// Copyright © 2022 Rangeproof Pty Ltd. All rights reserved. import Combine import GRDB import Quick import Nimble import SessionUIKit import SessionSnodeKit import SessionUtilitiesKit @testable import Session class ThreadSettingsViewModelSpec: QuickSpec { override class func spec() { // MARK: Configuration @TestState var mockStorage: Storage! = SynchronousStorage( customWriter: try! DatabaseQueue(), migrationTargets: [ SNUtilitiesKit.self, SNSnodeKit.self, SNMessagingKit.self, SNUIKit.self ], initialData: { db in try Identity( variant: .x25519PublicKey, data: Data(hex: TestConstants.publicKey) ).insert(db) try SessionThread(id: "TestId",variant: .contact).insert(db) try Profile(id: "05\(TestConstants.publicKey)", name: "TestMe").insert(db) try Profile(id: "TestId", name: "TestUser").insert(db) } ) @TestState var mockGeneralCache: MockGeneralCache! = MockGeneralCache( initialSetup: { cache in cache.when { $0.encodedPublicKey }.thenReturn("05\(TestConstants.publicKey)") } ) @TestState var mockCaches: MockCaches! = MockCaches() .setting(cache: .general, to: mockGeneralCache) @TestState var dependencies: Dependencies! = Dependencies( storage: mockStorage, caches: mockCaches, scheduler: .immediate ) @TestState var threadVariant: SessionThread.Variant! = .contact @TestState var didTriggerSearchCallbackTriggered: Bool! = false @TestState var viewModel: ThreadSettingsViewModel! = ThreadSettingsViewModel( threadId: "TestId", threadVariant: .contact, didTriggerSearch: { didTriggerSearchCallbackTriggered = true }, using: dependencies ) @TestState var disposables: [AnyCancellable]! = [ viewModel.tableDataPublisher .receive(on: ImmediateScheduler.shared) .sink( receiveCompletion: { _ in }, receiveValue: { viewModel.updateTableData($0.0) } ) ] // MARK: - a ThreadSettingsViewModel describe("a ThreadSettingsViewModel") { // MARK: -- with any conversation type context("with any conversation type") { // MARK: ---- triggers the search callback when tapping search it("triggers the search callback when tapping search") { viewModel.tableData .first(where: { $0.model == .content })? .elements .first(where: { $0.id == .searchConversation })? .onTap?() expect(didTriggerSearchCallbackTriggered).to(beTrue()) } // MARK: ---- mutes a conversation it("mutes a conversation") { viewModel.tableData .first(where: { $0.model == .content })? .elements .first(where: { $0.id == .notificationMute })? .onTap?() expect( mockStorage .read { db in try SessionThread.fetchOne(db, id: "TestId") }? .mutedUntilTimestamp ) .toNot(beNil()) } // MARK: ---- unmutes a conversation it("unmutes a conversation") { mockStorage.write { db in try SessionThread .updateAll( db, SessionThread.Columns.mutedUntilTimestamp.set(to: 1234567890) ) } expect( mockStorage .read { db in try SessionThread.fetchOne(db, id: "TestId") }? .mutedUntilTimestamp ) .toNot(beNil()) viewModel.tableData .first(where: { $0.model == .content })? .elements .first(where: { $0.id == .notificationMute })? .onTap?() expect( mockStorage .read { db in try SessionThread.fetchOne(db, id: "TestId") }? .mutedUntilTimestamp ) .to(beNil()) } } // MARK: -- with a note-to-self conversation context("with a note-to-self conversation") { beforeEach { mockStorage.write { db in try SessionThread.deleteAll(db) try SessionThread( id: "05\(TestConstants.publicKey)", variant: .contact ).insert(db) } viewModel = ThreadSettingsViewModel( threadId: "05\(TestConstants.publicKey)", threadVariant: .contact, didTriggerSearch: { didTriggerSearchCallbackTriggered = true }, using: dependencies ) disposables.append( viewModel.tableDataPublisher .receive(on: ImmediateScheduler.shared) .sink( receiveCompletion: { _ in }, receiveValue: { viewModel.updateTableData($0.0) } ) ) } // MARK: ---- has the correct title it("has the correct