// Copyright © 2022 Rangeproof Pty Ltd. All rights reserved. import Foundation import GRDB import YapDatabase import SessionUtilitiesKit enum _003_YDBToGRDBMigration: Migration { static let target: TargetMigrations.Identifier = .snodeKit static let identifier: String = "YDBToGRDBMigration" static let needsConfigSync: Bool = false /// This migration can take a while if it's a very large database or there are lots of closed groups (want this to account /// for about 10% of the progress bar so we intentionally have a higher `minExpectedRunDuration` so show more /// progress during the migration) static let minExpectedRunDuration: TimeInterval = 2.0 static func migrate(_ db: Database) throws { guard let dbConnection: YapDatabaseConnection = SUKLegacy.newDatabaseConnection() else { SNLog("[Migration Warning] No legacy database, skipping \(target.key(with: self))") return } // MARK: - Read from Legacy Database // Note: Want to exclude the Snode's we already added from the 'onionRequestPathResult' var snodeResult: Set = [] var snodeSetResult: [String: Set] = [:] var lastSnodePoolRefreshDate: Date? = nil var lastMessageResults: [String: (hash: String, json: JSON)] = [:] var receivedMessageResults: [String: Set] = [:] // Map the Legacy types for the NSKeyedUnarchiver NSKeyedUnarchiver.setClass( SSKLegacy.Snode.self, forClassName: "SessionSnodeKit.Snode" ) dbConnection.read { transaction in // MARK: --lastSnodePoolRefreshDate lastSnodePoolRefreshDate = transaction.object( forKey: SSKLegacy.lastSnodePoolRefreshDateKey, inCollection: SSKLegacy.lastSnodePoolRefreshDateCollection ) as? Date // MARK: --OnionRequestPaths if let path0Snode0 = transaction.object(forKey: "0-0", inCollection: SSKLegacy.onionRequestPathCollection) as? SSKLegacy.Snode, let path0Snode1 = transaction.object(forKey: "0-1", inCollection: SSKLegacy.onionRequestPathCollection) as? SSKLegacy.Snode, let path0Snode2 = transaction.object(forKey: "0-2", inCollection: SSKLegacy.onionRequestPathCollection) as? SSKLegacy.Snode { snodeResult.insert(path0Snode0) snodeResult.insert(path0Snode1) snodeResult.insert(path0Snode2) snodeSetResult["\(SnodeSet.onionRequestPathPrefix)0"] = [ path0Snode0, path0Snode1, path0Snode2 ] if let path1Snode0 = transaction.object(forKey: "1-0", inCollection: SSKLegacy.onionRequestPathCollection) as? SSKLegacy.Snode, let path1Snode1 = transaction.object(forKey: "1-1", inCollection: SSKLegacy.onionRequestPathCollection) as? SSKLegacy.Snode, let path1Snode2 = transaction.object(forKey: "1-2", inCollection: SSKLegacy.onionRequestPathCollection) as? SSKLegacy.Snode { snodeResult.insert(path1Snode0) snodeResult.insert(path1Snode1) snodeResult.insert(path1Snode2) snodeSetResult["\(SnodeSet.onionRequestPathPrefix)1"] = [ path1Snode0, path1Snode1, path1Snode2 ] } } Storage.update(progress: 0.02, for: self, in: target) // MARK: --SnodePool transaction.enumerateKeysAndObjects(inCollection: SSKLegacy.snodePoolCollection) { _, object, _ in guard let snode = object as? SSKLegacy.Snode else { return } snodeResult.insert(snode) } // MARK: --Swarms /// **Note:** There is no index on the collection column so unfortunately it takes the same amount of time to enumerate through all /// collections as it does to just get the count of collections, due to this, if the database is very large, importing thecollections can be /// very slow (~15s with 2,000,000 rows) - we want to show some kind of progress while enumerating so the below code creates a /// very rought guess of the number of collections based on the file size of the database (this shouldn't affect most users at all) let roughMbPerCollection: CGFloat = 2.5 let oldDatabaseSizeBytes: CGFloat = (try? FileManager.default .attributesOfItem(atPath: SUKLegacy.legacyDatabaseFilepath)[.size] .asType(CGFloat.self)) .defaulting(to: 0) let roughNumCollections: CGFloat = (((oldDatabaseSizeBytes / 1024) / 1024) / roughMbPerCollection) let startProgress: CGFloat = 0.02 let swarmCompleteProgress: CGFloat = 0.90 var swarmCollections: Set = [] var collectionIndex: CGFloat = 0 transaction.enumerateCollections { collectionName, _ in if collectionName.starts(with: SSKLegacy.swarmCollectionPrefix) { swarmCollections.insert(collectionName.substring(from: SSKLegacy.swarmCollectionPrefix.count)) } collectionIndex += 1 Storage.update( progress: min( swarmCompleteProgress, ((collectionIndex / roughNumCollections) * (swarmCompleteProgress - startProgress)) ), for: self, in: target ) } Storage.update(progress: swarmCompleteProgress, for: self, in: target) for swarmCollection in swarmCollections { let collection: String = "\(SSKLegacy.swarmCollectionPrefix)\(swarmCollection)" transaction.enumerateKeysAndObjects(inCollection: collection) { _, object, _ in guard let snode = object as? SSKLegacy.Snode else { return } snodeResult.insert(snode) snodeSetResult[swarmCollection] = (snodeSetResult[swarmCollection] ?? Set()).inserting(snode) } } Storage.update(progress: 0.92, for: self, in: target) // MARK: --Received message hashes transaction.enumerateKeysAndObjects(inCollection: SSKLegacy.receivedMessagesCollection) { key, object, _ in guard let hashSet = object as? Set else { return } receivedMessageResults[key] = hashSet } Storage.update(progress: 0.93, for: self, in: target) // MARK: --Last message info transaction.enumerateKeysAndObjects(inCollection: SSKLegacy.lastMessageHashCollection) { key, object, _ in guard let lastMessageJson = object as? JSON else { return } guard let lastMessageHash: String = lastMessageJson["hash"] as? String else { return } // Note: We remove the value from 'receivedMessageResults' as we want to try and use // it's actual 'expirationDate' value lastMessageResults[key] = (lastMessageHash, lastMessageJson) receivedMessageResults[key] = receivedMessageResults[key]?.removing(lastMessageHash) } Storage.update(progress: 0.94, for: self, in: target) } // MARK: - Insert into GRDB try autoreleasepool { // MARK: --lastSnodePoolRefreshDate db[.lastSnodePoolRefreshDate] = lastSnodePoolRefreshDate // MARK: --SnodePool try snodeResult.forEach { legacySnode in try Snode( address: legacySnode.address, port: legacySnode.port, ed25519PublicKey: legacySnode.publicKeySet.ed25519Key, x25519PublicKey: legacySnode.publicKeySet.x25519Key ).migrationSafeInsert(db) } Storage.update(progress: 0.96, for: self, in: target) // MARK: --SnodeSets try snodeSetResult.forEach { key, legacySnodeSet in try legacySnodeSet.enumerated().forEach { nodeIndex, legacySnode in // Note: In this case the 'nodeIndex' is irrelivant try SnodeSet( key: key, nodeIndex: nodeIndex, address: legacySnode.address, port: legacySnode.port ).migrationSafeInsert(db) } } Storage.update(progress: 0.98, for: self, in: target) } try autoreleasepool { // MARK: --Received Messages try receivedMessageResults.forEach { key, hashes in try hashes.forEach { hash in _ = try SnodeReceivedMessageInfo( key: key, hash: hash, expirationDateMs: SnodeReceivedMessage.defaultExpirationSeconds ).migrationSafeInserted(db) } } Storage.update(progress: 0.99, for: self, in: target) // MARK: --Last Message Hash try lastMessageResults.forEach { key, data in let expirationDateMs: Int64 = ((data.json["expirationDate"] as? Int64) ?? 0) _ = try SnodeReceivedMessageInfo( key: key, hash: data.hash, expirationDateMs: (expirationDateMs > 0 ? expirationDateMs : SnodeReceivedMessage.defaultExpirationSeconds ) ).migrationSafeInserted(db) } } Storage.update(progress: 1, for: self, in: target) // In case this is the last migration } }