You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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// Copyright © 2022 Rangeproof Pty Ltd. All rights reserved.
import Foundation
import Combine
import Quick
import Nimble
@testable import SessionUtilitiesKit
class BatchRequestSpec: QuickSpec {
override class func spec() {
// MARK: Configuration
@TestState var dependencies: Dependencies! = Dependencies()
@TestState var request: Network.BatchRequest!
// MARK: - a BatchRequest.Child
describe("a BatchRequest.Child") {
// MARK: -- when encoding
context("when encoding") {
// MARK: ---- correctly strips specified headers from sub requests
it("correctly strips specified headers from sub requests") {
let httpRequest: Request<NoBody, TestEndpoint1> = Request<NoBody, TestEndpoint1>(
method: .get,
server: "testServer",
endpoint: .endpoint1,
queryParameters: [:],
headers: [
"TestCustomHeader": "TestCustom",
HTTPHeader.testHeader: "Test"
x25519PublicKey: "05\(TestConstants.publicKey)",
body: nil
request = Network.BatchRequest(
requests: [
request: httpRequest,
urlRequest: try! httpRequest.generateUrlRequest(using: dependencies),
responseType: NoResponse.self,
timeout: 0
let requestData: Data = try! JSONEncoder().encode(request)
let requestString: String? = String(data: requestData, encoding: .utf8)
// MARK: ---- does not strip unspecified headers from sub requests
it("does not strip unspecified headers from sub requests") {
let httpRequest: Request<NoBody, TestEndpoint1> = Request<NoBody, TestEndpoint1>(
method: .get,
server: "testServer",
endpoint: .endpoint1,
queryParameters: [:],
headers: [
"TestCustomHeader": "TestCustom",
HTTPHeader.testHeader: "Test"
x25519PublicKey: "05\(TestConstants.publicKey)",
body: nil
request = Network.BatchRequest(
requests: [
request: httpRequest,
urlRequest: try! httpRequest.generateUrlRequest(using: dependencies),
responseType: NoResponse.self,
timeout: 0
let requestData: Data = try! JSONEncoder().encode(request)
let requestString: String? = String(data: requestData, encoding: .utf8)
// MARK: -- when encoding a sogs type endpoint
context("when encoding a sogs type endpoint") {
// MARK: ---- successfully encodes a string body
it("successfully encodes a string body") {
request = Network.BatchRequest(
requests: [
request: Request<String, TestEndpoint1>(
method: .get,
server: "testServer",
endpoint: .endpoint1,
queryParameters: [:],
headers: [:],
x25519PublicKey: "05\(TestConstants.publicKey)",
body: "testBody"
urlRequest: URLRequest(url: URL(string: "")!),
responseType: NoResponse.self,
timeout: 0
let requestData: Data? = try? JSONEncoder().encode(request)
let requestJson: [[String: Any]]? = requestData
.map { try? JSONSerialization.jsonObject(with: $0) as? [[String: Any]] }
expect(requestJson?.first?["path"] as? String).to(equal("/endpoint1"))
expect(requestJson?.first?["method"] as? String).to(equal("GET"))
expect(requestJson?.first?["b64"] as? String).to(equal("testBody"))
// MARK: ---- successfully encodes a byte body
it("successfully encodes a byte body") {
request = Network.BatchRequest(
requests: [
request: Request<[UInt8], TestEndpoint1>(
method: .get,
server: "testServer",
endpoint: .endpoint1,
queryParameters: [:],
headers: [:],
x25519PublicKey: "05\(TestConstants.publicKey)",
body: [1, 2, 3]
urlRequest: URLRequest(url: URL(string: "")!),
responseType: NoResponse.self,
timeout: 0
let requestData: Data? = try? JSONEncoder().encode(request)
let requestJson: [[String: Any]]? = requestData
.map { try? JSONSerialization.jsonObject(with: $0) as? [[String: Any]] }
expect(requestJson?.first?["path"] as? String).to(equal("/endpoint1"))
expect(requestJson?.first?["method"] as? String).to(equal("GET"))
expect(requestJson?.first?["bytes"] as? [Int]).to(equal([1, 2, 3]))
// MARK: ---- successfully encodes a JSON body
it("successfully encodes a JSON body") {
