// Copyright © 2022 Rangeproof Pty Ltd. All rights reserved. import Foundation import Combine import GRDB import SignalCoreKit import SessionUtilitiesKit import SessionSnodeKit public struct LinkPreview: Codable, Equatable, Hashable, FetchableRecord, PersistableRecord, TableRecord, ColumnExpressible { public static var databaseTableName: String { "linkPreview" } internal static let interactionForeignKey = ForeignKey( [Columns.url], to: [Interaction.Columns.linkPreviewUrl] ) internal static let interactions = hasMany(Interaction.self, using: Interaction.linkPreviewForeignKey) public static let attachment = hasOne(Attachment.self, using: Attachment.linkPreviewForeignKey) /// We want to cache url previews to the nearest 100,000 seconds (~28 hours - simpler than 86,400) to ensure the user isn't shown a preview that is too stale internal static let timstampResolution: Double = 100000 public typealias Columns = CodingKeys public enum CodingKeys: String, CodingKey, ColumnExpression { case url case timestamp case variant case title case attachmentId } public enum Variant: Int, Codable, Hashable, DatabaseValueConvertible { case standard case openGroupInvitation } /// The url for the link preview public let url: String /// The number of seconds since epoch rounded down to the nearest 100,000 seconds (~day) - This /// allows us to optimise against duplicate urls without having “stale” data last too long public let timestamp: TimeInterval /// The type of link preview public let variant: Variant /// The title for the link public let title: String? /// The id for the attachment for the link preview image public let attachmentId: String? // MARK: - Relationships public var attachment: QueryInterfaceRequest { request(for: LinkPreview.attachment) } // MARK: - Initialization public init( url: String, timestamp: TimeInterval = LinkPreview.timestampFor( sentTimestampMs: TimeInterval(SnodeAPI.currentOffsetTimestampMs()) // Default to now ), variant: Variant = .standard, title: String?, attachmentId: String? = nil ) { self.url = url self.timestamp = timestamp self.variant = variant self.title = title self.attachmentId = attachmentId } } // MARK: - Protobuf public extension LinkPreview { init?(_ db: Database, proto: SNProtoDataMessage, sentTimestampMs: TimeInterval) throws { guard let previewProto = proto.preview.first else { throw LinkPreviewError.noPreview } guard URL(string: previewProto.url) != nil else { throw LinkPreviewError.invalidInput } guard LinkPreview.isValidLinkUrl(previewProto.url) else { throw LinkPreviewError.invalidInput } // Try to get an existing link preview first let timestamp: TimeInterval = LinkPreview.timestampFor(sentTimestampMs: sentTimestampMs) let maybeLinkPreview: LinkPreview? = try? LinkPreview .filter(LinkPreview.Columns.url == previewProto.url) .filter(LinkPreview.Columns.timestamp == timestamp) .fetchOne(db) if let linkPreview: LinkPreview = maybeLinkPreview { self = linkPreview return } self.url = previewProto.url self.timestamp = timestamp self.variant = .standard self.title = LinkPreview.normalizeTitle(title: previewProto.title) if let imageProto = previewProto.image { let attachment: Attachment = Attachment(proto: imageProto) try attachment.insert(db) self.attachmentId = attachment.id } else { self.attachmentId = nil } // Make sure the quote is valid before completing guard self.title != nil || self.attachmentId != nil else { throw LinkPreviewError.invalidInput } } } // MARK: - Convenience public extension LinkPreview { struct URLMatchResult { let urlString: String let matchRange: NSRange } static func timestampFor(sentTimestampMs: Double) -> TimeInterval { // We want to round the timestamp down to the nearest 100,000 seconds (~28 hours - simpler // than 86,400) to optimise LinkPreview storage without having too stale data return (floor(sentTimestampMs / 1000 / LinkPreview.timstampResolution) * LinkPreview.timstampResolution) } static func generateAttachmentIfPossible(imageData: Data?, mimeType: String) throws -> Attachment? { guard let imageData: Data = imageData, !imageData.isEmpty else { return nil } guard let fileExtension: String = MIMETypeUtil.fileExtension(forMIMEType: mimeType) else { return nil } let filePath = OWSFileSystem.temporaryFilePath(withFileExtension: fileExtension) try