// Copyright © 2023 Rangeproof Pty Ltd. All rights reserved. import Foundation import GRDB import Sodium import SessionUtil import SessionUtilitiesKit import SessionSnodeKit // MARK: - Size Restrictions public extension SessionUtil { static var libSessionMaxGroupNameByteLength: Int { GROUP_NAME_MAX_LENGTH } static var libSessionMaxGroupBaseUrlByteLength: Int { COMMUNITY_BASE_URL_MAX_LENGTH } static var libSessionMaxGroupFullUrlByteLength: Int { COMMUNITY_FULL_URL_MAX_LENGTH } static var libSessionMaxCommunityRoomByteLength: Int { COMMUNITY_ROOM_MAX_LENGTH } } // MARK: - UserGroups Handling internal extension SessionUtil { static let columnsRelatedToUserGroups: [ColumnExpression] = [ ClosedGroup.Columns.name ] // MARK: - Incoming Changes static func handleGroupsUpdate( _ db: Database, in conf: UnsafeMutablePointer?, mergeNeedsDump: Bool, latestConfigSentTimestampMs: Int64 ) throws { guard mergeNeedsDump else { return } guard conf != nil else { throw SessionUtilError.nilConfigObject } var communities: [PrioritisedData] = [] var legacyGroups: [LegacyGroupInfo] = [] var community: ugroups_community_info = ugroups_community_info() var legacyGroup: ugroups_legacy_group_info = ugroups_legacy_group_info() let groupsIterator: OpaquePointer = user_groups_iterator_new(conf) while !user_groups_iterator_done(groupsIterator) { if user_groups_it_is_community(groupsIterator, &community) { let server: String = String(libSessionVal: community.base_url) let roomToken: String = String(libSessionVal: community.room) communities.append( PrioritisedData( data: OpenGroupUrlInfo( threadId: OpenGroup.idFor(roomToken: roomToken, server: server), server: server, roomToken: roomToken, publicKey: Data( libSessionVal: community.pubkey, count: OpenGroup.pubkeyByteLength ).toHexString() ), priority: community.priority ) ) } else if user_groups_it_is_legacy_group(groupsIterator, &legacyGroup) { let groupId: String = String(libSessionVal: legacyGroup.session_id) let members: [String: Bool] = SessionUtil.memberInfo(in: &legacyGroup) legacyGroups.append( LegacyGroupInfo( id: groupId, name: String(libSessionVal: legacyGroup.name), lastKeyPair: ClosedGroupKeyPair( threadId: groupId, publicKey: Data( libSessionVal: legacyGroup.enc_pubkey, count: ClosedGroup.pubkeyByteLength ), secretKey: Data( libSessionVal: legacyGroup.enc_seckey, count: ClosedGroup.secretKeyByteLength ), receivedTimestamp: (TimeInterval(SnodeAPI.currentOffsetTimestampMs()) / 1000) ), disappearingConfig: DisappearingMessagesConfiguration .defaultWith(groupId) .with( isEnabled: (legacyGroup.disappearing_timer > 0), durationSeconds: TimeInterval(legacyGroup.disappearing_timer), lastChangeTimestampMs: latestConfigSentTimestampMs ), groupMembers: members .filter { _, isAdmin in !isAdmin } .map { memberId, _ in GroupMember( groupId: groupId, profileId: memberId, role: .standard, isHidden: false ) }, groupAdmins: members .filter { _, isAdmin in isAdmin } .map { memberId, _ in GroupMember( groupId: groupId, profileId: memberId, role: .admin, isHidden: false ) }, priority: legacyGroup.priority, joinedAt: legacyGroup.joined_at ) ) } else { SNLog("Ignoring unknown conversation type when iterating through volatile conversation info update") } user_groups_iterator_advance(groupsIterator) } user_groups_iterator_free(groupsIterator) // Need to free the iterator // Extract all community/legacyGroup/group thread priorities let existingThreadInfo: [String: PriorityVisibilityInfo] = (try? SessionThread .select(.id, .variant, .pinnedPriority, .shouldBeVisible) .filter( [ SessionThread.Variant.community, SessionThread.Variant.legacyGroup, SessionThread.Variant.group ].contains(SessionThread.Columns.variant) ) .asRequest(of: PriorityVisibilityInfo.self) .fetchAll(db)) .defaulting(to: []) .reduce(into: [:]) { result, next in result[next.id] = next } // MARK: -- Handle Community Changes // Add any new communities (via the OpenGroupManager) communities.forEach { community in let successfullyAddedGroup: Bool = OpenGroupManager.shared .add( db, roomToken: community.data.roomToken, server: community.data.server, publicKey: community.data.publicKey, calledFromConfigHandling: true ) if successfullyAddedGroup { db.afterNextTransactionNested { _ in OpenGroupManager.shared.performInitialRequestsAfterAdd( successfullyAddedGroup: successfullyAddedGroup, roomToken: community.data.roomToken, server: community.data.server, publicKey: community.data.publicKey, calledFromConfigHandling: false ) .subscribe(on: OpenGroupAPI.workQueue) .sinkUntilComplete() } } // Set the priority if it's changed (new communities will have already been inserted at // this stage) if existingThreadInfo[community.data.threadId]?.pinnedPriority != community.priority { _ = try? SessionThread .filter(id: community.data.threadId) .updateAll( // Handling a config update so don't use `updateAllAndConfig` db, SessionThread.Columns.pinnedPriority.set(to: community.priority) ) } } // Remove any communities which are no longer in the config let communityIdsToRemove: Set = Set(existingThreadInfo .filter { $0.value.variant == .community } .keys) .subtracting(communities.map { $0.data.threadId }) if !communityIdsToRemove.isEmpty { SessionUtil.kickFromConversationUIIfNeeded(removedThreadIds: Array(communityIdsToRemove)) try SessionThread .deleteOrLeave( db, threadIds: Array(communityIdsToRemove), threadVariant: .community, groupLeaveType: .forced, calledFromConfigHandling: true ) } // MARK: -- Handle Legacy Group Changes let existingLegacyGroupIds: Set = Set(existingThreadInfo .filter { $0.value.variant == .legacyGroup } .keys) let existingLegacyGroups: [String: ClosedGroup] = (try? ClosedGroup .fetchAll(db, ids: existingLegacyGroupIds)) .defaulting(to: []) .reduce(into: [:]) { result, next in result[next.id] = next } let existingLegacyGroupMembers: [String: [GroupMember]] = (try? GroupMember .filter(existingLegacyGroupIds.contains(GroupMember.Columns.groupId)) .fetchAll(db)) .defaulting(to: []) .grouped(by: \.groupId) try legacyGroups.forEach { group in guard let name: String = group.name, let lastKeyPair: ClosedGroupKeyPair = group.lastKeyPair, let members: [GroupMember] = group.groupMembers, let updatedAdmins: Set = group.groupAdmins?.asSet(), let joinedAt: Int64 = group.joinedAt else { return } if !existingLegacyGroupIds.contains(group.id) { // Add a new group if it doesn't already exist try MessageReceiver.handleNewClosedGroup( db, groupPublicKey: group.id, name: name, encryptionKeyPair: KeyPair( publicKey: lastKeyPair.publicKey.bytes, secretKey: lastKeyPair.secretKey.bytes ), members: members .asSet() .inserting(contentsOf: updatedAdmins) // Admins should also have 'standard' member entries .map { $0.profileId }, admins: updatedAdmins.map { $0.profileId }, expirationTimer: UInt32(group.disappearingConfig?.durationSeconds ?? 0), formationTimestampMs: UInt64((group.joinedAt.map { $0 * 1000 } ?? latestConfigSentTimestampMs)), calledFromConfigHandling: true ) } else { // Otherwise update the existing group let groupChanges: [ConfigColumnAssignment] = [ (existingLegacyGroups[group.id]?.name == name ? nil : ClosedGroup.Columns.name.set(to: name) ), (existingLegacyGroups[group.id]?.formationTimestamp == TimeInterval(joinedAt) ? nil : ClosedGroup.Columns.formationTimestamp.set(to: TimeInterval(joinedAt)) ) ].compactMap { $0 } // Apply any group changes if !groupChanges.isEmpty { _ = try? ClosedGroup .filter(id: group.id) .updateAll( // Handling a config update so don't use `updateAllAndConfig` db, groupChanges ) } // Add