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import UIKit
public final class Button : UIButton {
private let style: Style
private let size: Size
private var heightConstraint: NSLayoutConstraint!
public enum Style {
case unimportant, regular, prominentOutline, prominentFilled, regularBorderless
public enum Size {
case medium, large, small
public init(style: Style, size: Size) { = style
self.size = size
super.init(frame: .zero)
NotificationCenter.default.addObserver(self, selector: #selector(handleAppModeChangedNotification(_:)), name: .appModeChanged, object: nil)
override init(frame: CGRect) {
preconditionFailure("Use init(style:) instead.")
required init?(coder: NSCoder) {
preconditionFailure("Use init(style:) instead.")
deinit {
private func setUpStyle() {
let fillColor: UIColor
switch style {
case .unimportant: fillColor = isLightMode ? UIColor.clear : Colors.unimportantButtonBackground
case .regular: fillColor = UIColor.clear
case .prominentOutline: fillColor = UIColor.clear
case .prominentFilled: fillColor = isLightMode ? Colors.text : Colors.accent
case .regularBorderless: fillColor = UIColor.clear
let borderColor: UIColor
switch style {
case .unimportant: borderColor = isLightMode ? Colors.text : Colors.unimportantButtonBackground
case .regular: borderColor = Colors.text
case .prominentOutline: borderColor = isLightMode ? Colors.text : Colors.accent
case .prominentFilled: borderColor = isLightMode ? Colors.text : Colors.accent
case .regularBorderless: borderColor = UIColor.clear
let textColor: UIColor
switch style {
case .unimportant: textColor = Colors.text
case .regular: textColor = Colors.text
case .prominentOutline: textColor = isLightMode ? Colors.text : Colors.accent
case .prominentFilled: textColor = isLightMode ? UIColor.white : Colors.text
case .regularBorderless: textColor = Colors.text
let height: CGFloat
switch size {
case .small: height = Values.smallButtonHeight
case .medium: height = Values.mediumButtonHeight
case .large: height = Values.largeButtonHeight
if heightConstraint == nil { heightConstraint = set(.height, to: height) }
layer.cornerRadius = height / 2
backgroundColor = fillColor
layer.borderColor = borderColor.cgColor
layer.borderWidth = 1
let fontSize = (size == .small) ? Values.smallFontSize : Values.mediumFontSize
titleLabel!.font = .boldSystemFont(ofSize: fontSize)
setTitleColor(textColor, for: UIControl.State.normal)
@objc private func handleAppModeChangedNotification(_ notification: Notification) {