imageData.write(to: NSURL.fileURL(withPath: filePath), options: .atomicWrite) guard let dataSource = DataSourcePath.dataSource(withFilePath: filePath, shouldDeleteOnDeallocation: true) else { return nil } return Attachment(contentType: mimeType, dataSource: dataSource) } static func isValidLinkUrl(_ urlString: String) -> Bool { return URL(string: urlString) != nil } static func allPreviewUrls(forMessageBodyText body: String) -> [String] { return allPreviewUrlMatches(forMessageBodyText: body).map { $0.urlString } } // MARK: - Private Methods private static func allPreviewUrlMatches(forMessageBodyText body: String) -> [URLMatchResult] { let detector: NSDataDetector do { detector = try NSDataDetector(types: NSTextCheckingResult.CheckingType.link.rawValue) } catch { return [] } var urlMatches: [URLMatchResult] = [] let matches = detector.matches(in: body, options: [], range: NSRange(location: 0, length: body.count)) for match in matches { guard let matchURL = match.url else { continue } // If the URL entered didn't have a scheme it will default to 'http', we want to catch this and // set the scheme to 'https' instead as we don't load previews for 'http' so this will result // in more previews actually getting loaded without forcing the user to enter 'https://' before // every URL they enter let urlString: String = (matchURL.absoluteString == "http://\(body)" ? "https://\(body)" : matchURL.absoluteString ) if isValidLinkUrl(urlString) { let matchResult = URLMatchResult(urlString: urlString, matchRange: match.range) urlMatches.append(matchResult) } } return urlMatches } fileprivate static func normalizeTitle(title: String?) -> String? { guard var result: String = title, !result.isEmpty else { return nil } // Truncate title after 2 lines of text. let maxLineCount = 2 var components = result.components(separatedBy: .newlines) if components.count > maxLineCount { components = Array(components[0.. maxCharacterCount { let endIndex = result.index(result.startIndex, offsetBy: maxCharacterCount) result = String(result[..> = Atomic(NSCache()) static func previewUrl(for body: String?, selectedRange: NSRange? = nil) -> String? { guard Storage.shared[.areLinkPreviewsEnabled] else { return nil } guard let body: String = body else { return nil } if let cachedUrl = previewUrlCache.wrappedValue.object(forKey: body as NSString) as String? { guard cachedUrl.count > 0 else { return nil } return cachedUrl } let previewUrlMatches: [URLMatchResult] = allPreviewUrlMatches(forMessageBodyText: body) guard let urlMatch: URLMatchResult = previewUrlMatches.first else { // Use empty string to indicate "no preview URL" in the cache. previewUrlCache.mutate { $0.setObject("", forKey: body as NSString) } return nil } if let selectedRange: NSRange = selectedRange { let cursorAtEndOfMatch: Bool = ( (urlMatch.matchRange.location + urlMatch.matchRange.length) == selectedRange.location ) if selectedRange.location != body.count, (urlMatch.matchRange.intersection(selectedRange) != nil || cursorAtEndOfMatch) { // we don't want to cache the result here, as we want to fetch the link preview // if the user moves the cursor. return nil } } previewUrlCache.mutate { $0.setObject(urlMatch.urlString as NSString, forKey: body as NSString) } return urlMatch.urlString } } // MARK: - Drafts public extension LinkPreview { private struct Contents { public var title: String? public var imageUrl: String? public init(title: String?, imageUrl: String? = nil) { self.title = title self.imageUrl = imageUrl } } private static let serialQueue = DispatchQueue(label: "org.signal.linkPreview") // This cache should only be accessed on serialQueue. // // We should only maintain a "cache" of the last known draft. private static var linkPreviewDraftCache: LinkPreviewDraft? // Twitter doesn't return OpenGraph tags to Signal // `curl -A Signal "https://twitter.com/signalapp/status/1280166087577997312?s=20"` // If this ever changes, we can switch back to our default User-Agent private static let userAgentString = "WhatsApp" private static func cachedLinkPreview(forPreviewUrl previewUrl: String) -> LinkPreviewDraft? { return serialQueue.sync { guard let linkPreviewDraft = linkPreviewDraftCache, linkPreviewDraft.urlString == previewUrl else { return nil } return linkPreviewDraft } } private