the lastKey if it doesn't already exist let keyPairExists: Bool = ClosedGroupKeyPair .filter(ClosedGroupKeyPair.Columns.threadKeyPairHash == lastKeyPair.threadKeyPairHash) .isNotEmpty(db) if !keyPairExists { try lastKeyPair.insert(db) } // Update the disappearing messages timer let localConfig: DisappearingMessagesConfiguration = try DisappearingMessagesConfiguration .fetchOne(db, id: group.id) .defaulting(to: DisappearingMessagesConfiguration.defaultWith(group.id)) if let remoteConfig = group.disappearingConfig, let remoteLastChangeTimestampMs = remoteConfig.lastChangeTimestampMs, let localLastChangeTimestampMs = localConfig.lastChangeTimestampMs, remoteLastChangeTimestampMs > localLastChangeTimestampMs { _ = try localConfig.with( isEnabled: remoteConfig.isEnabled, durationSeconds: remoteConfig.durationSeconds, type: remoteConfig.type, lastChangeTimestampMs: remoteConfig.lastChangeTimestampMs ).save(db) _ = try Interaction .filter(Interaction.Columns.threadId == group.id) .filter(Interaction.Columns.variant == Interaction.Variant.infoDisappearingMessagesUpdate) .filter(Interaction.Columns.timestampMs <= (remoteLastChangeTimestampMs - Int64(remoteConfig.durationSeconds * 1000))) .deleteAll(db) } // Update the members let updatedMembers: Set = members .appending( contentsOf: updatedAdmins.map { admin in GroupMember( groupId: admin.groupId, profileId: admin.profileId, role: .standard, isHidden: false ) } ) .asSet() if let existingMembers: Set = existingLegacyGroupMembers[group.id]? .filter({ $0.role == .standard || $0.role == .zombie }) .asSet(), existingMembers != updatedMembers { // Add in any new members and remove any removed members try updatedMembers.forEach { try $0.save(db) } try existingMembers .filter { !updatedMembers.contains($0) } .forEach { member in try GroupMember .filter( GroupMember.Columns.groupId == group.id && GroupMember.Columns.profileId == member.profileId && ( GroupMember.Columns.role == GroupMember.Role.standard || GroupMember.Columns.role == GroupMember.Role.zombie ) ) .deleteAll(db) } } if let existingAdmins: Set = existingLegacyGroupMembers[group.id]? .filter({ $0.role == .admin }) .asSet(), existingAdmins != updatedAdmins { // Add in any new admins and remove any removed admins try updatedAdmins.forEach { try $0.save(db) } try existingAdmins .filter { !updatedAdmins.contains($0) } .forEach { member in try GroupMember .filter( GroupMember.Columns.groupId == group.id && GroupMember.Columns.profileId == member.profileId && GroupMember.Columns.role == GroupMember.Role.admin ) .deleteAll(db) } } } // Make any thread-specific changes if needed if existingThreadInfo[group.id]?.pinnedPriority != group.priority { _ = try? SessionThread .filter(id: group.id) .updateAll( // Handling a config update so don't use `updateAllAndConfig` db, SessionThread.Columns.pinnedPriority.set(to: group.priority) ) } } // Remove any legacy groups which are no longer in the config let legacyGroupIdsToRemove: Set = existingLegacyGroupIds .subtracting(legacyGroups.map { $0.id }) if !legacyGroupIdsToRemove.isEmpty { SessionUtil.kickFromConversationUIIfNeeded(removedThreadIds: Array(legacyGroupIdsToRemove)) try SessionThread .deleteOrLeave( db, threadIds: Array(legacyGroupIdsToRemove), threadVariant: .legacyGroup, groupLeaveType: .forced, calledFromConfigHandling: true ) } // MARK: -- Handle Group Changes } fileprivate static func memberInfo(in legacyGroup: UnsafeMutablePointer) -> [String: Bool] { let membersIt: OpaquePointer = ugroups_legacy_members_begin(legacyGroup) var members: [String: Bool] = [:] var maybeMemberSessionId: UnsafePointer? = nil var memberAdmin: Bool = false while ugroups_legacy_members_next(membersIt, &maybeMemberSessionId, &memberAdmin) { guard let memberSessionId: UnsafePointer = maybeMemberSessionId else { continue } members[String(cString: memberSessionId)] = memberAdmin } return members } // MARK: - Outgoing Changes static func upsert( legacyGroups: [LegacyGroupInfo], in conf: UnsafeMutablePointer? ) throws { guard conf != nil else { throw SessionUtilError.nilConfigObject } guard !legacyGroups.isEmpty else { return } try legacyGroups .forEach { legacyGroup in var cGroupId: [CChar] = legacyGroup.id.cArray.nullTerminated() guard let userGroup: UnsafeMutablePointer = user_groups_get_or_construct_legacy_group(conf, &cGroupId) else { /// It looks like there are some situations where this object might not get created correctly (and /// will throw due to the implicit unwrapping) as a result we put it in a guard and throw instead SNLog("Unable to upsert legacy group conversation to SessionUtil: \(SessionUtil.lastError(conf))") throw SessionUtilError.getOrConstructFailedUnexpectedly } // Assign all properties to match the updated group (if there is one) if let updatedName: String = legacyGroup.name { userGroup.pointee.name = updatedName.toLibSession() // Store the updated group (needs to happen before variables go out of scope) user_groups_set_legacy_group(conf, userGroup) } if let lastKeyPair: ClosedGroupKeyPair = legacyGroup.lastKeyPair { userGroup.pointee.enc_pubkey = lastKeyPair.publicKey.toLibSession() userGroup.pointee.enc_seckey = lastKeyPair.secretKey.toLibSession() userGroup.pointee.have_enc_keys = true // Store the updated group (needs to happen before variables go out of scope) user_groups_set_legacy_group(conf, userGroup) } // Assign all properties to match the updated disappearing messages config (if there is one) if let updatedConfig: DisappearingMessagesConfiguration = legacyGroup.disappearingConfig { userGroup.pointee.disappearing_timer = (!updatedConfig.isEnabled ? 0 : Int64(floor(updatedConfig.durationSeconds)) ) user_groups_set_legacy_group(conf, userGroup) } // Add/Remove the group members and admins let existingMembers: [String: Bool] = { guard legacyGroup.groupMembers != nil || legacyGroup.groupAdmins != nil else { return [:] } return SessionUtil.memberInfo(in: userGroup) }() if let groupMembers: [GroupMember] = legacyGroup.groupMembers { // Need to make sure we remove any admins before adding them here otherwise we will // overwrite the admin permission to be a standard user permission let memberIds: Set = groupMembers .map { $0.profileId } .asSet() .subtracting(legacyGroup.groupAdmins.defaulting(to: []).map { $0.profileId }.asSet()) let existingMemberIds: Set = Array(existingMembers .filter { _, isAdmin in !isAdmin } .keys) .asSet() let membersIdsToAdd: Set = memberIds.subtracting(existingMemberIds) let membersIdsToRemove: Set = existingMemberIds.subtracting(memberIds) membersIdsToAdd.forEach { memberId in var cProfileId: [CChar] = memberId.cArray.nullTerminated() ugroups_legacy_member_add(userGroup, &cProfileId, false) } membersIdsToRemove.forEach { memberId in var cProfileId: [CChar] = memberId.cArray.nullTerminated() ugroups_legacy_member_remove(userGroup, &cProfileId) } } if let groupAdmins: [GroupMember] = legacyGroup.groupAdmins { let adminIds: Set = groupAdmins.map { $0.profileId }.asSet() let existingAdminIds: Set = Array(existingMembers .filter { _, isAdmin in isAdmin } .keys) .asSet() let adminIdsToAdd: Set = adminIds.subtracting(existingAdminIds) let adminIdsToRemove: Set = existingAdminIds.subtracting(adminIds) adminIdsToAdd.forEach { adminId in var cProfileId: [CChar] = adminId.cArray.nullTerminated() ugroups_legacy_member_add(userGroup, &cProfileId, true) } adminIdsToRemove.forEach { adminId in var cProfileId: [CChar] = adminId.cArray.nullTerminated() ugroups_legacy_member_remove(userGroup, &cProfileId) } } if let