// Copyright © 2022 Rangeproof Pty Ltd. All rights reserved. // // stringlint:disable import Foundation import Combine import CryptoKit import GRDB import SessionUtilitiesKit public extension Network.RequestType { static func onionRequest(_ payload: Data, to snode: Snode, timeout: TimeInterval = HTTP.defaultTimeout) -> Network.RequestType { return Network.RequestType( id: "onionRequest", url: snode.address, method: "POST", body: payload, args: [payload, snode, timeout] ) { OnionRequestAPI.sendOnionRequest(payload, to: snode, timeout: timeout) } } static func onionRequest(_ request: URLRequest, to server: String, with x25519PublicKey: String, timeout: TimeInterval = HTTP.defaultTimeout) -> Network.RequestType { return Network.RequestType( id: "onionRequest", url: request.url?.absoluteString, method: request.httpMethod, headers: request.allHTTPHeaderFields, body: request.httpBody, args: [request, server, x25519PublicKey, timeout] ) { OnionRequestAPI.sendOnionRequest(request, to: server, with: x25519PublicKey, timeout: timeout) } } } /// See the "Onion Requests" section of [The Session Whitepaper](https://arxiv.org/pdf/2002.04609.pdf) for more information. public enum OnionRequestAPI { private static var buildPathsPublisher: Atomic?> = Atomic(nil) private static var pathFailureCount: Atomic<[[Snode]: UInt]> = Atomic([:]) private static var snodeFailureCount: Atomic<[Snode: UInt]> = Atomic([:]) public static var guardSnodes: Atomic> = Atomic([]) // Not a set to ensure we consistently show the same path to the user private static var _paths: Atomic<[[Snode]]?> = Atomic(nil) public static var paths: [[Snode]] { get { if let paths: [[Snode]] = _paths.wrappedValue { return paths } let results: [[Snode]]? = Storage.shared.read { db in try? Snode.fetchAllOnionRequestPaths(db) } if results?.isEmpty == false { _paths.mutate { $0 = results } } return (results ?? []) } set { _paths.mutate { $0 = newValue } } } // MARK: - Settings public static let maxRequestSize = 10_000_000 // 10 MB /// The number of snodes (including the guard snode) in a path. private static let pathSize: UInt = 3 /// The number of times a path can fail before it's replaced. private static let pathFailureThreshold: UInt = 3 /// The number of times a snode can fail before it's replaced. private static let snodeFailureThreshold: UInt = 3 /// The number of paths to maintain. public static let targetPathCount: UInt = 2 /// The number of guard snodes required to maintain `targetPathCount` paths. private static var targetGuardSnodeCount: UInt { return targetPathCount } // One per path // MARK: - Onion Building Result private typealias OnionBuildingResult = (guardSnode: Snode, finalEncryptionResult: AES.GCM.EncryptionResult, destinationSymmetricKey: Data) // MARK: - Private API /// Tests the given snode. The returned promise errors out if the snode is faulty; the promise is fulfilled otherwise. private static func testSnode(_ snode: Snode, using dependencies: Dependencies) -> AnyPublisher { let url = "\(snode.address):\(snode.port)/get_stats/v1" let timeout: TimeInterval = 3 // Use a shorter timeout for testing return HTTP.execute(.get, url, timeout: timeout) .decoded(as: SnodeAPI.GetStatsResponse.self, using: dependencies) .tryMap { response -> Void in guard let version: Version = response.version else { throw OnionRequestAPIError.missingSnodeVersion } guard version >= Version(major: 2, minor: 0, patch: 7) else { SNLog("Unsupported snode version: \(version.stringValue).") throw OnionRequestAPIError.unsupportedSnodeVersion(version.stringValue) } return () } .eraseToAnyPublisher() } /// Finds `targetGuardSnodeCount` guard snodes to use for path building. The returned promise