// // Copyright (c) 2019 Open Whisper Systems. All rights reserved. // #import "DataSource.h" #import "MIMETypeUtil.h" #import "NSData+Image.h" #import "OWSFileSystem.h" #import #import NS_ASSUME_NONNULL_BEGIN @interface DataSource () @property (nonatomic) BOOL shouldDeleteOnDeallocation; // The file path for the data, if it already exists on disk. // // This method is safe to call as it will not do any expensive reads or writes. // // May return nil if the data does not (yet) reside on disk. // // Use dataUrl instead if you need to access the data; it will // ensure the data is on disk and return a URL, barring an error. - (nullable NSString *)dataPathIfOnDisk; @end #pragma mark - @implementation DataSource - (NSData *)data { OWSAbstractMethod(); return nil; } - (nullable NSURL *)dataUrl { OWSAbstractMethod(); return nil; } - (nullable NSString *)dataPathIfOnDisk { OWSAbstractMethod(); return nil; } - (NSUInteger)dataLength { OWSAbstractMethod(); return 0; } - (BOOL)writeToPath:(NSString *)dstFilePath { OWSAbstractMethod(); return NO; } - (BOOL)isValidImage { NSString *_Nullable dataPath = [self dataPathIfOnDisk]; if (dataPath) { // if ows_isValidImage is given a file path, it will // avoid loading most of the data into memory, which // is considerably more performant, so try to do that. return [NSData ows_isValidImageAtPath:dataPath mimeType:self.mimeType]; } NSData *data = [self data]; return [data ows_isValidImage]; } - (BOOL)isValidVideo { return [OWSMediaUtils isValidVideoWithPath:self.dataUrl.path]; } - (void)setSourceFilename:(nullable NSString *)sourceFilename { _sourceFilename = sourceFilename.filterFilename; } // Returns the MIME type, if known. - (nullable NSString *)mimeType { OWSAbstractMethod(); return nil; } @end #pragma mark - @interface DataSourceValue () @property (nonatomic) NSData *dataValue; @property (nonatomic) NSString *fileExtension; // This property is lazy-populated. @property (nonatomic, nullable) NSString *cachedFilePath; @end #pragma mark - @implementation DataSourceValue - (void)dealloc { if (self.shouldDeleteOnDeallocation) { NSString *_Nullable filePath = self.cachedFilePath; if (filePath) { dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{ NSError *error; BOOL success = [[NSFileManager defaultManager] removeItemAtPath:filePath error:&error]; if (!success || error) { OWSCFailDebug(@"DataSourceValue could not delete file: %@, %@", filePath, error); } }); } } } + (nullable DataSource *)dataSourceWithData:(NSData *)data fileExtension:(NSString *)fileExtension { OWSAssertDebug(data); if (!data) { return nil; } DataSourceValue *instance = [DataSourceValue new]; instance.dataValue = data; instance.fileExtension = fileExtension; instance.shouldDeleteOnDeallocation = YES; return instance; } + (nullable DataSource *)dataSourceWithData:(NSData *)data utiType:(NSString *)utiType { NSString *fileExtension = [MIMETypeUtil fileExtensionForUTIType:utiType]; return [self dataSourceWithData:data fileExtension:fileExtension]; } + (nullable DataSource *)dataSourceWithOversizeText:(NSString *_Nullable)text { if (!text) { return nil; } NSData *data = [text.filterStringForDisplay dataUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding]; return [self dataSourceWithData:data fileExtension:kOversizeTextAttachmentFileExtension]; } + (DataSource *)dataSourceWithSyncMessageData:(NSData *)data { return [self dataSourceWithData:data fileExtension:kSyncMessageFileExtension]; } + (DataSource *)emptyDataSource { return [self dataSourceWithData:[NSData new] fileExtension:@"bin"]; } - (NSData *)data { OWSAssertDebug(self.dataValue); return self.dataValue; } - (nullable NSURL *)dataUrl { NSString *_Nullable path = [self dataPath]; return (path ? [NSURL fileURLWithPath:path] : nil); } - (nullable NSString *)dataPath { OWSAssertDebug(self.dataValue); @synchronized(self) { if (!self.cachedFilePath) { NSString *filePath = [OWSFileSystem temporaryFilePathWithFileExtension:self.fileExtension]; if ([self writeToPath:filePath]) { self.cachedFilePath = filePath; } else { OWSLogDebug(@"Could not write data to disk: %@", self.fileExtension); OWSFailDebug(@"Could not write data to disk."); } } return self.cachedFilePath; } } - (nullable