title") { expect(viewModel.title).to(equal("vc_settings_title".localized())) } // MARK: ---- starts in the standard nav state it("starts in the standard nav state") { expect(viewModel.navState.firstValue()) .to(equal(.standard)) expect(viewModel.leftNavItems.firstValue()).to(equal([])) expect(viewModel.rightNavItems.firstValue()) .to(equal([ SessionNavItem( id: .edit, systemItem: .edit, accessibilityIdentifier: "Edit button" ) ])) } // MARK: ---- has no mute button it("has no mute button") { expect( viewModel.tableData .first(where: { $0.model == .content })? .elements .first(where: { $0.id == .notificationMute }) ).to(beNil()) } // MARK: ---- when entering edit mode context("when entering edit mode") { beforeEach { viewModel.navState.sinkAndStore(in: &disposables) viewModel.rightNavItems.firstValue()?.first?.action?() viewModel.textChanged("TestNew", for: .nickname) } // MARK: ------ enters the editing state it("enters the editing state") { expect(viewModel.navState.firstValue()) .to(equal(.editing)) expect(viewModel.leftNavItems.firstValue()) .to(equal([ SessionNavItem( id: .cancel, systemItem: .cancel, accessibilityIdentifier: "Cancel button" ) ])) expect(viewModel.rightNavItems.firstValue()) .to(equal([ SessionNavItem( id: .done, systemItem: .done, accessibilityIdentifier: "Done" ) ])) } // MARK: ------ when cancelling edit mode context("when cancelling edit mode") { beforeEach { viewModel.leftNavItems.firstValue()?.first?.action?() } // MARK: -------- exits editing mode it("exits editing mode") { expect(viewModel.navState.firstValue()) .to(equal(.standard)) expect(viewModel.leftNavItems.firstValue()).to(equal([])) expect(viewModel.rightNavItems.firstValue()) .to(equal([ SessionNavItem( id: .edit, systemItem: .edit, accessibilityIdentifier: "Edit button" ) ])) } // MARK: -------- does not update the nickname for the current user it("does not update the nickname for the current user") { expect( mockStorage .read { db in try Profile.fetchOne(db, id: "05\(TestConstants.publicKey)") }? .nickname ) .to(beNil()) } } // MARK: ------ when saving edit mode context("when saving edit mode") { beforeEach { viewModel.rightNavItems.firstValue()?.first?.action?() } // MARK: -------- exits editing mode it("exits editing mode") { expect(viewModel.navState.firstValue()) .to(equal(.standard)) expect(viewModel.leftNavItems.firstValue()).to(equal([])) expect(viewModel.rightNavItems.firstValue()) .to(equal([ SessionNavItem( id: .edit, systemItem: .edit, accessibilityIdentifier: "Edit button" ) ])) } // MARK: -------- updates the nickname for the current user it("updates the nickname for the current user") { expect( mockStorage .read { db in try Profile.fetchOne(db, id: "05\(TestConstants.publicKey)") }? .nickname ) .to(equal("TestNew")) } } } } // MARK: -- with a one-to-one conversation context("with a one-to-one conversation") { beforeEach { mockStorage.write { db in try SessionThread.deleteAll(db) try SessionThread( id: "TestId", variant: .contact ).insert(db) } } // MARK: ---- has the correct title it("has the correct title") { expect(viewModel.title).to(equal("vc_settings_title".localized())) } // MARK: ---- starts in the standard nav state it("starts in the standard nav state") { expect(viewModel.navState.firstValue()) .to(equal(.standard)) expect(viewModel.leftNavItems.firstValue()).to(equal([])) expect(viewModel.rightNavItems.firstValue()) .to(equal([ SessionNavItem( id: .edit, systemItem: .edit, accessibilityIdentifier: "Edit button" ) ])) } // MARK: ---- when entering edit mode context("when entering edit mode") { beforeEach { viewModel.navState.sinkAndStore(in: &disposables) viewModel.rightNavItems.firstValue()?.first?.action?