// Copyright © 2022 Rangeproof Pty Ltd. All rights reserved. // // stringlint:disable import Foundation import Combine import GRDB import SessionUtilitiesKit import SessionSnodeKit extension MessageReceiver { internal static func handleMessageRequestResponse( _ db: Database, message: MessageRequestResponse, using dependencies: Dependencies ) throws { let userPublicKey = getUserHexEncodedPublicKey(db, using: dependencies) var blindedContactIds: [String] = [] // Ignore messages which were sent from the current user guard message.sender != userPublicKey, let senderId: String = message.sender else { throw MessageReceiverError.invalidMessage } // Update profile if needed (want to do this regardless of whether the message exists or // not to ensure the profile info gets sync between a users devices at every chance) if let profile = message.profile { let messageSentTimestamp: TimeInterval = (TimeInterval(message.sentTimestamp ?? 0) / 1000) try ProfileManager.updateProfileIfNeeded( db, publicKey: senderId, name: profile.displayName, avatarUpdate: { guard let profilePictureUrl: String = profile.profilePictureUrl, let profileKey: Data = profile.profileKey else { return .none } return .updateTo( url: profilePictureUrl, key: profileKey, fileName: nil ) }(), sentTimestamp: messageSentTimestamp, using: dependencies ) } // Prep the unblinded thread let unblindedThread: SessionThread = try SessionThread .fetchOrCreate(db, id: senderId, variant: .contact, shouldBeVisible: nil) // Need to handle a `MessageRequestResponse` sent to a blinded thread (ie. check if the sender matches // the blinded ids of any threads) let blindedThreadIds: Set = (try? SessionThread .select(.id) .filter(SessionThread.Columns.variant == SessionThread.Variant.contact) .filter( SessionThread.Columns.id.like("\(SessionId.Prefix.blinded15.rawValue)%") || SessionThread.Columns.id.like("\(SessionId.Prefix.blinded25.rawValue)%") ) .asRequest(of: String.self) .fetchSet(db)) .defaulting(to: []) let pendingBlindedIdLookups: [BlindedIdLookup] = (try? BlindedIdLookup .filter(blindedThreadIds.contains(BlindedIdLookup.Columns.blindedId)) .fetchAll(db)) .defaulting(to: []) // Loop through all blinded threads and extract any interactions relating to the user accepting // the message request try pendingBlindedIdLookups.forEach { blindedIdLookup in // If the sessionId matches the blindedId then this thread needs to be converted to an // un-blinded thread guard dependencies.crypto.verify( .sessionId( senderId, matchesBlindedId: blindedIdLookup.blindedId, serverPublicKey: blindedIdLookup.openGroupPublicKey, using: dependencies ) ) else { return } // Update the lookup _ = try blindedIdLookup .with(sessionId: senderId) .saved(db) // Add the `blindedId` to an array so we can remove them at the end of processing blindedContactIds.append(blindedIdLookup.blindedId) // Update all interactions to be on the new thread // Note: Pending `MessageSendJobs` _shouldn't_ be an issue as even if they are sent after the // un-blinding of a thread, the logic when handling the sent messages should automatically // assign them to the correct thread try Interaction .filter(Interaction.Columns.threadId == blindedIdLookup.blindedId) .updateAll(db, Interaction.Columns.threadId.set(to: unblindedThread.id)) _ = try SessionThread .deleteOrLeave( db, threadId: blindedIdLookup.blindedId, threadVariant: .contact, groupLeaveType: .forced, calledFromConfigHandling: false ) } // Update the `didApproveMe` state of the sender try updateContactApprovalStatusIfNeeded( db, senderSessionId: senderId, threadId: nil ) // If there were blinded contacts which have now been resolved to this contact then we should remove // the blinded contact and we also need to assume that the 'sender' is a newly created contact and // hence need to update it's `isApproved` state if !blindedContactIds.isEmpty { _ = try? Contact .filter(ids: blindedContactIds) .deleteAll(db) try updateContactApprovalStatusIfNeeded( db, senderSessionId: userPublicKey, threadId: unblindedThread.id ) } // Notify the user of their approval (Note: This will always appear in the un-blinded thread) // // Note: We want to do this last as it'll mean the un-blinded thread gets updated and the // contact approval status will have been updated at this point (which will mean the // `isMessageRequest` will return correctly after this is saved) _ = try Interaction( serverHash: message.serverHash, threadId: unblindedThread.id, authorId: senderId, variant: .infoMessageRequestAccepted, timestampMs: ( message.sentTimestamp.map { Int64($0) } ?? SnodeAPI.currentOffsetTimestampMs() ) ).inserted(db) } internal static func updateContactApprovalStatusIfNeeded( _ db: Database, senderSessionId: String, threadId: String? ) throws { let userPublicKey: String = getUserHexEncodedPublicKey(db) // If the sender of the message was the current user if senderSessionId == userPublicKey { // Retrieve the contact for the thread the message was sent to (excluding 'NoteToSelf' // threads) and if the contact isn't flagged as approved then do so guard let threadId: String = threadId, let thread: SessionThread = try? SessionThread.fetchOne(db, id: threadId), !thread.isNoteToSelf(db) else { return } // Sending a message to someone flags them as approved so create the contact record if // it doesn't exist let contact: Contact = Contact.fetchOrCreate(db, id: threadId) guard !contact.isApproved else { return } try? contact.save(db) _ = try? Contact .filter(id: threadId) .updateAllAndConfig(db, Contact.Columns.isApproved.set(to: true)) } else { // The message was sent to the current user so flag their 'didApproveMe' as true (can't send a message to // someone without approving them) let contact: Contact = Contact.fetchOrCreate(db, id: senderSessionId) guard !contact.didApproveMe else { return } try? contact.save(db) _ = try? Contact .filter(id: senderSessionId) .updateAllAndConfig(db, Contact.Columns.didApproveMe.set(to: true)) } } }