// Copyright (c) 2019 Open Whisper Systems. All rights reserved. import UIKit import SessionUIKit import SignalCoreKit import SessionUtilitiesKit public protocol ImageEditorCropViewControllerDelegate: AnyObject { func cropDidComplete(transform: ImageEditorTransform) func cropDidCancel() } // MARK: - // A view for editing text item in image editor. class ImageEditorCropViewController: OWSViewController { private weak var delegate: ImageEditorCropViewControllerDelegate? private let model: ImageEditorModel private let srcImage: UIImage private let previewImage: UIImage private var transform: ImageEditorTransform public let clipView = OWSLayerView() public let croppedContentView = OWSLayerView() public let uncroppedContentView = UIView() private var croppedImageLayer = CALayer() private var uncroppedImageLayer = CALayer() private enum CropRegion { // The sides of the crop region. case left, right, top, bottom // The corners of the crop region. case topLeft, topRight, bottomLeft, bottomRight } private class CropCornerView: OWSLayerView { let cropRegion: CropRegion init(cropRegion: CropRegion) { self.cropRegion = cropRegion super.init() } @available(*, unavailable, message: "use other init() instead.") required public init?(coder aDecoder: NSCoder) { notImplemented() } } private let cropView = UIView() private let cropCornerViews: [CropCornerView] = [ CropCornerView(cropRegion: .topLeft), CropCornerView(cropRegion: .topRight), CropCornerView(cropRegion: .bottomLeft), CropCornerView(cropRegion: .bottomRight) ] init(delegate: ImageEditorCropViewControllerDelegate, model: ImageEditorModel, srcImage: UIImage, previewImage: UIImage) { self.delegate = delegate self.model = model self.srcImage = srcImage self.previewImage = previewImage transform = model.currentTransform() super.init(nibName: nil, bundle: nil) } @available(*, unavailable, message: "use other init() instead.") required public init?(coder aDecoder: NSCoder) { notImplemented() } // MARK: - View Lifecycle private var isCropLocked = false private var cropLockButton: OWSButton? override func loadView() { self.view = UIView() self.view.themeBackgroundColor = .newConversation_background self.view.layoutMargins = .zero // MARK: - Buttons let rotate90Button = OWSButton( imageName: "image_editor_rotate", tintColor: .textPrimary ) { [weak self] in self?.rotate90ButtonPressed() } let flipButton = OWSButton( imageName: "image_editor_flip", tintColor: .textPrimary ) { [weak self] in self?.flipButtonPressed() } let cropLockButton = OWSButton( imageName: "image_editor_crop_unlock", tintColor: .textPrimary ) { [weak self] in self?.cropLockButtonPressed() } self.cropLockButton = cropLockButton // MARK: - Canvas & Wrapper let wrapperView = UIView.container() wrapperView.themeBackgroundColor = .clear wrapperView.isOpaque = false // TODO: We could mask the clipped region with a semi-transparent overlay like WA. clipView.clipsToBounds = true clipView.themeBackgroundColor = .clear clipView.isOpaque = false clipView.layoutCallback = { [weak self] (_) in guard let strongSelf = self else { return } strongSelf.updateCropViewLayout() } wrapperView.addSubview(clipView) croppedImageLayer.contents = previewImage.cgImage croppedImageLayer.contentsScale = previewImage.scale croppedContentView.themeBackgroundColor = .clear croppedContentView.isOpaque = false croppedContentView.layer.addSublayer(croppedImageLayer) croppedContentView.layoutCallback = { [weak self] (_) in guard let strongSelf = self else { return } strongSelf.updateContent() } clipView.addSubview(croppedContentView) croppedContentView.autoPinEdgesToSuperviewEdges() uncroppedImageLayer.contents = previewImage.cgImage uncroppedImageLayer.contentsScale = previewImage.scale // The "uncropped" view/layer are used to display the // content that has been