// Copyright © 2022 Rangeproof Pty Ltd. All rights reserved. import Foundation import GRDB import SessionSnodeKit import SessionUtilitiesKit /// Abstract base class for `VisibleMessage` and `ControlMessage`. public class Message: Codable { public var id: String? public var threadId: String? public var sentTimestamp: UInt64? public var receivedTimestamp: UInt64? public var recipient: String? public var sender: String? public var groupPublicKey: String? public var openGroupServerMessageId: UInt64? public var serverHash: String? public var ttl: UInt64 { 14 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000 } public var isSelfSendValid: Bool { false } public var shouldBeRetryable: Bool { false } // MARK: - Validation public var isValid: Bool { if let sentTimestamp = sentTimestamp { guard sentTimestamp > 0 else { return false } } if let receivedTimestamp = receivedTimestamp { guard receivedTimestamp > 0 else { return false } } return sender != nil && recipient != nil } // MARK: - Initialization public init( id: String? = nil, threadId: String? = nil, sentTimestamp: UInt64? = nil, receivedTimestamp: UInt64? = nil, recipient: String? = nil, sender: String? = nil, groupPublicKey: String? = nil, openGroupServerMessageId: UInt64? = nil, serverHash: String? = nil ) { self.id = id self.threadId = threadId self.sentTimestamp = sentTimestamp self.receivedTimestamp = receivedTimestamp self.recipient = recipient self.sender = sender self.groupPublicKey = groupPublicKey self.openGroupServerMessageId = openGroupServerMessageId self.serverHash = serverHash } // MARK: - Proto Conversion public class func fromProto(_ proto: SNProtoContent, sender: String) -> Self? { preconditionFailure("fromProto(_:sender:) is abstract and must be overridden.") } public func toProto(_ db: Database) -> SNProtoContent? { preconditionFailure("toProto(_:) is abstract and must be overridden.") } public func setGroupContextIfNeeded(_ db: Database, on dataMessage: SNProtoDataMessage.SNProtoDataMessageBuilder) throws { guard let threadId: String = threadId, (try? ClosedGroup.exists(db, id: threadId)) == true, let legacyGroupId: Data = "\(SMKLegacy.closedGroupIdPrefix)\(threadId)".data(using: .utf8) else { return } // Android needs a group context or it'll interpret the message as a one-to-one message let groupProto = SNProtoGroupContext.builder(id: legacyGroupId, type: .deliver) dataMessage.setGroup(try groupProto.build()) } } // MARK: - Message Parsing/Processing public typealias ProcessedMessage = ( threadId: String?, proto: SNProtoContent, messageInfo: MessageReceiveJob.Details.MessageInfo ) public extension Message { static let nonThreadMessageId: String = "NON_THREAD_MESSAGE" enum Variant: String, Codable { case readReceipt case typingIndicator case closedGroupControlMessage case dataExtractionNotification case expirationTimerUpdate case configurationMessage case unsendRequest case messageRequestResponse case visibleMessage case callMessage init?(from type: Message) { switch type { case is ReadReceipt: self = .readReceipt case is TypingIndicator: self = .typingIndicator case is ClosedGroupControlMessage: self = .closedGroupControlMessage case is DataExtractionNotification: self = .dataExtractionNotification case is ExpirationTimerUpdate: self = .expirationTimerUpdate case is ConfigurationMessage: self = .configurationMessage case is UnsendRequest: self = .unsendRequest case is MessageRequestResponse: self = .messageRequestResponse case is VisibleMessage: self = .visibleMessage case is CallMessage: self = .callMessage default: return nil } } var messageType: Message.Type { switch self { case .readReceipt: return ReadReceipt.self case .typingIndicator: return TypingIndicator.self case .closedGroupControlMessage: return ClosedGroupControlMessage.self case .dataExtractionNotification: return DataExtractionNotification.self case .expirationTimerUpdate: return ExpirationTimerUpdate.self case .configurationMessage: return ConfigurationMessage.self case .unsendRequest: return UnsendRequest.self case .messageRequestResponse: return MessageRequestResponse.self case .visibleMessage: return VisibleMessage.self case .callMessage: return CallMessage.self } } func decode(from container: KeyedDecodingContainer, forKey key: CodingKeys) throws -> Message { switch self { case .readReceipt: return try container.decode(ReadReceipt.self, forKey: key) case .typingIndicator: return try container.decode(TypingIndicator.self, forKey: key) case .closedGroupControlMessage: return try container.decode(ClosedGroupControlMessage.self, forKey: key) case .dataExtractionNotification: return try container.decode(DataExtractionNotification.self, forKey: key) case .expirationTimerUpdate: return try container.decode(ExpirationTimerUpdate.self, forKey: key) case .configurationMessage: return try container.decode(ConfigurationMessage.self, forKey: key) case .unsendRequest: return try container.decode(UnsendRequest.self, forKey: key) case .messageRequestResponse: return try container.decode(MessageRequestResponse.self, forKey: key) case .visibleMessage: return try container.decode(VisibleMessage.self, forKey: key) case .callMessage: return try container.decode(CallMessage.self, forKey: key) } } } static func createMessageFrom(_ proto: SNProtoContent, sender: String) -> Message? { // Note: This array is ordered intentionally to ensure the correct types are processed // and aren't parsed as the wrong type let prioritisedVariants: [Variant] = [ .readReceipt, .typingIndicator, .closedGroupControlMessage, .dataExtractionNotification, .expirationTimerUpdate, .configurationMessage, .unsendRequest, .messageRequestResponse, .visibleMessage, .callMessage ] return prioritisedVariants .reduce(nil) { prev, variant in guard prev == nil else { return prev } return variant.messageType.fromProto(proto, sender: sender) } } static func shouldSync(message: Message) -> Bool { switch message { case let controlMessage as ClosedGroupControlMessage: switch controlMessage.kind { case .new: return true default: return false } case let callMessage as CallMessage: switch callMessage.kind { case .answer, .endCall: return true default: return false } case is ConfigurationMessage: return true case is UnsendRequest: return true default: return false } } static func processRawReceivedMessage( _ db: Database, rawMessage: SnodeReceivedMessage ) throws -> ProcessedMessage? { guard let envelope = SNProtoEnvelope.from(rawMessage) else { throw MessageReceiverError.invalidMessage } do { let processedMessage: ProcessedMessage? = try processRawReceivedMessage( db, envelope: envelope, serverExpirationTimestamp: (TimeInterval(rawMessage.info.expirationDateMs) / 1000), serverHash: rawMessage.info.hash, handleClosedGroupKeyUpdateMessages: true ) // Retrieve the number of entries we have for the hash of this message let numExistingHashes: Int = (try? SnodeReceivedMessageInfo .filter(SnodeReceivedMessageInfo.Columns.hash == rawMessage.info.hash) .fetchCount(db)) .defaulting(to: 0) // Try to insert the raw message info into the database (used for both request paging and // de-duping purposes) _ = try rawMessage.info.inserted(db) // If the above insertion worked then we hadn't processed this message for this specific // service node, but may have done so for another node - if the hash already existed in // the database before we inserted it for this node then we can ignore this message as a // duplicate guard numExistingHashes == 0 else { throw MessageReceiverError.duplicateMessage } return processedMessage } catch { // If we get 'selfSend' or 'duplicateControlMessage' errors then we still want to insert // the SnodeReceivedMessageInfo to prevent retrieving and attempting to process the same // message again (as well as ensure the next poll doesn't retrieve the same message) switch error { case MessageReceiverError.selfSend, MessageReceiverError.duplicateControlMessage: _ = try? rawMessage.info.inserted(db) break default: break } throw error } } static func processRawReceivedMessage( _ db: Database, serializedData: Data, serverHash: String? ) throws -> ProcessedMessage? { guard let envelope = try? SNProtoEnvelope.parseData(serializedData) else { throw MessageReceiverError.invalidMessage } return try processRawReceivedMessage( db, envelope: envelope, serverExpirationTimestamp: (Date().timeIntervalSince1970 + ControlMessageProcessRecord.defaultExpirationSeconds), serverHash: serverHash, handleClosedGroupKeyUpdateMessages: true ) } /// This method behaves slightly differently from the other `processRawReceivedMessage` methods as it doesn't /// insert the "message info" for deduping (we want the poller to re-process the message) and also avoids handling any /// closed group key update messages (the `NotificationServiceExtension` does this itself) static func processRawReceivedMessageAsNotification( _ db: Database, envelope: SNProtoEnvelope ) throws -> ProcessedMessage? { let processedMessage: ProcessedMessage? = try processRawReceivedMessage( db, envelope: envelope, serverExpirationTimestamp: (Date().timeIntervalSince1970 + ControlMessageProcessRecord.defaultExpirationSeconds), serverHash: nil, handleClosedGroupKeyUpdateMessages: false ) return processedMessage } static func processReceivedOpenGroupMessage( _ db: Database, openGroupId: String, openGroupServerPublicKey: String, message: OpenGroupAPI.Message, data: Data, dependencies: SMKDependencies = SMKDependencies() ) throws -> ProcessedMessage? { // Need a sender in order to process the message guard let sender: String = message.sender else { return nil } // Note: The `posted` value is in seconds but all messages in the database use milliseconds for timestamps let envelopeBuilder = SNProtoEnvelope.builder(type: .sessionMessage, timestamp: UInt64(floor(message.posted * 1000))) envelopeBuilder.setContent(data) envelopeBuilder.setSource(sender) guard let envelope = try? envelopeBuilder.build() else { throw MessageReceiverError.invalidMessage } return try processRawReceivedMessage( db, envelope: envelope, serverExpirationTimestamp: nil, serverHash: nil, openGroupId: openGroupId, openGroupMessageServerId: message.id, openGroupServerPublicKey: openGroupServerPublicKey, handleClosedGroupKeyUpdateMessages: false, dependencies: dependencies ) } static func processReceivedOpenGroupDirectMessage( _ db: Database, openGroupServerPublicKey: String, message: OpenGroupAPI.DirectMessage, data: Data, isOutgoing: Bool? = nil, otherBlindedPublicKey: String? = nil, dependencies: SMKDependencies = SMKDependencies() ) throws -> ProcessedMessage? { // Note: The `posted` value is in seconds but all messages in the database use milliseconds for timestamps let envelopeBuilder = SNProtoEnvelope.builder(type: .sessionMessage, timestamp: UInt64(floor(message.posted * 1000))) envelopeBuilder.setContent(data) envelopeBuilder.setSource(message.sender) guard let envelope = try? envelopeBuilder.build() else { throw MessageReceiverError.invalidMessage } return try processRawReceivedMessage( db, envelope: envelope, serverExpirationTimestamp: nil, serverHash: nil, openGroupId: nil, // Explicitly null since it shouldn't be handled as an open group message openGroupMessageServerId: message.id, openGroupServerPublicKey: openGroupServerPublicKey, isOutgoing: isOutgoing, otherBlindedPublicKey: otherBlindedPublicKey, handleClosedGroupKeyUpdateMessages: false, dependencies: dependencies ) } static func processRawReceivedReactions( _ db: Database, openGroupId: String, message: OpenGroupAPI.Message, dependencies: SMKDependencies = SMKDependencies() ) -> [Reaction] { var results: [Reaction] = [] guard let reactions = message.reactions else { return results } let userPublicKey: String = getUserHexEncodedPublicKey(db) let blindedUserPublicKey: String? = SessionThread .getUserHexEncodedBlindedKey( threadId: openGroupId, threadVariant: .openGroup ) for (encodedEmoji, rawReaction) in reactions { if let emoji = encodedEmoji.removingPercentEncoding, rawReaction.count > 0, let reactors = rawReaction.reactors { var count = rawReaction.count let sortId: Int64 = Int64(floor((rawReaction.first * 1000))) for reactor in reactors { if reactor == blindedUserPublicKey { continue } // Will add a reaction for this case outside of the loop let reaction = Reaction( interactionId: message.id, serverHash: nil, timestampMs: Int64(floor((Date().timeIntervalSince1970 * 1000))), authorId: reactor, emoji: emoji, count: count, sortId: sortId ) count = 0 // Only insert the first reaction with the total count of this emoji results.append(reaction) } if rawReaction.you && !reactors.contains(userPublicKey) { let reaction = Reaction( interactionId: message.id, serverHash: nil, timestampMs: Int64(floor((Date().timeIntervalSince1970 * 1000))), authorId: userPublicKey, emoji: emoji, count: count, sortId: sortId ) results.append(reaction) } } } return results } private static func processRawReceivedMessage( _ db: Database, envelope: SNProtoEnvelope, serverExpirationTimestamp: TimeInterval?, serverHash: String?, openGroupId: String? = nil, openGroupMessageServerId: Int64? = nil, openGroupServerPublicKey: String? = nil, isOutgoing: Bool? = nil, otherBlindedPublicKey: String? = nil, handleClosedGroupKeyUpdateMessages: Bool, dependencies: SMKDependencies = SMKDependencies() ) throws -> ProcessedMessage? { let (message, proto, threadId) = try MessageReceiver.parse( db, envelope: envelope, serverExpirationTimestamp: serverExpirationTimestamp, openGroupId: openGroupId, openGroupMessageServerId: openGroupMessageServerId, openGroupServerPublicKey: openGroupServerPublicKey, isOutgoing: isOutgoing, otherBlindedPublicKey: otherBlindedPublicKey, dependencies: dependencies ) message.serverHash = serverHash // Ignore invalid messages and hashes for messages we have previously handled guard let variant: Message.Variant = Message.Variant(from: message) else { throw MessageReceiverError.invalidMessage } /// **Note:** We want to immediately handle any `ClosedGroupControlMessage` with the kind `encryptionKeyPair` as /// we need the keyPair in storage in order to be able to parse and messages which were signed with the new key (also no need to add /// these as jobs as they will be fully handled in here) if handleClosedGroupKeyUpdateMessages { switch message { case let closedGroupControlMessage as ClosedGroupControlMessage: switch closedGroupControlMessage.kind { case .encryptionKeyPair: try MessageReceiver.handleClosedGroupControlMessage(db, closedGroupControlMessage) return nil default: break } default: break } } // Prevent ControlMessages from being handled multiple times if not supported do { try ControlMessageProcessRecord( threadId: threadId, message: message, serverExpirationTimestamp: serverExpirationTimestamp )?.insert(db) } catch { // We want to custom handle this if case DatabaseError.SQLITE_CONSTRAINT_UNIQUE = error { throw MessageReceiverError.duplicateControlMessage } throw error } return ( threadId, proto, try MessageReceiveJob.Details.MessageInfo( message: message, variant: variant, proto: proto ) ) } } // MARK: - Mutation internal extension Message { func with(sentTimestamp: UInt64) -> Message { self.sentTimestamp = sentTimestamp return self } }