// Copyright © 2022 Rangeproof Pty Ltd. All rights reserved. import Foundation import GRDB import Sodium import SignalCoreKit import SessionUtilitiesKit extension MessageReceiver { @discardableResult public static func handleVisibleMessage( _ db: Database, message: VisibleMessage, associatedWithProto proto: SNProtoContent, openGroupId: String?, dependencies: Dependencies = Dependencies() ) throws -> Int64 { guard let sender: String = message.sender, let dataMessage = proto.dataMessage else { throw MessageReceiverError.invalidMessage } // Note: `message.sentTimestamp` is in ms (convert to TimeInterval before converting to // seconds to maintain the accuracy) let messageSentTimestamp: TimeInterval = (TimeInterval(message.sentTimestamp ?? 0) / 1000) let isMainAppActive: Bool = (UserDefaults.sharedLokiProject?[.isMainAppActive]).defaulting(to: false) // Update profile if needed (want to do this regardless of whether the message exists or // not to ensure the profile info gets sync between a users devices at every chance) if let profile = message.profile { var contactProfileKey: OWSAES256Key? = nil if let profileKey = profile.profileKey { contactProfileKey = OWSAES256Key(data: profileKey) } try MessageReceiver.updateProfileIfNeeded( db, publicKey: sender, name: profile.displayName, profilePictureUrl: profile.profilePictureUrl, profileKey: contactProfileKey, sentTimestamp: messageSentTimestamp ) } // Get or create thread guard let threadInfo: (id: String, variant: SessionThread.Variant) = MessageReceiver.threadInfo(db, message: message, openGroupId: openGroupId) else { throw MessageReceiverError.noThread } // Store the message variant so we can run variant-specific behaviours let currentUserPublicKey: String = getUserHexEncodedPublicKey(db, dependencies: dependencies) let thread: SessionThread = try SessionThread .fetchOrCreate(db, id: threadInfo.id, variant: threadInfo.variant) let variant: Interaction.Variant = { guard let openGroupId: String = openGroupId, let senderSessionId: SessionId = SessionId(from: sender), let openGroup: OpenGroup = try? OpenGroup.fetchOne(db, id: openGroupId) else { return (sender == currentUserPublicKey ? .standardOutgoing : .standardIncoming ) } // Need to check if the blinded id matches for open groups switch senderSessionId.prefix { case .blinded: let sodium: Sodium = Sodium() guard let userEdKeyPair: Box.KeyPair = Identity.fetchUserEd25519KeyPair(db), let blindedKeyPair: Box.KeyPair = sodium.blindedKeyPair( serverPublicKey: openGroup.publicKey, edKeyPair: userEdKeyPair, genericHash: sodium.genericHash ) else { return .standardIncoming } return (sender == SessionId(.blinded, publicKey: blindedKeyPair.publicKey).hexString ? .standardOutgoing : .standardIncoming ) case .standard, .unblinded: return (sender == currentUserPublicKey ? .standardOutgoing : .standardIncoming ) } }() // Handle emoji reacts first (otherwise it's essentially an invalid message) if let interactionId: Int64 = try handleEmojiReactIfNeeded(db, message: message, associatedWithProto: proto, sender: sender, messageSentTimestamp: messageSentTimestamp, openGroupId: openGroupId, thread: thread) { return interactionId } // Try to insert the interaction // // Note: There are now a number of unique constraints on the database which // prevent the ability to insert duplicate interactions at a database level // so we don't need to check for the existance of a message beforehand anymore let interaction: Interaction do { interaction = try Interaction( serverHash: message.serverHash, // Keep track of server hash threadId: thread.id, authorId: sender, variant: variant, body: message.text, timestampMs: Int64(messageSentTimestamp * 1000), wasRead: (variant == .standardOutgoing), // Auto-mark sent messages as read hasMention: Interaction.isUserMentioned( db, threadId: thread.id, body: message.text, quoteAuthorId: dataMessage.quote?.author ), // OpenGroupInvitations are stored as LinkPreview's in the database linkPreviewUrl: (message.linkPreview?.url ?? message.openGroupInvitation?.url), // Keep track of the open group server message ID ↔ message ID relationship openGroupServerMessageId: message.openGroupServerMessageId.map { Int64($0) }, openGroupWhisperMods: (message.recipient?.contains(".mods") == true), openGroupWhisperTo: { guard let recipientParts: [String] = message.recipient?.components(separatedBy: "."), recipientParts.count >= 3 // 'server.roomToken.whisperTo.whisperMods' else { return nil } return recipientParts[2] }() ).inserted(db) } catch { switch error { case DatabaseError.SQLITE_CONSTRAINT_UNIQUE: guard variant == .standardOutgoing, let existingInteractionId: Int64 = try? thread.interactions .select(.id) .filter(Interaction.Columns.timestampMs == (messageSentTimestamp * 1000)) .filter(Interaction.Columns.variant == variant) .filter(Interaction.Columns.authorId == sender) .asRequest(of: Int64.self) .fetchOne(db) else { break } // If we receive an outgoing message that already exists in the database // then we still need up update the recipient and read states for the // message (even if we don't need to do anything else) try updateRecipientAndReadStates( db, thread: thread, interactionId: existingInteractionId, variant: variant, syncTarget: message.syncTarget ) default: break } throw error } guard let interactionId: Int64 = interaction.id else { throw StorageError.failedToSave } // Update and recipient and read states as needed try updateRecipientAndReadStates( db, thread: thread, interactionId: interactionId, variant: variant, syncTarget: message.syncTarget ) // Parse & persist attachments let attachments: [Attachment] = try dataMessage.attachments .compactMap { proto -> Attachment? in let attachment: Attachment = Attachment(proto: proto) // Attachments