errors out with /// `Error.insufficientSnodes` if not enough (reliable) snodes are available. private static func getGuardSnodes( reusing reusableGuardSnodes: [Snode], using dependencies: Dependencies ) -> AnyPublisher, Error> { guard guardSnodes.wrappedValue.count < targetGuardSnodeCount else { return Just(guardSnodes.wrappedValue) .setFailureType(to: Error.self) .eraseToAnyPublisher() } SNLog("Populating guard snode cache.") // Sync on LokiAPI.workQueue var unusedSnodes = SnodeAPI.snodePool.wrappedValue.subtracting(reusableGuardSnodes) let reusableGuardSnodeCount = UInt(reusableGuardSnodes.count) guard unusedSnodes.count >= (targetGuardSnodeCount - reusableGuardSnodeCount) else { return Fail(error: OnionRequestAPIError.insufficientSnodes) .eraseToAnyPublisher() } func getGuardSnode() -> AnyPublisher { // randomElement() uses the system's default random generator, which // is cryptographically secure guard let candidate = unusedSnodes.randomElement() else { return Fail(error: OnionRequestAPIError.insufficientSnodes) .eraseToAnyPublisher() } unusedSnodes.remove(candidate) // All used snodes should be unique SNLog("Testing guard snode: \(candidate).") // Loop until a reliable guard snode is found return testSnode(candidate, using: dependencies) .map { _ in candidate } .catch { _ in return Just(()) .setFailureType(to: Error.self) .delay(for: .milliseconds(100), scheduler: Threading.workQueue) .flatMap { _ in getGuardSnode() } } .eraseToAnyPublisher() } let publishers = (0..<(targetGuardSnodeCount - reusableGuardSnodeCount)) .map { _ in getGuardSnode() } return Publishers.MergeMany(publishers) .collect() .map { output in Set(output) } .handleEvents( receiveOutput: { output in OnionRequestAPI.guardSnodes.mutate { $0 = output } } ) .eraseToAnyPublisher() } /// Builds and returns `targetPathCount` paths. The returned promise errors out with `Error.insufficientSnodes` /// if not enough (reliable) snodes are available. @discardableResult private static func buildPaths( reusing reusablePaths: [[Snode]], using dependencies: Dependencies ) -> AnyPublisher<[[Snode]], Error> { if let existingBuildPathsPublisher = buildPathsPublisher.wrappedValue { return existingBuildPathsPublisher } return buildPathsPublisher.mutate { result in /// It was possible for multiple threads to call this at the same time resulting in duplicate promises getting created, while /// this should no longer be possible (as the `wrappedValue` should now properly be blocked) this is a sanity check /// to make sure we don't create an additional promise when one already exists if let previouslyBlockedPublisher: AnyPublisher<[[Snode]], Error> = result { return previouslyBlockedPublisher } SNLog("Building onion request paths.") DispatchQueue.main.async { NotificationCenter.default.post(name: .buildingPaths, object: nil) } /// Need to include the post-request code and a `shareReplay` within the publisher otherwise it can still be executed /// multiple times as a result of multiple subscribers let reusableGuardSnodes = reusablePaths.map { $0[0] } let publisher: AnyPublisher<[[Snode]], Error> = getGuardSnodes(reusing: reusableGuardSnodes, using: dependencies) .flatMap { (guardSnodes: Set) -> AnyPublisher<[[Snode]], Error> in var unusedSnodes: Set = SnodeAPI.snodePool.wrappedValue .subtracting(guardSnodes) .subtracting(reusablePaths.flatMap { $0 }) let reusableGuardSnodeCount: UInt = UInt(reusableGuardSnodes.count) let pathSnodeCount: UInt = (targetGuardSnodeCount - reusableGuardSnodeCount) * pathSize - (targetGuardSnodeCount - reusableGuardSnodeCount) guard unusedSnodes.count >= pathSnodeCount else { return Fail<[[Snode]], Error>(error: OnionRequestAPIError.insufficientSnodes) .eraseToAnyPublisher() } // Don't test path snodes as this would reveal the user's IP to them let paths: [[Snode]] = guardSnodes .subtracting(reusableGuardSnodes) .map { (guardSnode: Snode) in let result: [Snode] = [guardSnode] .appending( contentsOf: (0..