cropped out. Its content // should be semi-transparent to distinguish it from // the content within the crop bounds. uncroppedImageLayer.opacity = 0.5 uncroppedContentView.themeBackgroundColor = .clear uncroppedContentView.isOpaque = false uncroppedContentView.layer.addSublayer(uncroppedImageLayer) wrapperView.addSubview(uncroppedContentView) uncroppedContentView.autoPin(toEdgesOf: croppedContentView) // MARK: - Footer let footer = UIStackView( arrangedSubviews: [ rotate90Button, flipButton, UIView.hStretchingSpacer(), cropLockButton ] ) footer.axis = .horizontal footer.spacing = 16 footer.themeBackgroundColor = .clear footer.isOpaque = false let imageMargin: CGFloat = 20 let stackView = UIStackView(arrangedSubviews: [ wrapperView, footer ]) stackView.axis = .vertical stackView.alignment = .fill stackView.spacing = imageMargin stackView.layoutMargins = UIEdgeInsets(top: 8, left: imageMargin, bottom: 8, right: imageMargin) stackView.isLayoutMarginsRelativeArrangement = true self.view.addSubview(stackView) stackView.autoPinEdgesToSuperviewEdges() // MARK: - Crop View // Add crop view last so that it appears in front of the content. cropView.setContentHuggingLow() cropView.setCompressionResistanceLow() view.addSubview(cropView) for cropCornerView in cropCornerViews { cropView.addSubview(cropCornerView) switch cropCornerView.cropRegion { case .topLeft, .bottomLeft: cropCornerView.autoPinEdge(toSuperviewEdge: .left) case .topRight, .bottomRight: cropCornerView.autoPinEdge(toSuperviewEdge: .right) default: owsFailDebug("Invalid crop region: \(String(describing: cropRegion))") } switch cropCornerView.cropRegion { case .topLeft, .topRight: cropCornerView.autoPinEdge(toSuperviewEdge: .top) case .bottomLeft, .bottomRight: cropCornerView.autoPinEdge(toSuperviewEdge: .bottom) default: owsFailDebug("Invalid crop region: \(String(describing: cropRegion))") } } setCropViewAppearance() updateClipViewLayout() configureGestures() updateNavigationBar() } public func updateNavigationBar() { let resetButton = navigationBarButton(imageName: "image_editor_undo", selector: #selector(didTapReset(sender:))) let doneButton = navigationBarButton(imageName: "image_editor_checkmark_full", selector: #selector(didTapDone(sender:))) var navigationBarItems = [UIView]() if transform.isNonDefault { navigationBarItems = [resetButton, doneButton] } else { navigationBarItems = [doneButton] } updateNavigationBar(navigationBarItems: navigationBarItems) } private func updateCropLockButton() { guard let cropLockButton = cropLockButton else { owsFailDebug("Missing cropLockButton") return } cropLockButton.setImage(imageName: (isCropLocked ? "image_editor_crop_lock" : "image_editor_crop_unlock")) } @objc override public var canBecomeFirstResponder: Bool { return true } private static let desiredCornerSize: CGFloat = 24 private static let minCropSize: CGFloat = desiredCornerSize * 2 private var cornerSize = CGSize.zero private var clipViewConstraints = [NSLayoutConstraint]() private func updateClipViewLayout() { NSLayoutConstraint.deactivate(clipViewConstraints) clipViewConstraints = ImageEditorCanvasView.updateContentLayout(transform: transform, contentView: clipView) clipView.superview?.setNeedsLayout() clipView.superview?.layoutIfNeeded() updateCropViewLayout() } private var cropViewConstraints = [NSLayoutConstraint]() private func setCropViewAppearance() { // TODO: Tune the size. let cornerSize = CGSize( width: min(clipView.width() * 0.5, ImageEditorCropViewController.desiredCornerSize), height: min(clipView.height() * 0.5, ImageEditorCropViewController.desiredCornerSize) ) self.cornerSize = cornerSize for cropCornerView in cropCornerViews { let cornerThickness: CGFloat = 2 let shapeLayer = CAShapeLayer() cropCornerView.layer.addSublayer(shapeLayer) shapeLayer.themeFillColor = .white shapeLayer.themeStrokeColor = nil cropCornerView.layoutCallback = { (view) in let shapeFrame = view.bounds.insetBy(dx: -cornerThickness, dy: -cornerThickness) shapeLayer.frame = shapeFrame let bezierPath = UIBezierPath() switch cropCornerView.cropRegion { case .topLeft: bezierPath.addRegion(withPoints: [ CGPoint.zero, CGPoint(x: shapeFrame.width - cornerThickness, y: 0), CGPoint(x: shapeFrame.width - cornerThickness, y: cornerThickness), CGPoint(x: cornerThickness, y: cornerThickness), CGPoint(x: cornerThickness, y: shapeFrame.height - cornerThickness), CGPoint(x: 0, y: shapeFrame.height - cornerThickness) ]) case .topRight: bezierPath.addRegion(withPoints: [ CGPoint(x: shapeFrame.width, y: 0), CGPoint(x: shapeFrame.width, y: shapeFrame.height - cornerThickness), CGPoint(x: shapeFrame.width - cornerThickness, y: shapeFrame.height - cornerThickness), CGPoint(x: shapeFrame.width - cornerThickness, y: cornerThickness), CGPoint(x: cornerThickness, y: cornerThickness), CGPoint(x: cornerThickness, y: 0) ]) case .bottomLeft: bezierPath.addRegion(withPoints: [ CGPoint(x: 0, y: shapeFrame.height), CGPoint(x: 0, y: cornerThickness), CGPoint(x: cornerThickness, y: cornerThickness), CGPoint(x: cornerThickness, y: shapeFrame.height - cornerThickness), CGPoint(x: shapeFrame.width - cornerThickness, y: shapeFrame.height - cornerThickness), CGPoint(x: shapeFrame.width - cornerThickness, y: shapeFrame.height) ]) case .bottomRight: bezierPath.addRegion(withPoints: [ CGPoint(x: shapeFrame.width, y: shapeFrame.height), CGPoint(x: cornerThickness, y: shapeFrame.height), CGPoint(x: cornerThickness, y: shapeFrame.height - cornerThickness), CGPoint(x: shapeFrame.width - cornerThickness, y: shapeFrame.height - cornerThickness), CGPoint(x: shapeFrame.width - cornerThickness, y: cornerThickness), CGPoint(x: shapeFrame.width, y: cornerThickness) ]) default: owsFailDebug("Invalid crop region: \(cropCornerView.cropRegion)") } shapeLayer.path = bezierPath.cgPath } } cropView.themeBorderColor = .white cropView.layer.borderWidth = 1 } private func updateCropViewLayout() { NSLayoutConstraint.deactivate(cropViewConstraints) cropViewConstraints.removeAll() // TODO: Tune the size. let cornerSize = CGSize(width: min(clipView.width() * 0.5, ImageEditorCropViewController.desiredCornerSize), height: min(clipView.height() * 0.5, ImageEditorCropViewController.desiredCornerSize)) self.cornerSize = cornerSize for cropCornerView in cropCornerViews { cropViewConstraints.append(contentsOf: cropCornerView.autoSetDimensions(to: cornerSize)) } if !isCropGestureActive { cropView.frame = view.convert(clipView.bounds, from: clipView) } } internal func updateContent() { AssertIsOnMainThread() Logger.verbose("") let viewSize = croppedContentView.bounds.size guard viewSize.width > 0, viewSize.height > 0 else { return } updateTransform(transform) } private func updateTransform(_ transform: ImageEditorTransform) { self.transform = transform // Don't animate changes. CATransaction.begin() CATransaction.setDisableActions(true) applyTransform() updateClipViewLayout() updateImageLayer() updateNavigationBar() CATransaction.commit() } private func applyTransform() { let viewSize = croppedContentView.bounds.size croppedContentView.layer.setAffineTransform(transform.affineTransform(viewSize: viewSize)) uncroppedContentView.layer.setAffineTransform(transform.affineTransform(viewSize: viewSize)) } private func updateImageLayer() { let viewSize = croppedContentView.bounds.size ImageEditorCanvasView.updateImageLayer(imageLayer: croppedImageLayer, viewSize: viewSize, imageSize: model.srcImageSizePixels, transform: transform) ImageEditorCanvasView.updateImageLayer(imageLayer: uncroppedImageLayer, viewSize: viewSize, imageSize: model.srcImageSizePixels, transform: transform) } private func