// Copyright © 2022 Rangeproof Pty Ltd. All rights reserved. import UIKit import Combine import CoreServices import SignalUtilitiesKit import SessionUIKit import SessionUtilitiesKit import SessionMessagingKit import SignalCoreKit final class ShareNavController: UINavigationController, ShareViewDelegate { public static var attachmentPrepPublisher: AnyPublisher<[SignalAttachment], Error>? private let versionMigrationsComplete: Atomic = Atomic(false) private var fileLogger: DDFileLogger? // MARK: - Error enum ShareViewControllerError: Error { case assertionError(description: String) case unsupportedMedia case notRegistered case obsoleteShare } // MARK: - Lifecycle override func loadView() { super.loadView() view.themeBackgroundColor = .backgroundPrimary // This should be the first thing we do (Note: If you leave the share context and return to it // the context will already exist, trying to override it results in the share context crashing // so ensure it doesn't exist first) if !Singleton.hasAppContext { Singleton.setup(appContext: ShareAppExtensionContext(rootViewController: self)) } _ = AppVersion.sharedInstance() Cryptography.seedRandom() // We don't need to use DeviceSleepManager in the SAE. // We don't need to use applySignalAppearence in the SAE. if SNUtilitiesKit.isRunningTests { // TODO: Do we need to implement isRunningTests in the SAE context? return } AppSetup.setupEnvironment( appSpecificBlock: { Log.setup(with: Logger( primaryPrefix: "SessionShareExtension", // stringlint:disable customDirectory: "\(OWSFileSystem.appSharedDataDirectoryPath())/Logs/ShareExtension" // stringlint:disable )) SessionEnvironment.shared?.notificationsManager.mutate { $0 = NoopNotificationsManager() } // Setup LibSession LibSession.addLogger() LibSession.createNetworkIfNeeded() }, migrationsCompletion: { [weak self] result, needsConfigSync in switch result { case .failure: Log.error("Failed to complete migrations") case .success: DispatchQueue.main.async { // Need to manually trigger these since we don't have a "mainWindow" here // and the current theme might have been changed since the share extension // was last opened ThemeManager.applySavedTheme() // performUpdateCheck must be invoked after Environment has been initialized because // upgrade process may depend on Environment. self?.versionMigrationsDidComplete(needsConfigSync: needsConfigSync) } } } ) // We don't need to use "screen protection" in the SAE. NotificationCenter.default.addObserver( self, selector: #selector(applicationDidEnterBackground), name: .sessionDidEnterBackground, object: nil ) /// **Note:** If the user opens, dismisses and re-opens the share extension it'll actually use the same instance which /// results in the `AppSetup` not actually running (and the UI not actually being loaded correctly) - in order to avoid this /// we call `checkIsAppReady` explicitly here assuming that either the `AppSetup` _hasn't_ complete or won't ever /// get run checkIsAppReady(migrationsCompleted: versionMigrationsComplete.wrappedValue) } override func traitCollectionDidChange(_ previousTraitCollection: UITraitCollection?) { super.traitCollectionDidChange(previousTraitCollection) // Note: The share extension doesn't have a proper window so we need to manually update // the ThemeManager from here ThemeManager.traitCollectionDidChange(previousTraitCollection) } func versionMigrationsDidComplete(needsConfigSync: Bool) { AssertIsOnMainThread() // If we need a config sync then trigger it now if needsConfigSync { Storage.shared.write { db in ConfigurationSyncJob.enqueue(db, publicKey: getUserHexEncodedPublicKey(db)) } } versionMigrationsComplete.mutate { $0 = true } checkIsAppReady(migrationsCompleted: true) } func checkIsAppReady(migrationsCompleted: Bool) { AssertIsOnMainThread() // App isn't ready until storage is ready AND all version migrations are complete. guard migrationsCompleted else { return } guard Storage.shared.isValid else { // If the database is invalid then the UI will handle it showLockScreenOrMainContent() return } guard !Singleton.appReadiness.isAppReady else { // Only mark the app as ready once. showLockScreenOrMainContent() return } SignalUtilitiesKit.Configuration.performMainSetup() // Note that this does much more than set a flag; // it will also run all deferred blocks. Singleton.appReadiness.setAppReady() // We don't need to use messageFetcherJob in the SAE. // We don't need to use SyncPushTokensJob in the SAE. // We don't need to use DeviceSleepManager in the