<(pathSize - 1)) .map { _ in // randomElement() uses the system's default random generator, // which is cryptographically secure let pathSnode: Snode = unusedSnodes.randomElement()! // Safe because of the pathSnodeCount check above unusedSnodes.remove(pathSnode) // All used snodes should be unique return pathSnode } ) SNLog("Built new onion request path: \(result.prettifiedDescription).") return result } return Just(paths) .setFailureType(to: Error.self) .eraseToAnyPublisher() } .handleEvents( receiveOutput: { output in OnionRequestAPI.paths = (output + reusablePaths) Storage.shared.write { db in SNLog("Persisting onion request paths to database.") try? output.save(db) } DispatchQueue.main.async { NotificationCenter.default.post(name: .pathsBuilt, object: nil) } }, receiveCompletion: { _ in buildPathsPublisher.mutate { $0 = nil } } ) .shareReplay(1) .eraseToAnyPublisher() /// Actually assign the atomic value result = publisher return publisher } } /// Returns a `Path` to be used for building an onion request. Builds new paths as needed. internal static func getPath( excluding snode: Snode?, using dependencies: Dependencies ) -> AnyPublisher<[Snode], Error> { guard pathSize >= 1 else { preconditionFailure("Can't build path of size zero.") } let paths: [[Snode]] = OnionRequestAPI.paths var cancellable: [AnyCancellable] = [] if !paths.isEmpty { guardSnodes.mutate { $0.formUnion([ paths[0][0] ]) if paths.count >= 2 { $0.formUnion([ paths[1][0] ]) } } } // randomElement() uses the system's default random generator, which is cryptographically secure if paths.count >= targetPathCount, let targetPath: [Snode] = paths .filter({ snode == nil || !$0.contains(snode!) }) .randomElement() { return Just(targetPath) .setFailureType(to: Error.self) .eraseToAnyPublisher() } else if !paths.isEmpty { if let snode = snode { if let path = paths.first(where: { !$0.contains(snode) }) { buildPaths(reusing: paths, using: dependencies) // Re-build paths in the background .subscribe(on: DispatchQueue.global(qos: .background), using: dependencies) .sink(receiveCompletion: { _ in cancellable = [] }, receiveValue: { _ in }) .store(in: &cancellable) return Just(path) .setFailureType(to: Error.self) .eraseToAnyPublisher() } else { return buildPaths(reusing: paths, using: dependencies) .flatMap { paths in guard let path: [Snode] = paths.filter({ !$0.contains(snode) }).randomElement() else { return Fail<[Snode], Error>(error: OnionRequestAPIError.insufficientSnodes) .eraseToAnyPublisher() } return Just(path) .setFailureType(to: Error.self) .eraseToAnyPublisher() } .eraseToAnyPublisher() } } else { buildPaths(reusing: paths, using: dependencies) // Re-build paths in the background .subscribe(on: DispatchQueue.global(qos: .background)) .sink(receiveCompletion: { _ in cancellable = [] }, receiveValue: { _ in }) .store(in: &cancellable) guard let path: [Snode] = paths.randomElement() else { return Fail<[Snode], Error>(error: OnionRequestAPIError.insufficientSnodes) .eraseToAnyPublisher() } return Just(path) .setFailureType(to: Error.self) .eraseToAnyPublisher() } } else { return buildPaths(reusing: [], using: dependencies) .flatMap { paths in if let snode = snode { if let path = paths.filter({ !