configureGestures() { self.view.isUserInteractionEnabled = true let pinchGestureRecognizer = ImageEditorPinchGestureRecognizer(target: self, action: #selector(handlePinchGesture(_:))) pinchGestureRecognizer.referenceView = self.clipView // Use this VC as a delegate to ensure that pinches only // receive touches that start inside of the cropped image bounds. pinchGestureRecognizer.delegate = self view.addGestureRecognizer(pinchGestureRecognizer) let panGestureRecognizer = ImageEditorPanGestureRecognizer(target: self, action: #selector(handlePanGesture(_:))) panGestureRecognizer.maximumNumberOfTouches = 1 panGestureRecognizer.referenceView = self.clipView // _DO NOT_ use this VC as a delegate to filter touches; // pan gestures can start outside the cropped image bounds. // Otherwise the edges of the crop rect are difficult to // "grab". view.addGestureRecognizer(panGestureRecognizer) // De-conflict the gestures; the pan gesture has priority. panGestureRecognizer.shouldBeRequiredToFail(by: pinchGestureRecognizer) } // MARK: - Gestures private class func unitTranslation(oldLocationView: CGPoint, newLocationView: CGPoint, viewBounds: CGRect, oldTransform: ImageEditorTransform) -> CGPoint { // The beauty of using an SRT (scale-rotate-translation) tranform ordering // is that the translation is applied last, so it's trivial to convert // translations from view coordinates to transform translation. // Our (view bounds == canvas bounds) so no need to convert. let translation = newLocationView.minus(oldLocationView) let translationUnit = translation.toUnitCoordinates(viewSize: viewBounds.size, shouldClamp: false) let newUnitTranslation = oldTransform.unitTranslation.plus(translationUnit) return newUnitTranslation } // MARK: - Pinch Gesture @objc public func handlePinchGesture(_ gestureRecognizer: ImageEditorPinchGestureRecognizer) { AssertIsOnMainThread() Logger.verbose("") // We could undo an in-progress pinch if the gesture is cancelled, but it seems gratuitous. switch gestureRecognizer.state { case .began: gestureStartTransform = transform case .changed, .ended: guard let gestureStartTransform = gestureStartTransform else { owsFailDebug("Missing pinchTransform.") return } let newUnitTranslation = ImageEditorCropViewController.unitTranslation(oldLocationView: gestureRecognizer.pinchStateStart.centroid, newLocationView: gestureRecognizer.pinchStateLast.centroid, viewBounds: clipView.bounds, oldTransform: gestureStartTransform) let newRotationRadians = gestureStartTransform.rotationRadians + gestureRecognizer.pinchStateLast.angleRadians - gestureRecognizer.pinchStateStart.angleRadians // NOTE: We use max(1, ...) to avoid divide-by-zero. // // TODO: The clamp limits are wrong. let newScaling = CGFloatClamp(gestureStartTransform.scaling * gestureRecognizer.pinchStateLast.distance / max(1.0, gestureRecognizer.pinchStateStart.distance), ImageEditorTextItem.kMinScaling, ImageEditorTextItem.kMaxScaling) updateTransform(ImageEditorTransform(outputSizePixels: gestureStartTransform.outputSizePixels, unitTranslation: newUnitTranslation, rotationRadians: newRotationRadians, scaling: newScaling, isFlipped: gestureStartTransform.isFlipped).normalize(srcImageSizePixels: model.srcImageSizePixels)) default: break } } // MARK: - Pan Gesture private var gestureStartTransform: ImageEditorTransform? private var panCropRegion: CropRegion? private var isCropGestureActive: Bool { return panCropRegion != nil } @objc public func handlePanGesture(_ gestureRecognizer: ImageEditorPanGestureRecognizer) { AssertIsOnMainThread() Logger.verbose("") // We could undo an in-progress pinch if the gesture is cancelled, but it seems gratuitous. // Handle the GR if necessary. switch gestureRecognizer.state { case .began: Logger.verbose("began: \(transform.unitTranslation)") gestureStartTransform = transform // Pans that start near the crop rectangle should be treated as crop gestures. panCropRegion = cropRegion(forGestureRecognizer: gestureRecognizer) case .changed, .ended: if let panCropRegion = panCropRegion { // Crop pan gesture handleCropPanGesture(gestureRecognizer, panCropRegion: panCropRegion) } else { handleNormalPanGesture(gestureRecognizer) } default: break } // Reset the GR if necessary. switch gestureRecognizer.state { case .ended, .failed, .cancelled, .possible: if panCropRegion != nil { panCropRegion = nil // Don't animate changes. CATransaction.begin() CATransaction.setDisableActions(true) updateCropViewLayout() CATransaction.commit() } default: break } } private func handleCropPanGesture(_ gestureRecognizer: ImageEditorPanGestureRecognizer, panCropRegion: CropRegion) { AssertIsOnMainThread() Logger.verbose("") guard let locationStart = gestureRecognizer.locationFirst else { owsFailDebug("Missing locationStart.") return } let locationNow = gestureRecognizer.location(in: self.clipView) // Crop pan gesture let locationDelta = CGPointSubtract(locationNow, locationStart) let cropRectangleStart = clipView.bounds var cropRectangleNow = cropRectangleStart // Derive the new crop rectangle. // We limit the crop rectangle's minimum size for two reasons. // // * To ensure that the crop rectangles "corner handles" // can always be safely drawn. // * To avoid awkward interactions when the crop rectangle // is very small. Users can always crop multiple times. let maxDeltaX = cropRectangleNow.size.width - cornerSize.width * 2 let maxDeltaY = cropRectangleNow.size.height - cornerSize.height * 2 switch panCropRegion { case .left, .topLeft, .bottomLeft: let delta = min(maxDeltaX, max(0, locationDelta.x)) cropRectangleNow.origin.x += delta cropRectangleNow.size.width -= delta case .right, .topRight, .bottomRight: let delta = min(maxDeltaX, max(0, -locationDelta.x)) cropRectangleNow.size.width -= delta default: break } switch panCropRegion { case .top, .topLeft, .topRight: let delta = min(maxDeltaY, max(0, locationDelta.y)) cropRectangleNow.origin.y += delta cropRectangleNow.size.height -= delta case .bottom, .bottomLeft, .bottomRight: let delta = min(maxDeltaY, max(0, -locationDelta.y)) cropRectangleNow.size.height -= delta default: break } // If crop is locked, update the crop rectangle // to retain the original aspect ratio. if (isCropLocked) { let scaleX = cropRectangleNow.width / cropRectangleStart.width let scaleY = cropRectangleNow.height / cropRectangleStart.height var cropRectangleLocked = cropRectangleStart // Find a new crop rectangle size with the correct aspect // ratio which is always larger than the "naive" crop rectangle. // We always expand and never shrink the crop rectangle to // fix its aspect ratio, to ensure the "max deltas" enforced // above still are honored. if scaleX > scaleY { cropRectangleLocked.size.width = cropRectangleNow.width cropRectangleLocked.size.height = cropRectangleNow.width * cropRectangleStart.height / cropRectangleStart.width } else { cropRectangleLocked.size.height = cropRectangleNow.height cropRectangleLocked.size.width = cropRectangleNow.height * cropRectangleStart.width / cropRectangleStart.height } // Pin the crop rectangle to the sides that aren't being manipulated. switch panCropRegion { case .left, .topLeft, .bottomLeft: cropRectangleLocked.origin.x = cropRectangleStart.maxX - cropRectangleLocked.width default: // Bias towards aligning left. cropRectangleLocked.origin.x = cropRectangleStart.minX } switch panCropRegion { case .top, .topLeft, .topRight: cropRectangleLocked.origin.y = cropRectangleStart.maxY - cropRectangleLocked.height default: // Bias towards aligning top. cropRectangleLocked.origin.y = cropRectangleStart.minY } cropRectangleNow = cropRectangleLocked } cropView.frame = view.convert(cropRectangleNow, from: clipView) switch gestureRecognizer.state { case .ended: crop(toRect: cropRectangleNow) default: break } } private func crop(toRect cropRect: CGRect) { let viewBounds = clipView.bounds // TODO: The output size should be rounded, although this can // cause crop to be slightly not WYSIWYG. let croppedOutputSizePixels = CGSizeRound(CGSize(width: transform.outputSizePixels.width * cropRect.width / clipView.width(), height: transform.outputSizePixels.height * cropRect.height / clipView.height())) // We need to update the transform's unitTranslation and scaling properties // to reflect the crop. // // Cropping involves changing the output size AND aspect ratio. The output aspect ratio // has complicated effects on the rendering behavior of the image background, since the // default rendering size of the image is an "aspect fill" of the output bounds. // Therefore, the simplest and more reliable way to update the scaling is to measure // the difference between the "before crop"/"after crop" image frames and adjust the // scaling accordingly. let naiveTransform = ImageEditorTransform(outputSizePixels: croppedOutputSizePixels, unitTranslation: transform.unitTranslation, rotationRadians: transform.rotationRadians, scaling: transform.scaling, isFlipped: transform.isFlipped) let naiveImageFrameOld = ImageEditorCanvasView.imageFrame(forViewSize: transform.outputSizePixels, imageSize: model.srcImageSizePixels, transform: naiveTransform) let naiveImageFrameNew = ImageEditorCanvasView.imageFrame(forViewSize: croppedOutputSizePixels, imageSize: model.srcImageSizePixels, transform: naiveTransform) let scalingDeltaX = naiveImageFrameNew.width / naiveImageFrameOld.width let scalingDeltaY = naiveImageFrameNew.height / naiveImageFrameOld.height // scalingDeltaX and scalingDeltaY should only differ by rounding error. let scalingDelta = (scalingDeltaX + scalingDeltaY) * 0.5 let scaling = transform.scaling / scalingDelta // We also need to update the transform's translation, to ensure that the correct // content (background image and items) ends up in the crop region. // // To do this, we use the center of the image content. Due to // scaling and rotation of the image content, it's far simpler to // use the center. let oldAffineTransform = transform.affineTransform(viewSize: viewBounds.size) // We determine the pre-crop render frame for the image. let oldImageFrameCanvas = ImageEditorCanvasView.imageFrame(forViewSize: viewBounds.size, imageSize: model.srcImageSizePixels, transform: transform) // We project it into pre-crop view coordinates (the coordinate // system of the crop rectangle). Note that a CALayer's tranform // is applied using its "anchor point", the center of the layer. // so we translate before and after the projection to be consistent. let oldImageCenterView = oldImageFrameCanvas.center.minus(viewBounds.center).applying(oldAffineTransform).plus(viewBounds.center) // We transform the "image content center" into the unit coordinates // of the crop rectangle. let newImageCenterUnit = oldImageCenterView.toUnitCoordinates(viewBounds: cropRect, shouldClamp: false) // The transform's "unit translation" represents a deviation from // the center of the output canvas, so we need to subtract the // unit midpoint. let unitTranslation = newImageCenterUnit.minus(CGPoint.unitMidpoint) // Clear the panCropRegion now so that the crop bounds are updated // immediately. panCropRegion = nil updateTransform(ImageEditorTransform(outputSizePixels: croppedOutputSizePixels, unitTranslation: unitTranslation, rotationRadians: transform.rotationRadians, scaling: scaling, isFlipped: transform.isFlipped).normalize(srcImageSizePixels: model.srcImageSizePixels)) } private func handleNormalPanGesture(_ gestureRecognizer: