config_object>?> = (
SessionUtil.configStore.wrappedValue[key] ??
// Check if the config needs to be pushed
guard config_needs_push(atomicConf.wrappedValue) else { return nil }
var toPush: UnsafeMutablePointer<UInt8>? = nil
var toPushLen: Int = 0
let seqNo: Int64 = atomicConf.mutate { config_push($0, &toPush, &toPushLen) }
guard let toPush: UnsafeMutablePointer<UInt8> = toPush else { return nil }
let pushData: Data = Data(bytes: toPush, count: toPushLen)
return OutgoingConfResult(
message: SharedConfigMessage(
kind: dumpInfo.variant.configMessageKind,
seqNo: seqNo,
data: pushData
namespace: dumpInfo.variant.namespace,
destination: (dumpInfo.publicKey == userPublicKey ? userPublicKey) :
Message.Destination.closedGroup(groupPublicKey: dumpInfo.publicKey)
oldMessageHashes: dumpInfo.messageHashes
public static func markAsPushed(
message: SharedConfigMessage,
publicKey: String
) -> Bool {
let key: ConfigKey = ConfigKey(variant: message.kind.configDumpVariant, publicKey: publicKey)
let atomicConf: Atomic<UnsafeMutablePointer<config_object>?> = (
SessionUtil.configStore.wrappedValue[key] ??
// Mark the config as pushed
config_confirm_pushed(atomicConf.wrappedValue, message.seqNo)
// Update the result to indicate whether the config needs to be dumped
return config_needs_dump(atomicConf.wrappedValue)
// MARK: - Receiving
public static func handleConfigMessages(
_ db: Database,
messages: [SharedConfigMessage],
publicKey: String
) throws {
// FIXME: Remove this once `useSharedUtilForUserConfig` is permanent
guard Features.useSharedUtilForUserConfig else { return }
guard !messages.isEmpty else { return }
guard !publicKey.isEmpty else { throw MessageReceiverError.noThread }
let groupedMessages: [SharedConfigMessage.Kind: [SharedConfigMessage]] = messages
.grouped(by: \.kind)
// Merge the config messages into the current state
let results: [ConfigDump.Variant: IncomingConfResult] = groupedMessages
.reduce(into: [:]) { result, next in
let key: ConfigKey = ConfigKey(variant: next.key.configDumpVariant, publicKey: publicKey)
let atomicConf: Atomic<UnsafeMutablePointer<config_object>?> = (
SessionUtil.configStore.wrappedValue[key] ??
var needsPush: Bool = false
var needsDump: Bool = false
let messageHashes: [String] = next.value.compactMap { $0.serverHash }
let messageSentTimestamp: TimeInterval = TimeInterval(
(next.value.compactMap { $0.sentTimestamp }.max() ?? 0) / 1000
// Block the config while we are merging
atomicConf.mutate { conf in
var mergeData: [UnsafePointer<UInt8>?] = next.value
.map { message -> [UInt8] in }
var mergeSize: [Int] = { $ }
config_merge(conf, &mergeData, &mergeSize, messages.count)
mergeData.forEach { $0?.deallocate() }
// Get the state of this variant
needsPush = config_needs_push(conf)
needsDump = config_needs_dump(conf)
// Return the current state of the config
result[next.key.configDumpVariant] = IncomingConfResult(
needsPush: needsPush,
needsDump: needsDump,
messageHashes: messageHashes,
latestSentTimestamp: messageSentTimestamp
// Process the results from the merging
try results.forEach { variant, result in
let key: ConfigKey = ConfigKey(variant: variant, publicKey: publicKey)
let atomicConf: Atomic<UnsafeMutablePointer<config_object>?> = (
SessionUtil.configStore.wrappedValue[key] ??
// Apply the updated states to the database
switch variant {
case .userProfile:
try SessionUtil.handleUserProfileUpdate(
in: atomicConf,
needsDump: result.needsDump,
latestConfigUpdateSentTimestamp: result.latestSentTimestamp
case .contacts:
try SessionUtil.handleContactsUpdate(
in: atomicConf,
needsDump: result.needsDump
// We need to get the existing message hashes and combine them with the latest from the
// service node to ensure the next push will properly clean up old messages
let oldMessageHashes: Set<String> = try ConfigDump
ConfigDump.Columns.variant == variant &&
ConfigDump.Columns.publicKey == publicKey
.asRequest(of: String.self)
.map { ConfigDump.messageHashes(from: $0) }
.defaulting(to: [])
let allMessageHashes: [String] = Array(oldMessageHashes
.inserting(contentsOf: result.messageHashes.asSet()))
let messageHashesChanged: Bool = (oldMessageHashes != result.messageHashes.asSet())
// Now that the changes are applied, update the cached dumps
switch (result.needsDump, messageHashesChanged) {
case (true, _):
// The config data had changes so regenerate the dump and save it
try atomicConf
.mutate { conf -> ConfigDump? in
try SessionUtil.createDump(
conf: conf,
for: variant,
publicKey: publicKey,
messageHashes: allMessageHashes
case (false, true):
// The config data didn't change but there were different messages on the service node
// so just update the message hashes so the next sync can properly remove any old ones
try ConfigDump
ConfigDump.Columns.variant == variant &&
ConfigDump.Columns.publicKey == publicKey
.set(to: ConfigDump.combinedMessageHashes(from: allMessageHashes))
default: break
// Now that the local state has been updated, trigger a config sync (this will push any
// pending updates and properly update the state)
if results.contains(where: { $0.value.needsPush }) {
// MARK: - Internal Convenience
fileprivate extension SessionUtil {
struct ConfigKey: Hashable {
let variant: ConfigDump.Variant
let publicKey: String
struct DumpInfo: FetchableRecord, Decodable, Hashable {
let variant: ConfigDump.Variant
let publicKey: String
private let combinedMessageHashes: String?
var messageHashes: [String]? { ConfigDump.messageHashes(from: combinedMessageHashes) }
// MARK: - Convenience
static func requiredUserConfigDumpInfo(userPublicKey: String) -> Set<DumpInfo> {
return ConfigDump.Variant.userVariants
.map { DumpInfo(variant: $0, publicKey: userPublicKey, combinedMessageHashes: nil) }