NSString *)dataPathIfOnDisk { return self.cachedFilePath; } - (NSUInteger)dataLength { OWSAssertDebug(self.dataValue); return self.dataValue.length; } - (BOOL)writeToPath:(NSString *)dstFilePath { OWSAssertDebug(self.dataValue); NSData *dataCopy = self.dataValue; BOOL success = [dataCopy writeToFile:dstFilePath atomically:YES]; if (!success) { OWSLogDebug(@"Could not write data to disk: %@", dstFilePath); OWSFailDebug(@"Could not write data to disk."); return NO; } else { return YES; } } - (nullable NSString *)mimeType { return (self.fileExtension ? [MIMETypeUtil mimeTypeForFileExtension:self.fileExtension] : nil); } @end #pragma mark - @interface DataSourcePath () @property (nonatomic) NSString *filePath; // These properties are lazy-populated. @property (nonatomic) NSData *cachedData; @property (nonatomic) NSNumber *cachedDataLength; @end #pragma mark - @implementation DataSourcePath - (void)dealloc { if (self.shouldDeleteOnDeallocation) { NSString *filePath = self.filePath; if (filePath) { dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{ NSError *error; BOOL success = [[NSFileManager defaultManager] removeItemAtPath:filePath error:&error]; if (!success || error) { OWSCFailDebug(@"DataSourcePath could not delete file: %@, %@", filePath, error); } }); } } } + (nullable DataSource *)dataSourceWithURL:(NSURL *)fileUrl shouldDeleteOnDeallocation:(BOOL)shouldDeleteOnDeallocation { OWSAssertDebug(fileUrl); if (!fileUrl || ![fileUrl isFileURL]) { return nil; } DataSourcePath *instance = [DataSourcePath new]; instance.filePath = fileUrl.path; instance.shouldDeleteOnDeallocation = shouldDeleteOnDeallocation; return instance; } + (nullable DataSource *)dataSourceWithFilePath:(NSString *)filePath shouldDeleteOnDeallocation:(BOOL)shouldDeleteOnDeallocation { OWSAssertDebug(filePath); if (!filePath) { return nil; } DataSourcePath *instance = [DataSourcePath new]; instance.filePath = filePath; instance.shouldDeleteOnDeallocation = shouldDeleteOnDeallocation; return instance; } - (void)setFilePath:(NSString *)filePath { OWSAssertDebug(filePath.length > 0); #ifdef DEBUG BOOL isDirectory; BOOL exists = [[NSFileManager defaultManager] fileExistsAtPath:filePath isDirectory:&isDirectory]; OWSAssertDebug(exists); OWSAssertDebug(!isDirectory); #endif _filePath = filePath; } - (NSData *)data { OWSAssertDebug(self.filePath); @synchronized(self) { if (!self.cachedData) { self.cachedData = [NSData dataWithContentsOfFile:self.filePath]; } if (!self.cachedData) { OWSLogDebug(@"Could not read data from disk: %@", self.filePath); OWSFailDebug(@"Could not read data from disk."); self.cachedData = [NSData new]; } return self.cachedData; } } - (nullable NSURL *)dataUrl { OWSAssertDebug(self.filePath); return [NSURL fileURLWithPath:self.filePath]; } - (nullable NSString *)dataPath { OWSAssertDebug(self.filePath); return self.filePath; } - (nullable NSString *)dataPathIfOnDisk { OWSAssertDebug(self.filePath); return self.filePath; } - (NSUInteger)dataLength { OWSAssertDebug(self.filePath); @synchronized(self) { if (!self.cachedDataLength) { NSError *error; NSDictionary *_Nullable attributes = [[NSFileManager defaultManager] attributesOfItemAtPath:self.filePath error:&error]; if (!attributes || error) { OWSLogDebug(@"Could not read data length from disk: %@, %@", self.filePath, error); OWSFailDebug(@"Could not read data length from disk with error: %@", error); self.cachedDataLength = @(0); } else { uint64_t fileSize = [attributes fileSize]; self.cachedDataLength = @(fileSize); } } return [self.cachedDataLength unsignedIntegerValue]; } } - (BOOL)writeToPath:(NSString *)dstFilePath { OWSAssertDebug(self.filePath); NSError *error; BOOL success = [[NSFileManager defaultManager] copyItemAtPath:self.filePath toPath:dstFilePath error:&error]; if (!success || error) { OWSLogDebug(@"Could not write data from path: %@, to path: %@, %@", self.filePath, dstFilePath, error); OWSFailDebug(@"Could not write data with error: %@", error); return NO; } else { return YES; } } - (nullable NSString *)mimeType { NSString *_Nullable fileExtension = self.filePath.pathExtension; return (fileExtension ? [MIMETypeUtil mimeTypeForFileExtension:fileExtension] : nil); } @end NS_ASSUME_NONNULL_END