// Copyright © 2022 Rangeproof Pty Ltd. All rights reserved. import Foundation import GRDB import YapDatabase enum _003_YDBToGRDBMigration: Migration { static let target: TargetMigrations.Identifier = .utilitiesKit static let identifier: String = "YDBToGRDBMigration" static let needsConfigSync: Bool = false static let minExpectedRunDuration: TimeInterval = 0.1 static func migrate(_ db: Database) throws { guard let dbConnection: YapDatabaseConnection = SUKLegacy.newDatabaseConnection() else { SNLog("[Migration Warning] No legacy database, skipping \(target.key(with: self))") return } // MARK: - Read from Legacy Database // Note: Want to exclude the Snode's we already added from the 'onionRequestPathResult' var registeredNumber: String? var seedHexString: String? var userEd25519SecretKeyHexString: String? var userEd25519PublicKeyHexString: String? var userX25519KeyPair: SUKLegacy.KeyPair? // Map the Legacy types for the NSKeyedUnarchiver NSKeyedUnarchiver.setClass( SUKLegacy.KeyPair.self, forClassName: "ECKeyPair" ) dbConnection.read { transaction in // MARK: --Identity keys registeredNumber = transaction.object( forKey: SUKLegacy.userAccountRegisteredNumberKey, inCollection: SUKLegacy.userAccountCollection ) as? String // Note: The 'seed', 'ed25519SecretKey' and 'ed25519PublicKey' were // all previously stored as hex strings, so we need to convert them // to data before we store them in the new database seedHexString = transaction.object( forKey: SUKLegacy.identityKeyStoreSeedKey, inCollection: SUKLegacy.identityKeyStoreCollection ) as? String userEd25519SecretKeyHexString = transaction.object( forKey: SUKLegacy.identityKeyStoreEd25519SecretKey, inCollection: SUKLegacy.identityKeyStoreCollection ) as? String userEd25519PublicKeyHexString = transaction.object( forKey: SUKLegacy.identityKeyStoreEd25519PublicKey, inCollection: SUKLegacy.identityKeyStoreCollection ) as? String userX25519KeyPair = transaction.object( forKey: SUKLegacy.identityKeyStoreIdentityKey, inCollection: SUKLegacy.identityKeyStoreCollection ) as? SUKLegacy.KeyPair } // No need to continue if the user isn't registered if registeredNumber == nil { return } // If the user is registered then it's all-or-nothing for these values guard let seedHexString: String = seedHexString, let userEd25519SecretKeyHexString: String = userEd25519SecretKeyHexString, let userEd25519PublicKeyHexString: String = userEd25519PublicKeyHexString, let userX25519KeyPair: SUKLegacy.KeyPair = userX25519KeyPair else { // If this is a fresh install then we would have created all of the Identity // values directly within the 'Identity' table so this is actually a valid // case and we don't need to throw if try Identity.fetchCount(db) == Identity.Variant.allCases.count { return } throw StorageError.migrationFailed } // MARK: - Insert into GRDB try autoreleasepool { // MARK: --Identity keys try Identity( variant: .seed, data: Data(hex: seedHexString) ).migrationSafeInsert(db) try Identity( variant: .ed25519SecretKey, data: Data(hex: userEd25519SecretKeyHexString) ).migrationSafeInsert(db) try Identity( variant: .ed25519PublicKey, data: Data(hex: userEd25519PublicKeyHexString) ).migrationSafeInsert(db) try Identity( variant: .x25519PrivateKey, data: userX25519KeyPair.privateKey ).migrationSafeInsert(db) try Identity( variant: .x25519PublicKey, data: userX25519KeyPair.publicKey ).migrationSafeInsert(db) } Storage.update(progress: 1, for: self, in: target) // In case this is the last migration } }