// Copyright © 2022 Rangeproof Pty Ltd. All rights reserved. import Foundation import Combine import GRDB import DifferenceKit import SessionUIKit import SessionMessagingKit import SignalUtilitiesKit import SessionUtilitiesKit class ThreadSettingsViewModel: SessionTableViewModel { // MARK: - Config enum NavState { case standard case editing } enum NavButton: Equatable { case edit case cancel case done } public enum Section: SessionTableSection { case conversationInfo case content } public enum Setting: Differentiable { case threadInfo case copyThreadId case allMedia case searchConversation case addToOpenGroup case disappearingMessages case disappearingMessagesDuration case editGroup case leaveGroup case notificationSound case notificationMentionsOnly case notificationMute case blockUser } // MARK: - Variables private let dependencies: Dependencies private let threadId: String private let threadVariant: SessionThread.Variant private let didTriggerSearch: () -> () private var oldDisplayName: String? private var editedDisplayName: String? // MARK: - Initialization init( dependencies: Dependencies = Dependencies(), threadId: String, threadVariant: SessionThread.Variant, didTriggerSearch: @escaping () -> () ) { self.dependencies = dependencies self.threadId = threadId self.threadVariant = threadVariant self.didTriggerSearch = didTriggerSearch self.oldDisplayName = (threadVariant != .contact ? nil : dependencies.storage.read { db in try Profile .filter(id: threadId) .select(.nickname) .asRequest(of: String.self) .fetchOne(db) } ) } // MARK: - Navigation lazy var navState: AnyPublisher = { isEditing .map { isEditing in (isEditing ? .editing : .standard) } .removeDuplicates() .prepend(.standard) // Initial value .eraseToAnyPublisher() }() override var leftNavItems: AnyPublisher<[NavItem]?, Never> { navState .map { [weak self] navState -> [NavItem] in // Only show the 'Edit' button if it's a contact thread guard self?.threadVariant == .contact else { return [] } guard navState == .editing else { return [] } return [ NavItem( id: .cancel, systemItem: .cancel, accessibilityIdentifier: "Cancel button" ) { [weak self] in self?.setIsEditing(false) self?.editedDisplayName = self?.oldDisplayName } ] } .eraseToAnyPublisher() } override var rightNavItems: AnyPublisher<[NavItem]?, Never> { navState .map { [weak self, dependencies] navState -> [NavItem] in // Only show the 'Edit' button if it's a contact thread guard self?.threadVariant == .contact else { return [] } switch navState { case .editing: return [ NavItem( id: .done, systemItem: .done, accessibilityIdentifier: "Done button" ) { [weak self] in self?.setIsEditing(false) guard self?.threadVariant == .contact, let threadId: String = self?.threadId, let editedDisplayName: String = self?.editedDisplayName else { return } let updatedNickname: String = editedDisplayName .trimmingCharacters(in: .whitespacesAndNewlines) self?.oldDisplayName = (updatedNickname.isEmpty ? nil : editedDisplayName) dependencies.storage.writeAsync { db in try Profile .filter(id: threadId) .updateAll( db, Profile.Columns.nickname .set(to: (updatedNickname.isEmpty ? nil : editedDisplayName)) ) } } ] case .standard: return [ NavItem( id: .edit, systemItem: .edit, accessibilityIdentifier: "Edit button" ) { [weak self] in self?.setIsEditing(true) } ] } } .eraseToAnyPublisher() } // MARK: - Content override var title: String { switch threadVariant { case .contact: return "vc_settings_title".localized() case .closedGroup, .openGroup: return "vc_group_settings_title".localized() } } private var _settingsData: [SectionModel] = [] public override var settingsData: [SectionModel] { _settingsData } public override var observableSettingsData: ObservableData { _observableSettingsData } /// This is all the data the screen needs to populate itself, please see the following link for tips to help optimise /// performance https://github.com/groue/GRDB.swift#valueobservation-performance /// /// **Note:** This observation will be triggered twice immediately (and be de-duped by the `removeDuplicates`) /// this is due to the behaviour of `ValueConcurrentObserver.asyncStartObservation` which triggers it's own /// fetch (after the ones in `ValueConcurrentObserver.asyncStart`/`ValueConcurrentObserver.syncStart`) /// just in