on received messages must have a 'downloadUrl' otherwise // they are invalid and we can ignore them return (attachment.downloadUrl != nil ? attachment : nil) } .enumerated() .map { index, attachment in let savedAttachment: Attachment = try attachment.saved(db) // Link the attachment to the interaction and add to the id lookup try InteractionAttachment( albumIndex: index, interactionId: interactionId, attachmentId: savedAttachment.id ).insert(db) return savedAttachment } message.attachmentIds = attachments.map { $0.id } // Persist quote if needed let quote: Quote? = try? Quote( db, proto: dataMessage, interactionId: interactionId, thread: thread )?.inserted(db) // Parse link preview if needed let linkPreview: LinkPreview? = try? LinkPreview( db, proto: dataMessage, body: message.text, sentTimestampMs: (messageSentTimestamp * 1000) )?.saved(db) // Open group invitations are stored as LinkPreview values so create one if needed if let openGroupInvitationUrl: String = message.openGroupInvitation?.url, let openGroupInvitationName: String = message.openGroupInvitation?.name { try LinkPreview( url: openGroupInvitationUrl, timestamp: LinkPreview.timestampFor(sentTimestampMs: (messageSentTimestamp * 1000)), variant: .openGroupInvitation, title: openGroupInvitationName ).save(db) } // Start attachment downloads if needed (ie. trusted contact or group thread) // FIXME: Replace this to check the `autoDownloadAttachments` flag we are adding to threads let isContactTrusted: Bool = ((try? Contact.fetchOne(db, id: sender))?.isTrusted ?? false) if isContactTrusted || thread.variant != .contact { attachments .map { $0.id } .appending(quote?.attachmentId) .appending(linkPreview?.attachmentId) .forEach { attachmentId in JobRunner.add( db, job: Job( variant: .attachmentDownload, threadId: thread.id, interactionId: interactionId, details: AttachmentDownloadJob.Details( attachmentId: attachmentId ) ), canStartJob: isMainAppActive ) } } // Cancel any typing indicators if needed if isMainAppActive { TypingIndicators.didStopTyping(db, threadId: thread.id, direction: .incoming) } // Update the contact's approval status of the current user if needed (if we are getting messages from // them outside of a group then we can assume they have approved the current user) // // Note: This is to resolve a rare edge-case where a conversation was started with a user on an old // version of the app and their message request approval state was set via a migration rather than // by using the approval process if thread.variant == .contact { try MessageReceiver.updateContactApprovalStatusIfNeeded( db, senderSessionId: sender, threadId: thread.id, forceConfigSync: false ) } // Notify the user if needed guard variant == .standardIncoming else { return interactionId } // Use the same identifier for notifications when in backgroud polling to prevent spam Environment.shared?.notificationsManager.wrappedValue? .notifyUser( db, for: interaction, in: thread ) return interactionId } private static func handleEmojiReactIfNeeded( _ db: Database, message: VisibleMessage, associatedWithProto proto: SNProtoContent, sender: String, messageSentTimestamp: TimeInterval, openGroupId: String?, thread: SessionThread ) throws -> Int64? { guard let reaction: VisibleMessage.VMReaction = message.reaction, proto.dataMessage?.reaction != nil else { return nil } let maybeInteractionId: Int64? = try? Interaction .select(.id) .filter(Interaction.Columns.threadId == thread.id) .filter(Interaction.Columns.timestampMs == reaction.timestamp) .filter(Interaction.Columns.authorId == reaction.publicKey) .filter(Interaction.Columns.variant != Interaction.Variant.standardIncomingDeleted) .asRequest(of: Int64.self) .fetchOne(db) guard let interactionId: Int64 = maybeInteractionId else { throw StorageError.objectNotFound } let sortId = Reaction.getSortId( db, interactionId: interactionId, emoji: reaction.emoji ) switch reaction.kind { case .react: let reaction = Reaction( interactionId: interactionId, serverHash: message.serverHash, timestampMs: Int64(messageSentTimestamp * 1000), authorId: sender, emoji: reaction.emoji, count: 1, sortId: sortId ) try reaction.insert(db) if sender != getUserHexEncodedPublicKey(db) { Environment.shared?.notificationsManager.wrappedValue? .notifyUser( db, forReaction: reaction, in: thread ) } case .remove: try Reaction .filter(Reaction.Columns.interactionId == interactionId) .filter(Reaction.Columns.authorId == sender) .filter(Reaction.Columns.emoji == reaction.emoji) .deleteAll(db) } return interactionId } private static func updateRecipientAndReadStates( _ db: Database, thread: SessionThread, interactionId: Int64, variant: Interaction.Variant, syncTarget: String? ) throws { guard variant == .standardOutgoing else { return } switch thread.variant { case .contact: if let syncTarget: String = syncTarget { try RecipientState( interactionId: interactionId, recipientId: syncTarget, state: .sent ).save(db) } case .closedGroup: try GroupMember .filter(GroupMember.Columns.groupId == thread.id) .fetchAll(db) .forEach { member in try RecipientState( interactionId: interactionId, recipientId: member.profileId, state: .sent ).save(db) } case .openGroup: try RecipientState( interactionId: interactionId, recipientId: thread.id, // For open groups this will always be the thread id state: .sent ).save(db) } // For outgoing messages mark all older interactions as read (the user should have seen // them if they send a message - also avoids a situation where the user has "phantom" // unread messages that they need to scroll back to before they become marked as read) try Interaction.markAsRead( db, interactionId: interactionId, threadId: thread.id, includingOlder: true, trySendReadReceipt: true ) } }