// // Copyright (c) 2019 Open Whisper Systems. All rights reserved. // #import "ThreadUtil.h" #import "OWSQuotedReplyModel.h" #import "OWSUnreadIndicator.h" #import #import #import #import #import #import #import #import #import #import #import NS_ASSUME_NONNULL_BEGIN @interface ThreadDynamicInteractions () @property (nonatomic, nullable) NSNumber *focusMessagePosition; @property (nonatomic, nullable) OWSUnreadIndicator *unreadIndicator; @end #pragma mark - @implementation ThreadDynamicInteractions - (void)clearUnreadIndicatorState { self.unreadIndicator = nil; } - (BOOL)isEqual:(id)object { if (self == object) { return YES; } if (![object isKindOfClass:[ThreadDynamicInteractions class]]) { return NO; } ThreadDynamicInteractions *other = (ThreadDynamicInteractions *)object; return ([NSObject isNullableObject:self.focusMessagePosition equalTo:other.focusMessagePosition] && [NSObject isNullableObject:self.unreadIndicator equalTo:other.unreadIndicator]); } @end @implementation ThreadUtil #pragma mark - Dependencies + (YapDatabaseConnection *)dbConnection { return SSKEnvironment.shared.primaryStorage.dbReadWriteConnection; } #pragma mark - Dynamic Interactions + (ThreadDynamicInteractions *)ensureDynamicInteractionsForThread:(TSThread *)thread blockingManager:(OWSBlockingManager *)blockingManager dbConnection:(YapDatabaseConnection *)dbConnection hideUnreadMessagesIndicator:(BOOL)hideUnreadMessagesIndicator lastUnreadIndicator:(nullable OWSUnreadIndicator *)lastUnreadIndicator focusMessageId:(nullable NSString *)focusMessageId maxRangeSize:(int)maxRangeSize { OWSAssertDebug(thread); OWSAssertDebug(dbConnection); OWSAssertDebug(blockingManager); OWSAssertDebug(maxRangeSize > 0); ThreadDynamicInteractions *result = [ThreadDynamicInteractions new]; [dbConnection readWithBlock:^(YapDatabaseReadTransaction *transaction) { // Determine if there are "unread" messages in this conversation. // If we've been passed a firstUnseenInteractionTimestampParameter, // just use that value in order to preserve continuity of the // unread messages indicator after all messages in the conversation // have been marked as read. // // IFF this variable is non-null, there are unseen messages in the thread. NSNumber *_Nullable firstUnseenSortId = nil; if (lastUnreadIndicator) { firstUnseenSortId = @(lastUnreadIndicator.firstUnseenSortId); } else { TSInteraction *_Nullable firstUnseenInteraction = [[TSDatabaseView unseenDatabaseViewExtension:transaction] firstObjectInGroup:thread.uniqueId]; if (firstUnseenInteraction && firstUnseenInteraction.sortId != NULL) { firstUnseenSortId = @(firstUnseenInteraction.sortId); } } [self ensureUnreadIndicator:result thread:thread transaction:transaction maxRangeSize:maxRangeSize nonBlockingSafetyNumberChanges:@[] hideUnreadMessagesIndicator:hideUnreadMessagesIndicator firstUnseenSortId:firstUnseenSortId]; // Determine the position of the focus message _after_ performing any mutations // around dynamic interactions. if (focusMessageId != nil) { result.focusMessagePosition = [self focusMessagePositionForThread:thread transaction:transaction focusMessageId:focusMessageId]; } }]; return result; } + (void)ensureUnreadIndicator:(ThreadDynamicInteractions *)dynamicInteractions thread:(TSThread *)thread transaction:(YapDatabaseReadTransaction *)transaction maxRangeSize:(int)maxRangeSize nonBlockingSafetyNumberChanges:(NSArray *)nonBlockingSafetyNumberChanges hideUnreadMessagesIndicator:(BOOL)hideUnreadMessagesIndicator firstUnseenSortId:(nullable NSNumber *)firstUnseenSortId { OWSAssertDebug(dynamicInteractions); OWSAssertDebug(thread); OWSAssertDebug(transaction); OWSAssertDebug(nonBlockingSafetyNumberChanges); if (hideUnreadMessagesIndicator) { return; } if (!firstUnseenSortId) { // If there are no unseen interactions, don't show an unread indicator. return; } YapDatabaseViewTransaction *threadMessagesTransaction = [transaction ext:TSMessageDatabaseViewExtensionName]; OWSAssertDebug([threadMessagesTransaction isKindOfClass:[YapDatabaseViewTransaction class]]); // Determine unread indicator position, if necessary. // // Enumerate in reverse to count the number of messages // after the unseen messages indicator. Not all of // them are unnecessarily unread, but we need to tell // the messages view the position of the unread indicator, // so that it can widen its "load window" to always show // the unread indicator. __block long visibleUnseenMessageCount = 0; __block TSInteraction *interactionAfterUnreadIndicator = nil; __block BOOL hasMoreUnseenMessages = NO; [threadMessagesTransaction enumerateKeysAndObjectsInGroup:thread.uniqueId withOptions:NSEnumerationReverse usingBlock:^(NSString *collection, NSString *key, id object, NSUInteger index, BOOL *stop) { if (![object isKindOfClass:[TSInteraction class]]) { OWSFailDebug(@"Expected a TSInteraction: %@", [object class]); return; } TSInteraction *interaction = (TSInteraction *)object; if (interaction.isDynamicInteraction) { // Ignore dynamic interactions, if any. return; } if (interaction.sortId < firstUnseenSortId.unsignedLongLongValue) { // By default we want the unread indicator to appear just before // the first unread message. *stop = YES; return; } visibleUnseenMessageCount++; interactionAfterUnreadIndicator = interaction; if (visibleUnseenMessageCount + 1 >= maxRangeSize) { // If there are more unseen messages than can be displayed in the // messages view, show the unread indicator at the top of the // displayed messages. *stop = YES; hasMoreUnseenMessages = YES; } }]; if (!interactionAfterUnreadIndicator) { // If we can't find an interaction after the unread indicator, // don't show it. All unread messages may have been deleted or // expired. return; } OWSAssertDebug(visibleUnseenMessageCount > 0); NSInteger unreadIndicatorPosition = visibleUnseenMessageCount; dynamicInteractions.unreadIndicator = [[OWSUnreadIndicator alloc] initWithFirstUnseenSortId:firstUnseenSortId.unsignedLongLongValue hasMoreUnseenMessages:hasMoreUnseenMessages missingUnseenSafetyNumberChangeCount:nonBlockingSafetyNumberChanges.count unreadIndicatorPosition:unreadIndicatorPosition]; OWSLogInfo(@"Creating Unread Indicator: %llu", dynamicInteractions.unreadIndicator.firstUnseenSortId); } + (nullable NSNumber *)focusMessagePositionForThread:(TSThread *)thread transaction:(YapDatabaseReadTransaction *)transaction focusMessageId:(NSString *)focusMessageId { OWSAssertDebug(thread); OWSAssertDebug(transaction); OWSAssertDebug(focusMessageId); YapDatabaseViewTransaction *databaseView = [transaction ext:TSMessageDatabaseViewExtensionName]; NSString *_Nullable group = nil; NSUInteger index; BOOL success = [databaseView getGroup:&group index:&index forKey:focusMessageId inCollection:TSInteraction.collection]; if (!success) { // This might happen if the focus message has disappeared // before this view could appear. OWSFailDebug(@"failed to find focus message index."); return nil; } if (![group isEqualToString:thread.uniqueId]) { OWSFailDebug(@"focus message has invalid group."); return nil; } NSUInteger count = [databaseView numberOfItemsInGroup:thread.uniqueId]; if (index >= count) { OWSFailDebug(@"focus message has invalid index."); return nil; } NSUInteger position = (count - index) - 1; return @(position); } #pragma mark - Delete Content + (void)deleteAllContent { OWSLogInfo(@""); [LKStorage writeSyncWithBlock:^(YapDatabaseReadWriteTransaction *transaction) { [self removeAllObjectsInCollection:[TSThread collection] class:[TSThread class] transaction:transaction]; [self removeAllObjectsInCollection:[TSInteraction collection] class:[TSInteraction class] transaction:transaction]; [self removeAllObjectsInCollection:[TSAttachment collection] class:[TSAttachment class] transaction:transaction]; @try { [self removeAllObjectsInCollection:[SignalRecipient collection] class:[SignalRecipient class] transaction:transaction]; } @catch (NSException *exception) { // Do nothing } }]; [TSAttachmentStream deleteAttachments]; } + (void)removeAllObjectsInCollection:(NSString *)collection class:(Class) class transaction:(YapDatabaseReadWriteTransaction *)transaction { OWSAssertDebug(collection.length > 0); OWSAssertDebug(class); OWSAssertDebug(transaction); NSArray *_Nullable uniqueIds = [transaction allKeysInCollection:collection]; if (!uniqueIds) { OWSFailDebug(@"couldn't load uniqueIds for collection: %@.", collection); return; } OWSLogInfo(@"Deleting %lu objects from: %@", (unsigned long)uniqueIds.count, collection); NSUInteger count = 0; for (NSString *uniqueId in uniqueIds) { // We need to fetch each object, since [TSYapDatabaseObject removeWithTransaction:] sometimes does important // work. TSYapDatabaseObject *_Nullable object = [class fetchObjectWithUniqueID:uniqueId transaction:transaction]; if (!object) { OWSFailDebug(@"couldn't load object for deletion: %@.", collection); continue; } [object removeWithTransaction:transaction]; count++; }; OWSLogInfo(@"Deleted %lu/%lu objects from: %@", (unsigned long)count, (unsigned long)uniqueIds.count, collection); } #pragma mark - Find Content + (nullable TSInteraction *)findInteractionInThreadByTimestamp:(uint64_t)timestamp authorId:(NSString *)authorId threadUniqueId:(NSString *)threadUniqueId transaction:(YapDatabaseReadTransaction *)transaction { OWSAssertDebug(timestamp > 0); OWSAssertDebug(authorId.length > 0); NSString *localNumber = [TSAccountManager localNumber]; if (localNumber.length < 1) { OWSFailDebug(@"missing long number."); return nil; } NSArray *interactions = [TSInteraction interactionsWithTimestamp:timestamp filter:^(TSInteraction *interaction) { NSString *_Nullable messageAuthorId = nil; if ([interaction isKindOfClass:[TSIncomingMessage class]]) { TSIncomingMessage *incomingMessage = (TSIncomingMessage *)interaction; messageAuthorId = incomingMessage.authorId; } else if ([interaction isKindOfClass:[TSOutgoingMessage class]]) { messageAuthorId = localNumber; } if (messageAuthorId.length < 1) { return NO; } if (![authorId isEqualToString:messageAuthorId]) { return NO; } if (![interaction.uniqueThreadId isEqualToString:threadUniqueId]) { return NO; } return YES; } withTransaction:transaction]; if (interactions.count < 1) { return nil; } if (interactions.count > 1) { // In case of collision, take the first. OWSLogError(@"more than one matching interaction in thread."); } return interactions.firstObject; } @end NS_ASSUME_NONNULL_END