// // Copyright (c) 2019 Open Whisper Systems. All rights reserved. // #import NS_ASSUME_NONNULL_BEGIN static inline BOOL OWSIsDebugBuild() { #ifdef DEBUG return YES; #else return NO; #endif } // These are fired whenever the corresponding "main app" or "app extension" // notification is fired. // // 1. This saves you the work of observing both. // 2. This allows us to ensure that any critical work (e.g. re-opening // databases) has been done before app re-enters foreground, etc. extern NSString *const OWSApplicationDidEnterBackgroundNotification; extern NSString *const OWSApplicationWillEnterForegroundNotification; extern NSString *const OWSApplicationWillResignActiveNotification; extern NSString *const OWSApplicationDidBecomeActiveNotification; typedef void (^BackgroundTaskExpirationHandler)(void); typedef void (^AppActiveBlock)(void); NSString *NSStringForUIApplicationState(UIApplicationState value); @class OWSAES256Key; @protocol SSKKeychainStorage; @protocol AppContext @property (nonatomic, readonly) BOOL isMainApp; @property (nonatomic, readonly) BOOL isMainAppAndActive; /// Whether the app was woken up by a silent push notification. This is important for /// determining whether attachments should be downloaded or not. @property (nonatomic) BOOL wasWokenUpByPushNotification; // Whether the user is using a right-to-left language like Arabic. @property (nonatomic, readonly) BOOL isRTL; @property (nonatomic, readonly) BOOL isRunningTests; @property (atomic, nullable) UIWindow *mainWindow; // Unlike UIApplication.applicationState, this is thread-safe. // It contains the "last known" application state. // // Because it is updated in response to "will/did-style" events, it is // conservative and skews toward less-active and not-foreground: // // * It doesn't report "is active" until the app is active // and reports "inactive" as soon as it _will become_ inactive. // * It doesn't report "is foreground (but inactive)" until the app is // foreground & inactive and reports "background" as soon as it _will // enter_ background. // // This conservatism is useful, since we want to err on the side of // caution when, for example, we do work that should only be done // when the app is foreground and active. @property (atomic, readonly) UIApplicationState reportedApplicationState; // A convenience accessor for reportedApplicationState. // // This method is thread-safe. - (BOOL)isInBackground; // A convenience accessor for reportedApplicationState. // // This method is thread-safe. - (BOOL)isAppForegroundAndActive; // Should start a background task if isMainApp is YES. // Should just return UIBackgroundTaskInvalid if isMainApp is NO. - (UIBackgroundTaskIdentifier)beginBackgroundTaskWithExpirationHandler: (BackgroundTaskExpirationHandler)expirationHandler; // Should be a NOOP if isMainApp is NO. - (void)endBackgroundTask:(UIBackgroundTaskIdentifier)backgroundTaskIdentifier; // Should be a NOOP if isMainApp is NO. - (void)ensureSleepBlocking:(BOOL)shouldBeBlocking blockingObjects:(NSArray *)blockingObjects; // Should only be called if isMainApp is YES. - (void)setMainAppBadgeNumber:(NSInteger)value; - (void)setStatusBarHidden:(BOOL)isHidden animated:(BOOL)isAnimated; @property (nonatomic, readonly) CGFloat statusBarHeight; // Returns the VC that should be used to present alerts, modals, etc. - (nullable UIViewController *)frontmostViewController; // Returns nil if isMainApp is NO @property (nullable, nonatomic, readonly) UIAlertAction *openSystemSettingsAction; // Should be a NOOP if isMainApp is NO. - (void)setNetworkActivityIndicatorVisible:(BOOL)value; - (void)runNowOrWhenMainAppIsActive:(AppActiveBlock)block; @property (atomic, readonly) NSDate *appLaunchTime; - (id)keychainStorage; - (NSString *)appDocumentDirectoryPath; - (NSString *)appSharedDataDirectoryPath; - (NSUserDefaults *)appUserDefaults; @end id CurrentAppContext(void); void SetCurrentAppContext(id appContext); void ExitShareExtension(void); #ifdef DEBUG void ClearCurrentAppContextForTests(void); #endif NS_ASSUME_NONNULL_END