platform :ios, '13.0' use_frameworks! inhibit_all_warnings! install! 'cocoapods', :warn_for_unused_master_specs_repo => false # Dependencies to be included in the app and all extensions/frameworks abstract_target 'GlobalDependencies' do # FIXME: If gets resolved then revert this back to the standard pod pod 'Sodium', :git => '', branch: 'session-build' pod 'GRDB.swift/SQLCipher' # FIXME: Would be nice to migrate from CocoaPods to SwiftPackageManager (should allow us to speed up build time), haven't gone through all of the dependencies but currently unfortunately SQLCipher doesn't support SPM (for more info see: pod 'SQLCipher', '~> 4.5.3' pod 'WebRTC-lib' target 'Session' do pod 'Reachability' pod 'PureLayout', '~> 3.1.8' pod 'NVActivityIndicatorView' pod 'YYImage/libwebp', git: '' pod 'DifferenceKit' target 'SessionTests' do inherit! :complete pod 'Quick' pod 'Nimble' end end # Dependencies to be included only in all extensions/frameworks abstract_target 'FrameworkAndExtensionDependencies' do pod 'Curve25519Kit', git: '', branch: 'session-version' pod 'SignalCoreKit', git: '', :commit => '3acbfe5' target 'SessionNotificationServiceExtension' target 'SessionSnodeKit' # Dependencies that are shared across a number of extensions/frameworks but not all abstract_target 'ExtendedDependencies' do pod 'PureLayout', '~> 3.1.8' target 'SessionShareExtension' do pod 'NVActivityIndicatorView' pod 'DifferenceKit' end target 'SignalUtilitiesKit' do pod 'NVActivityIndicatorView' pod 'Reachability' pod 'SAMKeychain' pod 'SwiftProtobuf', '~> 1.5.0' pod 'YYImage/libwebp', git: '' pod 'DifferenceKit' end target 'SessionMessagingKit' do pod 'Reachability' pod 'SAMKeychain' pod 'SwiftProtobuf', '~> 1.5.0' pod 'DifferenceKit' target 'SessionMessagingKitTests' do inherit! :complete pod 'Quick' pod 'Nimble' # Need to include this for the tests because otherwise it won't actually build pod 'YYImage/libwebp', git: '' end end target 'SessionUtilitiesKit' do pod 'SAMKeychain' pod 'YYImage/libwebp', git: '' pod 'DifferenceKit' target 'SessionUtilitiesKitTests' do inherit! :complete pod 'Quick' pod 'Nimble' end end end end target 'SessionUIKit' do pod 'GRDB.swift/SQLCipher' pod 'DifferenceKit' pod 'YYImage/libwebp', git: '' end end # Actions to perform post-install post_install do |installer| set_minimum_deployment_target(installer) end def set_minimum_deployment_target(installer) installer.pods_project.targets.each do |target| target.build_configurations.each do |build_configuration| build_configuration.build_settings['IPHONEOS_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET'] = '13.0' end end end