platform :ios, '8.0' source '' target 'Signal' do pod 'ATAppUpdater' pod 'AxolotlKit', git: '' #pod 'AxolotlKit', path: '../SignalProtocolKit' pod 'JSQMessagesViewController', git: '', branch: 'signal-master' #pod 'JSQMessagesViewController', path: '../JSQMessagesViewController' pod 'PureLayout' pod 'OpenSSL', git: '' pod 'Reachability' pod 'SignalServiceKit', path: '.' pod 'SocketRocket', :git => '' target 'SignalTests' do inherit! :search_paths end post_install do |installer| # Disable some asserts when building for tests set_building_for_tests_config(installer, 'SignalServiceKit') end end # There are some asserts and debug checks that make testing difficult - e.g. Singleton asserts def set_building_for_tests_config(installer, target_name) target = installer.pods_project.targets.detect { |target| target.to_s == target_name } if target == nil throw "failed to find target: #{target_name}" end build_config_name = "Test" build_config = target.build_configurations.detect { |config| config.to_s == build_config_name } if build_config == nil throw "failed to find config: #{build_config_name} for target: #{target_name}" end puts "--[!] Disabling singleton enforcement for target: #{target} in config: #{build_config}" existing_definitions = build_config.build_settings['GCC_PREPROCESSOR_DEFINITIONS'] if existing_definitions == nil || existing.length == 0 existing_definitions = "$(inheritied)" end build_config.build_settings['GCC_PREPROCESSOR_DEFINITIONS'] = "#{existing_definitions} POD_CONFIGURATION_TEST=1 COCOAPODS=1 SSK_BUILDING_FOR_TESTS=1" end