$0.contains(snode) }).randomElement() { return Just(path) .setFailureType(to: Error.self) .eraseToAnyPublisher() } return Fail<[Snode], Error>(error: OnionRequestAPIError.insufficientSnodes) .eraseToAnyPublisher() } guard let path: [Snode] = paths.randomElement() else { return Fail<[Snode], Error>(error: OnionRequestAPIError.insufficientSnodes) .eraseToAnyPublisher() } return Just(path) .setFailureType(to: Error.self) .eraseToAnyPublisher() } .eraseToAnyPublisher() } } private static func dropGuardSnode(_ snode: Snode) { guardSnodes.mutate { snodes in snodes = snodes.filter { $0 != snode } } } private static func drop(_ snode: Snode) throws { // We repair the path here because we can do it sync. In the case where we drop a whole // path we leave the re-building up to getPath(excluding:using:) because re-building the path // in that case is async. OnionRequestAPI.snodeFailureCount.mutate { $0[snode] = 0 } var oldPaths = paths guard let pathIndex = oldPaths.firstIndex(where: { $0.contains(snode) }) else { return } var path = oldPaths[pathIndex] guard let snodeIndex = path.firstIndex(of: snode) else { return } path.remove(at: snodeIndex) let unusedSnodes = SnodeAPI.snodePool.wrappedValue.subtracting(oldPaths.flatMap { $0 }) guard !unusedSnodes.isEmpty else { throw OnionRequestAPIError.insufficientSnodes } // randomElement() uses the system's default random generator, which is cryptographically secure path.append(unusedSnodes.randomElement()!) // Don't test the new snode as this would reveal the user's IP oldPaths.remove(at: pathIndex) let newPaths = oldPaths + [ path ] paths = newPaths Storage.shared.write { db in SNLog("Persisting onion request paths to database.") try? newPaths.save(db) } } private static func drop(_ path: [Snode]) { OnionRequestAPI.pathFailureCount.mutate { $0[path] = 0 } var paths = OnionRequestAPI.paths guard let pathIndex = paths.firstIndex(of: path) else { return } paths.remove(at: pathIndex) OnionRequestAPI.paths = paths Storage.shared.write { db in guard !paths.isEmpty else { SNLog("Clearing onion request paths.") try? Snode.clearOnionRequestPaths(db) return } SNLog("Persisting onion request paths to database.") try? paths.save(db) } } /// Builds an onion around `payload` and returns the result. private static func buildOnion( around payload: Data, targetedAt destination: OnionRequestAPIDestination, using dependencies: Dependencies ) -> AnyPublisher { var guardSnode: Snode! var targetSnodeSymmetricKey: Data! // Needed by invoke(_:on:with:) to decrypt the response sent back by the destination var encryptionResult: AES.GCM.EncryptionResult! var snodeToExclude: Snode? if case .snode(let snode) = destination { snodeToExclude = snode } return getPath(excluding: snodeToExclude, using: dependencies) .flatMap { path -> AnyPublisher in guardSnode = path.first! // Encrypt in reverse order, i.e. the destination first return encrypt(payload, for: destination) .flatMap { r -> AnyPublisher in targetSnodeSymmetricKey = r.symmetricKey // Recursively encrypt the layers of the onion (again in reverse order) encryptionResult = r var path = path var rhs = destination func addLayer() -> AnyPublisher { guard !path.isEmpty else { return Just(encryptionResult) .setFailureType(to: Error.self) .eraseToAnyPublisher() } let lhs = OnionRequestAPIDestination.snode(path.removeLast()) return OnionRequestAPI .encryptHop(from: lhs, to: rhs, using: encryptionResult) .flatMap { r -> AnyPublisher in encryptionResult = r rhs = lhs return addLayer() } .eraseToAnyPublisher() } return addLayer() } .eraseToAnyPublisher() } .map { _ in (guardSnode, encryptionResult, targetSnodeSymmetricKey) } .eraseToAnyPublisher() } // MARK: - Public API /// Sends an onion request to `snode`. Builds new paths as needed. public static func sendOnionRequest( _ payload: Data, to snode: Snode, timeout: TimeInterval = HTTP.defaultTimeout ) -> AnyPublisher<(ResponseInfoType, Data?), Error> { /// **Note:** Currently the service nodes only support V3 Onion Requests return sendOnionRequest( with: payload, to: OnionRequestAPIDestination.snode(snode), version: .v3, timeout: timeout ) } /// Sends an onion request to `server`. Builds new paths as needed. public static func sendOnionRequest( _ request: URLRequest, to server: String, with x25519PublicKey: String, timeout: TimeInterval = HTTP.defaultTimeout ) -> AnyPublisher<(ResponseInfoType, Data?), Error> { guard let url = request.url, let host = request.url?.host else { return Fail(error: OnionRequestAPIError.invalidURL) .eraseToAnyPublisher() } let scheme: String? = url.scheme let port: UInt16? = url.port.map { UInt16($0) } guard let payload: Data = generateV4Payload(for: request) else { return Fail(error: OnionRequestAPIError.invalidRequestInfo) .eraseToAnyPublisher() } return OnionRequestAPI .sendOnionRequest( with: payload, to: OnionRequestAPIDestination.server( host: host, target: OnionRequestAPIVersion.v4.rawValue, x25519PublicKey: x25519PublicKey, scheme: scheme, port: port ), version: .v4, timeout: timeout ) .handleEvents( receiveCompletion: { result in switch result { case .finished: break case .failure(let error): SNLog("Couldn't reach server: \(url) due to error: \(error).") } } ) .eraseToAnyPublisher() } public static func sendOnionRequest( with payload: Data, to destination: OnionRequestAPIDestination, version: OnionRequestAPIVersion, timeout: TimeInterval = HTTP.defaultTimeout, using dependencies: Dependencies = Dependencies() ) -> AnyPublisher<(ResponseInfoType, Data?), Error> { var guardSnode: Snode? return buildOnion(around: payload, targetedAt: destination, using: dependencies) .flatMap { intermediate -> AnyPublisher<(ResponseInfoType, Data?), Error> in guardSnode = intermediate.guardSnode let url = "\(guardSnode!.address):\(guardSnode!.port)/onion_req/v2" let finalEncryptionResult = intermediate.finalEncryptionResult let onion = finalEncryptionResult.ciphertext if case OnionRequestAPIDestination.server = destination, Double(onion.count) > 0.75 * Double(maxRequestSize) { SNLog("Approaching request size limit: ~\(onion.count) bytes.") } let parameters: JSON = [ "ephemeral_key" : finalEncryptionResult.ephemeralPublicKey.toHexString() ] let destinationSymmetricKey = intermediate.destinationSymmetricKey // TODO: Replace 'json' with a codable typed return encode(ciphertext: onion, json: parameters) .flatMap { body in HTTP.execute(.post, url, body: body, timeout: timeout) } .flatMap { responseData in handleResponse( responseData: responseData, destinationSymmetricKey: destinationSymmetricKey, version: version, destination: destination ) } .eraseToAnyPublisher() } .handleEvents( receiveCompletion: { result in switch result { case .finished: break case .failure(let error): guard let guardSnode: Snode = guardSnode else { return SNLog("Request failed with no guardSnode.") } guard case HTTPError.httpRequestFailed(let statusCode, let data) = error else { return } let path = paths.first { $0.contains(guardSnode) } func handleUnspecificError() { guard let path = path else { return } var pathFailureCount: UInt = (OnionRequestAPI.pathFailureCount.wrappedValue[path] ?? 0) pathFailureCount += 1 if pathFailureCount >= pathFailureThreshold { dropGuardSnode(guardSnode) path.forEach { snode in SnodeAPI.handleError(withStatusCode: statusCode, data: data, forSnode: snode) // Intentionally don't throw } drop(path) } else { OnionRequestAPI.pathFailureCount.mutate { $0[path] = pathFailureCount } } } let prefix = "Next node not found: " let json: JSON? if let data: Data = data, let processedJson = try? JSONSerialization.jsonObject(with: data, options: [ .fragmentsAllowed ]) as? JSON { json = processedJson } else if let data: Data = data, let result: String = String(data: data, encoding: .utf8) { json = [ "result": result ] } else { json = nil } if let message = json?