SAE. AppVersion.sharedInstance().saeLaunchDidComplete() showLockScreenOrMainContent() // We don't need to use OWSMessageReceiver in the SAE. // We don't need to use OWSBatchMessageProcessor in the SAE. // We don't need to fetch the local profile in the SAE } override func viewDidLoad() { super.viewDidLoad() Log.appResumedExecution() Singleton.appReadiness.runNowOrWhenAppDidBecomeReady { [weak self] in AssertIsOnMainThread() self?.showLockScreenOrMainContent() } } @objc public func applicationDidEnterBackground() { AssertIsOnMainThread() Log.flush() if Storage.shared[.isScreenLockEnabled] { self.dismiss(animated: false) { [weak self] in AssertIsOnMainThread() self?.extensionContext?.completeRequest(returningItems: [], completionHandler: nil) } } } deinit { NotificationCenter.default.removeObserver(self) Log.flush() // Share extensions reside in a process that may be reused between usages. // That isn't safe; the codebase is full of statics (e.g. singletons) which // we can't easily clean up. exit(0) } // MARK: - Updating private func showLockScreenOrMainContent() { if Storage.shared[.isScreenLockEnabled] { showLockScreen() } else { showMainContent() } } private func showLockScreen() { let screenLockVC = SAEScreenLockViewController(shareViewDelegate: self) setViewControllers([ screenLockVC ], animated: false) } private func showMainContent() { let threadPickerVC: ThreadPickerVC = ThreadPickerVC() threadPickerVC.shareNavController = self setViewControllers([ threadPickerVC ], animated: false) let publisher = buildAttachments() ModalActivityIndicatorViewController .present( fromViewController: self, canCancel: false, message: "vc_share_loading_message".localized() ) { activityIndicator in publisher .subscribe(on: DispatchQueue.global(qos: .userInitiated)) .receive(on: DispatchQueue.main) .sinkUntilComplete( receiveCompletion: { _ in activityIndicator.dismiss { } } ) } ShareNavController.attachmentPrepPublisher = publisher } func shareViewWasUnlocked() { showMainContent() } func shareViewWasCompleted() { extensionContext?.completeRequest(returningItems: [], completionHandler: nil) } func shareViewWasCancelled() { extensionContext?.completeRequest(returningItems: [], completionHandler: nil) } func shareViewFailed(error: Error) { guard Thread.isMainThread else { DispatchQueue.main.async { [weak self] in self?.shareViewFailed(error: error) } return } let modal: ConfirmationModal = ConfirmationModal( targetView: self.view, info: ConfirmationModal.Info( title: "Session", body: .text(error.localizedDescription), cancelTitle: "BUTTON_OK".localized(), cancelStyle: .alert_text, afterClosed: { [weak self] in self?.extensionContext?.cancelRequest(withError: error) } ) ) self.present(modal, animated: true) } // MARK: Attachment Prep private class func itemMatchesSpecificUtiType(itemProvider: NSItemProvider, utiType: String) -> Bool { // URLs, contacts and other special items have to be detected separately. // Many shares (e.g. pdfs) will register many UTI types and/or conform to kUTTypeData. guard itemProvider.registeredTypeIdentifiers.count == 1 else { return false } guard let firstUtiType = itemProvider.registeredTypeIdentifiers.first else { return false } return (firstUtiType == utiType) } private class func isVisualMediaItem(itemProvider: NSItemProvider) -> Bool { return ( itemProvider.hasItemConformingToTypeIdentifier(kUTTypeImage as String) || itemProvider.hasItemConformingToTypeIdentifier(kUTTypeMovie as String) ) } private class func isUrlItem(itemProvider: NSItemProvider) -> Bool { return itemMatchesSpecificUtiType( itemProvider: itemProvider, utiType: kUTTypeURL as String ) } private class func isContactItem(itemProvider: NSItemProvider) -> Bool { return itemMatchesSpecificUtiType( itemProvider: itemProvider, utiType: kUTTypeContact as String ) } private class func utiType(itemProvider: NSItemProvider) -> String? { Logger.info("utiTypeForItem: \(itemProvider.registeredTypeIdentifiers)") if isUrlItem(itemProvider: itemProvider) { return kUTTypeURL as String } else if isContactItem(itemProvider: itemProvider) { return kUTTypeContact as String } // Use the first UTI that conforms to "data". let matchingUtiType = itemProvider.registeredTypeIdentifiers.first { (utiType: String) -> Bool in UTTypeConformsTo(utiType as CFString, kUTTypeData) } return matchingUtiType } private class func createDataSource(utiType: String, url: URL, customFileName: String?) -> DataSource? { if utiType == (kUTTypeURL as String) { // Share URLs as text messages whose text content is the URL return