// // Copyright (c) 2019 Open Whisper Systems. All rights reserved. // // A simple LRU cache bounded by the number of entries. public class LRUCache { private var cacheMap: [KeyType: ValueType] = [:] private var cacheOrder: [KeyType] = [] private let maxSize: Int @objc public init(maxSize: Int) { self.maxSize = maxSize NotificationCenter.default.addObserver(self, selector: #selector(didReceiveMemoryWarning), name: UIApplication.didReceiveMemoryWarningNotification, object: nil) NotificationCenter.default.addObserver(self, selector: #selector(didEnterBackground), name: NSNotification.Name.OWSApplicationDidEnterBackground, object: nil) } deinit { NotificationCenter.default.removeObserver(self) } @objc func didEnterBackground() { clear() } @objc func didReceiveMemoryWarning() { clear() } private func updateCacheOrder(key: KeyType) { cacheOrder = cacheOrder.filter { $0 != key } cacheOrder.append(key) } public func get(key: KeyType) -> ValueType? { guard let value = cacheMap[key] else { // Miss return nil } // Hit updateCacheOrder(key: key) return value } public func set(key: KeyType, value: ValueType) { cacheMap[key] = value updateCacheOrder(key: key) while cacheOrder.count > maxSize { guard let staleKey = cacheOrder.first else { return } cacheOrder.removeFirst() cacheMap.removeValue(forKey: staleKey) } } @objc public func clear() { cacheMap.removeAll() cacheOrder.removeAll() } }