static func setCachedLinkPreview(_ linkPreviewDraft: LinkPreviewDraft, forPreviewUrl previewUrl: String) { assert(previewUrl == linkPreviewDraft.urlString) // Exit early if link previews are not enabled in order to avoid // tainting the cache. guard Storage.shared[.areLinkPreviewsEnabled] else { return } serialQueue.sync { linkPreviewDraftCache = linkPreviewDraft } } static func tryToBuildPreviewInfo(previewUrl: String?) -> AnyPublisher { guard Storage.shared[.areLinkPreviewsEnabled] else { return Fail(error: LinkPreviewError.featureDisabled) .eraseToAnyPublisher() } guard let previewUrl: String = previewUrl else { return Fail(error: LinkPreviewError.invalidInput) .eraseToAnyPublisher() } if let cachedInfo = cachedLinkPreview(forPreviewUrl: previewUrl) { return Just(cachedInfo) .setFailureType(to: Error.self) .eraseToAnyPublisher() } return downloadLink(url: previewUrl) .flatMap { data, response in parseLinkDataAndBuildDraft(linkData: data, response: response, linkUrlString: previewUrl) } .tryMap { linkPreviewDraft -> LinkPreviewDraft in guard linkPreviewDraft.isValid() else { throw LinkPreviewError.noPreview } setCachedLinkPreview(linkPreviewDraft, forPreviewUrl: previewUrl) return linkPreviewDraft } .eraseToAnyPublisher() } private static func downloadLink( url urlString: String, remainingRetries: UInt = 3 ) -> AnyPublisher<(Data, URLResponse), Error> { Logger.verbose("url: \(urlString)") // let sessionConfiguration = ContentProxy.sessionConfiguration() // Loki: Signal's proxy appears to have been banned by YouTube let sessionConfiguration = URLSessionConfiguration.ephemeral // Don't use any caching to protect privacy of these requests. sessionConfiguration.requestCachePolicy = .reloadIgnoringLocalCacheData sessionConfiguration.urlCache = nil guard var request: URLRequest = URL(string: urlString).map({ URLRequest(url: $0) }), ContentProxy.configureProxiedRequest(request: &request) else { return Fail(error: LinkPreviewError.assertionFailure) .eraseToAnyPublisher() } request.setValue(self.userAgentString, forHTTPHeaderField: "User-Agent") // Set a fake value let session: URLSession = URLSession(configuration: sessionConfiguration) return session .dataTaskPublisher(for: request) .mapError { _ -> Error in HTTPError.generic } // URLError codes are negative values .tryMap { data, response -> (Data, URLResponse) in guard let urlResponse: HTTPURLResponse = response as? HTTPURLResponse else { throw LinkPreviewError.assertionFailure } if let contentType: String = urlResponse.allHeaderFields["Content-Type"] as? String { guard contentType.lowercased().hasPrefix("text/") else { throw LinkPreviewError.invalidContent } } guard data.count > 0 else { throw LinkPreviewError.invalidContent } return (data, response) } .catch { error -> AnyPublisher<(Data, URLResponse), Error> in guard isRetryable(error: error), remainingRetries > 0 else { return Fail(error: LinkPreviewError.couldNotDownload) .eraseToAnyPublisher() } return LinkPreview .downloadLink( url: urlString, remainingRetries: (remainingRetries - 1) ) } .eraseToAnyPublisher() } private static func parseLinkDataAndBuildDraft( linkData: Data, response: URLResponse, linkUrlString: String ) -> AnyPublisher { do { let contents = try parse(linkData: linkData, response: response) let title = contents.title guard let imageUrl = contents.imageUrl else { return Just(LinkPreviewDraft(urlString: linkUrlString, title: title)) .setFailureType(to: Error.self) .eraseToAnyPublisher() } guard URL(string: imageUrl) != nil else { return Just(LinkPreviewDraft(urlString: linkUrlString, title: title)) .setFailureType(to: Error.self) .eraseToAnyPublisher() } guard let imageFileExtension = fileExtension(forImageUrl: imageUrl) else { return Just(LinkPreviewDraft(urlString: linkUrlString, title: title)) .setFailureType(to: Error.self) .eraseToAnyPublisher() } guard let imageMimeType = mimetype(forImageFileExtension: imageFileExtension) else { return Just(LinkPreviewDraft(urlString: linkUrlString, title: title)) .setFailureType(to: Error.self) .eraseToAnyPublisher() } return LinkPreview .downloadImage(url: imageUrl, imageMimeType: imageMimeType) .map { imageData -> LinkPreviewDraft in // We always recompress images to Jpeg LinkPreviewDraft(urlString: linkUrlString, title: title, jpegImageData: imageData) } .catch { _ -> AnyPublisher in return Just(LinkPreviewDraft(urlString: linkUrlString, title: title)) .setFailureType(to: Error.self) .eraseToAnyPublisher() } .eraseToAnyPublisher() } catch { return Fail(error: error) .eraseToAnyPublisher() } } private static func parse(linkData: Data, response: URLResponse) throws -> Contents { guard let linkText = String(bytes: linkData, encoding: response.stringEncoding ?? .utf8) else { print("Could not parse link text.") throw LinkPreviewError.invalidInput } let content = HTMLMetadata.construct(parsing: linkText) var title: String? let rawTitle = content.ogTitle ?? content.titleTag if let decodedTitle: String = decodeHTMLEntities(inString: rawTitle ?? ""), let normalizedTitle: String = LinkPreview.normalizeTitle(title: decodedTitle), normalizedTitle.count > 0 { title = normalizedTitle } Logger.verbose("title: \(String(describing: title))") guard let rawImageUrlString = content.ogImageUrlString ?? content.faviconUrlString else { return Contents(title: title) } guard let imageUrlString = decodeHTMLEntities(inString: rawImageUrlString)?.ows_stripped() else { return Contents(title: title) } return Contents(title: title, imageUrl: imageUrlString) } private static func downloadImage( url urlString: String, imageMimeType: String ) -> AnyPublisher { guard let url = URL(string: urlString), let assetDescription: ProxiedContentAssetDescription = ProxiedContentAssetDescription( url: url as NSURL ) else { return Fail(error: LinkPreviewError.invalidInput) .eraseToAnyPublisher() } return ProxiedContentDownloader.defaultDownloader .requestAsset( assetDescription: assetDescription, priority: .high, shouldIgnoreSignalProxy: true ) .tryMap { asset, _ -> Data in let imageSize = NSData.imageSize(forFilePath: asset.filePath, mimeType: imageMimeType) guard imageSize.width > 0, imageSize.height > 0 else { throw LinkPreviewError.invalidContent } guard let data: Data = try? Data(contentsOf: URL(fileURLWithPath: asset.filePath)) else { throw LinkPreviewError.assertionFailure } guard let srcImage = UIImage(data: data) else { throw LinkPreviewError.invalidContent } // Loki: If it's a GIF then ensure its validity and don't download it as a JPG if imageMimeType == OWSMimeTypeImageGif && NSData(data: data).ows_isValidImage(withMimeType: OWSMimeTypeImageGif) { return data } let maxImageSize: CGFloat = 1024 let shouldResize = imageSize.width > maxImageSize || imageSize.height > maxImageSize guard shouldResize else { guard let dstData = srcImage.jpegData(compressionQuality: 0.8) else { throw LinkPreviewError.invalidContent } return dstData } guard let dstImage = srcImage.resized(withMaxDimensionPoints: maxImageSize), let dstData = dstImage.jpegData(compressionQuality: 0.8) else { throw LinkPreviewError.invalidContent } return dstData } .mapError { _ -> Error in LinkPreviewError.couldNotDownload } .eraseToAnyPublisher() } private static func isRetryable(error: Error) -> Bool { if (error as NSError).domain == kCFErrorDomainCFNetwork as String { // Network failures are retried. return true } return false } private static func fileExtension(forImageUrl urlString: String) -> String? { guard let imageUrl = URL(string: urlString) else { return nil } let imageFilename = imageUrl.lastPathComponent let imageFileExtension = (imageFilename as NSString).pathExtension.lowercased() guard imageFileExtension.count > 0 else { // TODO: For those links don't have a file extension, we should figure out a way to know the image mime type return "png" } return imageFileExtension } private static func mimetype(forImageFileExtension imageFileExtension: String) -> String? { guard imageFileExtension.count > 0 else { return nil } guard let imageMimeType = MIMETypeUtil.mimeType(forFileExtension: imageFileExtension) else { return nil } return imageMimeType } private static func decodeHTMLEntities(inString value: String) -> String? { guard let data = value.data(using: .utf8) else { return nil } let options: [NSAttributedString.DocumentReadingOptionKey: Any] = [ .documentType: NSAttributedString.DocumentType.html, .characterEncoding: String.Encoding.utf8.rawValue ] guard let attributedString = try? NSAttributedString(data: data, options: options, documentAttributes: nil) else { return nil } return attributedString.string } }