joinedAt: Int64 = legacyGroup.joinedAt { userGroup.pointee.joined_at = joinedAt } // Store the updated group (can't be sure if we made any changes above) userGroup.pointee.priority = (legacyGroup.priority ?? userGroup.pointee.priority) // Note: Need to free the legacy group pointer user_groups_set_free_legacy_group(conf, userGroup) } } static func upsert( communities: [CommunityInfo], in conf: UnsafeMutablePointer? ) throws { guard conf != nil else { throw SessionUtilError.nilConfigObject } guard !communities.isEmpty else { return } try communities .forEach { community in var cBaseUrl: [CChar] = community.urlInfo.server.cArray.nullTerminated() var cRoom: [CChar] = community.urlInfo.roomToken.cArray.nullTerminated() var cPubkey: [UInt8] = Data(hex: community.urlInfo.publicKey).cArray var userCommunity: ugroups_community_info = ugroups_community_info() guard user_groups_get_or_construct_community(conf, &userCommunity, &cBaseUrl, &cRoom, &cPubkey) else { /// It looks like there are some situations where this object might not get created correctly (and /// will throw due to the implicit unwrapping) as a result we put it in a guard and throw instead SNLog("Unable to upsert community conversation to SessionUtil: \(SessionUtil.lastError(conf))") throw SessionUtilError.getOrConstructFailedUnexpectedly } userCommunity.priority = (community.priority ?? userCommunity.priority) user_groups_set_community(conf, &userCommunity) } } } // MARK: - External Outgoing Changes public extension SessionUtil { // MARK: -- Communities static func add( _ db: Database, server: String, rootToken: String, publicKey: String ) throws { try SessionUtil.performAndPushChange( db, for: .userGroups, publicKey: getUserHexEncodedPublicKey(db) ) { conf in try SessionUtil.upsert( communities: [ CommunityInfo( urlInfo: OpenGroupUrlInfo( threadId: OpenGroup.idFor(roomToken: rootToken, server: server), server: server, roomToken: rootToken, publicKey: publicKey ) ) ], in: conf ) } } static func remove(_ db: Database, server: String, roomToken: String) throws { try SessionUtil.performAndPushChange( db, for: .userGroups, publicKey: getUserHexEncodedPublicKey(db) ) { conf in var cBaseUrl: [CChar] = server.cArray.nullTerminated() var cRoom: [CChar] = roomToken.cArray.nullTerminated() // Don't care if the community doesn't exist user_groups_erase_community(conf, &cBaseUrl, &cRoom) } // Remove the volatile info as well try SessionUtil.remove( db, volatileCommunityInfo: [ OpenGroupUrlInfo( threadId: OpenGroup.idFor(roomToken: roomToken, server: server), server: server, roomToken: roomToken, publicKey: "" ) ] ) } // MARK: -- Legacy Group Changes static func add( _ db: Database, groupPublicKey: String, name: String, latestKeyPairPublicKey: Data, latestKeyPairSecretKey: Data, latestKeyPairReceivedTimestamp: TimeInterval, disappearingConfig: DisappearingMessagesConfiguration, members: Set, admins: Set ) throws { try SessionUtil.performAndPushChange( db, for: .userGroups, publicKey: getUserHexEncodedPublicKey(db) ) { conf in guard conf != nil else { throw SessionUtilError.nilConfigObject } var cGroupId: [CChar] = groupPublicKey.cArray.nullTerminated() let userGroup: UnsafeMutablePointer? = user_groups_get_legacy_group(conf, &cGroupId) // Need to make sure the group doesn't already exist (otherwise we will end up overriding the // content which could revert newer changes since this can be triggered from other 'NEW' messages // coming in from the legacy group swarm) guard userGroup == nil else { ugroups_legacy_group_free(userGroup) return } try SessionUtil.upsert( legacyGroups: [ LegacyGroupInfo( id: groupPublicKey, name: name, lastKeyPair: ClosedGroupKeyPair( threadId: groupPublicKey, publicKey: latestKeyPairPublicKey, secretKey: latestKeyPairSecretKey, receivedTimestamp: latestKeyPairReceivedTimestamp ), disappearingConfig: disappearingConfig, groupMembers: members .map { memberId in GroupMember( groupId: groupPublicKey, profileId: memberId, role: .standard, isHidden: false ) }, groupAdmins: admins .map { memberId in GroupMember( groupId: groupPublicKey, profileId: memberId, role: .admin, isHidden: false ) } ) ], in: conf ) } } static func update( _ db: Database, groupPublicKey: String, name: String? = nil, latestKeyPair: ClosedGroupKeyPair? = nil, disappearingConfig: DisappearingMessagesConfiguration? = nil, members: Set? = nil, admins: Set? = nil ) throws { try SessionUtil.performAndPushChange( db, for: .userGroups, publicKey: getUserHexEncodedPublicKey(db) ) { conf in try SessionUtil.upsert( legacyGroups: [ LegacyGroupInfo( id: groupPublicKey, name: name, lastKeyPair: latestKeyPair, disappearingConfig: disappearingConfig, groupMembers: members? .map { memberId in GroupMember( groupId: groupPublicKey, profileId: memberId, role: .standard, isHidden: false ) }, groupAdmins: admins? .map { memberId in GroupMember( groupId: groupPublicKey, profileId: memberId, role: .admin, isHidden: false ) } ) ], in: conf ) } } static func batchUpdate( _ db: Database, disappearingConfigs: [DisappearingMessagesConfiguration] ) throws { try SessionUtil.performAndPushChange( db, for: .userGroups, publicKey: getUserHexEncodedPublicKey(db) ) { conf in try SessionUtil.upsert( legacyGroups: disappearingConfigs.map { LegacyGroupInfo( id: $0.id, disappearingConfig: $0 ) }, in: conf ) } } static func remove(_ db: Database, legacyGroupIds: [String]) throws { guard !legacyGroupIds.isEmpty else { return } try SessionUtil.performAndPushChange( db, for: .userGroups, publicKey: getUserHexEncodedPublicKey(db) ) { conf in legacyGroupIds.forEach { threadId in var cGroupId: [CChar] = threadId.cArray.nullTerminated() // Don't care if the group doesn't exist user_groups_erase_legacy_group(conf, &cGroupId) } } // Remove the volatile info as well try SessionUtil.remove(db, volatileLegacyGroupIds: legacyGroupIds) } // MARK: -- Group Changes static func remove(_ db: Database, groupIds: [String]) throws { guard !groupIds.isEmpty else { return } } } // MARK: - LegacyGroupInfo extension SessionUtil { struct LegacyGroupInfo: Decodable, FetchableRecord, ColumnExpressible { private static let threadIdKey: SQL = SQL(stringLiteral: CodingKeys.threadId.stringValue) private static let nameKey: SQL = SQL(stringLiteral: CodingKeys.name.stringValue) private static let lastKeyPairKey: SQL = SQL(stringLiteral: CodingKeys.lastKeyPair.stringValue) private static let disappearingConfigKey: SQL = SQL(stringLiteral: CodingKeys.disappearingConfig.stringValue) private static let priorityKey: SQL = SQL(stringLiteral: CodingKeys.priority.stringValue) private static let joinedAtKey: SQL = SQL(stringLiteral: CodingKeys.joinedAt.stringValue) typealias Columns = CodingKeys enum CodingKeys: String, CodingKey, ColumnExpression, CaseIterable { case threadId case name case lastKeyPair case disappearingConfig case groupMembers case groupAdmins case priority case joinedAt = "formationTimestamp" } var id: String { threadId } let threadId: String let name: String? let lastKeyPair: ClosedGroupKeyPair? let disappearingConfig: DisappearingMessagesConfiguration? let groupMembers: [GroupMember]? let groupAdmins: [GroupMember]? let priority: Int32? let joinedAt: Int64? init( id: String, name: String? = nil, lastKeyPair: ClosedGroupKeyPair? = nil, disappearingConfig: DisappearingMessagesConfiguration? = nil, groupMembers: [GroupMember]? = nil, groupAdmins: [GroupMember]? = nil, priority: Int32? = nil, joinedAt: Int64? = nil ) { self.threadId = id self.name = name self.lastKeyPair = lastKeyPair self.disappearingConfig = disappearingConfig self.groupMembers = groupMembers self.groupAdmins = groupAdmins self.priority = priority self.joinedAt = joinedAt } static func fetchAll(_ db: Database) throws -> [LegacyGroupInfo] { let closedGroup: TypedTableAlias = TypedTableAlias() let thread: TypedTableAlias = TypedTableAlias() let keyPair: TypedTableAlias = TypedTableAlias() let prefixLiteral: SQL = SQL(stringLiteral: "\(SessionId.Prefix.standard.rawValue)%") let keyPairThreadIdColumnLiteral: SQL = SQL(stringLiteral: ClosedGroupKeyPair.Columns.threadId.name) let receivedTimestampColumnLiteral: SQL = SQL(stringLiteral: ClosedGroupKeyPair.Columns.receivedTimestamp.name) let threadIdColumnLiteral: SQL = SQL(stringLiteral: DisappearingMessagesConfiguration.Columns.threadId.name) /// **Note:** The `numColumnsBeforeTypes` value **MUST** match the number of fields before /// the `LegacyGroupInfo.lastKeyPairKey` entry below otherwise the query will fail to /// parse and might throw /// /// Explicitly set default values for the fields ignored for search results let numColumnsBeforeTypes: Int = 4 let request: SQLRequest = """ SELECT \(closedGroup[.threadId]) AS \(LegacyGroupInfo.threadIdKey), \(closedGroup[.name]) AS \(LegacyGroupInfo.nameKey), \(closedGroup[.formationTimestamp]) AS \(LegacyGroupInfo.joinedAtKey), \(thread[.pinnedPriority]) AS \(LegacyGroupInfo.priorityKey), \(LegacyGroupInfo.lastKeyPairKey).*, \(LegacyGroupInfo.disappearingConfigKey).* FROM \(ClosedGroup.self) JOIN \(SessionThread.self) ON \(thread[.id]) = \(closedGroup[.threadId]) LEFT JOIN ( SELECT \(keyPair[.threadId]), \(keyPair[.publicKey]), \(keyPair[.secretKey]), MAX(\(keyPair[.receivedTimestamp])) AS \(receivedTimestampColumnLiteral), \(keyPair[.threadKeyPairHash]) FROM \(ClosedGroupKeyPair.self) GROUP BY \(keyPair[.threadId]) ) AS \(LegacyGroupInfo.lastKeyPairKey) ON \(LegacyGroupInfo.lastKeyPairKey).\(keyPairThreadIdColumnLiteral) = \(closedGroup[.threadId]) LEFT JOIN \(DisappearingMessagesConfiguration.self) AS \(LegacyGroupInfo.disappearingConfigKey) ON \(LegacyGroupInfo.disappearingConfigKey).\(threadIdColumnLiteral) = \(closedGroup[.threadId]) WHERE \(SQL("\(closedGroup[.threadId]) LIKE '\(prefixLiteral)'")) """ let legacyGroupInfoNoMembers: [LegacyGroupInfo] = try request .adapted { db in let adapters = try splittingRowAdapters(columnCounts: [ numColumnsBeforeTypes, ClosedGroupKeyPair.numberOfSelectedColumns(db), DisappearingMessagesConfiguration.numberOfSelectedColumns(db) ]) return ScopeAdapter([ CodingKeys.lastKeyPair.stringValue: adapters[1], CodingKeys.disappearingConfig.stringValue: adapters[2] ]) } .fetchAll(db) let legacyGroupIds: [String] = legacyGroupInfoNoMembers.map { $0.threadId } let allLegacyGroupMembers: [String: [GroupMember]] = try GroupMember .filter(legacyGroupIds.contains(GroupMember.Columns.groupId)) .fetchAll(db) .grouped(by: \.groupId) return legacyGroupInfoNoMembers .map { nonMemberGroup in LegacyGroupInfo( id: nonMemberGroup.id, name: nonMemberGroup.name, lastKeyPair: nonMemberGroup.lastKeyPair, disappearingConfig: nonMemberGroup.disappearingConfig, groupMembers: allLegacyGroupMembers[nonMemberGroup.id]? .filter { $0.role == .standard || $0.role == .zombie }, groupAdmins: allLegacyGroupMembers[nonMemberGroup.id]? .filter { $0.role == .admin }, priority: nonMemberGroup.priority, joinedAt: nonMemberGroup.joinedAt ) } } } struct CommunityInfo { let urlInfo: OpenGroupUrlInfo let priority: Int32? init( urlInfo: OpenGroupUrlInfo, priority: Int32? = nil ) { self.urlInfo = urlInfo self.priority = priority } } fileprivate struct GroupThreadData { let communities: [PrioritisedData] let legacyGroups: [PrioritisedData] let groups: [PrioritisedData] } fileprivate struct PrioritisedData { let data: T let priority: Int32 } }