// Copyright © 2022 Rangeproof Pty Ltd. All rights reserved. import Foundation import GRDB import SessionSnodeKit import SessionUtilitiesKit public extension Message { enum Destination: Codable, Hashable { /// A message directed to another user case contact(publicKey: String) /// A message that was originally sent to another user but needs to be replicated to the current users swarm case syncMessage(originalRecipientPublicKey: String) /// A message directed to group conversation case closedGroup(groupPublicKey: String) /// A message directed to an open group case openGroup( roomToken: String, server: String, whisperTo: String? = nil, whisperMods: Bool = false, fileIds: [String]? = nil ) /// A message directed to an open group inbox case openGroupInbox(server: String, openGroupPublicKey: String, blindedPublicKey: String) public var defaultNamespace: SnodeAPI.Namespace? { switch self { case .contact, .syncMessage: return .`default` case .closedGroup: return .legacyClosedGroup case .openGroup, .openGroupInbox: return nil } } public static func from( _ db: Database, threadId: String, threadVariant: SessionThread.Variant, fileIds: [String]? = nil ) throws -> Message.Destination { switch threadVariant { case .contact: let prefix: SessionId.Prefix? = SessionId.Prefix(from: threadId) if prefix == .blinded15 || prefix == .blinded25 { guard let lookup: BlindedIdLookup = try? BlindedIdLookup.fetchOne(db, id: threadId) else { preconditionFailure("Attempting to send message to blinded id without the Open Group information") } return .openGroupInbox( server: lookup.openGroupServer, openGroupPublicKey: lookup.openGroupPublicKey, blindedPublicKey: threadId ) } return .contact(publicKey: threadId) case .legacyGroup, .group: return .closedGroup(groupPublicKey: threadId) case .community: guard let openGroup: OpenGroup = try OpenGroup.fetchOne(db, id: threadId) else { throw StorageError.objectNotFound } return .openGroup(roomToken: openGroup.roomToken, server: openGroup.server, fileIds: fileIds) } } func with(fileIds: [String]) -> Message.Destination { // Only Open Group messages support receiving the 'fileIds' switch self { case .openGroup(let roomToken, let server, let whisperTo, let whisperMods, _): return .openGroup( roomToken: roomToken, server: server, whisperTo: whisperTo, whisperMods: whisperMods, fileIds: fileIds ) default: return self } } } }