DataSourceValue.dataSource(withText: url.absoluteString) } else if UTTypeConformsTo(utiType as CFString, kUTTypeText) { // Share text as oversize text messages. // // NOTE: SharingThreadPickerViewController will try to unpack them // and send them as normal text messages if possible. return DataSourcePath.dataSource( with: url, shouldDeleteOnDeallocation: false ) } guard let dataSource = DataSourcePath.dataSource(with: url, shouldDeleteOnDeallocation: false) else { return nil } // Fallback to the last part of the URL dataSource.sourceFilename = (customFileName ?? url.lastPathComponent) return dataSource } private class func preferredItemProviders(inputItem: NSExtensionItem) -> [NSItemProvider]? { guard let attachments = inputItem.attachments else { return nil } var visualMediaItemProviders = [NSItemProvider]() var hasNonVisualMedia = false for attachment in attachments { if isVisualMediaItem(itemProvider: attachment) { visualMediaItemProviders.append(attachment) } else { hasNonVisualMedia = true } } // Only allow multiple-attachment sends if all attachments // are visual media. if visualMediaItemProviders.count > 0 && !hasNonVisualMedia { return visualMediaItemProviders } // A single inputItem can have multiple attachments, e.g. sharing from Firefox gives // one url attachment and another text attachment, where the the url would be https://some-news.com/articles/123-cat-stuck-in-tree // and the text attachment would be something like "Breaking news - cat stuck in tree" // // FIXME: For now, we prefer the URL provider and discard the text provider, since it's more useful to share the URL than the caption // but we *should* include both. This will be a bigger change though since our share extension is currently heavily predicated // on one itemProvider per share. // Prefer a URL provider if available if let preferredAttachment = attachments.first(where: { (attachment: Any) -> Bool in guard let itemProvider = attachment as? NSItemProvider else { return false } return isUrlItem(itemProvider: itemProvider) }) { return [preferredAttachment] } // else return whatever is available if let itemProvider = inputItem.attachments?.first { return [itemProvider] } else { owsFailDebug("Missing attachment.") } return [] } private func selectItemProviders() -> AnyPublisher<[NSItemProvider], Error> { guard let inputItems = self.extensionContext?.inputItems else { let error = ShareViewControllerError.assertionError(description: "no input item") return Fail(error: error) .eraseToAnyPublisher() } for inputItemRaw in inputItems { guard let inputItem = inputItemRaw as? NSExtensionItem else { Logger.error("invalid inputItem \(inputItemRaw)") continue } if let itemProviders = ShareNavController.preferredItemProviders(inputItem: inputItem) { return Just(itemProviders) .setFailureType(to: Error.self) .eraseToAnyPublisher() } } let error = ShareViewControllerError.assertionError(description: "no input item") return Fail(error: error) .eraseToAnyPublisher() } // MARK: - LoadedItem private struct LoadedItem { let itemProvider: NSItemProvider let itemUrl: URL let utiType: String var customFileName: String? var isConvertibleToTextMessage = false var isConvertibleToContactShare = false init(itemProvider: NSItemProvider, itemUrl: URL, utiType: String, customFileName: String? = nil, isConvertibleToTextMessage: Bool = false, isConvertibleToContactShare: Bool = false) { self.itemProvider = itemProvider self.itemUrl = itemUrl self.utiType = utiType self.customFileName = customFileName self.isConvertibleToTextMessage = isConvertibleToTextMessage self.isConvertibleToContactShare = isConvertibleToContactShare } } private func loadItemProvider(itemProvider: NSItemProvider) -> AnyPublisher { Logger.info("attachment: \(itemProvider)") // We need to be very careful about which UTI type we use. // // * In the case of "textual" shares (e.g. web URLs and text snippets), we want to // coerce the UTI type to kUTTypeURL or kUTTypeText. // * We want to treat shared files as file attachments. Therefore we do not // want to treat file URLs like web URLs. // * UTIs aren't very descriptive (there are far more MIME types than UTI types) // so in the case of file attachments we try to refine the attachment type // using the file extension. guard let srcUtiType = ShareNavController.utiType(itemProvider: itemProvider) else { let error = ShareViewControllerError.unsupportedMedia return Fail(error: error) .eraseToAnyPublisher() } Logger.debug("matched utiType: \(srcUtiType)") return Deferred { Future { resolver