() viewModel.textChanged("TestUserNew", for: .nickname) } // MARK: ------ enters the editing state it("enters the editing state") { expect(viewModel.navState.firstValue()) .to(equal(.editing)) expect(viewModel.leftNavItems.firstValue()) .to(equal([ SessionNavItem( id: .cancel, systemItem: .cancel, accessibilityIdentifier: "Cancel button" ) ])) expect(viewModel.rightNavItems.firstValue()) .to(equal([ SessionNavItem( id: .done, systemItem: .done, accessibilityIdentifier: "Done" ) ])) } // MARK: ------ when cancelling edit mode context("when cancelling edit mode") { beforeEach { viewModel.leftNavItems.firstValue()?.first?.action?() } // MARK: -------- exits editing mode it("exits editing mode") { expect(viewModel.navState.firstValue()) .to(equal(.standard)) expect(viewModel.leftNavItems.firstValue()).to(equal([])) expect(viewModel.rightNavItems.firstValue()) .to(equal([ SessionNavItem( id: .edit, systemItem: .edit, accessibilityIdentifier: "Edit button" ) ])) } // MARK: -------- does not update the nickname for the current user it("does not update the nickname for the current user") { expect( mockStorage .read { db in try Profile.fetchOne(db, id: "TestId") }? .nickname ) .to(beNil()) } } // MARK: ------ when saving edit mode context("when saving edit mode") { beforeEach { viewModel.rightNavItems.firstValue()?.first?.action?() } // MARK: -------- exits editing mode it("exits editing mode") { expect(viewModel.navState.firstValue()) .to(equal(.standard)) expect(viewModel.leftNavItems.firstValue()).to(equal([])) expect(viewModel.rightNavItems.firstValue()) .to(equal([ SessionNavItem( id: .edit, systemItem: .edit, accessibilityIdentifier: "Edit button" ) ])) } // MARK: -------- updates the nickname for the current user it("updates the nickname for the current user") { expect( mockStorage .read { db in try Profile.fetchOne(db, id: "TestId") }? .nickname ) .to(equal("TestUserNew")) } } } } // MARK: -- with a group conversation context("with a group conversation") { beforeEach { mockStorage.write { db in try SessionThread.deleteAll(db) try SessionThread( id: "TestId", variant: .legacyGroup ).insert(db) } viewModel = ThreadSettingsViewModel( threadId: "TestId", threadVariant: .legacyGroup, didTriggerSearch: { didTriggerSearchCallbackTriggered = true }, using: dependencies ) disposables.append( viewModel.tableDataPublisher .receive(on: ImmediateScheduler.shared) .sink( receiveCompletion: { _ in }, receiveValue: { viewModel.updateTableData($0.0) } ) ) } // MARK: ---- has the correct title it("has the correct title") { expect(viewModel.title).to(equal("vc_group_settings_title".localized())) } // MARK: ---- starts in the standard nav state it("starts in the standard nav state") { expect(viewModel.navState.firstValue()) .to(equal(.standard)) expect(viewModel.leftNavItems.firstValue()).to(equal([])) expect(viewModel.rightNavItems.firstValue()).to(equal([])) } } // MARK: -- with a community conversation context("with a community conversation") { beforeEach { mockStorage.write { db in try SessionThread.deleteAll(db) try SessionThread( id: "TestId", variant: .community ).insert(db) } viewModel = ThreadSettingsViewModel( threadId: "TestId", threadVariant: .community, didTriggerSearch: { didTriggerSearchCallbackTriggered = true }, using: dependencies ) disposables.append( viewModel.tableDataPublisher .receive(on: ImmediateScheduler.shared) .sink( receiveCompletion: { _ in }, receiveValue: { viewModel.updateTableData($0.0) } ) ) } // MARK: ---- has the correct title it("has the correct title") { expect(viewModel.title).to(equal("vc_group_settings_title".localized())) } // MARK: ---- starts in the standard nav state it("starts in the standard nav state") { expect(viewModel.navState.firstValue()) .to(equal(.standard)) expect(viewModel.leftNavItems.firstValue()).to(equal([])) expect(viewModel.rightNavItems.firstValue()).to(equal([])) } } } } }