["result"] as? String, message.hasPrefix(prefix) { let ed25519PublicKey = message[message.index(message.startIndex, offsetBy: prefix.count)..= snodeFailureThreshold { SnodeAPI.handleError(withStatusCode: statusCode, data: data, forSnode: snode) // Intentionally don't throw do { try drop(snode) } catch { handleUnspecificError() } } else { OnionRequestAPI.snodeFailureCount .mutate { $0[snode] = snodeFailureCount } } } else { // Do nothing } } else if let message = json?["result"] as? String, message == "Loki Server error" { // Do nothing } else if case .server(let host, _, _, _, _) = destination, host == "" && statusCode == 0 { // FIXME: Temporary thing to kick out nodes that can't talk to the V2 OGS yet handleUnspecificError() } else if statusCode == 0 { // Timeout // Do nothing } else { handleUnspecificError() } } } ) .eraseToAnyPublisher() } // MARK: - Version Handling private static func generateV4Payload(for request: URLRequest) -> Data? { guard let url = request.url else { return nil } // Note: We need to remove the leading forward slash unless we are explicitly hitting // a legacy endpoint (in which case we need it to ensure the request signing works // correctly let endpoint: String = url.path .appending(url.query.map { value in "?\(value)" }) let requestInfo: HTTP.RequestInfo = HTTP.RequestInfo( method: (request.httpMethod ?? "GET"), // The default (if nil) is 'GET' endpoint: endpoint, headers: (request.allHTTPHeaderFields ?? [:]) .setting( "Content-Type", (request.httpBody == nil ? nil : // Default to JSON if not defined ((request.allHTTPHeaderFields ?? [:])["Content-Type"] ?? "application/json") ) ) .removingValue(forKey: "User-Agent") ) /// Generate the Bencoded payload in the form `l{requestInfoLength}:{requestInfo}{bodyLength}:{body}e` guard let requestInfoData: Data = try? JSONEncoder().encode(requestInfo) else { return nil } guard let prefixData: Data = "l\(requestInfoData.count):".data(using: .ascii), let suffixData: Data = "e".data(using: .ascii) else { return nil } if let body: Data = request.httpBody, let bodyCountData: Data = "\(body.count):".data(using: .ascii) { return (prefixData + requestInfoData + bodyCountData + body + suffixData) } return (prefixData + requestInfoData + suffixData) } private static func handleResponse( responseData: Data, destinationSymmetricKey: Data, version: OnionRequestAPIVersion, destination: OnionRequestAPIDestination ) -> AnyPublisher<(ResponseInfoType, Data?), Error> { switch version { // V2 and V3 Onion Requests have the same structure for responses case .v2, .v3: let json: JSON if let processedJson = try? JSONSerialization.jsonObject(with: responseData, options: [ .fragmentsAllowed ]) as? JSON { json = processedJson } else if let result: String = String(data: responseData, encoding: .utf8) { json = [ "result": result ] } else { return Fail(error: HTTPError.invalidJSON) .eraseToAnyPublisher() } guard let base64EncodedIVAndCiphertext = json["result"] as? String, let ivAndCiphertext = Data(base64Encoded: base64EncodedIVAndCiphertext), ivAndCiphertext.count >= AES.GCM.ivSize else { return Fail(error: HTTPError.invalidJSON) .eraseToAnyPublisher() } do { let data = try AES.GCM.decrypt(ivAndCiphertext, with: destinationSymmetricKey) guard let json = try JSONSerialization.jsonObject(with: data, options: [ .fragmentsAllowed ]) as? JSON, let statusCode = json["status_code"] as? Int ?? json["status"] as? Int else { return Fail(error: HTTPError.invalidJSON) .eraseToAnyPublisher() } if