case the database has changed between the two reads - unfortunately it doesn't look like there is a way to prevent this private lazy var _observableSettingsData: ObservableData = ValueObservation .trackingConstantRegion { [weak self, dependencies, threadId = self.threadId, threadVariant = self.threadVariant] db -> [SectionModel] in let userPublicKey: String = getUserHexEncodedPublicKey(db, dependencies: dependencies) let maybeThreadViewModel: SessionThreadViewModel? = try SessionThreadViewModel .conversationSettingsQuery(threadId: threadId, userPublicKey: userPublicKey) .fetchOne(db) guard let threadViewModel: SessionThreadViewModel = maybeThreadViewModel else { return [] } // Additional Queries let fallbackSound: Preferences.Sound = db[.defaultNotificationSound] .defaulting(to: Preferences.Sound.defaultNotificationSound) let notificationSound: Preferences.Sound = try SessionThread .filter(id: threadId) .select(.notificationSound) .asRequest(of: Preferences.Sound.self) .fetchOne(db) .defaulting(to: fallbackSound) let disappearingMessagesConfig: DisappearingMessagesConfiguration = try DisappearingMessagesConfiguration .fetchOne(db, id: threadId) .defaulting(to: DisappearingMessagesConfiguration.defaultWith(threadId)) let currentUserIsClosedGroupMember: Bool = ( threadVariant == .closedGroup && threadViewModel.currentUserIsClosedGroupMember == true ) return [ SectionModel( model: .conversationInfo, elements: [ SessionCell.Info( id: .threadInfo, leftAccessory: .threadInfo( threadViewModel: threadViewModel, avatarTapped: { [weak self] in self?.updateProfilePicture(threadViewModel: threadViewModel) }, titleTapped: { [weak self] in self?.setIsEditing(true) }, titleChanged: { [weak self] text in self?.editedDisplayName = text } ), title: threadViewModel.displayName, shouldHaveBackground: false ) ] ), SectionModel( model: .content, elements: [ (threadVariant == .closedGroup ? nil : SessionCell.Info( id: .copyThreadId, leftAccessory: .icon( UIImage(named: "ic_copy")? .withRenderingMode(.alwaysTemplate) ), title: (threadVariant == .openGroup ? "COPY_GROUP_URL".localized() : "vc_conversation_settings_copy_session_id_button_title".localized() ), accessibilityIdentifier: "\(ThreadSettingsViewModel.self).copy_thread_id", onTap: { switch threadVariant { case .contact, .closedGroup: UIPasteboard.general.string = threadId case .openGroup: guard let server: String = threadViewModel.openGroupServer, let roomToken: String = threadViewModel.openGroupRoomToken, let publicKey: String = threadViewModel.openGroupPublicKey else { return } UIPasteboard.general.string = OpenGroup.urlFor( server: server, roomToken: roomToken, publicKey: publicKey ) } self?.showToast( text: "copied".localized(), backgroundColor: .backgroundSecondary ) } ) ), SessionCell.Info( id: .allMedia, leftAccessory: .icon( UIImage(named: "actionsheet_camera_roll_black")? .withRenderingMode(.alwaysTemplate) ), title: MediaStrings.allMedia, accessibilityIdentifier: "\(ThreadSettingsViewModel.self).all_media", onTap: { [weak self] in self?.transitionToScreen( MediaGalleryViewModel.createAllMediaViewController( threadId: threadId, threadVariant: threadVariant, focusedAttachmentId: nil ) ) } ), SessionCell.Info( id: .searchConversation, leftAccessory: .icon( UIImage(named: "conversation_settings_search")? .withRenderingMode(.alwaysTemplate) ), title: "CONVERSATION_SETTINGS_SEARCH".localized(), accessibilityIdentifier: "\(ThreadSettingsViewModel.self).search", onTap: { [weak self] in self?.didTriggerSearch() } ), (threadVariant != .openGroup ? nil : SessionCell.Info( id: .addToOpenGroup, leftAccessory: .icon( UIImage(named: "ic_plus_24")? .withRenderingMode(.alwaysTemplate) ), title: "vc_conversation_settings_invite_button_title".localized(), accessibilityIdentifier: "\(ThreadSettingsViewModel.self).add_to_open_group", onTap: { [weak self] in self?.transitionToScreen( UserSelectionVC( with: "vc_conversation_settings_invite_button_title".localized(), excluding: Set() ) { [weak self] selectedUsers in self?.addUsersToOpenGoup( threadViewModel: threadViewModel, selectedUsers: selectedUsers ) } ) } ) ), (threadVariant == .openGroup || threadViewModel.threadIsBlocked == true ? nil : SessionCell.Info( id: .disappearingMessages, leftAccessory: .icon( UIImage(systemName: "timer")? .withRenderingMode(.alwaysTemplate) ), title: "DISAPPEARING_MESSAGES".localized(), subtitle: (disappearingMessagesConfig.isEnabled ? String( format: "DISAPPEARING_MESSAGES_SUBTITLE_DISAPPEAR_AFTER".localized(), arguments: [disappearingMessagesConfig.durationString] ) : "DISAPPEARING_MESSAGES_SUBTITLE_OFF".localized() ), accessibilityIdentifier: "\(ThreadSettingsViewModel.self).disappearing_messages", onTap: { [weak self] in self?.transitionToScreen( SessionTableViewController( viewModel: ThreadDisappearingMessagesViewModel( threadId: threadId, threadVariant: threadViewModel.threadVariant, currentUserIsClosedGroupAdmin: threadViewModel.currentUserIsClosedGroupAdmin, config: disappearingMessagesConfig ) ) ) } ) ), (!currentUserIsClosedGroupMember ? nil : SessionCell.Info( id: .editGroup, leftAccessory: .icon( UIImage(named: "table_ic_group_edit")? .withRenderingMode(.alwaysTemplate) ), title: "EDIT_GROUP_ACTION".localized(), accessibilityIdentifier: "\(ThreadSettingsViewModel.self).edit_group", onTap: { [weak self] in self?.transitionToScreen(EditClosedGroupVC(threadId: threadId)) } ) ), (!currentUserIsClosedGroupMember ? nil : SessionCell.Info( id: .leaveGroup, leftAccessory: .icon( UIImage(named: "table_ic_group_leave")? .withRenderingMode(.alwaysTemplate) ), title: "LEAVE_GROUP_ACTION".localized(), accessibilityIdentifier: "\(ThreadSettingsViewModel.self).leave_group", confirmationInfo: ConfirmationModal.Info( title: "CONFIRM_LEAVE_GROUP_TITLE".localized(), explanation: (currentUserIsClosedGroupMember ? "Because you are the creator of this group it will be deleted for everyone. This cannot be undone." : "CONFIRM_LEAVE_GROUP_DESCRIPTION".localized() ), confirmTitle: "LEAVE_BUTTON_TITLE".localized(), confirmStyle: .danger, cancelStyle: .alert_text ), onTap: { [weak self] in dependencies.storage.writeAsync { db in try MessageSender.leave(db, groupPublicKey: threadId) } } ) ), (threadViewModel.threadIsNoteToSelf ? nil : SessionCell.Info( id: .notificationSound, leftAccessory: .icon( UIImage(named: "table_ic_notification_sound")? .withRenderingMode(.alwaysTemplate) ), title: "SETTINGS_ITEM_NOTIFICATION_SOUND".localized(), rightAccessory: .dropDown( .dynamicString { notificationSound.displayName } ), onTap: { [weak self] in self?.transitionToScreen( SessionTableViewController( viewModel: NotificationSoundViewModel(threadId: threadId) ) ) } ) ), (threadVariant == .contact ? nil : SessionCell.Info( id: .notificationMentionsOnly, leftAccessory: .icon( UIImage(named: "NotifyMentions")? .withRenderingMode(.alwaysTemplate) ), title: "vc_conversation_settings_notify_for_mentions_only_title".localized(), subtitle: "vc_conversation_settings_notify_for_mentions_only_explanation".localized(), rightAccessory: .toggle( .boolValue(threadViewModel.threadOnlyNotifyForMentions == true) ), isEnabled: ( threadViewModel.threadVariant != .closedGroup || currentUserIsClosedGroupMember ), accessibilityIdentifier: "\(ThreadSettingsViewModel.self).notify_for_mentions_only", onTap: { let newValue: Bool = !(threadViewModel.threadOnlyNotifyForMentions == true) dependencies.storage.writeAsync { db in try SessionThread .filter(id: threadId) .updateAll( db, SessionThread.Columns.onlyNotifyForMentions .set(to: newValue) ) } } ) ), (threadViewModel.threadIsNoteToSelf ? nil : SessionCell.Info( id: .notificationMute, leftAccessory: .icon( UIImage(named: "Mute")? .withRenderingMode(.alwaysTemplate) ), title: "CONVERSATION_SETTINGS_MUTE_LABEL".localized(), rightAccessory: .toggle( .boolValue(threadViewModel.threadMutedUntilTimestamp != nil) ), isEnabled: ( threadViewModel.threadVariant != .closedGroup || currentUserIsClosedGroupMember ), accessibilityIdentifier: "\(ThreadSettingsViewModel.self).mute", onTap: { dependencies.storage.writeAsync { db in let currentValue: TimeInterval? = try SessionThread .filter(id: threadId) .select(.mutedUntilTimestamp) .asRequest(of: TimeInterval.self) .fetchOne(db) try SessionThread .filter(id: threadId) .updateAll( db, SessionThread.Columns.mutedUntilTimestamp.set( to: (currentValue == nil ? Date.distantFuture.timeIntervalSince1970 : nil ) ) ) } } ) ), (threadViewModel.threadIsNoteToSelf || threadVariant != .contact ? nil : SessionCell.Info( id: .blockUser, leftAccessory: .icon( UIImage(named: "table_ic_block")? .withRenderingMode(.alwaysTemplate) ), title: "CONVERSATION_SETTINGS_BLOCK_THIS_USER".localized(), rightAccessory: .toggle( .boolValue(threadViewModel.threadIsBlocked == true) ), accessibilityIdentifier: "\(ThreadSettingsViewModel.self).block", confirmationInfo: ConfirmationModal.Info( title: { guard threadViewModel.threadIsBlocked == true else { return String( format: "BLOCK_LIST_BLOCK_USER_TITLE_FORMAT".localized(), threadViewModel.displayName ) } return String( format: "BLOCK_LIST_UNBLOCK_TITLE_FORMAT".localized(), threadViewModel.displayName ) }(), explanation: (threadViewModel.threadIsBlocked == true ? nil : "BLOCK_USER_BEHAVIOR_EXPLANATION".localized() ), confirmTitle: (threadViewModel.threadIsBlocked == true ? "BLOCK_LIST_UNBLOCK_BUTTON".localized() : "BLOCK_LIST_BLOCK_BUTTON".localized() ), confirmStyle: .danger, cancelStyle: .alert_text ), onTap: { let isBlocked: Bool = (threadViewModel.threadIsBlocked == true) self?.updateBlockedState( from: isBlocked, isBlocked: !isBlocked, threadId: threadId, displayName: threadViewModel.displayName ) } ) ) ].compactMap { $0 } ) ] } .removeDuplicates() .publisher(in: dependencies.storage, scheduling: dependencies.scheduler) // MARK: - Functions public override func updateSettings(_ updatedSettings: [SectionModel]) { self._settingsData = updatedSettings } private func updateProfilePicture(threadViewModel: SessionThreadViewModel) { guard threadViewModel.threadVariant == .contact, let profile: Profile = threadViewModel.profile, let profileData: Data = ProfileManager.profileAvatar(profile: profile) else { return } let format: ImageFormat = profileData.guessedImageFormat let navController: UINavigationController = StyledNavigationController( rootViewController: ProfilePictureVC( image: (format == .gif || format == .webp ? nil : UIImage(data: profileData) ), animatedImage: (format != .gif && format != .webp ? nil : YYImage(data: profileData) ), title: threadViewModel.displayName ) ) navController.modalPresentationStyle = .fullScreen self.transitionToScreen(navController, transitionType: .present) } private func addUsersToOpenGoup(threadViewModel: SessionThreadViewModel, selectedUsers: Set) { guard let name: String = threadViewModel.openGroupName, let server: String = threadViewModel.openGroupServer, let roomToken: String = threadViewModel.openGroupRoomToken, let publicKey: String = threadViewModel.openGroupPublicKey else { return } dependencies.storage.writeAsync { db in let urlString: String = OpenGroup.urlFor( server: server, roomToken: roomToken, publicKey: publicKey ) try selectedUsers.forEach { userId in let thread: SessionThread = try SessionThread.fetchOrCreate(db, id: userId, variant: .contact) try LinkPreview( url: urlString, variant: .openGroupInvitation, title: name ) .save(db) let interaction: Interaction = try Interaction( threadId: thread.id, authorId: userId, variant: .standardOutgoing, timestampMs: Int64(floor(Date().timeIntervalSince1970 * 1000)), expiresInSeconds: try? DisappearingMessagesConfiguration .select(.durationSeconds) .filter(id: userId) .filter(DisappearingMessagesConfiguration.Columns.isEnabled == true) .asRequest(of: TimeInterval.self) .fetchOne(db), linkPreviewUrl: urlString ) .inserted(db) try MessageSender.send( db, interaction: interaction, in: thread ) } } } private func updateBlockedState( from oldBlockedState: Bool, isBlocked: Bool, threadId: String, displayName: String ) { guard oldBlockedState != isBlocked else { return } dependencies.storage.writeAsync( updates: { db in try Contact .fetchOrCreate(db, id: threadId) .with(isBlocked: .updateTo(isBlocked)) .save(db) }, completion: { [weak self] db, _ in try MessageSender.syncConfiguration(db, forceSyncNow: true).retainUntilComplete() DispatchQueue.main.async { let modal: ConfirmationModal = ConfirmationModal( info: ConfirmationModal.Info( title: (oldBlockedState == false ? "BLOCK_LIST_VIEW_BLOCKED_ALERT_TITLE".localized() : String( format: "BLOCK_LIST_VIEW_UNBLOCKED_ALERT_TITLE_FORMAT".localized(), displayName ) ), explanation: (oldBlockedState == false ? String( format: "BLOCK_LIST_VIEW_BLOCKED_ALERT_MESSAGE_FORMAT".localized(), displayName ) : nil ), cancelTitle: "BUTTON_OK".localized(), cancelStyle: .alert_text ) ) self?.transitionToScreen(modal, transitionType: .present) } } ) } }