// Copyright © 2022 Rangeproof Pty Ltd. All rights reserved. // // stringlint:disable import Foundation extension SnodeAPI { public final class DeleteAllBeforeRequest: SnodeAuthenticatedRequestBody, UpdatableTimestamp { enum CodingKeys: String, CodingKey { case beforeMs = "before" case namespace } let beforeMs: UInt64 let namespace: SnodeAPI.Namespace? // MARK: - Init public init( beforeMs: UInt64, namespace: SnodeAPI.Namespace?, pubkey: String, timestampMs: UInt64, ed25519PublicKey: [UInt8], ed25519SecretKey: [UInt8] ) { self.beforeMs = beforeMs self.namespace = namespace super.init( pubkey: pubkey, ed25519PublicKey: ed25519PublicKey, ed25519SecretKey: ed25519SecretKey, timestampMs: timestampMs ) } // MARK: - Coding override public func encode(to encoder: Encoder) throws { var container: KeyedEncodingContainer = encoder.container(keyedBy: CodingKeys.self) try container.encode(beforeMs, forKey: .beforeMs) // If no namespace is specified it defaults to the default namespace only (namespace // 0), so instead in this case we want to explicitly delete from `all` namespaces switch namespace { case .some(let namespace): try container.encode(namespace, forKey: .namespace) case .none: try container.encode("all", forKey: .namespace) } try super.encode(to: encoder) } // MARK: - Abstract Methods override func generateSignature() throws -> [UInt8] { /// Ed25519 signature of `("delete_before" || namespace || before)`, signed by /// `pubkey`. Must be base64 encoded (json) or bytes (OMQ). `namespace` is the stringified /// version of the given non-default namespace parameter (i.e. "-42" or "all"), or the empty /// string for the default namespace (whether explicitly given or not). let verificationBytes: [UInt8] = SnodeAPI.Endpoint.deleteAllBefore.path.bytes .appending( contentsOf: (namespace == nil ? "all" : namespace?.verificationString )?.bytes ) .appending(contentsOf: "\(beforeMs)".data(using: .ascii)?.bytes) guard let signatureBytes: [UInt8] = sodium.wrappedValue.sign.signature( message: verificationBytes, secretKey: ed25519SecretKey ) else { throw SnodeAPIError.signingFailed } return signatureBytes } // MARK: - UpdatableTimestamp public func with(timestampMs: UInt64) -> DeleteAllBeforeRequest { return DeleteAllBeforeRequest( beforeMs: self.beforeMs, namespace: self.namespace, pubkey: self.pubkey, timestampMs: timestampMs, ed25519PublicKey: self.ed25519PublicKey, ed25519SecretKey: self.ed25519SecretKey ) } } }