// Copyright © 2023 Rangeproof Pty Ltd. All rights reserved. import Foundation import GRDB import Quick import Nimble import SessionUIKit import SessionSnodeKit import SessionMessagingKit @testable import Session @testable import SessionUtilitiesKit class DatabaseSpec: QuickSpec { fileprivate static let ignoredTables: Set = [ "sqlite_sequence", "grdb_migrations", "*_fts*" ] override class func spec() { // MARK: Configuration @TestState var dependencies: Dependencies! = Dependencies() @TestState var mockStorage: Storage! = SynchronousStorage(customWriter: try! DatabaseQueue()) @TestState var initialResult: Result! = nil @TestState var finalResult: Result! = nil let allMigrations: [Storage.KeyedMigration] = SynchronousStorage.sortedMigrationInfo( migrationTargets: [ SNUtilitiesKit.self, SNSnodeKit.self, SNMessagingKit.self, SNUIKit.self ] ) let dynamicTests: [MigrationTest] = MigrationTest.extractTests(allMigrations) let allDatabaseTypes: [(TableRecord & FetchableRecord).Type] = MigrationTest.extractDatabaseTypes(allMigrations) MigrationTest.explicitValues = [ // Specific enum values needed TableColumn(SessionThread.self, .notificationSound): 1000, TableColumn(ConfigDump.self, .variant): "userProfile", // libSession will throw if we try to insert a community with an invalid // 'server' value or a room that is too long TableColumn(OpenGroup.self, .server): "https://www.oxen.io", TableColumn(OpenGroup.self, .roomToken): "testRoom", // libSession will fail to load state if the ConfigDump data is invalid TableColumn(ConfigDump.self, .data): Data() ] // MARK: - a Database describe("a Database") { beforeEach { // FIXME: These should be mocked out instead of set this way dependencies.caches.mutate(cache: .general) { $0.encodedPublicKey = "05\(TestConstants.publicKey)" } LibSession.clearMemoryState() } // MARK: -- can be created from an empty state it("can be created from an empty state") { mockStorage.perform( migrationTargets: [ SNUtilitiesKit.self, SNSnodeKit.self, SNMessagingKit.self, SNUIKit.self ], async: false, onProgressUpdate: nil, onMigrationRequirement: { _, _ in }, onComplete: { result, _ in initialResult = result } ) expect(initialResult).to(beSuccess()) } // MARK: -- can still parse the database types it("can still parse the database types") { mockStorage.perform( sortedMigrations: allMigrations, async: false, onProgressUpdate: nil, onMigrationRequirement: { _, _ in }, onComplete: { result, _ in initialResult = result } ) expect(initialResult).to(beSuccess()) // Generate dummy data (fetching below won't do anything) expect(try MigrationTest.generateDummyData(mockStorage, nullsWherePossible: false)).toNot(throwError()) // Fetch the records which are required by the migrations or were modified by them to // ensure the decoding is also still working correctly mockStorage.read { db in allDatabaseTypes.forEach { table in expect { try table.fetchAll(db) }.toNot(throwError()) } } } // MARK: -- can still parse the database types setting null where possible it("can still parse the database types setting null where possible") { mockStorage.perform( sortedMigrations: allMigrations, async: false, onProgressUpdate: nil, onMigrationRequirement: { _, _ in }, onComplete: { result, _ in initialResult = result } ) expect(initialResult).to(beSuccess()) // Generate dummy data (fetching below won't do anything) expect(try MigrationTest.generateDummyData(mockStorage, nullsWherePossible: true)).toNot(throwError()) // Fetch the records which are required by the migrations or were modified by them to // ensure the decoding is also still working correctly mockStorage.read { db in allDatabaseTypes.forEach { table in expect { try table.fetchAll(db) }.toNot(throwError()) } } } // MARK: -- can migrate from X to Y dynamicTests.forEach { test in it("can migrate from \(test.initialMigrationKey) to \(test.finalMigrationKey)") { mockStorage.perform( sortedMigrations: test.initialMigrations, async: false, onProgressUpdate: nil, onMigrationRequirement: { _, _ in }, onComplete: { result, _ in initialResult = result } ) expect(initialResult).to(beSuccess()) // Generate dummy data (otherwise structural issues or invalid foreign keys won't error) expect(try MigrationTest.generateDummyData(mockStorage, nullsWherePossible: false)).toNot(throwError()) // Peform the target migrations to ensure the migrations themselves worked correctly mockStorage.perform( sortedMigrations: test.migrationsToTest, async: false, onProgressUpdate: nil, onMigrationRequirement: { _, _ in }, onComplete: { result, _ in finalResult = result } ) expect(finalResult).to(beSuccess()) /// Ensure all of the `fetchedTables` records can still be decoded correctly after the migrations have completed (since /// we perform multiple migrations above it's possible these won't work after the `initialMigrations` but actually will /// work when required as an intermediate migration could have satisfied the data requirements) mockStorage.read { db in test.migrationsToTest.forEach { _, _, migration in migration.fetchedTables.forEach { table in expect { try table.fetchAll(db) }.toNot(throwError()) } } } } } } } } // MARK: - Convenience private extension Database.ColumnType { init(rawValue: Any) { switch rawValue as? String { case .some(let value): self = Database.ColumnType(rawValue: value) case .none: self = Database.ColumnType.any } } } private struct TableColumn: Hashable { let tableName: String let columnName: String init(_ type: T.Type, _ column: T.Columns) { self.tableName = T.databaseTableName self.columnName = column.name } init?