// // Copyright (c) 2018 Open Whisper Systems. All rights reserved. // import Foundation import SAMKeychain public enum KeychainStorageError: Error { case failure(code: Int32?, description: String) public var code: Int32? { switch self { case .failure(let code, _): return code } } } // MARK: - @objc public protocol SSKKeychainStorage: AnyObject { @objc func string(forService service: String, key: String) throws -> String @objc(setString:service:key:error:) func set(string: String, service: String, key: String) throws @objc func data(forService service: String, key: String) throws -> Data @objc func set(data: Data, service: String, key: String) throws @objc func remove(service: String, key: String) throws } // MARK: - @objc public class SSKDefaultKeychainStorage: NSObject, SSKKeychainStorage { @objc public static let shared = SSKDefaultKeychainStorage() // Force usage as a singleton override private init() { super.init() } @objc public func string(forService service: String, key: String) throws -> String { var error: NSError? let result = SAMKeychain.password(forService: service, account: key, error: &error) if let error = error { throw KeychainStorageError.failure(code: Int32(error.code), description: "\(logTag) error retrieving string: \(error)") } guard let string = result else { throw KeychainStorageError.failure(code: nil, description: "\(logTag) could not retrieve string") } return string } @objc public func set(string: String, service: String, key: String) throws { SAMKeychain.setAccessibilityType(kSecAttrAccessibleAfterFirstUnlockThisDeviceOnly) var error: NSError? let result = SAMKeychain.setPassword(string, forService: service, account: key, error: &error) if let error = error { throw KeychainStorageError.failure(code: Int32(error.code), description: "\(logTag) error setting string: \(error)") } guard result else { throw KeychainStorageError.failure(code: nil, description: "\(logTag) could not set string") } } @objc public func data(forService service: String, key: String) throws -> Data { var error: NSError? let result = SAMKeychain.passwordData(forService: service, account: key, error: &error) if let error = error { throw KeychainStorageError.failure(code: Int32(error.code), description: "\(logTag) error retrieving data: \(error)") } guard let data = result else { throw KeychainStorageError.failure(code: nil, description: "\(logTag) could not retrieve data") } return data } @objc public func set(data: Data, service: String, key: String) throws { SAMKeychain.setAccessibilityType(kSecAttrAccessibleAfterFirstUnlockThisDeviceOnly) var error: NSError? let result = SAMKeychain.setPasswordData(data, forService: service, account: key, error: &error) if let error = error { throw KeychainStorageError.failure(code: Int32(error.code), description: "\(logTag) error setting data: \(error)") } guard result else { throw KeychainStorageError.failure(code: nil, description: "\(logTag) could not set data") } } @objc public func remove(service: String, key: String) throws { var error: NSError? let result = SAMKeychain.deletePassword(forService: service, account: key, error: &error) if let error = error { // If deletion failed because the specified item could not be found in the keychain, consider it success. if error.code == errSecItemNotFound { return } throw KeychainStorageError.failure(code: Int32(error.code), description: "\(logTag) error removing data: \(error)") } guard result else { throw KeychainStorageError.failure(code: nil, description: "\(logTag) could not remove data") } } }