in let loadCompletion: NSItemProvider.CompletionHandler = { [weak self] value, error in guard self != nil else { return } if let error: Error = error { resolver(Result.failure(error)) return } guard let value = value else { resolver( Result.failure(ShareViewControllerError.assertionError(description: "missing item provider")) ) return } Logger.info("value type: \(type(of: value))") switch value { case let data as Data: let customFileName = "Contact.vcf" let customFileExtension = MIMETypeUtil.fileExtension(forUTIType: srcUtiType) guard let tempFilePath = OWSFileSystem.writeData(toTemporaryFile: data, fileExtension: customFileExtension) else { resolver( Result.failure(ShareViewControllerError.assertionError(description: "Error writing item data: \(String(describing: error))")) ) return } let fileUrl = URL(fileURLWithPath: tempFilePath) resolver( Result.success( LoadedItem( itemProvider: itemProvider, itemUrl: fileUrl, utiType: srcUtiType, customFileName: customFileName, isConvertibleToContactShare: false ) ) ) case let string as String: Logger.debug("string provider: \(string)") guard let data = string.filterStringForDisplay().data(using: String.Encoding.utf8) else { resolver( Result.failure(ShareViewControllerError.assertionError(description: "Error writing item data: \(String(describing: error))")) ) return } guard let tempFilePath = OWSFileSystem.writeData(toTemporaryFile: data, fileExtension: "txt") else { resolver( Result.failure(ShareViewControllerError.assertionError(description: "Error writing item data: \(String(describing: error))")) ) return } let fileUrl = URL(fileURLWithPath: tempFilePath) let isConvertibleToTextMessage = !itemProvider.registeredTypeIdentifiers.contains(kUTTypeFileURL as String) if UTTypeConformsTo(srcUtiType as CFString, kUTTypeText) { resolver( Result.success( LoadedItem( itemProvider: itemProvider, itemUrl: fileUrl, utiType: srcUtiType, isConvertibleToTextMessage: isConvertibleToTextMessage ) ) ) } else { resolver( Result.success( LoadedItem( itemProvider: itemProvider, itemUrl: fileUrl, utiType: kUTTypeText as String, isConvertibleToTextMessage: isConvertibleToTextMessage ) ) ) } case let url as URL: // If the share itself is a URL (e.g. a link from Safari), try to send this as a text message. let isConvertibleToTextMessage = ( itemProvider.registeredTypeIdentifiers.contains(kUTTypeURL as String) && !itemProvider.registeredTypeIdentifiers.contains(kUTTypeFileURL as String) ) if isConvertibleToTextMessage { resolver( Result.success( LoadedItem( itemProvider: itemProvider, itemUrl: url, utiType: kUTTypeURL as String, isConvertibleToTextMessage: isConvertibleToTextMessage ) ) ) } else { resolver( Result.success( LoadedItem( itemProvider: itemProvider, itemUrl: url, utiType: srcUtiType, isConvertibleToTextMessage: isConvertibleToTextMessage ) ) ) } case let image as UIImage: if let data = image.pngData() { let tempFilePath = OWSFileSystem.temporaryFilePath(withFileExtension: "png") do { let url = NSURL.fileURL(withPath: tempFilePath) try data.write(to: url) resolver( Result.success( LoadedItem( itemProvider: itemProvider, itemUrl: url, utiType: srcUtiType ) ) ) } catch { resolver( Result.failure(ShareViewControllerError.assertionError(description: "couldn't write UIImage: \(String(describing: error))")) ) } } else { resolver( Result.failure(ShareViewControllerError.assertionError(description: "couldn't convert UIImage to PNG: \(String(describing: error))")) ) } default: // It's unavoidable that we may sometimes receives data types that we // don't know how to handle. resolver( Result.failure(ShareViewControllerError.assertionError(description: "unexpected value: \(String(describing: value))")) ) } } itemProvider.loadItem(forTypeIdentifier: srcUtiType, options: nil, completionHandler: loadCompletion) } } .eraseToAnyPublisher() } private func buildAttachment(forLoadedItem loadedItem: LoadedItem) -> AnyPublisher { let itemProvider = loadedItem.itemProvider let itemUrl = loadedItem.itemUrl let utiType = loadedItem.utiType var url = itemUrl do { if isVideoNeedingRelocation(itemProvider: itemProvider, itemUrl: itemUrl) { url = try SignalAttachment.copyToVideoTempDir(url: itemUrl) } } catch { let error = ShareViewControllerError.assertionError(description: "Could not copy video") return Fail(error: error) .eraseToAnyPublisher() } Logger.debug("building DataSource with url: \(url), utiType: \(utiType)") guard let dataSource = ShareNavController.createDataSource(utiType: utiType, url: url, customFileName: loadedItem.customFileName) else { let error = ShareViewControllerError.assertionError(description: "Unable to read attachment data") return Fail(error: error) .eraseToAnyPublisher() } // start with base utiType, but it might be something generic like "image" var specificUTIType = utiType if utiType == (kUTTypeURL as String) { // Use kUTTypeURL for URLs. } else if UTTypeConformsTo(utiType as CFString, kUTTypeText) { // Use kUTTypeText for text. } else if url.pathExtension.count > 0 { // Determine a more specific utiType based on file extension if let typeExtension = MIMETypeUtil.utiType(forFileExtension: url.pathExtension) { Logger.debug("utiType based on extension: \(typeExtension)") specificUTIType = typeExtension } } guard !SignalAttachment.isInvalidVideo(dataSource: dataSource, dataUTI: specificUTIType) else { // This can happen, e.g. when sharing a quicktime-video from iCloud drive. let (publisher, _) = SignalAttachment.compressVideoAsMp4(dataSource: dataSource, dataUTI: specificUTIType) return publisher } let attachment = SignalAttachment.attachment(dataSource: dataSource, dataUTI: specificUTIType, imageQuality: .medium) if loadedItem.isConvertibleToContactShare { Logger.info("isConvertibleToContactShare") attachment.isConvertibleToContactShare = true } else if loadedItem.isConvertibleToTextMessage { Logger.info("isConvertibleToTextMessage") attachment.isConvertibleToTextMessage = true } return Just(attachment) .setFailureType(to: Error.self) .eraseToAnyPublisher() } private func buildAttachments() -> AnyPublisher<[SignalAttachment], Error> { return selectItemProviders() .tryFlatMap { [weak self] itemProviders -> AnyPublisher<[SignalAttachment], Error> in guard let strongSelf = self else { throw ShareViewControllerError.assertionError(description: "expired") } var loadPublishers = [AnyPublisher]() for itemProvider in itemProviders.prefix(SignalAttachment.maxAttachmentsAllowed) { let loadPublisher = strongSelf.loadItemProvider(itemProvider: itemProvider) .flatMap { loadedItem -> AnyPublisher in return strongSelf.buildAttachment(forLoadedItem: loadedItem) } .eraseToAnyPublisher() loadPublishers.append(loadPublisher) } return Publishers .MergeMany(loadPublishers) .collect() .eraseToAnyPublisher() } .tryMap { signalAttachments -> [SignalAttachment] in guard signalAttachments.count > 0 else { throw ShareViewControllerError.assertionError(description: "no valid attachments") } return signalAttachments } .shareReplay(1) .eraseToAnyPublisher() } // Some host apps (e.g. iOS Photos.app) sometimes auto-converts some video formats (e.g. com.apple.quicktime-movie) // into mp4s as part of the NSItemProvider `loadItem` API. (Some files the Photo's app doesn't auto-convert) // // However, when using this url to the converted item, AVFoundation operations such as generating a // preview image and playing the url in the AVMoviePlayer fails with an unhelpful error: "The operation could not be completed" // // We can work around this by first copying the media into our container. // // I don't understand why this is, and I haven't found any relevant documentation in the NSItemProvider // or AVFoundation docs. // // Notes: // // These operations succeed when sending a video which initially existed on disk as an mp4. // (e.g. Alice sends a video to Bob through the main app, which ensures it's an mp4. Bob saves it, then re-shares it) // // I *did* verify that the size and SHA256 sum of the original url matches that of the copied url. So there // is no difference between the contents of the file, yet one works one doesn't. // Perhaps the AVFoundation APIs require some extra file system permssion we don't have in the // passed through URL. private func isVideoNeedingRelocation(itemProvider: NSItemProvider, itemUrl: URL) -> Bool { let pathExtension = itemUrl.pathExtension guard pathExtension.count > 0 else { Logger.verbose("item URL has no file extension: \(itemUrl).") return false } guard let utiTypeForURL = MIMETypeUtil.utiType(forFileExtension: pathExtension) else { Logger.verbose("item has unknown UTI type: \(itemUrl).") return false } Logger.verbose("utiTypeForURL: \(utiTypeForURL)") guard utiTypeForURL == kUTTypeMPEG4 as String else { // Either it's not a video or it was a video which was not auto-converted to mp4. // Not affected by the issue. return false } // If video file already existed on disk as an mp4, then the host app didn't need to // apply any conversion, so no need to relocate the app. return !itemProvider.registeredTypeIdentifiers.contains(kUTTypeMPEG4 as String) } }