// Copyright © 2022 Rangeproof Pty Ltd. All rights reserved. import Foundation import GRDB import SessionUtilitiesKit public final class VisibleMessage: Message { private enum CodingKeys: String, CodingKey { case syncTarget case text = "body" case attachmentIds = "attachments" case quote case linkPreview case profile case openGroupInvitation } /// In the case of a sync message, the public key of the person the message was targeted at. /// /// - Note: `nil` if this isn't a sync message. public var syncTarget: String? public let text: String? public var attachmentIds: [String] public let quote: VMQuote? public let linkPreview: VMLinkPreview? public var profile: VMProfile? public let openGroupInvitation: VMOpenGroupInvitation? public override var isSelfSendValid: Bool { true } // MARK: - Validation public override var isValid: Bool { guard super.isValid else { return false } if !attachmentIds.isEmpty { return true } if openGroupInvitation != nil { return true } if let text = text?.trimmingCharacters(in: .whitespacesAndNewlines), !text.isEmpty { return true } return false } // MARK: - Initialization public init( sentTimestamp: UInt64? = nil, recipient: String? = nil, groupPublicKey: String? = nil, syncTarget: String? = nil, text: String?, attachmentIds: [String] = [], quote: VMQuote? = nil, linkPreview: VMLinkPreview? = nil, profile: VMProfile? = nil, openGroupInvitation: VMOpenGroupInvitation? = nil ) { self.syncTarget = syncTarget self.text = text self.attachmentIds = attachmentIds self.quote = quote self.linkPreview = linkPreview self.profile = profile self.openGroupInvitation = openGroupInvitation super.init( sentTimestamp: sentTimestamp, recipient: recipient, groupPublicKey: groupPublicKey ) } // MARK: - Codable required init(from decoder: Decoder) throws { let container: KeyedDecodingContainer = try decoder.container(keyedBy: CodingKeys.self) syncTarget = try? container.decode(String.self, forKey: .syncTarget) text = try? container.decode(String.self, forKey: .text) attachmentIds = ((try? container.decode([String].self, forKey: .attachmentIds)) ?? []) quote = try? container.decode(VMQuote.self, forKey: .quote) linkPreview = try? container.decode(VMLinkPreview.self, forKey: .linkPreview) profile = try? container.decode(VMProfile.self, forKey: .profile) openGroupInvitation = try? container.decode(VMOpenGroupInvitation.self, forKey: .openGroupInvitation) try super.init(from: decoder) } public override func encode(to encoder: Encoder) throws { try super.encode(to: encoder) var container: KeyedEncodingContainer = encoder.container(keyedBy: CodingKeys.self) try container.encodeIfPresent(syncTarget, forKey: .syncTarget) try container.encodeIfPresent(text, forKey: .text) try container.encodeIfPresent(attachmentIds, forKey: .attachmentIds) try container.encodeIfPresent(quote, forKey: .quote) try container.encodeIfPresent(linkPreview, forKey: .linkPreview) try container.encodeIfPresent(profile, forKey: .profile) try container.encodeIfPresent(openGroupInvitation, forKey: .openGroupInvitation) } // MARK: - Proto Conversion public override class func fromProto(_ proto: SNProtoContent, sender: String) -> VisibleMessage? { guard let dataMessage = proto.dataMessage else { return nil } return VisibleMessage( syncTarget: dataMessage.syncTarget, text: dataMessage.body, attachmentIds: [], // Attachments are handled in MessageReceiver quote: dataMessage.quote.map { VMQuote.fromProto($0) }, linkPreview: dataMessage.preview.first.map { VMLinkPreview.fromProto($0) }, profile: VMProfile.fromProto(dataMessage), openGroupInvitation: dataMessage.openGroupInvitation.map { VMOpenGroupInvitation.fromProto($0) } ) } public override func toProto(_ db: Database) -> SNProtoContent? { let proto = SNProtoContent.builder() var attachmentIds = self.attachmentIds let dataMessage: SNProtoDataMessage.SNProtoDataMessageBuilder // Profile if let profile = profile, let profileProto = profile.toProto() { dataMessage = profileProto.asBuilder() } else { dataMessage = SNProtoDataMessage.builder() } // Text if let text = text { dataMessage.setBody(text) } // Quote if let quotedAttachmentId = quote?.attachmentId, let index = attachmentIds.firstIndex(of: quotedAttachmentId) { attachmentIds.remove(at: index) } if let quote = quote, let quoteProto = quote.toProto(db) { dataMessage.setQuote(quoteProto) } // Link preview if let linkPreviewAttachmentId = linkPreview?.attachmentId, let index = attachmentIds.firstIndex(of: linkPreviewAttachmentId) { attachmentIds.remove(at: index) } if let linkPreview = linkPreview, let linkPreviewProto = linkPreview.toProto(db) { dataMessage.setPreview([ linkPreviewProto ]) } // Attachments let attachments: [Attachment]? = try? Attachment.fetchAll(db, ids: self.attachmentIds) if !(attachments ?? []).allSatisfy({ $0.state == .uploaded }) { #if DEBUG preconditionFailure("Sending a message before all associated attachments have been uploaded.") #endif } let attachmentProtos = (attachments ?? []).compactMap { $0.buildProto() } dataMessage.setAttachments(attachmentProtos) // Open group invitation if let openGroupInvitation = openGroupInvitation, let openGroupInvitationProto = openGroupInvitation.toProto() { dataMessage.setOpenGroupInvitation(openGroupInvitationProto) } // Group context do { try setGroupContextIfNeeded(db, on: dataMessage) } catch { SNLog("Couldn't construct visible message proto from: \(self).") return nil } // Sync target if let syncTarget = syncTarget { dataMessage.setSyncTarget(syncTarget) } // Build do { proto.setDataMessage(try dataMessage.build()) return try proto.build() } catch { SNLog("Couldn't construct visible message proto from: \(self).") return nil } } // MARK: - Description public var description: String { """ VisibleMessage( text: \(text ?? "null"), attachmentIds: \(attachmentIds), quote: \(quote?.description ?? "null"), linkPreview: \(linkPreview?.description ?? "null"), profile: \(profile?.description ?? "null") "openGroupInvitation": \(openGroupInvitation?.description ?? "null") ) """ } } // MARK: - Database Type Conversion public extension VisibleMessage { static func from(_ db: Database, interaction: Interaction) -> VisibleMessage { let linkPreview: LinkPreview? = try? interaction.linkPreview.fetchOne(db) return VisibleMessage( sentTimestamp: UInt64(interaction.timestampMs), recipient: (try? interaction.recipientStates.fetchOne(db))?.recipientId, groupPublicKey: try? interaction.thread .filter(SessionThread.Columns.variant == SessionThread.Variant.closedGroup) .select(.id) .asRequest(of: String.self) .fetchOne(db), syncTarget: nil, text: interaction.body, attachmentIds: ((try? interaction.attachments.fetchAll(db)) ?? []) .map { $0.id }, quote: (try? interaction.quote.fetchOne(db)) .map { VMQuote.from(db, quote: $0) }, linkPreview: linkPreview .map { linkPreview in guard linkPreview.variant == .standard else { return nil } return VMLinkPreview.from(db, linkPreview: linkPreview) }, profile: nil, // Don't attach the profile to avoid sending a legacy version (set in MessageSender) openGroupInvitation: linkPreview.map { linkPreview in guard linkPreview.variant == .openGroupInvitation else { return nil } return VMOpenGroupInvitation.from( db, linkPreview: linkPreview ) } ) } }