// Copyright © 2022 Rangeproof Pty Ltd. All rights reserved. import Foundation import Combine import Quick import Nimble @testable import SessionUtilitiesKit class BatchResponseSpec: QuickSpec { override class func spec() { // MARK: Configuration @TestState var responseInfo: ResponseInfoType! = HTTP.ResponseInfo(code: 200, headers: [:]) @TestState var testType: TestType! = TestType(stringValue: "test1") @TestState var testType2: TestType2! = TestType2(intValue: 123, stringValue2: "test2") @TestState var data: Data! = """ [\([ try! JSONEncoder().with(outputFormatting: .sortedKeys).encode( HTTP.BatchSubResponse( code: 200, headers: [:], body: testType, failedToParseBody: false ) ), try! JSONEncoder().with(outputFormatting: .sortedKeys).encode( HTTP.BatchSubResponse( code: 200, headers: [:], body: testType2, failedToParseBody: false ) ) ] .map { String(data: $0, encoding: .utf8)! } .joined(separator: ","))] """.data(using: .utf8)! // MARK: - an HTTP.BatchSubResponse describe("an HTTP.BatchSubResponse") { // MARK: -- when decoding context("when decoding") { // MARK: ---- decodes correctly it("decodes correctly") { let jsonString: String = """ { "code": 200, "headers": { "testKey": "testValue" }, "body": { "stringValue": "testValue" } } """ let subResponse: HTTP.BatchSubResponse? = try? JSONDecoder().decode( HTTP.BatchSubResponse.self, from: jsonString.data(using: .utf8)! ) expect(subResponse).toNot(beNil()) expect(subResponse?.body).toNot(beNil()) } // MARK: ---- decodes with invalid body data it("decodes with invalid body data") { let jsonString: String = """ { "code": 200, "headers": { "testKey": "testValue" }, "body": "Hello!!!" } """ let subResponse: HTTP.BatchSubResponse? = try? JSONDecoder().decode( HTTP.BatchSubResponse.self, from: jsonString.data(using: .utf8)! ) expect(subResponse).toNot(beNil()) } // MARK: ---- flags invalid body data as invalid it("flags invalid body data as invalid") { let jsonString: String = """ { "code": 200, "headers": { "testKey": "testValue" }, "body": "Hello!!!" } """ let subResponse: HTTP.BatchSubResponse? = try? JSONDecoder().decode( HTTP.BatchSubResponse.self, from: jsonString.data(using: .utf8)! ) expect(subResponse).toNot(beNil()) expect(subResponse?.body).to(beNil()) expect(subResponse?.failedToParseBody).to(beTrue()) } // MARK: ---- does not flag a missing or invalid optional body as invalid it("does not flag a missing or invalid optional body as invalid") { let jsonString: String = """ { "code": 200, "headers": { "testKey": "testValue" } } """ let subResponse: HTTP.BatchSubResponse? = try? JSONDecoder().decode( HTTP.BatchSubResponse.self, from: jsonString.data(using: .utf8)! ) expect(subResponse).toNot(beNil()) expect(subResponse?.body).to(beNil()) expect(subResponse?.failedToParseBody).to(beFalse()) } // MARK: ---- does not flag a NoResponse body as invalid it("does not flag a NoResponse body as invalid") { let jsonString: String = """ { "code": 200, "headers": { "testKey": "testValue" } } """ let subResponse: HTTP.BatchSubResponse? = try? JSONDecoder().decode( HTTP.BatchSubResponse.self, from: jsonString.data(using: .utf8)! ) expect(subResponse).toNot(beNil()) expect(subResponse?.body).to(beNil()) expect(subResponse?.failedToParseBody).to(beFalse()) } } } // MARK: - a Decodable describe("a Decodable") { // MARK: -- decodes correctly it("decodes correctly") { let jsonData: Data = "{\"stringValue\":\"testValue\"}".data(using: .utf8)! let result: TestType? = try? TestType.decoded(from: jsonData) expect(result).to(equal(TestType(stringValue: "testValue"))) } } // MARK: - a (ResponseInfoType, Data?) Publisher describe("a (ResponseInfoType, Data?) Publisher") { // MARK: -- decodes valid data correctly it("decodes valid data correctly") { var result: HTTP.BatchResponse? Just((responseInfo, data)) .setFailureType(to: Error.self) .eraseToAnyPublisher() .decoded(as: [ HTTP.BatchSubResponse.self, HTTP.BatchSubResponse.self ]) .sinkUntilComplete( receiveValue: { result = $0 } ) expect(result).toNot(beNil()) expect((result?.responses[0] as? HTTP.BatchSubResponse)?.body) .to(equal(testType)) expect((result?.responses[1] as? HTTP.BatchSubResponse)?.body) .to(equal(testType2)) } // MARK: -- fails if there is no data it("fails if there is no data") { var error: Error? Just((responseInfo, nil)) .setFailureType(to: Error.self) .eraseToAnyPublisher() .decoded(as: []) .mapError { error.setting(to: $0) } .sinkUntilComplete() expect(error).to(matchError(HTTPError.parsingFailed)) } // MARK: -- fails if the data is not JSON it("fails if the data is not JSON") { var error: Error? Just((responseInfo, Data([1, 2, 3]))) .setFailureType(to: Error.self) .eraseToAnyPublisher() .decoded(as: []) .mapError { error.setting(to: $0) } .sinkUntilComplete() expect(error).to(matchError(HTTPError.parsingFailed)) } // MARK: -- fails if the data is not a JSON array it("fails if the data is not a JSON array") { var error: Error? Just((responseInfo, "{}".data(using: .utf8))) .setFailureType(to: Error.self) .eraseToAnyPublisher() .decoded(as: []) .mapError { error.setting(to: $0) } .sinkUntilComplete() expect(error).to(matchError(HTTPError.parsingFailed)) } // MARK: -- fails if the JSON array does not have the same number of items as the expected types it("fails if the JSON array does not have the same number of items as the expected types") { var error: Error? Just((responseInfo, data)) .setFailureType(to: Error.self) .eraseToAnyPublisher() .decoded(as: [ HTTP.BatchSubResponse.self, HTTP.BatchSubResponse.self, HTTP.BatchSubResponse.self ]) .mapError { error.setting(to: $0) } .sinkUntilComplete() expect(error).to(matchError(HTTPError.parsingFailed)) } // MARK: -- fails if one of the JSON array values fails to decode it("fails if one of the JSON array values fails to decode") { data = """ [\([ try! JSONEncoder().with(outputFormatting: .sortedKeys).encode( HTTP.BatchSubResponse( code: 200, headers: [:], body: testType, failedToParseBody: false ) ) ] .map { String(data: $0, encoding: .utf8)! } .joined(separator: ",")),{"test": "test"}] """.data(using: .utf8)! var error: Error? Just((responseInfo, data)) .setFailureType(to: Error.self) .eraseToAnyPublisher() .decoded(as: [ HTTP.BatchSubResponse.self, HTTP.BatchSubResponse.self ]) .mapError { error.setting(to: $0) } .sinkUntilComplete() expect(error).to(matchError(HTTPError.parsingFailed)) } } } } // MARK: - Test Types fileprivate struct TestType: Codable, Equatable { let stringValue: String } fileprivate struct TestType2: Codable, Equatable { let intValue: Int let stringValue2: String }