request = Network.BatchRequest(
requests: [
request: Request<TestType, TestEndpoint1>(
method: .get,
server: "testServer",
endpoint: .endpoint1,
queryParameters: [:],
headers: [:],
x25519PublicKey: "05\(TestConstants.publicKey)",
body: TestType(stringValue: "testValue")
urlRequest: URLRequest(url: URL(string: "")!),
responseType: NoResponse.self,
timeout: 0
let requestData: Data? = try? JSONEncoder().encode(request)
let requestJson: [[String: Any]]? = requestData
.map { try? JSONSerialization.jsonObject(with: $0) as? [[String: Any]] }
expect(requestJson?.first?["path"] as? String).to(equal("/endpoint1"))
expect(requestJson?.first?["method"] as? String).to(equal("GET"))
expect(requestJson?.first?["json"] as? [String: String]).to(equal(["stringValue": "testValue"]))
// MARK: -- when encoding a storage server type endpoint
context("when encoding a storage server type endpoint") {
// MARK: ---- ignores a string body
it("ignores a string body") {
request = Network.BatchRequest(
requestsKey: .requests,
requests: [
request: Request<String, TestEndpoint2>(
method: .get,
server: "testServer",
endpoint: .endpoint2,
queryParameters: [:],
headers: [:],
x25519PublicKey: "05\(TestConstants.publicKey)",
body: "testValue"
urlRequest: URLRequest(url: URL(string: "")!),
responseType: NoResponse.self,
timeout: 0
let requestData: Data? = try? JSONEncoder().encode(request)
let requestJson: [String: [[String: Any]]]? = requestData
.map { try? JSONSerialization.jsonObject(with: $0) as? [String: [[String: Any]]] }
let requests: [[String: Any]]? = requestJson?["requests"]
// MARK: ---- ignores a byte body
it("ignores a byte body") {
request = Network.BatchRequest(
requestsKey: .requests,
requests: [
request: Request<[UInt8], TestEndpoint2>(
method: .get,
server: "testServer",
endpoint: .endpoint2,
queryParameters: [:],
headers: [:],
x25519PublicKey: "05\(TestConstants.publicKey)",
body: [1, 2, 3]
urlRequest: URLRequest(url: URL(string: "")!),
responseType: NoResponse.self,
timeout: 0
let requestData: Data? = try? JSONEncoder().encode(request)
let requestJson: [String: [[String: Any]]]? = requestData
.map { try? JSONSerialization.jsonObject(with: $0) as? [String: [[String: Any]]] }
let requests: [[String: Any]]? = requestJson?["requests"]
// MARK: ---- successfully encodes a JSON body
it("successfully encodes a JSON body") {
request = Network.BatchRequest(
requestsKey: .requests,
requests: [
request: Request<TestType, TestEndpoint2>(
method: .get,
server: "testServer",
endpoint: .endpoint2,
queryParameters: [:],
headers: [:],
x25519PublicKey: "05\(TestConstants.publicKey)",
body: TestType(stringValue: "testValue")
urlRequest: URLRequest(url: URL(string: "")!),
responseType: NoResponse.self,
timeout: 0
let requestData: Data? = try? JSONEncoder().encode(request)
let requestJson: [String: [[String: Any]]]? = requestData
.map { try? JSONSerialization.jsonObject(with: $0) as? [String: [[String: Any]]] }
let requests: [[String: Any]]? = requestJson?["requests"]
expect(requests?.first as? [String: String])
.to(equal(["stringValue": "testValue"]))
// MARK: - Test Types
fileprivate extension HTTPHeader {
static let testHeader: HTTPHeader = "TestHeader"
fileprivate enum TestEndpoint1: EndpointType {
case endpoint1
static var name: String { "TestEndpoint1" }
static var batchRequestVariant: Network.BatchRequest.Child.Variant { .sogs }
static var excludedSubRequestHeaders: [HTTPHeader] { [.testHeader] }
var path: String { return "endpoint1" }
fileprivate enum TestEndpoint2: EndpointType {
case endpoint2
static var name: String { "TestEndpoint2" }
static var batchRequestVariant: Network.BatchRequest.Child.Variant { .storageServer }
static var excludedSubRequestHeaders: [HTTPHeader] { [] }
var path: String { return "endpoint2" }
fileprivate struct TestType: Codable, Equatable {
let stringValue: String