(_ tableName: String, _ columnName: Any?) { guard let finalColumnName: String = columnName as? String else { return nil } self.tableName = tableName self.columnName = finalColumnName } } private class MigrationTest { static var explicitValues: [TableColumn: (any DatabaseValueConvertible)] = [:] let initialMigrations: [Storage.KeyedMigration] let migrationsToTest: [Storage.KeyedMigration] var initialMigrationKey: String { return (initialMigrations.last?.key ?? "an empty database") } var finalMigrationKey: String { return (migrationsToTest.last?.key ?? "invalid") } private init( initialMigrations: [Storage.KeyedMigration], migrationsToTest: [Storage.KeyedMigration] ) { self.initialMigrations = initialMigrations self.migrationsToTest = migrationsToTest } // MARK: - Test Data static func extractTests(_ allMigrations: [Storage.KeyedMigration]) -> [MigrationTest] { return (0..<(allMigrations.count - 1)) .flatMap { index -> [MigrationTest] in ((index + 1).. MigrationTest in MigrationTest( initialMigrations: Array(allMigrations[0.. [(TableRecord & FetchableRecord).Type] { return allMigrations .reduce(into: [:]) { result, next in next.migration.fetchedTables.forEach { table in result[ObjectIdentifier(table).hashValue] = table } next.migration.createdOrAlteredTables.forEach { table in result[ObjectIdentifier(table).hashValue] = table } } .values .asArray() } // MARK: - Mock Data static func generateDummyData(_ storage: Storage, nullsWherePossible: Bool) throws { var generationError: Error? = nil // The `PRAGMA foreign_keys` is a no-op within a transaction so we have to do it outside of one try storage.testDbWriter?.writeWithoutTransaction { db in try db.execute(sql: "PRAGMA foreign_keys = OFF") } storage.write { db in do { try MigrationTest.generateDummyData(db, nullsWherePossible: nullsWherePossible) try db.checkForeignKeys() } catch { generationError = error } } try storage.testDbWriter?.writeWithoutTransaction { db in try db.execute(sql: "PRAGMA foreign_keys = ON") } // Throw the error if there was one if let error: Error = generationError { throw error } } private static func generateDummyData(_ db: Database, nullsWherePossible: Bool) throws { // Fetch table schema information let disallowedPrefixes: Set = DatabaseSpec.ignoredTables .filter { $0.hasPrefix("*") && !$0.hasSuffix("*") } .map { String($0[$0.index(after: $0.startIndex)...]) } .asSet() let disallowedSuffixes: Set = DatabaseSpec.ignoredTables .filter { $0.hasSuffix("*") && !$0.hasPrefix("*") } .map { String($0[$0.startIndex..<$0.index(before: $0.endIndex)]) } .asSet() let disallowedContains: Set = DatabaseSpec.ignoredTables .filter { $0.hasPrefix("*") && $0.hasSuffix("*") } .map { String($0[$0.index(after: $0.startIndex)..<$0.index(before: $0.endIndex)]) } .asSet() let tables: [Row] = try Row .fetchAll(db, sql: "SELECT * from sqlite_schema WHERE type = 'table'") .filter { tableInfo -> Bool in guard let name: String = tableInfo["name"] else { return false } return ( !DatabaseSpec.ignoredTables.contains(name) && !disallowedPrefixes.contains(where: { name.hasPrefix($0) }) && !disallowedSuffixes.contains(where: { name.hasSuffix($0) }) && !disallowedContains.contains(where: { name.contains($0) }) ) } // Generate data via schema inspection for all other tables try tables.forEach { tableInfo in switch tableInfo["name"] as? String { case .none: throw StorageError.generic case Identity.databaseTableName: // If there is an 'Identity' table then insert "proper" identity info (otherwise mock // data might get deleted as invalid in libSession migrations) try [ Identity(variant: .x25519PublicKey, data: Data.data(fromHex: TestConstants.publicKey)!), Identity(variant: .x25519PrivateKey, data: Data.data(fromHex: TestConstants.privateKey)!), Identity(variant: .ed25519PublicKey, data: Data.data(fromHex: TestConstants.edPublicKey)!), Identity(variant: .ed25519SecretKey, data: Data.data(fromHex: TestConstants.edSecretKey)!) ].forEach { try $0.insert(db) } case .some(let name): // No need to insert dummy data if it already exists in the table guard try Int.fetchOne(db, sql: "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM '\(name)'") == 0 else { return } let columnInfo: [Row] = try Row.fetchAll(db, sql: "PRAGMA table_info('\(name)');") let validNames: [String] = columnInfo.compactMap { $0["name"].map { "'\($0)'" } } let columnNames: String = validNames.joined(separator: ", ") let columnArgs: String = validNames.map { _ in "?" }.joined(separator: ", ") try db.execute( sql: "INSERT INTO \(name) (\(columnNames)) VALUES (\(columnArgs))", arguments: StatementArguments(columnInfo.map { column in // If we want to allow setting nulls (and the column is nullable but not a primary // key) then use null for it's value guard !nullsWherePossible || column["notnull"] != 0 || column["pk"] == 1 else { return nil } // If this column has an explicitly defined value then use that if let key: TableColumn = TableColumn(name, column["name"]), let explicitValue: (any DatabaseValueConvertible) = MigrationTest.explicitValues[key] { return explicitValue } // Otherwise generate some mock data (trying to use potentially real values in case // something is a primary/foreign key) switch Database.ColumnType(rawValue: column["type"]) { case .text: return "05\(TestConstants.publicKey)" case .blob: return Data([1, 2, 3]) case .boolean: return false case .integer, .numeric, .double, .real: return 1 case .date, .datetime: return Date(timeIntervalSince1970: 1234567890) case .any: return nil default: return nil } }) ) } } } }