ImageEditorPanGestureRecognizer) { AssertIsOnMainThread() guard let gestureStartTransform = gestureStartTransform else { owsFailDebug("Missing pinchTransform.") return } guard let oldLocationView = gestureRecognizer.locationFirst else { owsFailDebug("Missing locationStart.") return } let newLocationView = gestureRecognizer.location(in: self.clipView) let newUnitTranslation = ImageEditorCropViewController.unitTranslation(oldLocationView: oldLocationView, newLocationView: newLocationView, viewBounds: clipView.bounds, oldTransform: gestureStartTransform) updateTransform(ImageEditorTransform(outputSizePixels: gestureStartTransform.outputSizePixels, unitTranslation: newUnitTranslation, rotationRadians: gestureStartTransform.rotationRadians, scaling: gestureStartTransform.scaling, isFlipped: gestureStartTransform.isFlipped).normalize(srcImageSizePixels: model.srcImageSizePixels)) } private func cropRegion(forGestureRecognizer gestureRecognizer: ImageEditorPanGestureRecognizer) -> CropRegion? { guard let location = gestureRecognizer.locationFirst else { owsFailDebug("Missing locationStart.") return nil } let tolerance: CGFloat = ImageEditorCropViewController.desiredCornerSize * 2.0 let left = tolerance let top = tolerance let right = clipView.width() - tolerance let bottom = clipView.height() - tolerance // We could ignore touches far outside the crop rectangle. if location.x < left { if location.y < top { return .topLeft } else if location.y > bottom { return .bottomLeft } else { return .left } } else if location.x > right { if location.y < top { return .topRight } else if location.y > bottom { return .bottomRight } else { return .right } } else { if location.y < top { return .top } else if location.y > bottom { return .bottom } else { return nil } } } // MARK: - Events @objc func didTapDone(sender: UIButton) { completeAndDismiss() } private func completeAndDismiss() { self.delegate?.cropDidComplete(transform: transform) self.dismiss(animated: false) { // Do nothing. } } @objc public func rotate90ButtonPressed() { rotateButtonPressed(angleRadians: -CGFloat.pi * 0.5, rotateCanvas: true) } private func rotateButtonPressed(angleRadians: CGFloat, rotateCanvas: Bool) { let outputSizePixels = (rotateCanvas // Invert width and height. ? CGSize(width: transform.outputSizePixels.height, height: transform.outputSizePixels.width) : transform.outputSizePixels) let unitTranslation = transform.unitTranslation let rotationRadians = transform.rotationRadians + angleRadians let scaling = transform.scaling updateTransform(ImageEditorTransform(outputSizePixels: outputSizePixels, unitTranslation: unitTranslation, rotationRadians: rotationRadians, scaling: scaling, isFlipped: transform.isFlipped).normalize(srcImageSizePixels: model.srcImageSizePixels)) } @objc public func flipButtonPressed() { updateTransform(ImageEditorTransform(outputSizePixels: transform.outputSizePixels, unitTranslation: transform.unitTranslation, rotationRadians: transform.rotationRadians, scaling: transform.scaling, isFlipped: !transform.isFlipped).normalize(srcImageSizePixels: model.srcImageSizePixels)) } @objc func didTapReset(sender: UIButton) { Logger.verbose("") updateTransform(ImageEditorTransform.defaultTransform(srcImageSizePixels: model.srcImageSizePixels)) } @objc public func cropLockButtonPressed() { isCropLocked = !isCropLocked updateCropLockButton() } } // MARK: - extension ImageEditorCropViewController: UIGestureRecognizerDelegate { @objc public func gestureRecognizer(_ gestureRecognizer: UIGestureRecognizer, shouldReceive touch: UITouch) -> Bool { // Until the GR recognizes, it should only see touches that start within the content. guard gestureRecognizer.state == .possible else { return true } let location = touch.location(in: clipView) return clipView.bounds.contains(location) } }