#!/bin/bash # XCode will error during it's dependency graph construction (which happens before the build # stage starts and any target "Run Script" phases are triggered) # # In order to avoid this error we need to build the framework before actually getting to the # build stage so XCode is able to build the dependency graph # # XCode's Pre-action scripts don't output anything into XCode so the only way to emit a useful # error is to return a success status and have the project detect and log the error itself then # log it, stopping the build at that point # # The other step to get this to work properly is to ensure the framework in "Link Binary with # Libraries" isn't using a relative directory, unfortunately there doesn't seem to be a good # way to do this directly so we need to modify the '.pbxproj' file directly, updating the # framework entry to have the following (on a single line): # { # isa = PBXFileReference; # explicitFileType = wrapper.xcframework; # includeInIndex = 0; # path = "{FRAMEWORK NAME GOES HERE}"; # sourceTree = BUILD_DIR; # }; # Need to set the path or we won't find cmake PATH=${PATH}:/usr/local/bin:/opt/homebrew/bin:/sbin/md5 # Ensure the build directory exists (in case we need it before XCode creates it) mkdir -p "${TARGET_BUILD_DIR}" # Remove any old build errors rm -rf "${TARGET_BUILD_DIR}/libsession_util_error.log" # First ensure cmake is installed (store the error in a log and exit with a success status - xcode will output the error) echo "info: Validating build requirements" if ! which cmake > /dev/null; then touch "${TARGET_BUILD_DIR}/libsession_util_error.log" echo "error: cmake is required to build, please install (can install via homebrew with 'brew install cmake')." echo "error: cmake is required to build, please install (can install via homebrew with 'brew install cmake')." > "${TARGET_BUILD_DIR}/libsession_util_error.log" exit 0 fi if [ ! -d "${SRCROOT}/LibSession-Util" ] || [ ! -d "${SRCROOT}/LibSession-Util/src" ]; then touch "${TARGET_BUILD_DIR}/libsession_util_error.log" echo "error: Need to fetch LibSession-Util submodule." echo "error: Need to fetch LibSession-Util submodule." > "${TARGET_BUILD_DIR}/libsession_util_error.log" exit 1 fi # Generate a hash of the libSession-util source files and check if they differ from the last hash echo "info: Checking for changes to source" NEW_SOURCE_HASH=$(find "${SRCROOT}/LibSession-Util/src" -type f -exec md5 {} + | awk '{print $NF}' | sort | md5 | awk '{print $NF}') NEW_HEADER_HASH=$(find "${SRCROOT}/LibSession-Util/include" -type f -exec md5 {} + | awk '{print $NF}' | sort | md5 | awk '{print $NF}') if [ -f "${TARGET_BUILD_DIR}/libsession_util_source_hash.log" ]; then read -r OLD_SOURCE_HASH < "${TARGET_BUILD_DIR}/libsession_util_source_hash.log" fi if [ -f "${TARGET_BUILD_DIR}/libsession_util_header_hash.log" ]; then read -r OLD_HEADER_HASH < "${TARGET_BUILD_DIR}/libsession_util_header_hash.log" fi if [ -f "${TARGET_BUILD_DIR}/libsession_util_archs.log" ]; then read -r OLD_ARCHS < "${TARGET_BUILD_DIR}/libsession_util_archs.log" fi # Start the libSession-util build if it doesn't already exists if [ "${NEW_SOURCE_HASH}" != "${OLD_SOURCE_HASH}" ] || [ "${NEW_HEADER_HASH}" != "${OLD_HEADER_HASH}" ] || [ "${ARCHS[*]}" != "${OLD_ARCHS}" ] || [ ! -d "${TARGET_BUILD_DIR}/libsession-util.xcframework" ]; then echo "info: Build is not up-to-date - creating new build" echo "" # Remove any existing build files (just to be safe) rm -rf "${TARGET_BUILD_DIR}/libsession-util.a" rm -rf "${TARGET_BUILD_DIR}/libsession-util.xcframework" rm -rf "${BUILD_DIR}/libsession-util.xcframework" # Trigger the new build cd "${SRCROOT}/LibSession-Util" result=$(./utils/ios.sh "libsession-util" false) if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then touch "${TARGET_BUILD_DIR}/libsession_util_error.log" echo "error: Failed to build libsession-util (See details in '${TARGET_BUILD_DIR}/pre-action-output.log')." echo "error: Failed to build libsession-util (See details in '${TARGET_BUILD_DIR}/pre-action-output.log')." > "${TARGET_BUILD_DIR}/libsession_util_error.log" exit 0 fi # Save the updated source hash to disk to prevent rebuilds when there were no changes echo "${NEW_SOURCE_HASH}" > "${TARGET_BUILD_DIR}/libsession_util_source_hash.log" echo "${NEW_HEADER_HASH}" > "${TARGET_BUILD_DIR}/libsession_util_header_hash.log" echo "${ARCHS[*]}" > "${TARGET_BUILD_DIR}/libsession_util_archs.log" echo "" echo "info: Build complete" else echo "info: Build is up-to-date" fi # Move the target-specific libSession-util build to the parent build directory (so XCode can have a reference to a single build) rm -rf "${BUILD_DIR}/libsession-util.xcframework" cp -r "${TARGET_BUILD_DIR}/libsession-util.xcframework" "${BUILD_DIR}/libsession-util.xcframework"