import UserNotifications import SessionMessagingKit import SignalUtilitiesKit import PromiseKit public final class NotificationServiceExtension : UNNotificationServiceExtension { private var didPerformSetup = false private var areVersionMigrationsComplete = false private var contentHandler: ((UNNotificationContent) -> Void)? private var notificationContent: UNMutableNotificationContent? public static let isFromRemoteKey = "remote" public static let threadIdKey = "Signal.AppNotificationsUserInfoKey.threadId" // MARK: Did receive a remote push notification request override public func didReceive(_ request: UNNotificationRequest, withContentHandler contentHandler: @escaping (UNNotificationContent) -> Void) { self.contentHandler = contentHandler self.notificationContent = request.content.mutableCopy() as? UNMutableNotificationContent // Abort if the main app is running var isMainAppAndActive = false if let sharedUserDefaults = UserDefaults(suiteName: "") { isMainAppAndActive = sharedUserDefaults.bool(forKey: "isMainAppActive") } guard !isMainAppAndActive else { return self.completeSilenty() } // Perform main setup DispatchQueue.main.sync { self.setUpIfNecessary() { } } // Handle the push notification AppReadiness.runNowOrWhenAppDidBecomeReady { let openGorupPollingPromises = self.pollForOpenGroups() defer { when(resolved: openGorupPollingPromises).done { _ in self.completeSilenty() } } let notificationContent = self.notificationContent! guard let base64EncodedData = notificationContent.userInfo["ENCRYPTED_DATA"] as! String?, let data = Data(base64Encoded: base64EncodedData), let envelope = try? MessageWrapper.unwrap(data: data), let envelopeAsData = try? envelope.serializedData() else { return self.handleFailure(for: notificationContent) } Storage.write { transaction in // Intentionally capture self do { let (message, proto) = try MessageReceiver.parse(envelopeAsData, openGroupMessageServerID: nil, using: transaction) switch message { case let visibleMessage as VisibleMessage: let tsMessageID = try MessageReceiver.handleVisibleMessage(visibleMessage, associatedWithProto: proto, openGroupID: nil, isBackgroundPoll: false, using: transaction) // Remove the notificaitons if there is an outgoing messages from a linked device if let tsMessage = TSMessage.fetch(uniqueId: tsMessageID, transaction: transaction), tsMessage.isKind(of: TSOutgoingMessage.self), let threadID = tsMessage.thread(with: transaction).uniqueId { let semaphore = DispatchSemaphore(value: 0) let center = UNUserNotificationCenter.current() center.getDeliveredNotifications { notifications in let matchingNotifications = notifications.filter({ $0.request.content.userInfo[NotificationServiceExtension.threadIdKey] as? String == threadID}) center.removeDeliveredNotifications(withIdentifiers:{ $0.request.identifier })) // Hack: removeDeliveredNotifications seems to be async,need to wait for some time before the delivered notifications can be removed. DispatchQueue.main.asyncAfter(deadline: .now() + 0.1) { semaphore.signal() } } semaphore.wait() } case let unsendRequest as UnsendRequest: MessageReceiver.handleUnsendRequest(unsendRequest, using: transaction) case let closedGroupControlMessage as ClosedGroupControlMessage: MessageReceiver.handleClosedGroupControlMessage(closedGroupControlMessage, using: transaction) default: break } } catch { if let error = error as? MessageReceiver.Error, error.isRetryable { self.handleFailure(for: notificationContent) } } } } } // MARK: Setup private func setUpIfNecessary(completion: @escaping () -> Void) { AssertIsOnMainThread() // The NSE will often re-use the same process, so if we're // already set up we want to do nothing; we're already ready // to process new messages. guard !didPerformSetup else { return } didPerformSetup = true // This should be the first thing we do. SetCurrentAppContext(NotificationServiceExtensionContext()) _ = AppVersion.sharedInstance() Cryptography.seedRandom() // We should never receive a non-voip notification on an app that doesn't support // app extensions since we have to inform the service we wanted these, so in theory // this path should never occur. However, the service does have our push token // so it is possible that could change in the future. If it does, do nothing // and don't disturb the user. Messages will be processed when they open the app. guard OWSPreferences.isReadyForAppExtensions() else { return completeSilenty() } AppSetup.setupEnvironment( appSpecificSingletonBlock: { SSKEnvironment.shared.notificationsManager = NSENotificationPresenter() }, migrationCompletion: { [weak self] in self?.versionMigrationsDidComplete() completion() } ) NotificationCenter.default.addObserver(self, selector: #selector(storageIsReady), name: .StorageIsReady, object: nil) } @objc private func versionMigrationsDidComplete() { AssertIsOnMainThread() areVersionMigrationsComplete = true checkIsAppReady() } @objc private func storageIsReady() { AssertIsOnMainThread() checkIsAppReady() } @objc private func checkIsAppReady() { AssertIsOnMainThread() // Only mark the app as ready once. guard !AppReadiness.isAppReady() else { return } // App isn't ready until storage is ready AND all version migrations are complete. guard OWSStorage.isStorageReady() && areVersionMigrationsComplete else { return } SignalUtilitiesKit.Configuration.performMainSetup() // Note that this does much more than set a flag; it will also run all deferred blocks. AppReadiness.setAppIsReady() } // MARK: Handle completion override public func serviceExtensionTimeWillExpire() { // Called just before the extension will be terminated by the system. // Use this as an opportunity to deliver your "best attempt" at modified content, otherwise the original push payload will be used. completeSilenty() } private func completeSilenty() { SNLog("Complete silenty") self.contentHandler!(.init()) } private func handleSuccess(for content: UNMutableNotificationContent) { contentHandler!(content) } private func handleFailure(for content: UNMutableNotificationContent) { content.body = "You've got a new message" content.title = "Session" let userInfo: [String:Any] = [ NotificationServiceExtension.isFromRemoteKey : true ] content.userInfo = userInfo contentHandler!(content) } // MARK: Poll for open groups private func pollForOpenGroups() -> [Promise] { var promises: [Promise] = [] let servers = Set(Storage.shared.getAllOpenGroups() { $0.server }) servers.forEach { server in let poller = OpenGroupAPI.Poller(for: server) let promise = poller.poll().timeout(seconds: 20, timeoutError: NotificationServiceError.timeout) promises.append(promise) } return promises } private enum NotificationServiceError: Error { case timeout } }