statusCode == 406 { // Clock out of sync SNLog("The user's clock is out of sync with the service node network.") return Fail(error: SnodeAPIError.clockOutOfSync) .eraseToAnyPublisher() } if statusCode == 401 { // Signature verification failed SNLog("Failed to verify the signature.") return Fail(error: SnodeAPIError.signatureVerificationFailed) .eraseToAnyPublisher() } if let bodyAsString = json["body"] as? String { guard let bodyAsData = bodyAsString.data(using: .utf8) else { return Fail(error: HTTPError.invalidResponse) .eraseToAnyPublisher() } guard let body = try? JSONSerialization.jsonObject(with: bodyAsData, options: [ .fragmentsAllowed ]) as? JSON else { return Fail( error: OnionRequestAPIError.httpRequestFailedAtDestination( statusCode: UInt(statusCode), data: bodyAsData, destination: destination ) ).eraseToAnyPublisher() } if let timestamp = body["t"] as? Int64 { let offset = timestamp - Int64(floor(Date().timeIntervalSince1970 * 1000)) SnodeAPI.clockOffsetMs.mutate { $0 = offset } } guard 200...299 ~= statusCode else { return Fail( error: OnionRequestAPIError.httpRequestFailedAtDestination( statusCode: UInt(statusCode), data: bodyAsData, destination: destination ) ).eraseToAnyPublisher() } return Just((HTTP.ResponseInfo(code: statusCode, headers: [:]), bodyAsData)) .setFailureType(to: Error.self) .eraseToAnyPublisher() } guard 200...299 ~= statusCode else { return Fail( error: OnionRequestAPIError.httpRequestFailedAtDestination( statusCode: UInt(statusCode), data: data, destination: destination ) ).eraseToAnyPublisher() } return Just((HTTP.ResponseInfo(code: statusCode, headers: [:]), data)) .setFailureType(to: Error.self) .eraseToAnyPublisher() } catch { return Fail(error: error) .eraseToAnyPublisher() } // V4 Onion Requests have a very different structure for responses case .v4: guard responseData.count >= AES.GCM.ivSize else { return Fail(error: HTTPError.invalidResponse) .eraseToAnyPublisher() } do { let data: Data = try AES.GCM.decrypt(responseData, with: destinationSymmetricKey) // Process the bencoded response guard let processedResponse: (info: ResponseInfoType, body: Data?) = process(bencodedData: data) else { return Fail(error: HTTPError.invalidResponse) .eraseToAnyPublisher() } // Custom handle a clock out of sync error (v4 returns '425' but included the '406' // just in case) guard processedResponse.info.code != 406 && processedResponse.info.code != 425 else { SNLog("The user's clock is out of sync with the service node network.") return Fail(error: SnodeAPIError.clockOutOfSync) .eraseToAnyPublisher() } guard processedResponse.info.code != 401 else { // Signature verification failed SNLog("Failed to verify the signature.") return Fail(error: SnodeAPIError.signatureVerificationFailed) .eraseToAnyPublisher() } // Handle error status codes guard 200...299 ~= processedResponse.info.code else { return Fail(error: OnionRequestAPIError.httpRequestFailedAtDestination( statusCode: UInt(processedResponse.info.code), data: data, destination: destination )).eraseToAnyPublisher() } return Just(processedResponse) .setFailureType(to: Error.self) .eraseToAnyPublisher() } catch { return Fail(error: error) .eraseToAnyPublisher() } } } public static func process(bencodedData data: Data) -> (info: ResponseInfoType, body: Data?)? { guard let response: BencodeResponse = try? Bencode.decodeResponse(from: data) else { return nil } // Custom handle a clock out of sync error (v4 returns '425' but included the '406' just // in case) guard response.info.code != 406 && response.info.code != 425 else { return nil } guard response.info.code != 401 else { return nil } return (response.info, response.data) } }